The USA 110 Years Ago... What Was It LIKE?
We take so much for granted in the modern world. Read through these astonishing facts and realize just how different life was in the US back in 1910.
4 Life Skills That Make Us Happier
To be happier is not easy. It's not only a change of mind, you need to change your circumstances as well. That's where learning new life skills comes in.
These Useful Charts Are Handy In Various Life Situations!
With infographics and charts, you can learn and remember new information in such an easy and fun way!
These Profound Quotes All Remind Us - Life Is Beautiful!
Here are 17 beautiful life quotations that we hope you will cherish just as much as we do.
Hack Your Life the Right Way - Useful Tips!
Great Tips for an Easy Life!
This Stunning Performance Brings US History to Life
Rhiannon Giddens brings American history to life through these powerful folk ballads.
Using These 7 Words Will Add Positivity to Your Life!
Adding these positive words to your daily vocabulary will make a huge difference in your attitude towards life.
8 Ways to Use Technology for a More Positive Life
Technology isn't just something we all have to feel puzzled by. In fact, it's something we should all embrace to make our lives more positive. Here's how.
10 Super Useful Hot Glue Life Hacks!
Hot glue can be used for a so much, this stuff is just super useful.
12 Helpful Korean Proverbs to Use in Daily Life...
Take a look at some beautiful and profound Korean proverbs that are sure to strike a chord with you.
12 Helpful Korean Proverbs to Use in Daily Life
10 Life Lessons Inspiring Us to Stay True to Ourselves
These valuable life lessons ensure that in doing the right thing, we do not sacrifice who we truly are.
LIFE HACKS: 30 Practical Uses for Olive Oil!
3o things you can use olive oil for other than cooking with it.
Did You Know That Birds Can Teach Us About Life?
Birds have to have certain traits just to survive in the wilderness, namely patience and perseverance. Imagine if you could apply such traits to your own life.
10 Lessons that Jean Vanier Wanted to Teach Us About Life
A guide to life by Canadian philosopher and philanthropist Jean Vanier
15 Seniors Who Still Know How to School Us in Life
These elders have some interesting advice to share...
10 Important Things Our Beloved Pets Teach Us About Life
Our beloved pets offer us the most adorable life lesson you can ever get. Check them out here!
12 Uses for Lemon Peels that Made My Life Easier...
Lemon peels are incredibly rich in vitamins, minerals, and fibers that can increase your food’s nutritional value, aid in house cleaning, and even be used to maintain your skin’s health.
Our Cats Can Teach Us Some Amusing Lessons About Life!
If you are a cat lover, you might just recognize these amusing lessons that our feline friends teach us about life!
15 Things That Remind Us of a Time When Life Was Simpler
Have a look at these 15 different trends and customs from yesteryear that really need to come back into fashion!
10 Uses for Vinegar That Even Surprised Us!
Vinegar can do many magical things! Here are 10 extremely useful things that it can be used for at home.
A Life in 85 Seconds...
Getty Images touches people in a new campaign making use of hundreds of little videos from its image bank.
Life According to the Tortoise!
The fact that it is a slow animal causes all the faster creatures to take it lightly, but it is the way the tortoise takes life, slowly and calmly, that can teach us quite a bit...
These 10 Fantastic Life Hacks Will Make Your Life Easier
These life hacks will allow you to get things done quicker and generally make your life easier. Watch this informative video now.
It's the Little Things in Life...
What are the little things that life is all about?
Life is NOT a Marathon - Beautiful!
What is life? This video makes better points than I ever could, so I'll let it do the talking.
11 Remarkably Useful Websites You’re Not Using
Make sure you bookmark these incredibly useful and free websites. They might come in handy someday.
Give Your Cat a Better Life with These Amazing Life Hacks
These awesome tips and tricks will help make the life of any cat owner much easier and the life of the car better!
Oh, What a Life...
Our Life has become so 'Lifeless' nowadays...
Use These Google Apps to Make Using the Internet Easier
Google can do a whole lot more than just run search terms through its search engine. In fact, it has a whole myriad of apps to help you. Here are 15 of them.
Learn To Appreciate Life
If you can read this message you are more fortunate the 3 billion people in the world who cannot read it all
The Principles of a Good Life Are Simple...
We recommended you memorize the following 10 principles because they'll help you improve the quality of your life forever.
Life is a Journey - Beautiful!
You may have a hard time pronouncing Kittiwut Chuamrassamee's name, but the extremely talented Thai photographer has the uncanny ability to blend shadows and charachtars on beautiful backgrounds, and create an amazing play of light and shadow. He cre
Life is Full of Smiling Moments...
