Hilarious Job Fails That Missed the Mark
Check out this collection of 15 tasks that ended in utter failure and the results are totally hilarious!
Nailing Art - Creative and Beautiful!
The name of Czech photographer Vlad Artazov is well known to all photography fans. His works are full of humor, irony and their execution is great. There are some real gems among his works that really impressed us with their creativity and attention
These Art Pieces Just Nailed It!
Amazingly Creative Art Works Using Nails and String!
Outlandish Nail Art At Its Finest!
You've never seen nail art like this before...
12 Skin & Nail Warnings of Heart Health Concerns
These skin and nail signs may indicate heart issues.
How to Remove Gel Nails at Home - The Easy Way
This video is going to show you several ways to take off those hard-to-remove gel nails in the comfort of your own home.
The MOST EFFECTIVE Tip for Amazing Hair, Nails, & Skin!
This is the most important skin advice you need to hear.
Get Tested If You Find This Little Mark On Your Nail
Your nails can reveal a great deal about your health situation. Here's why you should never ignore a black line on your nail.
Remove Nail Polish from Clothing, Rugs, and Other Surfaces
Before you toss the stained item in the trash, read this. Chances are, you’ll be able to remove the stain and salvage the stained piece.
If Your Nails are Weak and Brittle, Here's How to Fix Them
Got weak or brittle nails? Here are 10 natural remedies to make them stronger.
Nail On the Road? No Problem! Say Goodbye to Flat Tires
Ford Explorer will be the first vehicle fitted with unique tires that seal over punctures
Should You Worry About the White Spots on Your Nails?
Leukonychia refers to those white spots on your nails. They are very common and have a variety of causes. These are the most common ones.
The Habit of Nail Biting Could Have Many More Consequences
Nail-biting is more than just a gross habit, it can also be extremely bad for your mental and physical health in a number of ways.
11 Uses of Nail Polish Remover That'll Surprise You
Nail polish remover does not only do what its name suggests. In fact, it has many other surprising uses, and here are 11 of them.
DIY Dog Nail Trimming: Keep Your Pup's Paws Healthy
Why visit a vet to trim your pup's nails? Do it at home with these easy-to-follow instructions.
Have Weak Hair and Fragile Nails? These Foods can Help
Many people suffer from thin and weak fingernails and hair, but by adding biotin-rich foods to your diet you can remedy that.
What Do Your Nails Say About Your Health? Find Out!
Your fingernails and toenails are an effective warning system for our health. This is what you need to know.
It's Time to Stop: 6 Tips to Help You Quit Nail Biting
If you have been biting your nails for years and want to stop, these 6 effective tips from experts will help you to quit once and for all.
What Do Brittle Nails Say About Your Health? Find Out!
What do your nails reveal about your health? Find out here!
Almost Nailed It - 15 Small Yet Spectacular Failures
Some designs or products could have been perfectly useful or practical if it weren't for one mistake that rendered the whole thing an epic failure...
18 Funny Cartoons That Nail the Perfect Punchline
Enjoy this hilarious collection of one-panel comics by New Yorker cartoonist Tommy Siegel
Watch This Young Singer Completely Nail 'O Sole Mio'
Watch the young and incredibly talented Amira Willighagen performing the classic song, 'O Sole Mio' alongside the legendary Patrizio Buanne.
How to Keep Your Fingernails Germ Free
The importance of washing hands has been thoroughly discussed, but what about keeping the nail area clean? Here are a few important pointers.
15 Fingernail Signs You Have Health Issues
The state of your fingernails can reveal a lot about your health. These 15 changes in your nails' appearance can help you understand your body better.
The Various Causes and Treatments of Yellow Toenails
Several reasons lead to a yellowing toenail. Let's review these causes and ways to treat them.
Effective At-Home Treatments for Ingrown Toenails
Here are some at-home remedies to treat ingrown toenails that will stop pain and discomfort in their tracks!
Joke: The Crucifying Commercial
Benson runs a nail factory and decides his business needs a bit of advertising. He has a chat with a friend who works in marketing and he offers to make a TV ad for Benson's Nails.
These House Owners Refused to Sell. Here's What Happened..
In China, when someone decides to develop an area, nothing and no one will stop them. Unless, of course, it's a home...
20 Foods That'll Make You Look 20 Years Younger
There are plenty of products that help your skin, hair, nails and teeth look better, but you can get a healthier body just by making a few changes to your diet.
10 Smart Ways to Treat Fungal Infections At Home
If you suffer from some of these symptoms, there are a number of home remedies that can easily treat fungal infections.
WATCH: What Do Your Fingernails Say About Your Health?
Your fingernails can say a whole lot about your health, and this video will show you why you should pay more attention to them in the event of abnormalities.
Squeaky Floors? Not Anymore!
DIY Quick fixes and long term fixes for a squeaky floor
These 20 Foods Have Extraordinary Beauty Benefits
Discover how these different superfoods can help rejuvenate your skin, hair, nails, and teeth!
