A Story of a Little Girl and Her Guardian Angels...
This short story will remind you that there is always someone to watch over you in this life...
Joke: Two Thieves and the Lord
There once were two very successful thieves...
Lord of the Dance Performance With Michael Flatley!
This step dance performance by Michael Flatley and Lord of the Dance is beyond beautiful!
Hilarious Joke: The Lord and His Faithful Butler
An irate lord calls his faithful butler to find out what on earth his wife is up to. The way events unfold next might not be what you expect...
15 Beautiful Quotes by Alfred Lord Tennyson, Discussed
In this article, we delve into 15 of Tennyson’s most beautiful and insightful quotes and discuss their meaning.
Hilarious: Please Lord, Make Me Comfortable Here in Heaven
When a cat dies and goes to Heaven, it makes a special request to God for the hard life it had to endure on Earth. God is only too happy to oblige...
Today I Want to Say Some Thanks to the Lord...
Today, I want to take a moment to say 'Thanks Be to God'. I hope that you enjoy this presentation.
'O Lord God, I Ask You for Your Help': 10 Helpful Prayers
Life is truly a wonderful gift, but oftentimes I feel the need for guidance and assistance from the almighty. Here are 10 prayers which I like to offer.
Hilarious: Praying for 100 Dollars
This little boy prays for $100, but he doesn't get a reply. Therefore, he decides to write a letter to the Lord himself...
There is No Greater Blessing than Your Family
Beautiful Words: Having a family to care for is a blessing.
This Astonishing Acrobatic Display Left My Mouth Agape
The amazing promotional video for the "Lords of Gravity"
This Joke Begins With 2 Religious Thieves...
This joke begins with 2 religious thieves...
Hilarious: Theological Rumblings Cause Inclement Weather
Three clergymen are having a theological debate with a female minister in their church. When they don't drop their argument, divine intervention occurs...
Spectacular Art Will Take You to the East During the 1800s
From his travels, American artist Edwin Lord Weeks created some spectacular art. Take a look at his work.
These Two Violinists Will Take You to Musical Heaven!
We discovered an amazing violin performance from the famous dance show "Lord of the Dance" by Michael Flatley.
We Will Never Get a Singer Like Billy Preston Again!
Watch this lively performance by late musician Billy Preston where he sings "My Sweet Lord."
These Gorgeous Churches Are a Sight For Any Eye...
Look at amazing churches from around the world photographed by the French photographer Thibaud Poirier.
This Joke Begins With a Cemetery and An Acorn Tree...
This joke starts with a cemetery and an acorn tree...
Animals Celebrate Halloween - Adorable!
It seems animals have had it with humans lording their holidays over them, and decided that this year they were going to take part in the Halloween fun! So now that the holidays are over, we are flooded with photos of animals participating in the joy
Who Knew? Ancient Art Hidden in Old Books!
Centuries old art hidden in books, and can only be found by those who know the secret...
Joke: Adam's First Eve
When God spoke to Adam he said...
Joke: Noah, We Have a Problem...
Some years ago, the Lord came unto Noah...
Hilarious Joke: A Chat Between God and Adam
This Wonderful Chorus Group Will Fly You to Musical Heaven
This amazing gospel chorus will bring heaven down to you!
The Festival of Speed Is Automotive Heaven on Earth
If you're into cars, the Goodwood Festival of Speed should most definitely be on your bucket list. It is an automotive heaven on earth.
Some Bible in Your Brain? Then You'll Ace This Quiz!
The old testament is proabably the most important collection of texts in recorded history. But how well do you know it?
The Agile Riverdance of Michael Flately!
When it comes to huge performances of riverdance, no one can hold a candle to Michael Flately!
Forever Gone: 10 of the Most Beautiful Extinct Birds
Learn about some of the lesser-known yet unique and beautiful bird species that are now extinct.
When It Comes to Riverdancing, Michael Flatly is Tops!
Joke: Little Johnny and the Sunday School Teacher
A Sunday School teacher decided to quiz her students about what they learned that year.
When an Ancient Egyptian Tomb Was Opened, This Was Inside
Finding Tutankhamun's tomb was one of the most significant archaeological discoveries in history. These recolored photos capture those incredible days.
May You Find Inspiration in The Beautiful Words of Keats
Let the wise and beautiful words of John Keats inspire you.
Hilarious Joke: A Future in Politics
A country preacher had a teenage son, and it was about time the boy should give some thought to choosing a profession...
Yasuke: The Story of the African Samurai
The incredible historical story of an African man who went to Japan on a Portuguese ship and never came back, remaining as a powerful Samurai named Yasuke.