Photos That'll Make You Smile...
The Second Life of Old Photos
The photos you are about to see where actually taken in 1931, Hungary. Artist Miklos Falvay decided to rejuvenate these photos by using advanced 3D mapping software to remodel the photos.
A Day in the Life - Luxembourg!
Luxembourg is a tiny country in the middle of Europe. It is in fact so small that sometimes it's difficult finding it on the map! It spreads on only about 1000 square miles (2586 square km), and only has a population of about half a million people. B
These Simple Life Hacks Will Make Your Life So Much Easier
These 19 simple life hacks are bound to make your life a lot easier. Take a look and give them a go yourself!
The Operating System of Life
Dive deep into the cells of our body and be amazed at the incredible work they do!
The Miracle of New Deer Life...
No better way to start off your day!
Is Coca-Cola Life Healthy or Not? The Verdict
Coca-Cola has gone green with its latest calorie reduced offering. But how healthy is it really? We investigate.
10 Life Changing New Gadgets
Here's a fresh and updated list of life-changing new gadgets! What a time to be alive!
Life in X Ray - Beautiful!
Some of these are real X rays, some are art based on real X rays (with all precision involved), both are mesmerizing. There's something about an X ray shot that simplifies situations and lets us take a real look at what is there, and how things work.
The Life Proverbs of Jane Seabrook!
Beautiful illustrations meet beautiful quotes!
Don't Forget to Enjoy Life!
Imagine a world where anything is possible...
Important Life Lessons - Hilarious!
Life arranges for countless lessons throughout. These next 3 animated films have a humourous way of offering some universal advice, in a way that is both amusing and smart!
The Best Truths In Life Are Free!
Advice can be the cheapest thing you'll ever get that can bring about great prosperity. On the other hand, wrong advice can be costly. But the best advice is the one that makes you recognize its innate wisdom immediately! And so we've collected a few
Why Not Simplify Your Life?
Keeping It Simple...
Facebook in real life - Funny!
An hilarious video showing what life would be like if people around you would act just like they do on Facebook
It's a Bohemian Life - Gorgeous Houses!
The bohemian lifestyle and design centers around the beauty of art, around which all life revolves.
These Are the Lessons Life Has Taught Me
Life is a long-term school that teaches us many lessons... it's up to us if we choose to learn...
Life Is Lived Beautifully with Words Like These
Leading a good life can seem complicated, but really it's so simple...
Dancing Through Life - Beautiful Photos
Dancing is everywhere you look!
Life Everlasting: A Beautiful Story With a Moral...
A beautiful story of a boy and his grandfather, which gives us something to think about...
Our Biggest Regrets in Life - Inspiring!
Don't wait, do the things you love in life today.
Life is Funny That Way - Hilarious
Life is a string of funny moments, and here are a few!
The Life of an Average Viking Was Quite Fascinating!
Vikings have fascinated all of us. But do you what was the typical Viking lifestyle like? Find out.
The Visionary Art and Turbulent Life of Caravaggio
Caravaggio is one of the most renowned and celebrated painters today, but his life and art have a bigger story to tell than one would expect
Start Living a Happy Life In These 5 Ways
Most of us pursue happiness, and while some of us define it by material possessions, the following video presents 5 other ways to achieve such a life ...
Gorgeous, Real Life Castles!
Enjoy these beautiful castles from around the world!
This Robot May Save Your Life...
This video and others like it reveal how robotics is about more than servant robots that serve you drinks, but may enable us to make our own discoveries available faster, and save lives.
A Day in the Life of an Ancient Egyptian Doctor...
This video will show you what it was like to be a doctor in ancient Egypt.
The King's Parrot – A Lesson for Life
The Story of this Kings parrot will teach you a very valuable life lesson.
Could These Signals Be A Sign of Extraterrestrial Life?
Scientists have recently picked up on a mysterious radio signal from space, and it could mean a lot - maybe even a sign from extraterrestrial life forms.
Send This to the Important Women in Your Life!
Remind all the women (and men) in your life what they are truly worth!
Poem on the Outlook on Life: Remember and Forget
What should you remember in life? What must you forget? Take my words on this.
The Philosophy of Life Blossoms In This Beautiful Video
What is success in life and in living? A beautiful video.
Ingenious Inventions to Make Life Easier!
These ingenious life hacks for around the house will change the way you look at everyday objects.
18 Terrific Quotes to Cultivate Motivation in Life
These beautiful life quotes are just the boost you need to be inspired for the day and feel more confident in your life.
A New Life Begins At 98 - Inspiring!
Watch Hal Lasko's inspiring and beautiful story of how a bit of technology can make life that much brighter!