Why Your Body Will Thank You for Using Argan Oil
A list of 8 health benefits in using cosmetic or edible argan oil
Incredible Art - These Are NOT Pencil Drawings!
Alfred Cheng's artworks are not made with pencil or charcoal, as it appears at first glance. He creates intricate portraits using only nails and a single thread.
Here's One Prank That's a Woman's Worst Nightmare!
Watch in horror as the Just For Laughs team pretends to rip a woman's nail off during a fake manicure session!
How to Cure Skin Fungus From the Comfort of Your Own Home
Learn to treat your skin fungus with natural home remedies.
Ingrown Toenails – Myths, Facts, and How to Treat Them
Having an ingrown toenail can be an annoyance at best, and a dangerous medical condition at worst. Learn how to treat and prevent it.
These Artists Have Unique Ways of Creating Masterpieces
Here are 13 artists who have innovated amazing new and unique ways of creating different types of art, making use of the most unconventional material, from sink strainers to bubble wrap.
Funny Joke: Which Hell Do You Prefer?
This joke begins with a sinner allowed to choose which hell he will go to...
Did You Know Your Bad Habits Can Have Great Benefits?
You think bad habits are nothing but trouble? Think again! Many bad habits actually come from a place of need and have positive effects on us.
Ingenious Tricks to Enhance Your Health and Beauty.
Looking beautiful and healthy has never been this cheap and easy!
Don’t Buy Into These 11 Myths on Foot Hygiene and Health
Is there really a “correct” way to cut your toenails to prevent an ingrown nail? Podiatrists Sarah Haller and Brad Schaeffer debunk 11 foot myths.
Get Creative With These Great DIY Ideas!
Some great creative ideas to do yourself around the house using only every-day items! Create artistic and useful items in the simplest of ways!
Don't Throw Out Old Makeup! Here's What You Can Do...
12 helpful uses you can put your expired or unsuitable makeup items
Is This Really How These Famous People Talked?
Mimicking an accent can be difficult. Watch this expert analyze 17 actors who played real-life characters. Did they nail it or not?
Natural Hair and Skin Remedy Everyone Should Have At Home
Jojoba oil has been known as one of the most powerful natural hair, skin and nail treatments in existence. Find out how to use it here.
You Simply Must See These 15 Hilarious Translation Fails!
Check out these 15 different translation fails which are bound to make you scream with laughter!
8 Bad Habits That Indicate Good Traits
As much as we may dislike our bad habits, some of them can actually indicate good traits like intelligence or optimism!
6 Ways to Make Your Hands Look and Feel Younger
Give your hands a little TLC with these helpful remedies.
Turmeric Stains Are Such a Nuisance! Learn to Remove Them
For every problem, there is a solution. Here, we’ll show you how to get rid of turmeric stains from various surfaces - fabrics, furniture, ceramic & even skin.
50 Ways to Keep Money In Your Pocket Using Household Items
Although we tend to think of household items as things that have just a single purpose, they can actually do a lot more than just their designated function.
Three Simple Home Remedies to Get Rid of Ingrown Toenails
Three easy home remedies that can get rid of your ingrown toenail once and for all!
Use These 6 Pressure Points to Battle Hair Loss
Hair loss is a phenomenon that many people struggle with and with the following 6 pressure points you can prevent it and maintain strong healthy hair.
Tea Tree Oil: a Pantry Essential You Didn’t Know You Need
Tea tree oil is one of the most powerful antiseptics and a topical application of this oil is beneficial for you hair, skin and nail health
15 Hilarious Fails By People Who Totally Missed the Mark
There is a surprising amount of cases where people just throw common sense out the window...and these 15 hilarious fails are proof.
Vicks Has So Many Different Uses. Here Are 8 of Them!
Vicks can be found in households across the globe. This is a very useful ointment which has many unique uses. Check some of them out here.
Whoa! Acrobats Everywhere Just Got a Big Challenge!
This remarkable duo are pushing the limits of acrobatics with their seamless and nail-bitingly good performance.
I've Seen People Make Mistakes Before, But This Is Silly..
It's amazing how wrong certain things can go, and this is especially true in the photo series you're about to see. Here are 20 times when people "nailed it".
15 Surprising Uses of Potatoes Outside the Cooking Pot
Potatoes are a great staple of many food dishes around the world, but they also have many uses outside of the kitchen. These will surprise you!
9 Ways to Care for Your Feet So They Don't Pain You
What's the best way to go about taking care of your feet? Here are 9 essential tips.
Mouthwash Can Do So Much More Than Freshen Your Breath
Did you know mouthwash is the number 1 household product you should keep at hand? Discover its fantastic multiple uses to see why.
You WILL Need To Rub Your Eyes - 14 Camouflage Photos
Sometimes, the objects around us can play dress up or hide in plain sight. What do we mean by that? These photos capture it perfectly!
10 Vital Warning Signs Your Body Needs More Calcium
Do you consume enough calcium? These signs indicate that you don't.
