The Operating System of Life
Dive deep into the cells of our body and be amazed at the incredible work they do!
Escaping Education's Death Valley - Fascinating!
Sir Ken Robinson gave a TED talk last week, in which he outlines 3 principles crucial for the human mind to flourish - and how current education culture works against them.
Science: Can AI Preserve Our Most Precious Memories?
Technologist Pau Aleikum Garcia talks about synthetic memories.
Can A.I Catch What Doctors Miss? A Fascinating Talk
How close are we to that and can AI really do better than a human doctor? This fascinating TED Talk addresses these issues.
Is Symmetry Reality's Greatest Riddle? A Scientist Explains
Listen as Video Marcus du Sautoy , a prominent scientist, explains about the wonders of symmetry in nature.
Why Are You Always Tired? Watch For An Answer.
WHY are you so tired if you still get those 8 hours of sleep a night? Here's the answer.
How Do We Solve the Traffic Problem? A Simple Solution
In this video, we offer a simple solution to the big traffic problem that is affecting so many cities around the world.
What is Our Executive Brain, and How Can One Improve It?
Did you know your brain had a brain? The executive brain is the part of us that plans. What is it and how to improve its function?
Why We Sleep: A Fascinating Lecture!
In this fascinating lecture, you're going to learn all about why we need to sleep and what happens while we do.
What is Your Consciousness? A Remarkable Video...
This video by Ted-ed searches to explain the origin of consciousness as well as what is consciousness.
A Fascinating Look at the Secret World of Bees
This incredible photographer documented the first 21 days in the life of a bee. Listen to his fascinating lecture about the future of bees in our world.
Where is the Future of Artifical Limbs Taking Us?
A fascinating talk about the future of prosthetic limbs.
Can Light Itself Be Captured On Camera? Yes It Can!
Ramesh Raskar presents femto-photography, a new type of imaging so fast it visualizes the world one trillion frames per second, so detailed it shows light itself in motion. This technology may someday be used to build cameras that can look "around" c
Fascinating: What Around Us is Invisible?
The Invisible Things that Turn the World...
You Won't Believe the Hidden Power in a Smile...
This fascinating short lecture by Ron Gutman explains a series of studies about smiling - with some very surprising results.
Just How Small is an Atom? - Fascinating!
Just how small are atoms? And what's inside them? The answers turn out to be astounding...
An Expert in Failure: An Inspiring Speech All Should Hear
This is a terrific lecture everyone who has ever been afraid of failure.
Why and How do Dogs Love Us? An Expert Explains
An amazing study that started modestly but succeeded beyond expectations, revealing fascinating details to scientists about the brain and emotions of dogs.
Spiritual Teacher Explains: How to Connect Your Awareness
In this lecture, Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, a spiritual Buddhist leader from Nepal, will explain how to connect to your consciousness to achieve personal results.
Ted Talk: How Being Sensitive Can Uplift the World
This video makes us realize why your sensitivity is really a strength.
This Uplifting Video Shows Why Getting Old is AWESOME
In this insightful Ted Talk session, a senior advocate explains why growing old is a wonderful blessing.
Break Bad Habits and Build New good Ones With This Video
A 30-minute illustrated summary of the book "Atomic Habits", on a science-backed way to build good habits and break bad ones.
There's a Word We Need to Stop Using...
This video shows how much better our language becomes when we stop using one simple word.
What to Eat to Prevent a Stroke
In this video, a doctor will explain how best to eat to minimize your chances of a stroke.
Aging and Alzheimer’s: You Must Hear This Lecture
Kim Campbell shares what she learned from her experiences taking care of her husband Glen Campbell since he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's.
A Fascinating Breakdown of Relationships by Esther Perel
If there's anyone whose opinion on love and relationships you want to hear, it's Esther Perel. Watch her insightful SXSW lecture on modern love.
How to Really Change Your Behavior For the Better
Dan is going to teach you some tricks about changing your daily behavior to suit changes in your life
Fascinating: About Grief and Love in the Animal Kingdom
This lecture will take you deeper into the issue of animal grief and its complicated problems.
Ted Talk: What's at the Bottom of the Ocean?
Victor Vescovo talks about his submersible and his exploration of the floors of the oceans in a way unlike any done before.
This Man Overcame His Brain, Now He'll Teach You the Same
This lecture is going to change the way you get things done!
