Want Windows on Your Mac? It's Now Free!
Need to install Windows 10 on your Mac? It’s quite easy, actually.
Computer Guide: How to Format Your Computer - PC & Mac
how do we create a new computer from the old, formatting it and making it work like new? This guide will show you!
How Long Does a MacBook Last?
Has your MacBook been troubling you of late? Perhaps it’s time to replace it.
Filter Harmful Light From Your Screen With These Settings
Here's how you can protect your eyes from computer screens using blue light filters.
These Settings Will Keep Your Eyes Safe While on the PC
Here's How to Free Up Disk Space On Your Computer Or Mac
Keeping your computer or Mac with enough disk space for your to use is vital. Here are 5 PC and 5 Mac methods of freeing up disk space.
Apple or Windows: Does It Really Make a Difference?
I can't fully understand the differences between Apple and Windows, so I really appreciate this handy breakdown guide. Now I know what I want to buy!
6 Unnecessary Windows Programs You Should Uninstall
Your Windows PC could be filled with unwanted and outdated apps and programs... Delete them today.
Windows 11 vs. Windows 10: Everything That’s Changed
Windows 11, the newest version of Microsoft's desktop OS, raised much curiosity. How does it compare to its Windows 10?
These New Windows 11 Features Are Great Additions
Microsoft’s Windows 11 is all set to release in a few weeks. Here’s all you need to know about its new features.
How to Make Your Windows Desktop Look Better – Easy Tricks
These easy tips and tricks will help you organize your messy Windows desktop.
Discover a Feature of Windows That's Super Helpful
Learn how to use some advanced new features of Windows 10 that you probably weren't aware of.
5 Best Free Software to Secure All Your Passwords
Use one of these top free password managers to keep all your online passwords safe and secure.
Want Your PC to Run Longer? Then Avoid These Mistakes
Avoiding these silly mistakes will help you prevent damage to your computer and also extend its life.
These Are the First Things You MUST Do With Your New PC
Bought a new computer? Follow the tips mentioned in this video to ensure it lasts long
Make Your PC Last Long By Avoiding These Common Mistakes
Take note of these tips that will help you prevent damaging your computer's system.
7 Tips to Follow When a Computer Hangs or Freezes
Take note of these steps that will help you unfreeze a computer that freezes or hangs regularly.
What To Do When Windows Will NOT Boot
There's nothing more frustrating than your computer refusing to boot. Here is what you can do to fix it when the system won't even initialize.
Read Our Beginner's Guide to Microsoft Word Here
Get the most out of the most widely-used word-processing application in the world, with our simple beginner's guide to Microsoft Word.
12 Time-Saving Windows Tools You Didn’t Know About
Make your Windows experience smoother and more efficient with these hacks.
Tech Tips: What to Do If Your Computer Mouse Isn't Working
Mouse stopped working suddenly? Try these tips and tricks.
Make the Most of Your Music Streaming Services
In this post, we'll be focusing on two music streaming services: Apple Music and Spotify.
Here’s a Useful Guide to Maximize OneDrive's Benefits
Microsoft OneDrive offers a plethora of great features. But are you using the platform the best way possible?
25 Must-Know Tips to Make Your macOS Experience Better
Here are some useful and little-known tips that will make it easier to use your Mac.
Computer Tips: 24 Simple Ways to Speed Up a Slow Laptop
Follow these handy tips and tricks to boost your laptop's speed easily.
5 Useful Tips to Optimize Windows 10’s Microsoft Defender
Windows 10 users should take note of these helpful tips to unlock some of the little-known features of Microsoft Defender.
All You Need to Know About Your Computer
It's that age of computers, and we should all educate ourselves so we all save ourselves time and anxiety when using a computer, a tablet or a phone. This collection of posts will give you insight into many computer-related issues.
They Say the Best Apps In Life Are Free: Best Apps of 2018!
There are many great apps, but the greatest of all are actually FREE! Here are 10 great free apps for smartphones.
Former NSA Hacker Reveals How to Keep Yourself Safe Online
If you want to keep yourself safe online, then make sure that you heed these tips from a former hacker.
These Overlooked Apps Really Deserve Your Attention!
It's a shame that certain apps get overlooked, because most of them are available for free. Check out 5 Android + 5 iOS apps you should take notice of.
Read Our Comprehensive Guide to Using Google Translate
Of the many Google tricks out there, Google translate is by far one of the most useful. Read this free guide to learn exactly how to make use of it.
Make Your Life So Much Easier with These Awesome Websites!
Discover 12 of the handiest websites around, that you'll find yourself coming back to again and again.
If Your Windows PC Is Slowing Down, You Should Read This
NO - a slowing Windows PC isn't a fact of life. You simply need to know a few tips and tricks that you can apply to yours in order to speed it up! Read on...
