Did You Know That Vitamin D Can Help Save Your Life?
Vitamin D can help influence your body in many amazing ways that you probably didn't even know about.
This Spicy Fruit Is The Healthiest Nature Has To Offer!
Much has been written about the healing power of Cayenne pepper and its ability to help us against a variety of diseases and problems, learn about its benefits here!
This Guide Will Help You Detect Diabetes Before it Happens
Know the early signs of diabetes in time with this helpful guide. Avoid one of the biggest epidemics of our generation because early detection is key if you want to stay ahead of it.
11 Mistakes People Make with Supplements
These supplement mistakes could harm your health.
These Home Remedies Will Work All Year Round
Tried and tested, science-backed, foolproof - these 6 home remedies are the real deal!
5 Delicious Teas for Asthma Relief and Respiratory Health
These are the 5 best tea varieties shown scientifically to bring relief to respiratory issues, and asthma symptoms specifically.
14 Silent Signs That You’re Under Too Much Stress
Bad food habits, acne, irritability, and more serious health issues can all be a sign of excessive, health-threatening stress...
These 5 Nutrient Deficiencies Are Awfully Common
Nutrient deficiencies are more common than think, especially these 5 that often cause a whole myriad of uncomfortable and dangerous symptoms
This Fruit Treats Inflammation, Arthritis and Cell Damage!
Blueberries are nutritious, anti-inflammatory and rich in antioxidants, a true dietary medicine.
Learn About the Disease That Affects 50% of People!
Ignoring Helicobacter pylori can lead to a worsening of the condition and even the development of ulcers and stomach cancer, avoid all this by reading this article!
Keep Your Liver In Tip-Top Shape With These Home Remedies
This informative post will teach you how to keep your liver healthy and will provide you with some home remedies to do so.
Read This Guide To Know When Chest Pain Is a Real Concern
This is a guide to know whether you have cause for concern when feeling chest pain, or not. It also lists risks factors and what to look out for.
Sore Throat? Here Are 10 Ways to Make a Home Remedy!
10 ways to make your own effective throat medicine right at home.
22 Ingredients You Have that Make Great Remedies
Try these natural home remedies to help those aches and pains without any side effects.
9 Great Meal Ideas Recommended by Health Experts
You don’t have to struggle to think up healthy meals anymore. Discover the shortcuts to making nutritious meals in mere minutes with the help of experts' tips.
No More Dry Sinuses: Treat it With Home Remedies
Blocked or painful sinuses can have a big effect on how you function daily, but help is at hand...
Unbelievable: First Human Head Transplant to Be Performed!
An Italian doctor has recently announced that he plans on performing the first human head-transplant by 2017. Now, he has a volunteer!
The Whole Truth About GLP-1 Drugs for Heart and Brain
GLP-1 medications, widely prescribed for weight loss, show promise in improving brain and heart health, but may pose risks to the kidneys, pancreas, and gastrointestinal (GI) system.
What (Non-Psychedelic) Mushrooms Can Do for Your Brain
Lion's mane mushrooms are memory-enhancing brain food! Learn the science behind them here.
How Much Black Tea is TOO Much for Your Health?
What does black tea have to do with fluoride? How much of it is too much? And most importantly- can you heal from it? All the answers are right here.
What's it Like Caring for Mentally Ill Criminals?
"The Voices Are Telling me to Kill You." Listen as past nurse Paul Deacon tells us what it's like working at a psychiatric hospital.
Would You Go Into Hibernation if You Could?
What can we learn and earn if we humans learn to hibernate one day?
Can Migraines Be Cured, Once and For All?
Enjoy these two doctors eloquently explain your headache away.
Test Your Knowledge of These Natural Remedies
This quiz will test your knowledge of the most popular and effective natural remedies out there.
Get Rid of Nerve Pain Thanks to These Handy Tips...
A pinched nerve can not only be a highly annoying problem, but it can be extremely painful too. Here's how you can treat it.
Explaining Fibromyalgia and the Pain it Causes
This video sheds some light on this mysterious disease.
The Connection Between ADHD and Sleep
Is too little sleep connected to the onset of ADHD?
5 World-Changing Medical Advances From the Past Decade
Perhaps the most important technological advancements are those related to healthcare. Here are 5 such incredible medical breakthroughs from the past decade.
Studying Dolphins May Be Key to Advancing Medicine
Scientists have noticed a strange behavior in red sea dolphins, and they believe this is a form of self-medication. Learn why this discovery is so important.
Foods That Increase the Risk of Alzheimer’s and Dementia
This article explains which food types and food combinations one ought to avoid to reduce the risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer's.
Allergies vs COVID-19: How To Distinguish Between the Two
Here is how you can figure out whether or not the symptoms you may be experiencing are more likely to be an allergy or the Novel Coronavirus.
Are You Washing Your Hands Correctly?
Proper hand-washing can help protect you from infectious diseases, be it salmonella, the flu, or other dangerous viruses. Here's how to do it
Who Knew This Common Herb Could Be SO Healthy?
