How to Choose a Moisturizer That Will Actually Work
Choosing the right moisturizer can be tricky. To make things easier, we listed the most important ingredients to look for in an effective moisturizer.
10 Tips to Avoid Dry Skin This Winter!
Avoid dry, cracking skin this winter with these 10 great tips!
Wearing Sunscreen? Pay Attention to These 7 Critical Areas
The next time you are heading out into the sun, make sure you cover these vital spots of the body with sunscreen.
These 10 Facts Will Help You Choose the Best Sunscreen
There are so many factors to consider when buying sunscreen. Find out what to look for to safeguard your skin.
8 Great Ways to Use Cucumber to Nurture Your Skin and Hair
Cucumbers have many health benefits, but who would've believed that it could also do good for our skin and hair?
Got Stretch Marks? Here's What You Can Do About Them
Got stretch marks but not sure what to do about them? Check out this guide.
7 Neat Tips to Make Your Fragrance Last Longer
We all want to smell as good as we can for as long as possible. If you take note of these 7 neat tips, you'll smell divine all day, every day.
Experience the Beauty Benefits of Palo Santo Oil: DIY Tips
Find out the amazing beauty benefits of Palo Santo essential oil for your skin and hair.
Get Rid of Annoying Sunscreen Stains Fast
We show you how to remove pesky sunscreen stains from clothes and furniture in this brief but very informative guide.
Common Skincare Mistakes That Accentuate Your Skin Concern
Are you investing a lot of time and money into your skincare, but still can’t see any results? You may be making one of these 7 mistakes...
Why Does Some Jewelry Leave Green Stains on the Skin?
Does your jewelry leave green stains on the skin? Here's why they occur and how to avoid them.
Got Mosquito Bites? Here's How to Get Rid of Them ASAP
If you can't stop itching that mosquito bite, here's what to do about it.
10 Popular Beauty Products That Are a Waste of Money
Some beauty and self-care products are just a waste of your money, and all 10 of these popular items are better off in the trash...
Learn 6 Tips for Making the Most Out of Your Perfume!
Do you rub your perfume in? Spray it on clothes? These are just some of the mistakes you make when using perfume...
For a Fantastic Summer Body Follow These 7 Tips
It won't take you long to get your summer body with these 7 tips!
These Stories Will Make You Sad, Smile or Eager to Do Good
These stories will either make you feel sad, happy, or will inspire you to do good.
These Drinks Are Just What Your Skin Needs to Look Younger
The trick to healthy skin has been right under your noses. From coffee to cucumber water, these beverages keep skin glowing and strong.
What is the Right Skin Guide for YOUR Skin Tone?
Before choosing your skincare regimen and products it is important to be aware of your skin type! Using products that aren’t correct for it will only do more harm than good. Find out which skin type you have and how to treat it!
Try this Ancient Indian Method for Removing Body Hair
An ancient and natural method that both men and women have been using for centuries to get rid of unnecessary hair from their bodies.
62 Great Uses For Things You Have at Home!
If you keep finding random objects around your house such as rubber bands and old clothespins, don't throw them away just yet!
Keep Getting Bitten by Bugs? Here's How to Soothe the Pain
If you keep getting bitten by insects, try these 8 things out to help deal with the itching, swelling and pain.
Got Tiny Red Spots on Your Arms? You Need to Read This...
Learn how to identify and treat Keratosis Pilaris, also known as chicken skin.
This Natural Drink Will Keep Your Skin Young & Healthy!
The health benefits of turmeric and cinnamon chai are undeniable. Learn how to make this delicious and healthy beverage at home.
Add Apple Cider Vinegar to a Bath and Reap These Benefits
While there are many reasons to include apple cider vinegar into your daily routine, here are six beneficial reasons to add it to your bath.
How High of an SPF Should Your Sunscreen Be?
How high should your sunscreen SPF be? This guide will tell you.
Don’t Mistake Plantain Leaves for Weeds. They’re Healing.
Plantain leaves aren’t weeds: They have healing powers. Learn how you can use this common garden plant to treat many everyday ailments and diseases.
8 Reasons Why You Should Always Have Shower Caps Handy!
Shower caps are a lot more useful than you could ever imagine. Take a look!
Got Noisy Shoes? This Guide Will Stop the Squeaking
Squeaking shoes can make a person feel self-conscious every time you take a step. Fix your noisy shoes with these 8 genius tips.
This Natural Drink Will Keep Your Skin Young & Healthy
Got Wrinkles? You May Be Guilty of These Bad Habits!
Wrinkles may be caused by daily habits and behaviors. Find out how!
This Is How to Make Your Eczema Settle Down Once & For All
The truth about eczema is that it can be helped greatly simply with a change of diet. Learn all about the functional medicine approach to eczema.
Hair Regeneration Could Be Possible With This New Process
Learn about an innovative new study which has revealed a novel treatment for effective hair regeneration.
There Are Certain Things That Make Flying Better...
Although traveling through airports and catching flights can be a nightmare, there are certain freebies you can enjoy to make it more enjoyable. Learn more.
