Test Yourself: Can You Still Do Math in Your Head?
This generation can hardly calculate without a computer. Do YOU remember your basic math skills?
Math Quiz: This Is One of the Trickiest Math Tests!
Can any of you get more than 10 out of these 12 tricky math questions?
Math Quiz: 15 Tricky Math Questions
Are you ready to test your Mathematical might once more? Once more into the Math quiz, and solve these 15 problems!
Math Quiz: Can You Pass a 5th Grade Math Test?
You may think 5th graders have it easy, but can YOU pass a 5th grade math quiz?
Let's Play: This Math Game is Sure to Mess With Your Head!
I've seen many math games, but never one so ingenious.
Math Quiz: Guess the Formula We're Using!
This math quiz will present you with equations that have a certain logic behind them, you need to understand what the logic is behind them to guess the correct answer!
This Math Quiz Will Remind You of Your School Days!
This fun math test is really fun and should provide some minutes of pure problem solving pleasure. Just answer the questions as best you can and good luck.
Joke: The Wife's Math
A woman comes home and find a letter from her husband on the dinner table. She opens it and reads:
Can You Solve These Math Questions?
This fun and cool math quiz is going to present you with 19 questions. Some quite easy, and some quite hard. We hope you'll do your best and impress us with your math abilities.
This Math Quiz is Driving the Internet Wild!
Do you remember your math? Think you can beat our tricky math test?
Ready For Another Math Challenge?
This general math quiz has 15 formulas and simple math operations to solve. Some of the questions may seem easy, but nothing's easy when you're on the clock. Some of these questions are timed!
Math Quiz: Can You Still Calculate In Your Head?
Discover Similarities Between Ancient & Modern Math
Did you know that the ancient Egyptians used the same system of math as the supercomputers of today do? Find out more in this informative video.
Joke: The Mental Health Line
Hello, and welcome to the mental health hotline, this next message may sound hilarious...
Busting Some Mental Health Myths!
Any western doctor will tell you stress causes physical illnesses. Then why are there so many myths around mental health?
Math Challenge: 15 Easy Questions... But Timed!
15 questions in 20 minutes - Go!
Math Quiz: It's All About the Fractions
You've got 15 word problems to solve and they're all about the fraction. Good luck!
The Connection Between Sleep and Mental Health
This video aims to answer several burning questions regarding the connection between sleep and our mental health.
IQ Test: How's Your Logic & Math?
Ready to challenge your logic and math capabilities?
Math Quiz: These Creatures Want to Challenge You!
Can you satisfy these mysterious Math creatures and their questions?
The Physical and Mental Health Benefits of YOGA
We all know yoga is good for us, but how exactly can this ancient practice help you feel better both physically and mentally if you start now?
10 Tips for Strengthening Your Mental Muscles!
The only thing preventing from fulfilling our goals is our mental strength, and with these 10 ways, you can strengthen it, just like a muscle.
Fascinating: The Man Who Broke Math
This question led a logician to a discovery that would change mathematics forever.
Math Quiz: Can You Solve These Annoying Problems?
This fun math quiz is all it promises and more, as you'l have a great time solving these math problems completely on your own.
Math Quiz: 15 Easy to Challenging Algebra Problems
Welcome to our Algebra test! You will be given 15 questions with some algebra problems on them. You'll also have 15 minutes to complete the test.
How to Make Yourself Mentally Tougher
What does it take to be mentally strong? This is what it takes to be a mentally tough person.
Funny Collection: 57 Lame But Funny Math Puns!
Enjoy 57 hilarious math puns that make fun of the world's most frustrating class at school!
These Are Major Signs of Mental and Emotional Exhaustion
It's very important to recognize the warning signs of mental and physical exhaustion. Here are 7 of them!
MATH QUIZ: Are You Ready For This Logical Challenge?
Take a more challenging math quiz with no less than 25 questions to solve correctly.
Math Quiz: Practice Your Algebra and Your Mind...
We believe that with a little thought anyone can beat this test, but you may need to focus to beat all 15 questions!
Time For Fun: Use Math to Defeat Your Opponents!
This puzzle game is both funny and creative, allowing you to practice your math skills.
One? Two? Or is it THIRTEEN Math Quizzes Waiting For You?
We'd like for you to enjoy a mathematical banquet with these 13 math quizzes.
The Astonishing Story of the Horse Who Could Do MATH
One of the most mathematically gifted and famous animals ever known was Clever Hans - a horse who lived in Germany in the early 1900s
Math Quiz: Only 40% of Adults Pass This Test!
This algebra test has been making its rounds around the web and stumping about 6 out of 10 adults - can you solve this test?
