Why Do New Viruses Keep Emerging in China?
Both the 2019 Covid-19 virus and the 2003 SARS epidemic started in an eerily similar manner in China, but why?
Here's How the Stock Exchange REALLY Works!
If you don't have the faintest idea what goes on within the international stock exchange, then this video has got you covered!
Get Lost in the World's Most Magical Marketplaces!
Have a look at the 6 most magical marketplaces from around the world, which you're bound to fall in love with!
The Future of American Malls Isn’t Too Bright
The famous mall culture in America can be coming to an end, and the pandemic isn’t the one to blame...
Is Physical Currency About to Become Obsolete?
Covid-19 could render cash money obsolete, but can a country even function without physical currency?
What Happens If Everyone Stopped Paying Taxes At Once?
Taxes are annoying, but reality is always more complicated than we think. This is what would happen if everyone stopped paying taxes.
This Panda Had No Idea She'd Had Twins!
When a panda gives birth to twins, they usually end up abandoning one of them to focus on raising the other one well. This experiment is trying to change that.
This Amusing Video Explains How Cats Land on Their Feet!
Have you ever wondered just how cats manage to safely land on their feet every time they fall or are dropped? Watch this video and wonder no more!
Take a Trip to China's Tianmen Mountain in Stunning 4K!
China is full of a natural beauty, but nothing comes remotely close to the stunning Tianmen Mountain. check it out in stunning 4K!
You Won't Believe How Long These Animals Can Live For!
What do you think the longest-living life-form on Earth is? This video has all the answers!
Cats Exposed: We Found Out What They Really Get Up To!
When your cats walks out of your cat flap, do you have any idea where it goes? This team of National Geographic researchers set out to get some answers.
WATCH: Visit the Stunning Old Chinese Town of Lijiang
The beautiful Old Town of Lijiang in China's Yunnan province is a truly spectacular place that allows you to step into the past. View it in full high definition
You Won't Believe What the Human Body Does in One Minute
How much do you think it is capable of doing in a single minute? Watch this video and you'll have your answer!
After Watching This, You'll Want to Visit Morocco...
Traveling to and visiting Morocco isn’t exactly what you would call cheap, but every penny that you spend is totally worth it! Take a stunning 8K tour here!
Why Is the “Wolf Turn” Such a Big Deal In Gymnastics?
The 'wolf turn' is a gymnastics move highly valued by Olympic judges and notoriously difficult to do...
These Obscure Cities Play a HUGE Role In Global Economy
Dozens of enormous cities in China remain obscure despite the huge role they play in the global economy. Get to know them in this video.
Full Documentary: Unearthing the Lost World of Angkor Wat...
This fascinating feature-length documentary explores the ancient civilization that inhabited Cambodia's Angkor Wat. Watch it in its entirety here.
Scottish Highlands Wildcats Are SUCH Fascinating Animals!
The Scottish wildcat is the rarest cat in the world and a symbol of the Scottish Highlands. Learn all about these ferocious hunters in this video.
Pigeons Have Played a Massive Role in World History
Pigeons are one of the most common birds in the world, but they're utterly underrated. In fact, they have played a huge role in world history. Find out more...
Hammerhead Sharks - Eevolution's Strangest Turn
Around 20 million years ago evolution introduced hammerhead sharks. Why did evolution make such a surprising turn and what makes these sharks so uniqe?
The Natural Beauty of South Africa is Simply Astounding
This video will take you on a road trip around Cape Town and Kruger Park, exploring the gorgeous nature and wildlife of South Africa.
What a Vaccine’s “Efficacy Rate” Actually Means
Does having higher efficacy rates make a vaccine better? According to health experts these numbers are actually the wrong way to compare vaccines.
Despite Looking Similar, Cats Are MORE Diverse Than Dogs!
Who's more diverse, cats or dogs? This video answers this question once and for all, the it might surprise you...
