Not What You Though - How Healthy Skin REALLY Looks Like
Short, concise, and straight to the point - here are 5 skin health myths busted with clear scientific explanations.
Carcinogen Found in US Sunscreens - Should You Be Worried?
A study of hundreds of sunscreens found that over a quarter of the samples they tested were contaminated by benzene, a known human carcinogen.
Could This Nano-Vaccine Be a Miracle Cure for Melanoma?
Scientists of an Israeli University have determined that nano-vaccines may be an effective way to prevent and treat melanoma.
Are Wrinkles Your Body’s Way of Telling You Something?
Here are 6 things your wrinkles can possibly tell about you
Should You Get That Pesky Skin Mole Removed? If So, How?
Everything you need to know about skin moles and moles removal methods
9 Common Misconceptions About Moles and Melanoma!
There are many false facts regarding suntan and melanoma that people believe. These mole myths should have been debunked years ago.
5 Unusual But Effective Ways to Prevent Skin Cancer
We all know that sunscreen and protective clothing can help prevent skin cancer, but so can these other strategies. Check them out here.
Will the COVID-19 Vaccine Be Safe For All of Us? Find Out
The COVID-19 vaccine is nearly here. It's time to find out how it works and what it does to your body.
Not Only Covid-19: 5 Historically Significant Vaccines
Infectious diseases were a problem long before Covid-19. These are 5 of the most historically important vaccines that made the world safer.
Scientists Make Huge Breakthrough in Cancer Treatment
Scientists might have just found a revolutionary way to fight cancer. Read about it here.
A Comprehensive Guide to Treating Shoulder Pain at Home
Learn to identify, treat, and prevent the seven most common shoulder injuries.
Your Skin Can Tell You an Awful Lot About Your Health
This article will talk about the 10 warning signs your skin is showing you.
The Spleen – A Guide to a Little-Known Organ
The spleen is an oft-ignored organ of our body. However, it serves an important function and needs to be taken care of properly.
What is Fibromyalgia? Could it be Causing You Pain?
This guide will tell you all that you need to know about fibromyalgia.
Wearing Sunscreen? Pay Attention to These 7 Critical Areas
The next time you are heading out into the sun, make sure you cover these vital spots of the body with sunscreen.
Vaccinations SHOULD Trigger Side Effects, Here’s Why
Once you watch this video and understand why vaccine side effects happen, you may even be happy to get that headache.
Myths in Medicine and Health That We MUST Stop Believing
In this video, Dr. Seema Yasmin helps debunk (and confirm) some common myths about medicine and health.
This Study May One Day Help Treat Chronic Stress And PTSD
A recently discovered protein in the brain (p11) can be linked to both depression and stress and has the potential to help future treatments
Sun Poisoning vs. Sunburn - The Important Differences
Now that the hot months are almost here, it's important to know how to tell sun poisoning from an ordinary sunburn.
14 Silent Signs That You’re Under Too Much Stress
Bad food habits, acne, irritability, and more serious health issues can all be a sign of excessive, health-threatening stress...
Taking High Doses of Vitamin C Won’t Cure or Prevent Colds
This is how a personal tip from a Nobel Prize winning chemist turned into one of the most widespread medical myths of the past few decades
Vitamin D Deficiencies Are NOT Caused By Sunblock
If you're not sure whether sun exposure is dangerous to your health and how often you should wear sunscreen, here is what you need to know.
Have New Studies Found a Link Between Eggs & Breast Cancer?
Have studies discovered a link between eating eggs and breast cancer?
Determine If You're a Type D Personality With This Guide
The D in Type D personality stands for "distress", which refers to the heightened level of the emotion that Type D people tend to feel. Find out more here.
Learn How You Can Make Your Prostate Cancer-Proof
Learn how you can prevent and cure prostate cancer by following the instructions in this guide.
Thighs Chafing? Prevent and Soothe Using These Methods
If thigh chafing is an issue, here's how you can prevent chafing in the first place, as well as soothe and protect chafed skin after it has occurred.
These 15 Things Have All Strongly Been Linked to Cancer
When it comes to deaths in the US, cancer is second only to heart disease. Here are 15 known and suspected carcinogens.
Learn the Skin Cancer Symptoms That You Really Should Know
Most skin cancers are usually rather benign, but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't keep an eye out for symptoms. Here are 9 subtle signs of skin cancer.
Here's What Everyone Really Must Know About COPD!
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, also known as COPD, is a group of progressive lung diseases. Here is everything you need to know!
10 Common Skin Cancer Myths Everyone Needs to Know!
Here are 10 common skin cancer myths that everyone should know about.
This Tiny Device Could Be the Future of Cancer Detection!
This tiny microbiopsy device can help detect skin cancer without leaving any scars whatsoever! read all about it here.
This Vaccine Could Help Us Win the War Against Cancer!
This new vaccine could help us win the battle against cancer! Find out more here!