20 Tips to Make Parenting that Much Easier!
Here are 20 tips I hope will make your day as a parent just a little bit easier...
10 Smart Ways to Treat Fungal Infections At Home
If you suffer from some of these symptoms, there are a number of home remedies that can easily treat fungal infections.
8 Silent Signs of Stress Everyone Should Know About!
If you have any of the following symptoms, then it might be because you are stressed out!
Suffering From Swollen hand? Find Out What's Wrong Here
Are you worried about your swollen hands? Here is everything you need to know and everything you can do to beat your affliction.
They Sound Crazy, But These 10 Unusual Cures Really Do Work
Sometimes you need to look further than the medicine cabinet to cure pains and aches. Discover which household items can help you feel healthy.
Banish Yeast & Bad Bacteria with These 7 Natural Solutions
Yeast and bad bacteria can be very harmful as well as embarrassing, so here are 7 wonderfully natural preventative remedies.
12 Foods that Will Fight to Keep You Young!
12 foods that will help you fight the symptoms of ageing.
10 Items You Shouldn't be Buying in Bulk
Who doesn’t love a sale or to save some money? Buying in bulk can save you lots of money but some items should not be bought this way.
The Do’s and Don’ts of Healing a Sunburn
Aftersun care mistakes can make the itching, redness, and peeling of sunburn worse & prolong your recovery. These tips will help you treat a sunburn correctly.
25 of the World's Best Beauty Remedies You've Been Seeking
Add these beauty remedies from around the world to your daily regimen.
10 Items in Your Kitchen That May Be Damaging Your Health
There are a number of items in the kitchen that we often take for granted. But, did you know that many of these items can pose a threat to our health?
Baba-Tips: How to Extend Your Perfume's Shelf Life
Can perfume go bad? How can you tell? How can you extend its shelf life? And what to do if it's already expired? Get your answers here.
What Causes Large Pores, And What Can You Do About It?
Do you have large pores? This guide will tell you what you need to do to diminish them.
This Soothing Eczema Cream Is Homemade, Natural & Amazing!
This natural herb infused home made skin cream will remedy your eczema better than anything you can buy from the store.
Going On Vacation This Holiday? A Few Things Worth Knowing...
With these great tips your next vacation will go much smoother than you ever thought possible. Some of these tips saved me a lot of misery during my travels, and I'm sure they will help you too.
Vintage Beauty and Self-Care Tips We Should All Be Using
Here we feature 14 really effective, but often forgotten vintage beauty. Best of all, nearly all of these tips use items you have at home
10 Items You Should NEVER Buy Used
As much as we'd like to be sustabanle, there are some items you should always buy fresh and new for your safety and health
This Is All You'll Ever Need to Know About Ringworm
If you think you or someone you know might have ringworm, this comprehensive guide is worth reading!
10 Tips to Prepare Your Home for the Summer Months
With summer finally here it’s time to pay attention to your home. Here are 10 tips for cleaning and repairing your house during the warmer time of the year.
7 Useful Tips for Preventing TICKS in Your Yard and Garden
Keeping ticks away from your yard and garden is easier than you think. Just follow these 7 useful tips, and you're golden!
Swollen Feet and Legs May Indicate a Serious Problem
Discover all you need to know about swollen legs and feet, including what natural remedies can be used to treat the issue.
6 Simple Steps to Detoxification Turned My Health Around
What are the effects of toxins on our health, and how can we do anything about it? Read on for the answers.
How to Cure Skin Fungus From the Comfort of Your Own Home
Learn to treat your skin fungus with natural home remedies.
The Causes of Swollen Hands and Ways to Treat Them
9 Foods That Will Protect Your Skin From the Sun
These 9 foods each contributes something to the fight between your skin and the harmful UV rays of the sun.
Hydrators vs. Moisturizers: Who Should Use What?
This article would like to provide clarity on the various types of moisturizers and help you understand what your skin truly requires.
Bananas Are Incredible. Here Are 14 Reasons Why!
We all know that bananas are full of potassium and vitamins, but did you know that this fruit can be used to treat our most common health problems?
Relieve Itching With These 7 Useful Natural Tips
Here's a look at a few great home remedies that can work wonders to calm itchy skin.
7 Cold Weather Myths You Shouldn’t Blindly Trust
The winter season has long had some commonly held misconceptions. Here is a look at some some cold season myths you should steer away from.
10 Smart Ways to Treat Your Dry Skin!
Suffer from dry skin? You can find these next natural dry skin treating ingredients right in your home...
Keloids, Atrophic Scars and Stretch Marks - a Health Guide
Learn about different kinds of scars and the treatment options for each.
7 Health Benefits of a Reflexology Foot Massage
Reflexology has been practiced for millennia, and was revered by ancient cultures for its healing abilities. Here are 7 health benefits of a foot massage.
The Most Effective Home Remedies For Poison Ivy
Got a poison ivy rash? Banana peels, baking soda, aloe, and other home remedies listed here can alleviate uncomfortable symptoms and speed up the healing process.