Is a Minimalist Life the Key to Your Happiness?
Monk Nick Keomahavong explains why living with less can give your life more meaning.
Life Is Rarely Graceful - Hilarious Bloopers!
Lets face it - life is rarely accommodating to our sense of proper and dignified living. Sometimes we fall, sometimes we make mistakes, and sometimes - it's hilarious.
The Problem of Using Logic in a Relationship
This video discusses the idea of using logic in love and relationships.
14 Beautiful Examples of the Cycle of Life
Here is a fascinating look at the life cycle of different living things in the form of beautiful photos.
Stick to These 6 Principles for the Best Life
There are certain universal truths that apply to anyone and everyone. Here are 6 of them.
Did You Know Shampoo Has Other Useful Uses Besides Hair?
if you always thought your shampoo was only meant for keeping your hair healthy and beautiful, you are about to discover 10 particularly useful surprises!
Life Illustrated - Funny and Fun!
We found these illustrations both cute and amusing, with a little message also hidden in each one. This is exactly the kind of thing we like, with something for everyone!
These Amazing People Prove There Are No Limits in Life!
Many people believe that if a person suffers from health issues, then they will never be able to have a full and happy life. These 10 amazing people disagree!
A Day in the Life of a Seeing Eye Dog!
Ever ask yourselves what life is like for those ultra dedicated, expertly trained, extremely helpful golden retrievers that lead the blind? Take a minute and look through their eyes...
Words of Wisdom: Life and Love in Egyptian Proverbs
These timeless Egyptian proverbs have deep meanings.
The Ultimate Summer Life Hacks Explained
Dive into these essential hacks to elevate your summer experience!
These Life-Saving Technologies Are Truly Revolutionary
Take a look at 9 really cool modern technologies that can actually help save human lives.
Everyone Needs a Recipe Like This in Their Life...
Here's a recipe to live by...
7 Funny Formulas that Encapsulate Adult Life
These simplified formulas of adult life are so true that they will have you in fits of laughter.
Beat Negativity in Life by Doing This One Thing
Negativity is an unseen force that affects us continuously, every day. Life is hard, but negativity only makes it harder. It's time to change your outlook. Watch this.
A Beautiful Season is Upon Us!
The great and beautiful things about the fall...
These Photos Will Make You Admit That Life Is Beautiful
These photos show us the true beauty of life - one that is filled with kindness and happiness.
Will Surfing the Web Prolong Your Life?
New studies suggest that older internet users are more likely to lead healthier lifestyles and to decrease their risk of colorectal cancer.
Enjoying the Wild Life of Grandfather Mountain!
Grandfather has seven environmental habitats for black bear, river otters, cougars, Golden Eagles and white-tailed deer, not to mention stunning landscapes, lush plant life and incredible sunsets!
The Best Moments in Life - Incredibly Beautiful!
Animator and painter Pascal Campion creates a beautiful, colorful and emotional series of paintings...
Joke: The Most Important Thing in Life
It was the retirement dinner for Tim Simmons...
Life Isn't Fair - Cute and Hilarious!
Sometimes life gives you the ball you are after, and sometimes they just aren't very fair!
Wonderful! This Museum Comes to Life at Night...
Visiting the museum needn't be a dry cerebral experience, now there are even live action exhibitions that are staggeringly comical.
20 Beautiful Quotes on the Importance of Moving On in Life
To help you on your journey of self-improvement, let us share the 20 most powerful, meaningful, and encouraging quotes about letting go with you
The Amazing Life of a National Geographic Photographer.
Cory Richards has been all over the world and went through a life and death experience, this is what he has to say to you…
The Real Circle of Life - Awesome!
People in Order's Age is part of a series of short films that assembles the people of Britain in a given order. In just 3 minutes, we meet 100 different people who are arranged according to their age, starting from age 1.
4 Apps That Will Dramatically Improve Your Life
If you think smartphones are only good for phonecalls, messages and playing games, you'll be surprised to find out that your smartphone can do so much more...
These Quotes Will Give You a New Perspective on Life
Some wonderful words about travel that can teach us all about life's great journey.
WATCH: These Summer Life Hacks Are Pure Genius!
These 10 brilliant life hacks will make your summer so much easier, and will keep your kids and friends entertained for hours!
The Smart Person's Guide to a Happy Life...
The smart principles we all need in our life provided in 19 smart sayings and pieces of genuine advice that have always been true.
House Appliances Have Come to Life!
Gilbert Legrand is a French artist who both sculpts and paints. His passion is taking household items and giving them a joyful new life as colorful and amusing works of art...