Worried About Alzheimer's? This Guide Is All That You Need
Learn about the signs, symptoms, and treatment options for Alzheimer's disease in our detailed guidebook.Please visit us here again to check for updates.
Viagra May Hold the Key to Preventing Colorectal Cancer...
A new study shows that Viagra may be able to help prevent the onset of colorectal cancer. Find out all about it here.
What is the Military Diet? Here's All You Need to Know!
This diet can supposedly help you lose 10 pounds in just three days. Is this really true? Here's the low down!
Going Gray? Add These 7 Foods to Your Shopping List!
Adds these foods to your weekly shopping list to prevent your hair from turning gray.
This Guide Will Help You Find Your Perfect Dog!
If you're looking to get a dog, here's how you can find the perfect one for you!
This Is All You'll Ever Need to Know About Ringworm
If you think you or someone you know might have ringworm, this comprehensive guide is worth reading!
New Device Can Detect Skin Cancer Easily & Effectively
Skin cancer is the most common type worldwide. Could this device be the answer to detecting this disease early on?
Why HAVEN'T We Cured Cancer Yet? An Explanation
This informative video goes over the major challenges researchers face when trying to find a perfect cure for cancer.
These Breakthrough Cancer Treatments Could Save Thousands
Discovering safe and effective cancer treatments is not that easy, but in the last month, we’ve made two major breakthroughs.
These 5 Tips Will Help Your Child Cope With Anxiety
Here are some ways to help your children manage their stress levels that will make their, and your lives much easier.
Everything You Need to Know About High Blood Pressure
Hypertension, or high blood pressure may seem confusing at first but is a condition that can be easily managed. Read about some treatments and lifestyle tips.
9 Proven Remedies that Work When You Suffer From Arthritis
To minimize the impact and help you recover from an arthritis flare as quickly as possible, follow this advice:
Kiss Corns and Calluses Goodbye with This Great Guide
Corns and calluses can be both painful and unsightly, and that's why we've devised this guide for you to learn about diagnosis, treatment and prevention.
Are Your Breathing Problems Caused by Asthma?
It's never easy to know whether your breathing problems are due to asthma or some other respiratory condition. However, there are a few different ways to tell.
10 Simple Ways That You Can Boost Your Immune System
By following these 10 simple habits you will be able to significantly boost your immune system.
Keep Your Arteries Clean by Eating These Foods Every Day
Cardiovascular diseases are on the increase. However, eating these foods can go a long way to ensuring that you do not fall prey to such diseases.
Worried About Hungtington's? You Might Want to Read This!
This is an introductory guide for those who are seeking out more information about Huntington Disease.
Multiple Myeloma: New Treatments in the Modern Age
New and innovative Treatments for Multiple Myeloma
Science Breakthrough: An Immunization Against Skin Cancer?
This scientific breakthrough offers hope for those who are struggling with skin cancer. You are now invited to discover more about this revolutionary vaccine.
9 Myths About Mushrooms BUSTED For Good
Can we eat mushrooms raw or must we cook them first? Do they all have medicinal properties? And how can they help with cancer?
How to Keep Your Mind a Little Sharper at Any Age
Everyone has a tendency to be a little forgetful. Here are 7 exercises that will help keep your mind sharp at any age.
10 Simple Ways to Significantly Reduce Your Carb Intake
Are you looking to lose some weight? Here are ten ways that you can significantly reduce your carb intake!
If You Suffer from Back Pain, You Must Read This...
If you have back pain, the following information is like a gift from God. This is how you can relieve back pain effectively.
Feeling Dizzy? Here Are 9 Common Causes!
Dizziness affects both adults and children, but the reasons for it could be something minor or serious. Here are 9 reasons you might be feeling dizzy!
Prevent a Heart Attack From Occurring with These Tips
What should you do when recovering from a heart attack? Find out here.
Ever Wondered How Hormones Work? Well, Wonder No More...
Ever wondered how hormones work? Well, wonder no more as this informative TED-Ed video explains all!
11 Simple Health Hacks to Change Your Life for the Better
To get healthy quick, all we need to do is follow these instant health upgrades. Take a look!
Do You Have Arthritis? These Tips Can Help Ease the Pain
Though you can’t always prevent arthritis, there are some things that you can do to help reduce your symptoms if you have it. Here are 8 of them!
These Non-Routine Medical Tests Could Save Your Life!
Here are 8 non-routine tests that really have the potential to save your life, and some of them even need to be taken as early as 30.
Low on Estrogen? Add These 8 Foods to Your Diet...
If you have been told that you need to boost your estrogen levels, here are 8 foods that you should consider adding to your diet.
Feeling Down? These 10 Foods Can Help Improve Your Mood
The food that we eat can help increase our moods and get rid of depression. Find out more here!
Forget Apples! It's an Egg a Day That Keeps the Doc Away...
According to new research, it could actually be an egg a day that keeps the doctor away.Find out more here!
If You Have a Dog, Here's How Apple Cider Vinegar Can Help
Not many people are aware that you can use apple cider vinegar for their dog. Here's how!
