Joke: The Curious Little Girl
When a little girls begins asking her Mom every question under the sun, Mom understandably begins to become annoyed at her. Then, a friend gives her advice...
Hilarious: Don't Mess With This Little Girl!
When people passed by, they saw a very strange sight
Joke: The Little Girl and the Pet Store Owner
A little girl walks into a pet shop and asks in the sweetest little lisp: "Excuthe me, mithter, do you keep wittle wabbits?"
Little Girl Story Time - Adorable and Hilarious!
Is it the charming French accent that makes this little girl's story so adorable, or is it the wild imagination she uses to create it? Either way, we fell in love with this girl and her amazing story right away! Little girl, you had us at 'hippopotam
A Little Girl With an Adorable Old Soul
A recent gag suggestion by host Jimmy Kimmel was for parents to tell their children that they ate all their candy on Halloween. Most kids cried, yelled, screamed or tried to kick the parent. And then there was this little girl, who somehow has such a
The Incredible Story of the Hug That Saved a Little Girl
This is the story of two young girls who changed our understanding of medicine as infants, with just a simple hug
Joke: The Firefighter, the Little Girl and Her Firetruck
This joke begins with a firefighter noticing a little girl with her own fire truck...
Amazing! This Little Girl Can Speak 7 Languages!
Watch Bella Devyatkina's incredible performance on 'The Incredible People' as she proves that she can speak 6 foreign languages!
Watch as This Little Girl Finds Out She's Being Adopted
Is there something sweeter than to make the life wish of a child come true? Here is a chance to see it for yourselves.
Hilarious Prank: A Little Girl Is Forced to Do the Splits
Check out Just For Laugh's latest hilarious prank in full here...
This Joke Starts with a Little Girl Being a Nosy Parker
This Amazing Little Girl Is Overcoming Her Disability
When this girl was born without arms she put her best foot forward and got on with enjoying her childhood. Now there is hardly anything she can't do!
Joke: Broker vs. Little Girl
A stockbroker walks past a kid selling lemonade...
A Story of a Little Girl and Her Guardian Angels...
This short story will remind you that there is always someone to watch over you in this life...
This Little Girl’s Best Friend is a 16-Foot Python!
Meet 7-year-old Emi, who is best friends with a 16-foot python...
Simon Challenged This Little Girl and She Blew Him Away!
This young British Indian girl surprised the BGT audience and judges with her politeness, poise and her wonderfully powerful voice.
This Little Girl Makes Music That Speaks to All Ages
When she plays the harp, it's like fairy tales coming to life, infusing the world with magic...
If You Love Music, You'll Love This Little Girl
An Incredible Piano Player at 6 Years Old!
I Can't Believe What This Little Girl Did. So Incredible.
What an incredible lesson to learn from a 3 year old, when we have lots of something - don't hold onto it, give it away to someone else who needs it more.
Heartwarming: This Little Girl Takes Great Care of Her Dad
Take a look at this heartwarming story of a six year old girl who cares for her paralyzed father.
A Little Girl, Yet She Plays Like an Angel...
Whether you close your eyes to enjoy the heavenly music or keep them open to enjoy the beauty of the dance - you're guaranteed a good time.
Joke: Girl Lessons
A little girl and boy are fighting about the differences between girls and boys, and which one is better.
Spooktober: The Haunted Girl Prank!
A very scary, yet harmless prank that plays upon our fears of little possessed children
The Dream Girl - Wonderful!
A wonderfully creative stop motion short, originally made as a commercial for Target Australia, has become quite a wonderful little piece, that easily delights all ages! We guess even commercialism can lead to art, sometimes.
The Telekinetic Girl - Wow!
What would YOU do if you saw this?
Hilarious Gag: Girl Teaches Rude Motorist a Lesson!
This little girl has a nasty surprise for this rude motorist in this funny prank.
Adorable: These Girls REALLY Want to Adopt a Puppy
These parents wanted to test their girls' commitment, so they tested them a bit...
The Girl From Ipanema - Beautiful!
Caetano Veloso and Roberto Carlos are both well known legends in the latin music world. This is a rare performance of a duet as they sing a beautiful version of 'The Girl From Ipanema'.
This Special Needs Girl Will Shock You With Her Singing
Kayleigh Rogers, who has moderate autism and ADHD, stunned the her school and the world with her stunning performance of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah."
Meet the Sweet Girl With a ‘Benjamin Button’ Condition
Meet Isla Kilpatrick-Screaton, the only girl in the world with 'Benjamin Button' disease.
The Voice Coming Out of This Girl Is Incredible!
When this 7 year old came to sing at a singing talent show in Norway, no one was prepared for the voice that would come out of her...
Give a Little Love to Get a Little Love - Wonderful!
The purpose of this terrific and touching video is to remind us, that when we do good deeds, as small as they may be, we aren't just doing it for the person. We aren't even doing it only for ourselves. We also do it so the world will become just a li
This Dog and Girl Have Formed an Amusing Collaboration
A girl in China has formed an amusing collaboration with her dog to watch TV peacefully.
The Remarkable Story of This Girl Will Inspire You!