Down to the Wire: 21 Incredible Sprint Finishes
These sprint finishes went right down to the wire and will have you biting your nails. Take a look...
This Fun Video Will Teach You All About the Reformation
Find out all about what happened during the Reformation in this light-hearted but well-researched video.
Why Does Some Jewelry Leave Green Stains on the Skin?
Does your jewelry leave green stains on the skin? Here's why they occur and how to avoid them.
Old Pantyhose Can Be Used for So Many Surprising Things
Pantyhose rip so easily, but fortunately they can still be used around the house. Here are 14 handy uses for torn pantyhose.
Wow! Your Fingernails Can Tell You a Lot About Your Health
The state of your fingernails can reveal a lot about your health. These 7 changes in your nails' appearance can help you understand your body better.
This Guy Found a Tip Book from the 60s, And It's Genius!
It turns out lifehacks aren't only a thing of the present, the 60's had their own book of tips and tricks to make life easier, and here are 8 of the best!
Learn How These 10 Body Parts Got Their Names
Learn about the curious and interesting origin stories of the names of several common body parts.
Are You Guilty Of These Tooth-Damaging Habits? Most Are...
Become more mindful of your oral health after reading this article about the harmful yet common habits that cause tooth problems.
Are You One of the Few Who Can Ace This Test?
This hard-as-nails American test will challenge your knowledge of the United States of America.
Relationships Can Be a Funny, Bitter-Sweet Affair!
The world of relationships can be a funny one, and that is why these comics hit the nail on the head!
This Is What Happens to Your Feet as You Grow Older...
Here are seven of the most common age-related foot problems that you should be aware of.
Hey! Did You Know Soap Has So Many Extra Uses?
Soap is much more than something useful for cleaning your hands and face. Here are 21 stunning uses for a bar of soap that I never even knew.
7 Surprising Items That Should Be Kept in the Fridge
Some surprising items are better off in the fridge than on a cupboard shelf. Here are 7 such items, both food-related and not.
Your Hands May Warn You of These Health Problems
What can your hands reveal about your health? You'd be surprised.
This Unbelievably Talented Fifteen Year Old Will Amaze
Fifteen year old contortionist, Sofie Dossi will absolutely blow you away with her beautiful act.
10 Popular Beauty Products That Are a Waste of Money
Some beauty and self-care products are just a waste of your money, and all 10 of these popular items are better off in the trash...
What Happens to Your Feet as You Grow Older?
Has Gelatin Become the New Superfood?
More and more people are discovering the incredible health benefits of gelatin. Now, it's time you knew about them too.
If You Notice These Body Signs, Be Sure to Get them Checked
Here are 10 body signals that you should pay closer attention to.
5 Cool Ways to Sharpen a Knife Without a Sharpener
Have a dull knife but no sharpener on hand? No worries, here are not one but FIVE alternative ways to sharpen a knife.
Hidden Features of Your Hammer You Didn’t Know About
Check out some nifty hammer tips, tricks, and hacks that can be seriously helpful around the house.
Amazing! How Can One Small Tool be So Useful?
18 brilliant ways to use Command Hooks. These will come in handy in the future.
Psst! Here Are Some Clothes' Tips Few Know About
These tips will allow you to keep your clothes in as good a condition as new!
Psst! Here Are Some Clothes' Tips Few Know About...
What Your Feet Might Be Telling You About Your Health
Can your feet predict health problems? Let’s find out.
This DIY Wardrobe is Simply Exquisite!
Watch this video to learn how to build yourself a magical wardrobe using just recycled timber.
10 Nifty Uses for Cooking Spray You Never Thought Of
I bet you never thought of using cooking spray in these alternative ways...
Funny Photos: When Homeowners Refuse to Sell
The phenomenon of "nail houses" exists all over the world, and it's so strange that you won't understand until you see these pictures ...
15 Ridiculously Huge Objects That Will Make You Feel Tiny
This collection of pictures features some ridiculously oversized things that make the world around them appear tiny.
These 10 Habits Will Make You Look Younger & More Radiant
These 10 simple daily habits can help you feel and look more radiant and youthful
I Bet You've Never Seen Chocolate Art Like This!
The level of artistry some people can achieve with chocolate is astonishing!
People Try to Sneak the Strangest Things Through Customs
The agents of TSA encounter numerous strange people trying to smuggle the oddest of items onto planes, like these ones!
Believe These Myths to Be True? The Facts Are Surprising
Read through 11 common misconceptions, you've likely thought were facts.
You Wouldn't Do This With Open Eyes, Let Alone Blindfolded!
Nik Wallenda is one of the world's biggest daredevils, renowned the world over for his heart-in-mouth wire walks. Watch him do what he does best - blindfolded!
Look out For These 11 Symptoms of Poor Blood Circulation
If you have some of the following symptoms, it could be an indication that you have poor blood circulation.
When Modern Medicine Fails, These Remedies Will Work
These effective and natural remedies will work when modern medicine fails.