16 Things You Didn't Know Google Can Do For You
We bet you didn't know about this brilliant Google tricks which will make your searches quicker and more accurate!
FYI: 7 Simple Ways to Avoid Hacking and Identity Theft
The internet is an amazing tool and a fun opportunity to add to your knowledge, it's important to remember to have fun while keeping yourself secure and safe from identity theft. These are the basic habits you need to have to keep your online identit
This Free Program Means You'll Never Lose a File Again
We all hate losing files and photos on our computers. Luckily, a free program called Recuva exists to help you get your deleted files back.
Malware Is Harmful to Your Computer. Here's How to Stop It
Is your computer slow, getting weird messages or even threats? It's likely that you have malware. Don't fret, however - here's all you need to know about it.
The Best Media Player Alternatives for Your Computer
Looking for a solid alternative to VLC media player? Here are some replacements that might help.
4 Chrome Address Bar Icons and Their Hidden Meaning
Chrome address bar icons have plenty of hidden features that you may not be aware of. Let’s find out more about them.
The Best Music Streaming Services Out There
In this article, we'll skim through the best music streaming services, for those who'd like to skip Apple and Spotify.
How Fast Does Your Home Internet Need to Be?
Confused about what internet speed would be suitable for your home? Here's a quick guide that should help.
Use Telegram Messenger Effectively With These Handy Tips
New to the Telegram Messenger app? Take note of these handy tips and tricks to enhance your experience.
You May Harm Your PC if You Follow These Myths Blindly
You might be harming your computer by following some common myths. Lean more about their truth.
Find Siri Underwhelming? Here Are Some Great Alternatives
Take a look at some useful voice command apps for iPhone that might just be better than Siri for you.
5 Super Useful Tips & Tricks to Protect Your Online Data
Take note of these useful tips and tricks that will help you protect your online data better.
5 Ways to Get the Most Out Of Your Security Systems
Learn some useful tips in this article that will let you know if your security system is working efficiently or not.
3 Handy & Quick Gmail Inbox Tips You Should Use Right Away
The handy and quick tips in this article will help you manage and organize your Gmail inbox much better.
7 Practical Microsoft Apps You Must Install
Having these 7 handy apps on your phone will allow you to easily check tasks off your to do list on the go!
A Few Hacks Any Zoom User Needs to Know
For better and for worse - Zoom is a part of our daily lives. Check out these 9 hacks that will make navigating the app easier.
3 Leisure Apps You Should Know About
With the constant stream of apps being released, it’s hard to keep track of it all. This short list contains three apps you may have missed and are worth checking out.
WARNING! Facebook Is Selling Your Privacy Away...
Facebook has been supplying your own private data to companies for many years, and here are 5 of its worst abuses to date.
These Gmail Shortcuts Will Save You Time & Frustration
If you use Gmail, but you don't know how to use a single keyboard shortcut, then you well and truly are missing out. Here are the most useful ones...
10 of the Best Home Security Apps for Android and IOS
Home security apps are very important when it comes down to home monitoring. Here are the best ones available for Android and IOS.
7 Terrific Apps That Help You DIY Anything at Home!
You may have had a particular project in mind for months, possibly years, and these 7 great apps will help you achieve your goals.
Have You Been Blocked on Facebook? Find Out Here...
If you're wondering whether or not someone has blocked you on Facebook, then read this article to find out if this is really the case.
What Can You Do With Gmail? Find Out Here!
If you want to set up a Gmail account but don't know how to or even if you have one, then you've come to the right place!
Guide: How to Protect Your Eyes When On the Computer
Eye strain can be a serious problem if you work at a computer for long hours each day. Luckily, there are various things you can do in order to prevent it.
PHONE GUIDE: How to Make Your Phone Use Less Data!
It's never a nice thing when your mobile data runs out before the end of the month, but there are many things you can do to make it last. Check out this guide.
How to Turn Your Phone Into a Wifi Hotspot!
If you've ever dreamt of sharing your smartphone's cellular connection with other Wi-Fi-only devices, such as a tablet or a laptop, then you're in luck!
Get the Most Out of Facebook with These Useful Tips
Want to get more out of your Facebook account? Then check out these brilliant Facebook tips, tricks and facts!
Can't Get Yourself to Meditate? These Apps Will Help
Can't get yourself to meditate? These apps will guide you.
Haven't Upgraded to Windows 10 Yet? Here's Why You Should
There's still much confusion about Windows 10, even some two years after it was released. Here's all you need to know about Microsoft's operating system.
Become a Windows Computer Wiz by Using These 11 Tricks
These simple tips and tricks for using a Windows PC will help you use your computer and turn you into a Windows PC master!
Learn the Basics of Using a Computer With These Guides!
Windows computers are the most commonly used throughout the world. Fear is the primary obstacle in seniors towards using them. Here are 7 basic video tutorials.
