Studies Show: How Work Can Shorten Our Lifespan
You are invited to learn about these studies and discover how many working hours could actually endanger your life.
16 of the Longest-Living Dog Breeds Out There
These 16 dog breeds are known for their robust health and long lifespan.
This Is How Earth Used To Be 4 BILLION Years Ago
Imagine taking a tour through Earth 4 billion years ago. Wouldn't that be fascinating?
When To Replace 9 Household Items You Use Daily
It's easy to forget to replace these items on time. But if you don't do so, they become hotbeds for germs...
10 Habits That Will Shorten Your Microwave’s Lifespan
If you maintain your microwave correctly, its life expectancy is up to 10 years. This is what you need to stop doing to extend its lifespan.
Eye-opening Infographic Reveals What Extends Our Lifespan
This infogprhic sheds light on what truly increases our lifespan and what does the exact opposite
This Chart Unveils the Very Different Lifespans of Animals
Discover how long various animals can live for. Some of the answers are really surprising!
11 Technologies to Potentially Achieving Immortality
Scientists are hard at work developing technologies that could extend our lifespans and even make us immortal. Here are 11 of them.
Scientists Ask: Does a Limit to a Human Lifespan Exist?
Scientists are currently locked in a debate as to whether there is a biological limit to how long humans can live. Read more about this fascinating subject.
How Does Our Lifespan Compare With the Animal Kingdom?
Some animals live for a very short time and others for an extremely long one - but do you know which? And how do people match up? Find out here.