This Unique Dune House is Like a Hobbit Home, But Better
This astonishing and unique Florida home built into a sand dune facing the beach is sure to impress you!
History Lesson: The King Who Spread the Message of Peace
Know the story of the great ancient Indian King, Ashoka.
Simple Yet Stunning: Documenting Life in Peru
In a recent photography series by Associated Press photojournalist Rodrigo Abd, the beautiful reality of life in Peru was documented for our appreciation.
One Thing I Want To Remember: It's in the Valleys I Grow...
Here's a beautiful and powerful prayer you will need to get through your downfalls..
Joke: St. Peter and the Politicians
St. Peter was standing at the pearly gates of Heaven
Joke: The Colonel and the Pope
Desperate after three bad months of sales at Kentucky Fried Chicken, the famous Colonel called up the Pope and asks him for a favor.
Hilarious! Give Us This Day, Our Daily Chicken!
When the Pope and the Colonel get together...
A Few Handy Tips to Make Your Life Easier...
If we can make your life even a little bit easier with these handy tips, we're done our job.
Incredible India Captured in 15 Gorgeous Images
Explore India's diverse landscapes in these 15 gorgeous photos.
We Said Farewell to These Iconic Personalities in 2016...
This exquisite and sensitive video offers a reminder of the great souls who departed this life in 2016. RIP.
What a $130 Million Car Collection Looks Like...
This British man sold an incredible collection of cars worth over $130m...
Joke: The Preacher and the Jackass
A preacher went to his church office on Monday morning and discovered a dead mule (jackass to the knowing) in the churchyard.
How Far Back in Time Could You Go and Still Understand English?
Languages are born, change, and die. English, we presume, is no exception. So how far back in time could you go and still understand anything...?
Joke: The State of the Modern Church
What Churches might be soon this 2020 and beyond:
Joke: The Spirit of Christmas
This joke begins with 3 men dying and going before St. Peter, who has a task for them.
Joke: The Religious Tennis Match
A bishop and a bishop are having a tennis match....
Have You Heard This One? It's Gonna Cost You...
One day while walking through the Garden of Eden, Adam looked up to the Heavens and spoke to God.
Well, I Never Thought My Generosity Would Lead Me Here!
When word starts to spread about a generous Washington barber who gives out free haircuts to those who take care of the community, the inevitable happens...
Rare Behind-the-Scenes Shots of Your Favorite Movies!
Behind-the-Scenes Shots of Your Favorite movies
The Hotel That Offers Perfect Isolation!
Spitbank hotel is not your average building...
YAY, It's Another Cat Day!
More funny cats. What else can you ask for?
Hilarious: This Is How You Get Things Done With Officials
When this preacher comes across a jackass in his front yard, he immediately harbors suspicion about who he's related to...
Sorry Guys, This Joke is On You!
I'm sure guys won't mind a little fun at their expense...
Great Joke: The National Crisis Situation
This joke begins with a weary truck driver who just wants to get home...
These Beautiful Quotes Came from Some Amazing Movies
Some of our favorite movies contain the most surprising pearls of wisdom we're ever likely to hear. Here are 16 of the most inspiring.
Watch 20 of the Best Eurovision 2023 Performances!
Embark on this Eurovision journey and discover your new favorite songs and singers!
Watch Spring Blossom in These Lovely Moving Images
Take a look at these beautiful images, accompanied by one of my favorite poems: 'Spring' by Gerard Manley Hopkins
This Joke Starts With a Race of Christian Aliens...
A group of benevolent aliens lands on Earth, and all major world leaders, including the Pope, wish to speak with them. The conversation turns to Jesus...
The Secrets Behind Today's Special Effects...
Can you believe this movie set was made of sculptures?
The Fascinating Last Words of Famous Historical Figures
Some of the most important figures in world history, along with some of the most notorious, had some fascinating things to say just before they left this world.
Joke: What Would You Do In Your Last Weeks?
A Bible study group was discussing the unforeseen possibility of their sudden death...
19 Classical Art Memes Guaranteed to Leave You in Splits
People are turning classical art into hilarious memes, and we can’t stop laughing!
Oxford University Is a Place of Both Learning and Beauty...
A tour of the famous Oxford University, that has much to see in terms of beauty and architecture, as well as history.
50 Years This Man Built and Built.. And Here's the Result!
This cathedral is slowly being built by an amazing 90 year old man, using discarded waste. Read on to here this inspiring story, and see a glorious church.
Mont Saint Michel: A Fairytale Castle Mid-Sea...