How a brave and determined girl flies a plane without any arms.
This Girl's Ventriloquism Skills Are Out of This World!
12-year-old Darci Lynne went on this year's America Got Talent and wowed the judges with her ventriloquism act. Take a look here!
Hilarious! Meet the World's Strongest Teenage Girl
If you're looking for something to brighten up your day, then this brilliant prank from the Just For Laughs group is just what you need!
This Loving Father Turned His Girl Into a Disney Princess
Watch this talented 3-year-old girl and her father cover 'See the Light' from Disney's Tangled.
That Girl is a Real Doll - Great Practical Joke!
In this great prank, what seems like a doll's head turns out to be a real woman!
This Father's Letter to His Girl is So Heart Warming!
This is what every girl should know about her father, and I'm glad this one has it in writing!
Funny Joke: A Girl and Her Grandpa Go to the Store
A clerk tries it on with a pretty girl who's at the store he works at with her granddad. He asks for an odd form of paytment, but his plans are scuppered...
The Story of the Girl Scientists Think is Frozen in Time
Watch this girl's incredible life story, and that of her family here.
Funny Gag: Meet the Strongest Girl in the World!
Time for another side-splitting gag from ‘Just For Laughs’.
Let These Japanese Girls Amaze You With Their Dance
This Japanese girl dance troupe is going to amaze you with their beautifully coordinated and beautifully executed dance routine.
This Girl Only Needs a Simple Flute to Delight Your Ears
Listen to the dulcet tones of this young girl's flute.
Surprising: 9 Signs of ADHD That Appear Mainly In Girls
In the past, ADHD was seen as a problem for boys, but it turns out that girls have the same chance of developing it although its symptoms are different.
58 Years Apart: A Girl and a Woman Talk About Life
What happens to us after 58 years have passed since we were children?
She's the Cutest Little Performer I've Ever Seen!
Heavenly Joy is a young girl with a big personality and talent to match. Watch her wow the America's Got Talent judges and audience with her singing and dancing.
Amazing! Scientists Reverse Brain Damage in Drowned Girl!
Eden suffered devastating brain damage when she drowned in her family pool. However, scientists have now found a way to reverse it.
Joke: A Girl Named Love
A boy named Carol had a particularly rough childhood because of his uncommon name...
It's Hard to Believe the Voice of This 8-Year-Old Girl!
The amazing 8-year-old Angelina Jordan, performing the song "Shot Me Down".
Joke: The Teacher vs. Little Johnny
A teacher said to her class, "Right, i'm going to hold something under the desk and i want you to guess what it is...
A Guy Manages a Big Fail At a Girl's House (Funny Joke)
A young man is left to his own devices in the living room of a girl's house that he happens to be visiting. He soon lays his eyes on an ash-filled-vase...
This 17-Year-Old Girl May Be the First Human on Mars
At just 17 years of age, NASA is preparing this young girl to head to Mars.
Psychological Test: Which of These Four Babies Is a Girl?
Only about 60% of adults can guess a baby's gender, Do you think you can as well? Find out what your pick says about your personality!
Joke: Little Johnny's Dad
Little Johnny was in class and the teacher announced that they were going to try something different...
Joke: Little Johnny and the Hammer
Little Johnny comes downstairs crying to his mother...
Joke: Little Johnny and the History Exam
In class one day, Mr. Johnson pulled Johnny over to his desk after a test, and said, "Johnny I have a feeling that you have been cheating on your tests."
This Joke Starts With a Girl About to Jump Off a Bridge
A biker spots a damsel in distress - she's about to throw herself off a bridge. he soon talks here into giving him a kiss...
These Little Cuties Have Little Cuties of Their Own...
These animals bring out their toy counterparts to play!
This Girl Can Both Act and Sing Like an Angel!
An amazing performance from a child star of the stage!
This Girl Surprised All When She Was Asked About 7 Wonders
When a little girl is asked in her class about what she thinks the true 7 wonders of the world are, her answer surprises and inspires everyone...
This Girl Decided to Go Back to the Days of 1950...
This awesome YouTuber found a wonderful way to recreate the look of the 1950s. Check out the full video here.
This Girl Has No Trouble Reciting What Most Adults Can't
3-year-old Brielle's chemistry knowledge is utterly astonishing. There are many adults who struggle reciting the periodic table, let alone someone her age.
Joke: The Psychic and the Sales Girl
In a small town there lived a gypsy seer, who was known to read minds...
The 3 Teenage Girls Who Outsmarted the Germans in WWII
Truus and Freddie Oversteegen, and Hannie Schaft used their looks to lure and execute Nazi-supporters in the Netherlands during WWII. This is their story.
Classic Comedy: Laurel & Hardy Try to Impress Some Girls
In this hilarious classic sketch, Laurel and Hardy are sailors who are out looking for a good time, but as usual, things don't go exactly as planned.
Joke: Little Johnny Goes to the Principal's Office
Little Johnny and his classmates get asked what their mothers do for a living. He answers promptly, but his answer gets him swiftly sent to the principal...