Essential Skincare Tips For When You’re in Self-Isolation
Your skin barrier may be fragile, but it is the first line of defense against germs. Learn how to strengthen your skin's barrier function here
How to Remove Salt Stains From Fabrics, Shoes & Flooring
Salt stains are more common than you think. Learn to remove them effectively from your shoes, clothes, car interior, and floors in this useful guide.
8 Life-Threatening Illnesses That May Look Like Mild Ones...
There are many Illnesses that we are well aware of, but many times their symptoms are common to much more serious diseases that are important to know and test.
Do Essential Oils Benefit the Immune System?
There’s a lot of buzz about using essential oils to enhance immune health lately. Is it true?
8 Herbs That Will Help You Cool Down This Summer
Alongside other health benefits, these herbs have natural cooling properties. This makes them the perfect addition to your food and drinks this summer!
7 Signs of Toxin Overload in Your Body You've Ignored
This article looks at some of the common signs that can tell you if your body is suffering from a toxin overload.
10 Tell-Tale Signs That You Might Have an Allergy
Here are 10 tell-tale signs that you may have an allergy and should consult a specialist for testing.
A Guide to Remedying Numbness In Your Feet
If you get numb and tingly feet quite often, it could be nothing at all, or it could be indicative of something more serious. Read this guide to find out more.
Laundry Detergent Is SO Versatile: 8 Genius Home Uses
Laundry soap, both liquid and powder, has a great number of unexpected uses, from dissolving grease stains to cleaning upholstery & even getting rid of weeds!
8 Persistent Skincare Myths That Can Ruin Your Skin
This article is about harmful skincare myths that are way more common than they should be and how to replace them with a healthy skin habit
The Many Uses for the Many Kinds of Aloe!
Here are 8 out of 250 different species of Aloe that you can grow in your backyard and use to treat your wounds and even make soaps!
DIY Body Oils: Nourish Skin with These 6 EASY Recipes
Nourish your skin with these amazing homemade body oils.
12 Beauty Tips That all Women Should Know!
Every woman loves beauty tips and here are 12 fascinating ones for you to enjoy.
6 Harmful Toxins You Didn’t Know You Encounter Daily
These toxic chemicals can be found in everyday products and can be extremely dangerous to us.
10 Things You Should Always Have in Your Medicine Cabinet
Here are 10 medical supplies doctors recommend keeping at home.
6 Natural Psoriasis Treatments to Relieve Redness and Itch
This article focuses on tips and natural treatments effective at alleviating symptoms of psoriatic skin lesions.
9 Proven Tips to Help You Lose Weight Without Loose Skin
Want to lose weight and avoid loose skin? Meet the 9 most effective ways to help you achieve your goal with long-lasting results.
This Great Advice Will Enable You to Improve Your 5 Senses
Fine tuning your 5 senses will improve your quality of life. Here's how you can improve each one.
Black Cumin Oil - 5 Remarkable Health Benefits and Uses
This guide explores 5 proven health benefits of black seed oil and explains how to use it at home.
Have You Heard of Dermarolling Before? Find Out More Here
Dermarolling is a cosmetic procedure that involves putting tiny little pricks in the skin in order to allow the penetration of cosmetic products. Take a look.
Banish All Signs of Aging from Your Skin Using These Oils
Using one of a few of these 6 facial oils will help aging skins retain and recover from such common concerns, as age spots and wrinkles
How to Make a Very Useful All-Natural First-Aid Kit
Natural remedies work just as well on common ailments as chemically based medicines do. Therefore, you should have a natural first-aid kit handy.
9 Ways You Can Treat Fungal Infections at Home
10 Hoax Cures of the Coronavirus You Must Ignore
Here, we have listed some of the most recent hoax cures of the novel coronavirus that should be completely avoided.
The 30-Second Ear Trick That Calms Your Nervous System
This quick ear exercise stimulates the vagus nerve, which plays a key role in relaxation and healing.
ChatGPT: 30 Tips to Using and Working with the AI
In this video, we’re breaking down 30 practical tips to help you use ChatGPT more effectively
Guide: How to Become a More Consistent Person
Follow the 3 steps below that will improve your life on several levels and help you persist all the way to success.
Hilarious Car Signs That Prove Drivers Have Humor
These are some of the funniest bumper stickers ever spotted on the road.
2025 Nature Photography Awards: 17 Stunning Winners
The 2025 World Nature Photography Awards winners will leave you speechless.
The Best Movies That Lost Best Picture at the Oscars
Here’s a look at some of the most memorable films that missed out on Best Picture at the Oscars.
8 Mistakes Most of Us Make When Brushing Our Hair
It turns out there are all sorts of small mistakes we make while brushing our hair that can significantly damage it.
The Sweet Trap: Sugar’s Role in Modern Health Crises
Sugar is one of the most harmful substances that can harm people - here's a film that highlights how harmful it is to the body.
Callanetics: Lose Weight Effectively Without Dieting
Looking for a Unique & Easy Workout for Weight Loss? Try Callanetics with 6 Toning Exercises Looking for a Unique & Easy Workout for Weight Loss? Try Callanetics with 6 Toning Exercises Looking for a Unique & Easy Workou