Math Quiz: Can You Do Fractions?
Math Challenge: 15 Fun Questions to Solve in 20 Minutes
QUIZ: Can You Beat This Math Test Without a Calculator?
This quiz is going to really put your basic math skills to the test - can you do sums in your head?
Math Quiz: Will You Solve These 15 Tricky Problems?
Welcome to another challenging math quiz. This time we've shown little mercy at getting you some very creative and tricky math problems to solve...
MATH QUIZ: Can You Solve All 15 Questions?
This math test has a bit of everything, and will require you to recall some of your school-day math skills.
Math Quiz: Can You Beat Alfonzo's Challenge?
Can you impress Alfonzo and ourselves by getting a better score than 10 on this tricky math test?
Math Quiz: 12 Problems Await to Challenge You!
We're about to start a 12 question math quiz. Are you ready for this? You have 10 minutes to solve this 12 question math quiz. Good luck!
Memory Quiz: Can You Do Math and Remember as Well?
This quiz tests both your memory and your ability to do math in your head.
Test Your Mental Sharpness With These Brainteasers
See if you can figure out all of these brainteasers without peeking at the answers.
I Wish They Taught Me These Math Tips at School
Bad at math? Learn how to use these quick and easy methods.
5 of the MOST Underdiagnosed Mental Health Conditions
People suffer from these medical health conditions for years before being properly diagnosed.
Math Quiz: Can You Beat This Test Without a Calculator?
I love taking math quizzes, it means I have to concentrate fully, and it's always a good feeling to see I haven't lost the ability. Take this math quiz and see how much YOU'VE retained.
We Need To Address the Mental Toll of Social Distancing
It is impossible to know the future impact of social distancing on the mental health of the world, but it is already disrupting it for many.
Learn to Truly Love Yourself with These Mental Exercises
The mental exercises in this video will set you on the right path to truly loving yourself.
This Game is Both Fun and a Good Mental Exercise!
If you think matching shapes is child's play, you haven't played this game yet. It is both great fun and a great mental exercise!
Challenge: Think You Can You Crack These 5 Math Riddles?
Test your math knowledge with these 5 fun math riddles.
We're Counting on These Math Jokes to Give You a Good Laugh
Add some laughter in your life with these math puns and jokes.
MATH Challenge: Can You Solve These 12 Tricky Problems?
Welcome to another BabaMail math quiz that has 12 math problems for you to solve.
The Health and Mental Benefits of 'Slow Living'
In our fast-paced world, where constant connectivity and multitasking have become the norm, many are finding solace in the concept of slow living.
Test: Can ANYONE Pass This Math Quiz From 1954?
This math quiz has the internet pulling their hair out. Do you recall your studies, or have you never let them wain to begin with? If so, you are a shoo in for this test! Ready? Let's go!
Math Quiz: Can You Solve 14 Problems in 20 Minutes?
This quiz starts easy but gets harder. You have 20 minutes to solve 14 math problems.
Joke: The Mental Patient's Answer
A man starts his new job as the administrator of an insane asylum...
Personality Test: What's Your Mental Strength?
What can you weather best? This personality test is designed to give you that answer.
Math Can be Fun! Here are 13 Cool Facts to Prove it
Here are 13 facts and tricks that reveal the power and beauty of mathematics. Mastering it is easier than we think!
Debunking Some of the Main Myths Surrounding Mental Health
Let’s take a look at the real facts behind mental health problems, from addictions to ailments like depression and anxiety
Quiz: Can You Champion Over Our Logic and Math Test?
These 10 challenging math and logic problems are waiting for you to solve them.
Why Can No One Solve This ‘Simple’ Math Problem?
At first glance, the equation 3x+1 looks very simple. So why aren't professional mathematicians able to solve it?
What's it Like Caring for Mentally Ill Criminals?
"The Voices Are Telling me to Kill You." Listen as past nurse Paul Deacon tells us what it's like working at a psychiatric hospital.
Math Challenge: Can You Beat All Questions In Time?
Solve these tricky math questions, some of them having time constraints!
Quiz: What is Your True Mental Age?
This quiz will test your mental age to see what age you should really be, should we be able to see who you really are.
Mental Health Tips: The Power of Setting Intentions
Setting intentions, not resolutions, can have a great impact on your mental well-being.
Can the Right Diet Change Your Mental Condition?
Recently, studies are showing that even our mental health can be severely affected by what we eat.
Mentally Exhausted? Beat the Stress With These 8 Tips!
If you maintain your health, workout, sleep enough hours and still feel tired all the time, it may be mental exhaustion - here's how to get your energy back.