Make Everyday Computer Use Easier with These 7 Tools
Windows have many built-in tools that make everyday tasks a lot easier. However, they are difficult to find and use. This guide reveals 7 of them.
These Apps Are All You Need on Your Next Vacation
Having these handy apps on your phone will see you taking your next trip abroad to the next level. Learn about these 6 essential travel apps.
Windows Paint Can Do a Lot More Than You Think! Here's How
Although Windows Paint seems like it isn't capable of very much on first glance, there are actually many things that it's capable of. Take a look at this guide.
What Do Those 12 Mysterious 'F' Keys on Your Keyboard Mean?
Find out what those 12 curious F keys on your keyboard mean.
These Computer Tips Will Help You Daily!
So you thought computers complicated life? Just wait until you learn these practical tips!
Our Guide to Making Free Video and Audio Calls Online
This guide will allow you to reach anyone online and for free for real calls without any previous knowledge!
Guide: How to Choose the Right Tablet for Your Needs
A simple, yet comprehensive guide to buying a new tablet.
Forget Chrome—Zen Browser Is the Upgrade You Need
If you’re tired of slow load times, constant battery drain, or a cluttered interface, Zen might be the browser you’ve been waiting for.
Make Your Windows PC Smarter: 8 Handy Free Tools
Here are eight free tools that can help you automate tasks in your Windows PC and boost your efficiency.
PowerToys: The Best Free Microsoft App for Windows Users
In this article, we'll introduce you to this toolbox and show you which 23 useful tools are waiting for you there.
How to Download Free Windows Software Securely – 7 Tools
Here’s how you can download free Windows software safely and securely.
The Best Mac Keyboard Shortcuts You Haven't Been Using
Every Mac user should know about these useful keyboard shortcuts.
10 Free Useful Portable Applications You Should Know!
Have you used portable apps? They can be so handy!
Is This Monitor Best for You? A Screen Buying Guide
Looking to buy a new computer monitor? This buying guide will help make that decision easier.
Computer Guide: How to Keep Your Computer Up-to-Date!
Follow this simple guide to update drives and resolve common issues on your Windows computer.
With These Apps, You Get Unlimited Calls With Wi-Fi
Check out these great apps that will help you make free calls with Wi-Fi.
Discover the Effects of Drinking Dirty, Contaminated Water
How safe is it to drink contaminated water? Find out here.
Muscle Degeneration Starts with these 8 Early Symptoms!
Are you familiar with muscular dystrophy? Spot the early signs of this disease by being aware of these tips.
Bet You Never Knew How Beneficial These Foods Are
Include these 12 foods in your diet to reduce the effects of arthritis - they have been shown to fight inflammation, strengthen bones and boost the immune system.
How Tennis Balls Are Effective at Relieving Body Pain
You can use Tennis Balls to ease your aches and pains. Here's how!
These Remedies That Get Rid of Facial Hair Actually Work!
Got excess facial hair? Here are 7 natural remedies to remove it.
Un-Hunch Your Shoulders Easily With These 7 Exercises!
Got hunched shoulders? This guide will help you improve your posture.
Prevent a Heart Attack From Occurring with These Tips
What should you do when recovering from a heart attack? Find out here.
Minute Clinic: Healthy Habits That Take Under 60 Seconds
These healthy habits all take less than a minute to perform, yet have significant benefits for your well being.
The Debate About Dark Mode on Our Screens
Learn about the debate for and against dark mode and the toll it has on your eyes.
Here's How to Make Pretty Opaque Window Frosting!
If curtains aren't really your thing, then why not give opaque window frosting a chance? Here's how to make your own at home.
5 Tips That Make For an Easier iPhone Experience
Learn 5 little tips that will help you make the best out of your iPhone
8 Benefits of Quitting Social Media (Even for a Week)
Learn about 8 benefits you can enjoy when quitting social media, even for a short period.
Suffer From Knee Pain? Here Are 6 Moves You Can Do
Banish knee pain today with these 6 exercises.
Newest and Best Features in Apple's iOS 15
All the newest and most relevant updates on Apple's iOS operating system.
Take a Daily Nap and Reap These Healthy Benefits...
Had a rough night? Here are 16 reasons to take a nap.
If Your Knee Bothers You, Do This
31 Nifty Tips to Make Your Phone Work Longer and Faster
Let's learn some handy tips that will make your smartphone last longer.
Check Your Health in 1 Minute with This Easy Tip!
Whether you fear going to the doctor, or fear you have a serious health issue, this easy, little trick will help you notice if you have a serious health issue.
Stop WhatsApp from Eating Up Your Phone's Memory
Is WhatsApp eating up your phone's storage space? Here are some easy tips to fix the issue.
Easy Tips for Connecting Your Laptop to an External Screen
Watch this helpful tutorial to learn how to connect your laptop to a monitor.