Here's How You Can Keep Your Mind Sharp At Any Age...
What to Do If You Encounter Someone Having a Seizure
There's much we still don't know about the causes and treatments of seizures.
8 Signs That Your Heart isn't Working Properly
They are a number signs that warn us about heart trouble that we should all be more aware of. Here are 8 of them.
13 MORE Myths on Sleep Debunked by Experts
These two sleep experts will answer your questions and explain common concerns about sleep.
Alcohol Linked To More Cancer Types Than Previously Known
A new study found a clear correlation between alcohol consumption and more types of cancer than previously known.
The Dash Diet is Perfect for Healthy Weight Loss!
The DASH diet has been on the list of the world’s best diets for a number of years. Find out more here!
5 World-Changing Medical Advances From the Past Decade
Perhaps the most important technological advancements are those related to healthcare. Here are 5 such incredible medical breakthroughs from the past decade.
Never Buy These 10 Items From a Health Food Store...
There could be many products in such stores labeled as “natural” and “organic,” but in reality, they can be hazardous to your health. Here are 10 such products!
8 Tell-Tale Signs That You're Drinking Too Much Water...
Drinking too much water is just as bad as drinking too little. Here are 8 signs you're drinking too much water.
Studying Dolphins May Be Key to Advancing Medicine
Scientists have noticed a strange behavior in red sea dolphins, and they believe this is a form of self-medication. Learn why this discovery is so important.
Women Report Worse COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects Than Men
Many women report experiencing stronger side effects to the COVID-19 vaccine than men, but that's nothing to be worried about.
Not all Viruses Are Bad, Some Are Actually Necessary
Some viruses are beneficial to humans. In fact, they are an inseparable part of human anatomy and have even shaped the evolution of humanity!
Debunking the Common Myths Regarding the COVID-19 Variants
The new COVID-19 variants have caused widespread confusion and fear. Here, we attempt to debunk some common myths surrounding them.
What Drinking Whiskey Actually Does to Your Body
While we now know that whiskey isn't the cure-all medicine people once though it was, it does have a few proven health benefits.
8 Ways Covid-19 Has Changed the World Forever
It goes without saying that the coronavirus pandemic has changed our lives, perhaps forever. But exactly how? Let's take a look.
New ‘Trojan Horse’ Drug Tricks and Kills Cancer Cells
A new drug-delivery system promises to deliver the chemo drug straight into tumors with fewer side effects.
Discover What Happens In Your Body When You Have a Fever
Have you ever wondered exactly why does our body produce a fever? Find out more in this video.
Is There a Link Between Egg Allergy and the Flu Shot?
Though an allergic reaction to the flu shot is very rare, those allergic to eggs may be at a higher risk of developing it.
COVID Toes May Be a Symptom of Hidden Coronavirus in Kids
Reports suggest that "COVID toes" could be a coronavirus clue for young people without symptoms.
The 4 Major Types of Headaches: What to Look Out For
This guide will help you figure out what type of headache you may be suffering from, and how to treat and prevent it.
Flu Shots and Alzheimer’s: Is There a Connection?
Flu shots cannot cause Alzheimer's disease. To the contrary, studies show that they may actually cut down one's risk of the disease by 30%!
These So-Called Facts Have Been Officially Disproved!
These beliefs we were taught as concrete facts were disproved and are no longer true!
6 Coronavirus Indicators That You May Not Have Heard Of
Here, we list some of the more unusual and lesser-known COVID-19 symptoms you might not be aware of yet.
What You Should Know About Silent Heart Attack
Silent heart attack - how to recognize it on time and how to treat it.
Having Leg Cramps at Night? Then You Need to Know This
Night leg cramps beyond annoying: they can interfere with sleep and life quality. Here's everything you need to know about night leg cramps.
Why You Need to Keep a Teaspoon in the Bathroom
We will teach you how much sunscreen to apply to each body part and which areas are the most overlooked when applying sunscreen
New Study Sheds Light on Cancer & Link to Inflammation
Is there a connection between chronic inflammation and cancer.
Here's How to Prevent and Treat Intestinal Parasites
Although many people seem to think of intestinal parasites as ailments that occur only in countries that are underdeveloped, that isn't true. Take a look.
Learn How to Diagnose and Treat a Skin Bump
If you've got a lump on your skin, here's what you can do about it.
Knowing the Signs of a Brain Tumor Can Save Your Life...
Learn what the most common symptoms of a brain tumor are, so that it can be picked up and treated before it's too late.
This New Clinic is Infusing Seniors With Young Blood
Older people are getting blood transfusions from younger people in order to regain their vitality and fight aging. Find out more about this procedure.
Warning: Two Skin Infections You MUST Look Out For
Is it more than just a rash? Two instances your rash can be more serious than it appears.
Warning! Get Your Flu Shot Now Before It's Too Late...
Learn why you should get your flu shot while it's still pretty hot outside.