No, these aren’t scenes from Lord of the Rings though this castle looks like it was taken straight out of a childhood fairy-tale or a fantasy novel! This is a rocky tidal island Mont Saint Michel located in France.
7 Accidental Finds That Made People Extremely Rich
The luck that you need in life can be waiting for you anywhere - these seven people prove that!
Funny Joke: The Parrot With the Ominous Warning
A parrot gives an ominous warning to a burglar that just entered his human's house. Despite the burglar's laughter, it's the parrot that has the last laugh.
A Beautiful Mess: Home Renovation Fails!
Let's see what we've got this time on funny home renovation fails.
It's a Cat's World - Just Ask These Hapless Dogs!
Although dogs have a significant weight and muscle advantage, these plucky cats are still ruling the show...
Natural Wonders: 15 Turquoise Lagoons to Thrill Your Eyes
When the weather is sticky and hot there is no better place than a lagoon. But what actually are they? Look at these beautiful lagoons and learn all about them!
7 Accidental Finds That Made People Extremely Rich!
These Work Safety Fails Will Make Your Hair Stand on End!
The work safety fails you’ll see in this article are not for the faint of heart. But don’t worry, no careless worker was harmed in the making of these photos!
These Pet Portraits Are the Windows to True Fairy Tales!
These people decided to pamper their pets with beautiful custom portraits from Crown & Paws that show them in their most regal personas
Joke: The Lady Stowaway
A young lady, jobless and spurned by her lover, heads to the Manhattan docks...
This Joke Starts With a Bible Study Group Discussing Death
A Bible study group is discussing the possibility of imminent death. Everyone gives predictable answers, except for one man in the group that is...
Joke: Which Way Would You Like to Die?
This joke starts with a Brit, a Frenchman and a New Yorker about to die.
The Most Unfortunate Unisex Fashion Choices of the 70s
Pictures of 70's couples' fashion
The Raw Power of Pure Destruction. Wow.
There is something mesmerizing about chaos, when everything loses control and natural order erupts.
17 Signs So Amusing, They’re Unforgettable
These signs had the best of intentions. But their message came across as embarrassingly hilarious.
The Intricate Details in These Dollhouses Are Fascinating
Who says dollhouses are just for kids? Marvel at 14 amazingly detailed and beautiful dollhouses!
The Artistic Cakes of Tuba Geckil Are Truly Mind-Blowing!
Tuba Geckil is a pastry chef from Turkey that makes super realistic cakes that look like everything but cakes on the outside!
This Joke Begins With 2 Drunks at an Irish Pub...
This joke begins with 2 drunks at an Irish pub carrying on a conversation...
Joke: The Priest, the Nun and the Blizzard
A priest and a nun are on a trip to a far away monastery when their car breaks down in the middle of nowhere as a blizzard rages above them.
Hilarious Joke! An Atheist Has an Unexpected Encounter
When an atheist meets a bear, this is what happens...
Animals That Were Thought to Be Extinct But Are Still Here
Nature lovers will be happy to know that not all extinct animals stayed that way, like these 10 species that were rediscovered!
A Find In Jerusalem Lends Credence to a Biblical Passage
A new discovery in the City of David in Jerusalem has given much-increased credence to a Biblical passage referring to the Siege of Jerusalem. Read on for more.
Joke: She's Got BIG NEWS to Share...
A woman asks her husband at breakfast time, "Would you like some bacon and eggs...
20 Unforgettable Last Words Spoken By Famous People
There’s something poignaant about reading famous last words.
20 Books You Should Read & Reread in Your Lifetime...
Here are the 20 novels you should not only read once, but again and again!
Would You Like to Buy the World`s Smallest Nation?
This is an incredible story about an incredible place, guaranteed to make you laugh at just how bizarre our world can be.
These Can't Be Real! 14 Stunning Celebrity Drawings
Artist Matheus Macedo creates incredibly realistic portraits of celebrities. Take a look at his best works.
Joke: Three Blondes in Heaven...
Three blondes are in front of the Heavenly Gate...
This Joke Starts With a Woman Speaking to a Congregation
A woman takes the mic during Mass and begins to tell the congregation of her husband's terrible ailment. Not surprisingly, the congregation is horrified...
These Houseboats Will Make You Feel Like You're in Heaven!
These houseboats that you can rent out from Airbnb will make you feel like the lord of the lake!
Some Places Look As If They've Come Out of a Storybook.
Is it a dream or is it for real? These places will make you wonder...
5 Quirky & Imaginative Homes Built On a Shoestring Budget
These homes are proof that something incredible can be created on a shoestring budget while being kind to the environment at the same time. Take a look.