Vaccinations SHOULD Trigger Side Effects, Here’s Why
Once you watch this video and understand why vaccine side effects happen, you may even be happy to get that headache.
Hypnotism: Science or Forgery?
His contemporaries called him a charlatan, but in the late 1880s, Dr. Anton Mesmer was onto something we now know as hypnotism.
7 Fascinating Natural Phenomena Science Can’t Explain
From the Great Blue Hole in Belize to the Sailing Stones in CA, this video will introduce you to 7 natural phenomena science isn't fully able to explain.
Is It Possible to Learn the Language of Another Species?
Scientists believe talking to dolphins is possible and are trying to learn how. Succeeding in this could open the door to communicating with thousands of species.
The Dubai Mall Is Something to Be Seen
You could do a lot more at Dubai's unbelievable mall than just shop. Take a tour of the luxurious complex with this video.
Has Anyone Ever Truly Seen a Ghost?
If ghosts don't exist, how come some people swear they have seen one?
The Morally Murky Way to Speed Up Covid-19 Vaccine Process
Some scientists are proposing a controversial plan that could get us the coveted covid-19 vaccine faster. How does it work and what are the reprecussions?
What Species Is the Oldest on Earth? You’ll Be Surprised
You'd be surprised to find out how far back some species go, including humans...
How Dr. Fauci Became the Face of the Coronavirus Response
He is the dace of the US response to the coronavirus pandemic. But what was the earlier crisis that shaped Dr. Anthony Fauci's career?
Does ‘Buy One Get One Free’ Actually Make You Spend More
Find out why 'buy one get one free' isn’t actually such a big discount, and what to consider before buying more than you originally planned to.
How To Read a Coronavirus Case Chart Correctly
Many news outlets use charts to showcase the pandemic situation in different countries. This is how to read them correctly.
How To Be Sure Your Dog Adores You
10 scientific ways to know if your dog loves you
This Video Will Teach You About the Causes of Heartburn
Heartburn is a problem for many of us, but what actually causes it, and how can it be treated? Find out in this informative video.
Owls Can Be So Cute and Majestic at Once, Just Watch...
This cute owl compilation video is just the adorable moment you need today.
See What Your Cats Get up to Under the Cover of Darkness!
If you've ever wondered what your feline friends get up to while you're fast asleep, then prepare to be surprised!
When Birds Misbehave, the Results Are Utterly Hilarious!
If you think that only dogs and cats are capable of being total jerks, then you ain't seen nothing yet!
Science Explains Why Beautiful Things Make Us Happy
Discover how beauty affects us and why we seem to be able to instinctively recognize beauty when we see it.
Welcome to a Tour of the World's Largest Cruise Ship
The MS Symphony of the Seas is now the largest passenger ship in the world. Take a look at her in this wonderful tour video.
This Video Will Inspire You to Visit Crete
Trust us, after watching this video, you'll want to book a flight to Greece!
Take a Look at the Creepy Horseshoe Crab
Get ready to come face to face with one of the weirdest creatures you've ever seen - the horseshoe crab!
Say Hello to Poki, the World's Most Annoying Cat
The adorable video that you are about to watch will not only make you laugh out loud, but it will also melt your heart at the same time!
This Brave Soul Lets a Cheetah Lick His Arm For Science!
Ever wondered how sharp a cheetah's tongue is? Watch this video and find out for yourself!
The Amalfi Coast Is Stunning in This Timelapse Video...
Explore the outstanding landscapes of the glorious Amalfi Coast, which includes around 40 kilometers of mountains, beaches, cliffs and monuments!
Montréal Looks Absolutely Stunning in 4K Resolution
Check out some of this Montreal's most iconic sights, which will leave you craving to visit Canada as soon as you possibly can!
How Can Cats Be So Lovable Yet So Fierce?
Is there a link between the lovableness and predatory nature of cats? Watch this video and find out!