Math Test: Can You Solve All 12 Questions?
The following questions will challenge you in a variety of areas related to knowledge as well as computational and logical abilities.
Test: What is Your Most Powerful Mental Ability?
The human mind is unique and complex. But which mental ability do you have in abundance? Find out now for yourself with this quiz!
What's Your Mental Age? Take Our Test!
What are YOUR messaging habits, and what do they say about your true mental age?
Mental Quiz: Can You Pass This Dementia Test?
Dementia is not a specific disease, but describes a range of symptoms related to declining brain function. This test will help you see how at risk you are of dementia.
The Many Mental and Emotional Benefits of Owning a Pet Dog
Dogs are loving, cute and fiercely loyal, but can they actually provide us emotional and mental support?
The Many Mental Health Benefits of Rocking a Song
What happens in the brain when we sing, and how singing together builds friendship
Learn 9 Mental Techniques to Battle Pain
Discover how to reduce your pain using the power of thought and naturally – it really works!
Math Quiz: Can You Solve All 12 Tricky Questions?
Do you remember enough of your math lessons to ace this tricky quiz?
15 Times People Failed at Math So Bad Everyone Groaned!
Math isn’t for everyone, and these people have proved it.
Meet the Cat Giving Mental Health Advice in These Comics
Check out these brilliant and wholesome watercolor comic strips where a wise cat is giving out useful mental health advice.
The Many Great Mental Health Benefits of Nature Therapy
Ecotherapy, also known as nature therapy, is a wonderful practice that helps promote mental healing. Let’s learn more about it.
Can a Lack of Sun Cause Mental Health Issues?
Find out how sunlight can impact your mental health and what to do about it here.
Avoid These Ingredients If You Love Your Mental Health...
Here are some of the worst kinds of food that you can eat if you care about your cognitive health.
This Mega-Collection Can Help Anyone's Mental Health
A collection of articles all about aiding your mental health and increasing your emotional well-being.
Surprising Facts About Mental Illness Everyone Should Know
Mental illness is still a taboo subject, despite affecting millions of people on Earth. Here are 12 facts about it everyone should know
Here's How Marriage Changes You Physically and Mentally!
Every summer, thousands of couples tie the knot in the US. This decision is one that has lasting effects on their health over time. Find out more here!
14 Cute Illustrations That Spread Mental Health Awareness
Read through these 14 illustrated facts, and you’ll surely learn something new and important about mental well-being today.
7 Signs a Child May Be Developing Mental Illness
We have compiled 7 signs that may indicate a mental disorder in children that should not be ignored.
Math Quiz: Remember Some Basic Geometry?
Do you think you remember enough to beat our quiz?
Study Shows Link between Children’s Diet and Mental Health
A new surprising study shows a link between the way children eat and their emotional and mental health!
8 Mental Disorders That Hide Behind Ordinary Behaviors
Often we tend to interpret a person's behavior as a reflection of their character, but before judging, let's make sure there isn't something hidden.
How to Reset Your Mental Health After a Burnout
Here we discuss recovery from burnout and ways to restore your motivation and energy levels post-burnout.
Ever Wondered Where Math Symbols Come From? Find Out Here!
Have you ever wondered where math symbols originated from? If so, all your questions will be answered in this informative TED-Ed video.
5 Free Mental Health Apps to Help During This Pandemic
Here is a list of 5 useful mental health apps that might help you deal with the stress caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
This is How Exercise Can Improve Your Mental Health!
We all know exercise is good for your body, but what exactly does it do for your mind?
Wow! Who Knew Exercising Was so Good for Mental Health?
Expert-Backed Ways to Improve Your Mental Health Every Day
If you or anyone you know suffers from mental health issues, be sure to read through these essential tips.
Can Probiotics Improve Mental Health? Research Says YES
Studies repeatedly show that probiotics can be a potentially effective treatment for several mental health issues. This is what is currently known on the topic.
Take Our Test: What's Your Strongest Mental Ability?
12 Mysterious Riddles That'll Boost Your Mental Capacity
These 12 great riddles will definitely get your brain cells flexing and strutting their stuff in no time at all. Come on, give them a go!
Study: Drinking Wine Engages Your Brain More Than Math
Dr. Gordon Shepherd, who has spent years studying how the brain, reveals that drinking wine engages more of this organ than any "other human behavior".
Mental Health: 9 Things You Should Stop Keeping Secret
It's important to know that there's no reason to be ashamed of the following 9 things...
10 Classic Paradoxes fom Philosophy, Math, and Physics
in every sphere of human knowledge, we’re bound to run into inconsistencies. That’s how fascinating paradoxes like these are born.