Even the most common and trivial herbs, such as rosemary, have a number of wonderful benefits for your health, well-being, and appearance
The Insane Objects Doctors Remove From Our Bodies
you're about to find out for yourself just how crazy the kind of objects doctors pull out of people are.
These 11 Health Myths Were Finally Cleared By Science
To make a fresh and healthier start in the new decade, let's discuss and leave 11 of the greatest health myths of the 2010's in this article
6 Weird and Creepy Medical Tools of the Past
After seeing these weird and creepy medical devices of the past, you’ll be thankful you live in the 21st century. Take a look for yourself.
Should You Get That Pesky Skin Mole Removed? If So, How?
Everything you need to know about skin moles and moles removal methods
Nobody Believed These 5 Scientists, But They Were Right
These 5 scientists were shamed and ousted, or rudely ignored, although years later, their "crazy" theories turned out to be true...
Do This Eye Exercise At the End of a Screen Intensive Day
Suffer from painful and tired eyes after another day of working in front of the computer? You may be hurting your eye muscles... Fix the problem with this exercise.
Find Out If A Doctor Should Check These 7 Skin Spots…
A new red, brown, or pink spot pops up and you're already stressed, but you might not need to be. Find out of you need to get these 7 skin spots checked.
Follow These Safety Tips For Neck & Back Pain Medication
Understanding how to correctly use drugs is key to successfully recovering from neck and back injuries. Click here to learn more.
Here's How to Prevent and Treat Intestinal Parasites
Although many people seem to think of intestinal parasites as ailments that occur only in countries that are underdeveloped, that isn't true. Take a look.
Could a Bad Night’s Sleep Cause You to Fall More?
Have you ever found it difficult to keep your balance after a poor night’s sleep? New research could explain why...
9 Medical Problems That Can Be Treated with Acupuncture
Most of us wouldn't choose to be stabbed by needles, however, it seems that doing just that can be an effective method of treating various medical problems....
Test Your Medical Knowledge With Our Medical Quiz
Take our trivia test and see how good your medical knowledge really is.
10 Scientific Discoveries That’ll Change the World
You are about to discover that the future is closer than you thought - these are the 10 most exciting discoveries in science that were made recently.
When Modern Medicine Fails, These Remedies Will Work
These effective and natural remedies will work when modern medicine fails.
Discover How Anesthesia Affects Your Body and Mind
If you were ever curious about how exactly anesthesia works, then this video has all the answers!
Using These 25 Medical Terms Will Impress Your Doctor
Use these 25 medical terms to impress your doctor next time you're feeling under the weather.
A Day in the Life of an Ancient Egyptian Doctor...
This video will show you what it was like to be a doctor in ancient Egypt.
BREAKING: Your Next X-Ray Could Be in 3D and in Color!
Learn about the MARS scanner, which is a new type of X-Ray being developed that displays everything in color and is fully 3D.
These Tips Will Help You Cure Your Pinched Nerve
These Medical Terms Are Often Confused With One Another...
There are many medical terms that are similar to each other, and often refer to the same illness or disease. Here are 18 groups of terms not to confuse.
Researchers Have Managed to Actually Reverse Dementia...
Dementia doesn't yet have a cure, but the world is a step closer to having one after researchers managed to reverse the illness in mice. Read on to learn more.
Meet a Doctor Who LITERALLY Feels His Patients' Pain...
Read the story of Dr Joel Salinas, a physician who suffers from mirror-touch synaesthesia...
Viagra May Hold the Key to Preventing Colorectal Cancer...
A new study shows that Viagra may be able to help prevent the onset of colorectal cancer. Find out all about it here.
Painful Limbs? You May Have Diabetic Neuropathy...
Diabetic neuropathy is a condition which causes burning and shooting pain in the hands, legs, feet and arms. This guide will help you ease its pain.
3 Inventions that Improve Upon Our Regular Senses
Check out these impressive artificial organs which are completely changing the worlds of science and medicine for good.
You Don't Need a Doctor to Perform These 8 Medical Tests
Find out about some of the most simple and effective medical tests that you can perform from the comfort and privacy of your home.
Turmeric Ginger Tea Is Incredibly Powerful - Learn More
Turmeric ginger tea has some of the most powerful medicinal effects of any know combination of ingredients. Learn all you need to know about it right here.
Quiz: Are You One of Mother Nature's Miracle Workers?
For Effective, Natural Medicine Opt for These Foods
Instead of taking pills for every little thing that ails you, try some natural substitutes that will reduce your dependence on chemicals
Do You Have a Magnesium Deficiency? Here's How to Know
Did you know that, even though you might be unaware of it, you may be suffering from a magnesium deficiency. Read on to find out if you are.
Suffering from a Migraine? Here are 6 All-Natural Remedies
Headaches strike the best of us, but we don't always have or even want to take a pill. Luckily nature has her own remedies, 6 of which we present here.
11 Ailments Guavas Can Cure
Are you aware of the incredible health benefits of guavas? Find out here.
WARNING: Ibuprofen Should Be Avoided by +40s, Say Doctors
The FDA are now saying that Ibuprofen is dangerous. We break down this warning, and show you some great natural alternatives.
Is This the Secret of the Healthiest Village in the World?