Take a Trip in a Flight Simulator Worth $13 Million
What's it like to be trained inside an expensive flight simulator? Watch this video and find out!
Discover How Your Eyes Make Sense of Your Surroundings
The human eye is one of our most complex and mysterious organs. Learn all about it here.
What is Universal Basic Income, Why is it Talked About?
If you've ever heard people discussing universal income, but weren't quite sure what they were talking about, then you've come to the right place.
Here's What Would Happen If We Tried To Land on Jupiter
What would happen if we actually tried to land a spacecraft on Jupiter? Watch this video and find out.
Kathmandu Looks Exceptionally Stunning in 4K
If you've never been to Kathmandu before, then this is the perfect place to start!
Enter Egypt By Night in A Stunning Time Lapse Video...
There really is nowhere quite like Egypt, as this fascinating timelapse video is sure to prove!
Taking a Tour of the Moon Isn't Just For Astronauts...
Have you ever wondered about what it would be like to take a tour of the moon? Wonder no more, because you can now do it from your home.
Would You Live On the Moon? Discover the Possibilities...
Did you know that the human race actually has the cash and resources available to start building a base on the moon today? Find out more here.
Swim With Some Deadly Mako Sharks in This 360° Video
The fastest shark in the world is known as the mako shark, and you can replicate the experience of swimming with them through this awesome VR video.
Prepare to Experience the Sheer Beauty of Peru
Watch this video and witness the splendor of Machu Picchu, travel to the heart of Lima, and even go on an adventure deep into the Sacred Valley.
Stress Could Be Destroying Your Memory! Here's How...
Learn all about the uncanny link between stress and memory through this colorful and easy-to-understand video.
Are Smartphones Making Us Stupid? This Will Surprise You!
If you use a smartphone you need to see this!
This Video Proves That a Dog REALLY Is Man's Best Friend!
A highly trained medical dog will instantly react to changes in its owner's behavior. Here's how they are trained at home.
Full Documentary: Exploring The Lost City of Petra
Petra is famous for its intricate rock-cut architecture, as well as for its fascinating water conduit system. Learn about this historical city in this video.
Discover How Anesthesia Affects Your Body and Mind
If you were ever curious about how exactly anesthesia works, then this video has all the answers!
Avoid These Things If You Want to Save Your Brain Cells
If you want to maintain as much of your mental health and brain functioning as possible throughout your life, then you need to watch this video.
Discover the Most Beautiful Region in All of Vietnam
One of the most stunning natural wonders that can be found in Vietnam is Ha Long Bay. Check it out here in crisp 4K.
Get Ready to Discover the Tiny Nation of Brunei
Get ready to fall in love with one of the world's tiniest and most unique nations - Brunei!
Llamas Can Be Both Mean and Hilarious!
Llamas are some of the most hilarious animals on our planet. Watch this compilation video to find out why!
WATCH: This is What Occurs In Our Brain When We're In Love
We all love being in love, and actually crave it and need it, but what actually happens to our brains when we're in love? Watch this TED Talk to find out.
The Top 10 Animal World Record Holders Are Totally Awesome
From a bird doing slam dunks to a dog freely skateboarding through a human tunnel, here are the top ten animal Guinness World Record holders!
The Laws of Physics Don't Apply for These Inventions...
Here are ten different inventions that seem to show utter disregard for the laws of physics! Take a look yourself, and see what you think...
This Bird of Prey Is the Undisputed King of the Skies
The Peregrine falcon is far from the average avian predator as this awesome video proves!
Learn to Tell the Difference Between Cheap & Pricey Meat
Let this meat expert walk you through different ways of distinguishing cheap types of meat from expensive ones.
Take a Tour of Papua New Guinea, the Paradise of the East
If you've never been interested in visiting Papua New Guinea before, then this video is bound to change your mind!
Want to Travel Quickly Through Space? Try Using a Wormhole
If you want to know what a wormhole is and how it is supposed to work, then you've come to the right place!