Fun History: How Pink Became the ‘Official’ Girls’ Color
It seems like a natural law of the world at this point, but actually, pink wasn’t always associated with girls. This video explains how the phenomenon began.
Joke: Little Johnny Buys a Horse
Little Johnny attended a horse auction with his father.
Surprising Video: When a Little Coin Goes a Long Way...
This beautiful video shows how a little girl invested the best coin of her life.
It's the Little Things in Life...
What are the little things that life is all about?
When This Girl Plays the Piano, Everyone Stops to Listen!
This girl is just 6-years-old, but she can already play the piano as good as anyone in the world.
Joke: Little Johnny Counts to 10!
The teacher asks little Johnny if he knows his numbers...
This Extraordinary Girl Sings Her Audience to Sweet Tears
By singing this Broadway class 'Defying Gravity' so amazingly, 12-year-old Beau Dermott defies her age. She could be the next singing sensation.
WATCH: 65-Year-Old Man Marries 12-Year-Old Girl Experiment
A shocking social experiment conducted to bring awareness to child marriages around the world provoked quite a reaction from passers-by.
I Love Knowing These Little Facts...
Those little things that lead to big conversations.
Joke: Little Johnny and the Bullies
Little Johnny is always being teased by the other neighborhood boys...
What an Adorable Little Puff Ball!
This adorable little puff ball is so cute we just want to eat him up! But since that would probably be wrong, we'd rather just let it melt our hearts.
Joke: The Poem of the Three Little Pigs
The animal I really dig, Above all others is the pig. Pigs are noble. Pigs are clever, Pigs are courteous. However, Now and then, to break this rule, One meets a pig who is a fool.
Joke: Little Johnny Goes to the Zoo
Little Johnny wanted to go to the zoo and pestered his parents for days.
A Real Life Storybook Featuring An Adorable Little Baby
An entire storybook of themes with one adventurous baby girl
Ratatouille Has Nothing On this Little Fella!
This little guy's name is Bug, and even if you hate rodents, we bet you won't him after seeing these adorable photos!
The Little Gardener: A Story to Move Your Spirit
This touching tale of a dedicated little gardener who perseveres against all odds, with charming illustrations and inspiring words, is definitely worth reading.
Joke: We Know You're Growing up Girls, but This Must Stop!
When middle school girls start wearing lipstick and make it a team sport to kiss the bathroom mirror, the headmaster hatches a cunning plan...
Did She Just Play That? What an Amazing Little Pianist!
This little lady has more talent in her little fingers than most of us do at all! You just have to stand back and admire the wonder of her music.
A Few Clever Solutions to Life's Little Problems...
These solutions may not save your life, but they can make them a little easier with some nifty advice about the little problems we encounter on a daily basis!
Little Johnny Joke: Going to the Nudist Beach
This joke begins with little Johnny being taken to the beach, and he has some questions for his parents that they're not sure exactly how to answer.
Adorable - Puppy and Baby Girl Grow Up Side by Side
Baby Hazel and Rio, the Husky puppy, grew up doing everything together, and their friendship is adorable to watch!
Watch The Cutest Little Baby Tigers...
In this video, you'll see 2 of the cutest orphan tiger cubs. They are being raised to be released as adults back into nature. Enjoy the cuteness!
Ticks Are Horrible Little Things, Aren't They?
Ticks are horrible little things, but there are key facts about them that you should know to protect yourself from them. Here are 10 things to know about ticks.
Joke: The Little Boy and the Gravestones
A woman takes her little boy to visit their dead relatives' gravestones at a cemetery. The little boy has never been to a cemetery before. The woman first takes her son her grandmother Annie's gravestone.
What a Cute Little Owl!
Who knew that some owls love being scratched and pampered. This little owl really loves being petted on the head, as it waits to go to a new bird sanctuary. As much as these owls are friendly and lovely, they are better off in nature or in a sanctuar
The Barefaced Little Liar - Hilarious!
You have to hand it to this little kid, he sticks to his guns no matter the amount of evidence piled up against him!
Animal Rescue: Little Drac
An adorable short-tailed fruit bat is hand-raised by Bat World Sanctuary and named 'Little Drac'. He weighs only a few grams and is no larger than most index fingers, but he still needs just as much tender loving care as any animal!
Joke: Little Johnny and the Alligator
When Johnny is sent down to the water hole in order to fetch some water, little did he know that he would come across an alligator...
Joke: Little Johnny and the Baby
A country doctor went way out to the boondocks to deliver a baby. It was so far out, there was no electricity. When the doctor arrived, no one was home except for the laboring mother and her 5-year-old child.
These Little Jumpers Will Hop Straight Into Your Heart
Australia's most famous animals are also amazingly adorable! Take a peek and you'll feel the same way!
!A Little Boy With an Angelic Voice - Touching
This little boy from the Philippines is on his way to becoming the next sensation for his beautiful angelic voice.
She’s SO Cute! Shocked Girl Learns About Ageing Process
This sweet 5 year old sister is shocked and upset to learn her baby brother will grow up. Look at her adorable reaction.
This Beautiful Little Story is a Visual Delight
In this gorgeous, award-winning little animated short, you'll find a mouse with a great ambition.