Video: This Is the Most Important Book You’ll Ever Read
Why Crime and Punishment is an important novel, the topics it deals with and the cultural context it was written in.
Why We Sometimes Feel Pain without a Physical Stimulation
How the pain mechanism works, and why it isn't always triggered by harm
Learn Chemistry Easily with This Interactive Periodic Table
This interactive table of elements has video lectures about every element, including experiments
You Weren't Born Shy: A Great Motivational Speech!
Stone Thomas gives a beautiful little story that teaches us some life lessons.
Let's Talk About the Anti-Cancer Benefit of Sweet Potatoes
Lets Talk About the Anti-Cancer Potential of Sweet Potatoes
This Joke Starts With a Dean Welcoming Students to College
The Dean of Women at a college welcomes the new freshmen in a lecture. The topic of her discussions soon turns to morality...
This Smart Businessman Opens Up About The Generational Gap
Chip Conley explains how Baby Boomers and Generation Y can learn from each other in the work place.
Learn How Exercise Can Have a Positive Effect on the Brain
One of the most complex structures known to humanity is the brain, and with this lecture, you'll learn how exercise can affect it positively...
What is Causing the Rise in Extremism? An Answer.
Many people think they know why some Muslims turn to terrorism, but the real answers may surprise you...
If You Value Good Health Watch This Lecture!
This is a lecture you will never forget. Dr Micheal Greger reveals the truth you haven't been told about the causes of death.
The Truth About the Medical Secrets of Amazon Tribes...
Mark Plotkin spent years among the tribes of the Amazon and he has some fascinating secrets to share.
What Happens When We Mix Meds - A Lecture You Shouldn't Miss
This important lecture gives us invaluable information about the dangers of mixing medications.
Son of a Terrorist Speaks: Why I Choose Peace
The son of a famous terrorist, Zak Ebrahim's story is shocking and surprising.
Reach Into the Computer and Grab a Pixel!
While some are terrified by the blurred lines between virtual and real, designer and engineer Jinha Leei actually wishes to dissolve it altogether...
The Near Future of Medical Advacement.
If you want to be up-to-date about what medicine is doing today and in the near future, this is the definitive lecture that explains it all!
Before Death, This Sick Child Has Something to Say
His Philosophy for a Happy Life...
The Stories an Astronaut Can Tell You...
Chris Hadfield is an astronaut and a terrific story teller...
This Person Broke Something, But Not Their Spirit.
Cross-country skier Janine Shepherd hoped for an Olympic medal -- until she was hit by a truck during a training bike ride. ...
How Sugar Affects Our Brain...
This fascinating animation will show you exactly what processes sugar enables in our body.
On Immigration, World Poverty, and Gumballs
In this fascinating talk, you'll be getting a precise illustration of the kind of difference immigration policy will have on world hunger.
Why Dieting Doesn't Usually Work...
Sandra Aamodt is going to tell you how she stopped dieting and still lost 10 pounds.
How Societies Can Age More Gracefully...
In this fascinating talk, scholar Jared Diamond contrasts the way we treat our elders to the way they treat elders in tribal societies, with some surprising results!
Robots for Humanity - An Incredible Story
Getting back your life with Robotics...
Seeing Our Planet for What It Is - Fascinating!
n this fascinating talk, you will learn a lot more about our planet than ever before!
An Interview With a Vampire - Fascinating!
The Story of Vampires...
Questions We Still Haven't Answered - Fascinating!
The Big Questions...
How We Vanquished the Small Pox - Fascinating!
The Story of How We Beat the Small Pox in a fascinating animated lecture.
Removing the Stigma From Depression - Fascinating Story!
Kevin Breel - The Truth Behind My Depression
Legendary Lecture: How to Spot a Liar
We are lied to every day, how to tell someone is lying to you!
The Game That Gives You an Extra 10 Years
When game designer Jane McGonigal found herself bedridden and suicidal following a severe concussion, she had a fascinating idea for how to get better. She dove into the scientific research and created the healing game, SuperBetter. In this moving ta
Schools - Is It Time For a Change?
Sir Ken Robinson, who's vision and expertise are sought by public and commercial organizations throughout the world, makes an entertaining and profoundly moving case for creating an education system that nurtures (rather than undermines) creativity.