Australia Looks Even More Impressive When Seen From Above!
This video showcases Australia's Gold Coast, perfectly accentuating the contrast between the majestic architecture and the coast's gentle natural beauty.
Here's What Your BMI Does NOT Mean...
Many people use BMI (Body Mass Index) as a way of working out their level of physical fitness, however the results are typically far from accurate...
It's Time to Explore the North of Spain! Will You Join Us?
Prepare to witness a number of picturesque spots from the north of Spain, including Asturias, Galicia, Cantabria, and Castile y León.
Whoa! This Chinese Garden Puts All Others to Shame...
Get ready to explore one of the most beautiful gardens in the world in this fantastic video!
View the World Through the Eye of a Moving Bullet
Watch in awe as you discover regular objects through the eye of a moving bullet, using an incredible new type of lens.
Wow! Morocco Really is the Gem of North Africa!
After Watching This Video, You'll Want to Visit Dublin!
In 2015, Dublin, the capital city of Ireland, was named the 34th best city in the world, and after you have watched this video in 4k you will understand why.
When Pets Get Impatient, The Results Are Hilarious!
Get ready to laugh your head off in this compilation video of pets getting seriously impatient!
This Lesser-Known Island Is an Absolute Tropical Paradise!
Enjoy the best sights that Réunion Island has to offer you in this crisp 4K video.
This Video Proves That Pigs Are Both Cute and Hilarious!
These pigs have the ability to melt your heart, but they often end up making you scream with laughter in the process!
After Watching This, You'll Respect Beavers Even More!
This video will show you why Earth’s second largest rodent is more amazing than you thought, and why they’re the smartest thing in fur pants.
Say Hello to the Tiniest Bird You'll Ever See!
How small is the tiniest bird ever recorded? Watch this video and find out!
What Causes Constipation? Find Out Here...
What's behind constipation? This informative TED-Ed video sheds some light on the matter!
Why the Color Blue is So Rare in Nature
In the animal kingdom, there are only a handful of Earth’s creatures that sport blue in their coloration. Why is this so? All is revealed here!
Take a Stunning 4K Aerial Tour of Ancient Transylvania
Take an aerial tour of Transylvania, one of Eastern Europe's most captivating regions. You won't regret it!
When It Comes to Nature, Korea is Out of This World!
Tensions between the North and South might be what defines it to outsiders, but beyond the battles scars there’s a much more beautiful side to Korea.
Allow These Silly Animals to Brighten up Your Day!
Seeing animals doing silly things never fails to make us laugh. Luckily for you, we have found another silly animal compilation that'll make you laugh out loud!
Take a Tour of Zagreb, Europe's Most Beautiful Capital!
Zagreb is one of Europe's most beautiful capital cities, and you'll see why when you have taken this stunning 4K tour.
Sci-Fi Now: Google Assistant Makes a Reservation by Phone!
If you absolutely hate having to ring up call centers, restaurants and clinics to make appointments, then you need to check out Google Duplex!
See Arizona, the Grand Canyon State, in Stunning 5K
Take a look at this video to see the spectacular state of Arizona in crisp 5K quality. We guarantee that it will take your breath away!
Homeopathy: Real Medicine or Hoax? An Explanation.
Find out exactly what homeopathy is and how it works with this fascinating video.
Watch Your Favorite Animal Videos in One Funny Compilation
From a horse doing yoga, to a dog singing, watch these hilarious pet videos.
Experience the Ancient Architecture of India in Crisp 4K
Get ready to visit one of the most interesting places in India - Rajasthan!
Here's Why Healthy Food Is So Expensive in the USA
Ever wondered why eating healthily is just so darn expensive? This video has all the answers!
Meghalaya's Natural Beauty Will Blow You Away!
This video will give you a little taste of the impressive sights that are waiting for you in Meghalaya. Enjoy!