Acciaroli in Italy has so many centenarians that researches decided to find out what their longevity secret is. This is what they found.
This All-Natural Nasal Decongestant Is Super Easy to Make
Getting rid of a blocked nose is easy as 1,2,3 and you'll see why when you click on this post. What's more is that this decongestant is all-natural.
Consigning Diabetes to History? The Artificial Pancreas
This amazing new clinical trial has resulted in the successful test of an artificial pancreas. Could this be the road to defeating diabetes once and for all?
IMPORTANT to Know: 8 Early Signs of Ovarian Cancer
Catch ovarian cancer early by becoming aware of these 8 early warning signs. Also learn about other risk factors such as genetics.
The Most Important Symptoms and Remedies for Glaucoma
A guide to Identifying and treating glaucoma naturally.
A Few Health Tips to Keep You In Good Form!
Tune up and learn to take the best care of yourself!
Can a 'Brain Diet' Prevent the Onset of Alzheimer's?
The food you eat may affect the health of your brain. Researchers have developed a delicious diet that can help fight Alzheimer’s and brain shrinkage.
If You Take Medication, You Need to Read This...
Taking wrong medication dosages or mixing certain medications with others can have serious, if not, fatal consequences. Avoid these medication mistakes.
Soothe Your Sciatic Pain with These 8 Natural Remedies
You don’t need to suffer from pain caused by sciatica. These 8 remedies are natural and effective at reducing unnecessary pain.
Don’t Mistake Plantain Leaves for Weeds. They’re Healing.
Plantain leaves aren’t weeds: They have healing powers. Learn how you can use this common garden plant to treat many everyday ailments and diseases.
This Week in Health Tips!
Sometimes taking care of your health comes down to small everyday decisions. Discover some tricks to making your life healthier in this week’s health tips.
Summer is here and it’s time to be outdoors. Here are the best tips that make caring for your health easy, so that you can enjoy the summer as you’re meant to.
These beautiful infographics and handy tips make it so much easier to keep up with health trends and medical advice.
Find out the latest tips in health with easy to understand infographics and practical advice.
Avoid the Dentist With 12 Golden Rules for Oral Hygiene
Does the idea of the dentist make you nervous just thinking about it? Here are 12 tips to keeping your oral hygiene healthy and reducing your dental visits.
Will We Soon See An End to Chemotherapy?
Are the days of this harsh method of treating cancer coming to a close, and what will be replacing it?
The Complete Map to Our Most Important Pressure Points!
According to ancient oriental beliefs, every organ in the human body has a representative pressure point in the hand and the foot. Find out all about them here.
Health Tips: Get Rid of that Painful Ear Ache!
Ear ache can range from mild annoyance to outright agony. It afflicts both children and adults and is one of the most common reasons children are brought to the doctor...
Medical Guide: All About Hip Replacement Surgery
Hip replacement surgery can alleviate pain, restore hip function, and improve mobility and quality of life.
What is Laparoscopy Surgery and Why Was it a Step Forward?
What is Laparoscopy Surgery, when was it invented and why was it an important innovation in medicine.
Can A.I Catch What Doctors Miss? A Fascinating Talk
How close are we to that and can AI really do better than a human doctor? This fascinating TED Talk addresses these issues.
Incredible New Bionic Arm Fuses With Woman's Nerves
Karin's bionic hand is real sci fi, making her one of the first true cyborgs.
Incredible: This Man Got the First Double-Arm Transplant
Felix Gretarsson got burned in both arms and needed the new ones. For that purpose, he went through history's FIRST 2-arm transplant.
Read This Poem to Your Loved Ones Out in Nature
Let this poem inspire you to go out into nature even when the weather turns colder, as being one with nature is medicine for all illnesses.
Meet the Smallest-Ever Remote-Controlled Robot
This crab robot is only half a millimeter wide but can move and turn in every direction. Let’s see what else it can do.
What is Palo Santo and How Can You Use it For Pain?
Palo santo can be used both for physical and spiritual purposes. Learn how
Thirsty After Booster Shot? Here are the Possible Reasons
We gather the latest theories about extreme thirst side effect after the Covid-19 vaccine.
Concerned About Liver Cirrhosis? You Need to Read This!
One major complication that can occur in the liver is cirrhosis, and this comprehensive guide will show you exactly how to deal with it.
How it is Made: Prosthetic Eyes
Watch how hand-made eye prosthetics are made, Can you tell which is real?
If I Swallow Chewing Gum, Will it Grow into a Tree?
Once and for all: what happens when you swallow chewing gum?
Medical Lesson: What ARE Enzymes?
This handy animated video is perfect for the job of explaining what enzymes are.
Fascinating History - Why We Wash Our Hands
Until the 18th-century doctors didn’t wash their hands. Everything changed thanks to a man named Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis. This is his tragic story.
The Science Behind Clogged Arteries
Have you been told that the diet you eat is the only cause of clogged arteries? It's not. Learn about the true science behind this health condition.
New Pill Against Covid-19 Shows Promising Results In Trial
A new drug for COVID-19 called Molnupiravir is showing promising results in trials. Here is what is currently known about this new treatment.