A Rare and Lucky Diagnosis Saved This Baby Squirrel’s Life
This baby squirrel wouldn’t grow despite many efforts. A rare and unlikely diagnosis is what finally gave Rocky a chance to be a champion
If You’re Lactose Intolerant, Avoid These 15 Foods
For any one attempting to maintain a dairy-free diet, or suffering from lactose intolerance, here are some unexpected foods containing dairy
Lactose Intolerant? Don’t Give Up These 6 Dairy Products
People who are sensitive to lactose often refrain from consuming dairy products, but the following 6 can be eaten without worry!
Let’s Find Out How to Remove Lactose from Milk
Lactose-free milk is an easy alternative for those who have a lactose sensitivity. But how is this milk made?
11 Signs You May Have a Food Intolerance
If you are suffering from any of these 11 symptoms, you might have a hidden food intolerance. Read on to find out more.
These 8 Symptoms May Indicate a Gluten Intolerance
These are the 10 classic telltale signs of gluten sensitivity.
11 Signs You May Have a Food Intolerance Without Knowing
Your Body May Be Alcohol-Intolerant and You Don't Know It
In this article you’ll find the common signs of alcohol intolerance, which can easily be confused with the symptoms of other diseases.
How To Work Out Whether You've Got a Food Intolerance
Do you think you might be suffering from a food intolerance? This informative video will help you find out.
You MUST Watch This If You Own a Cat
Did you know that cats are actually lactose intolerant? Or the many meanings of purring? 13 myths on cats you must stop believing.
Why You May Be Feeling Bloated and What To Do About It
While feeling bloated is uncomfortable, the causes of it are usually relatively harmless and simple to treat. Here is how you may find relief.
8 Honest-to-God Facts that Are Just too Weird to Believe
A list of bizarre yet true facts
These Tips for Relieving Flatulence Are Quite Helpful
Suffering from flatulence? Here are a few simple but effective ways to help you control it.
Do You Suffer From Stomach Pain? Here's What it May Mean
Do you know what the underlying cause of your stomach issues are?
Is Cow’s Milk Bad for You? Here's What Science Has to Say
Could this pantry staple be harmful to some people? In this article, we present to you the health benefits and dangers of drinking cow's milk.
These Body Odors May Suggest a More Serious Problem
None of use like to smell unpleasant, but on certain occasions, we need to look into the cause of an unpleasant odor. Here are 5 you should pay attention to.
8 Foods That Promote Healthy Aging Everyone Must Know
With age, our dietary needs change, but few people know what these changes are. Here are 8 foods you should consider eating more of if you're over 50
This is What Bad Breath Says About Your Health
Bad breath doesn’t necessary mean poor hygiene, but it could be the symptom of an untreated disease. Find out more here!
This is What Bad Breath Says About Your Health...
10 Foods That Interfere With Your Body's Metabolism
The metabolic rate in our body is in charge of many processes in the body, and these 10 foods can damage it.
Pros and Cons – Which Milk is Best for You?
Cow milk is far from being the only kind there is. There are many kinds of milk available to buy today, do you know the pros, cons and best uses for each kind?
10 Hidden Diseases Doctors Find Hard to Diagnose
Even modern medicine has a hard time with these ones...
Have You Tried These Healthy Cream Alternatives Yet?
If you're trying to cut down on the amount of cream that you and your family are consuming, then why not try these healthy alternatives?
Clearing the Air on Soy Milk: Healthy or Harmful?
For some, soy milk is a great and tasty alternative to cow's milk, but for other's it's a health danger that should be avoided at all costs. So what's the truth about soy milk?
Burping Too Much? These 4 Reasons Could Be the Cause
Do you burp frequently? Find out the potential cause in this guide.
Delicious and Healthy Goat's Milk Is the New Dairy King
Goat's milk is not only a tasty substitute for cow's milk, it also offers a range of health benefits that cow's milk can only dream of.
10 Things We All Get Wrong About Allergies
Don’t let misinformation prevent you from living a healthy life. Stop trusting these 10 widespread allergy myths.
Flax Milk: The Plant-Based Milk That Is Rich with Benefits
Ever heard of flax milk? It's an amazing plant-based milk which is a great substitute for diary. Learn everything about it here.
Why You’re Nauseous After Eating: 9 Causes You Should Know
Feeling a bit queasy after a large and heavy meal is normal, but regularly experiencing nausea after eating can point to an underlying medical condition.
10 Surprising Foods that Are Pretty High in Sugar
If you're trying to cut back on sugar, here are 10 foods that you should avoid.
11 Foods that Will Aid Your Digestion!
Our digestive system is much more complex than most think, with enzymes playing an important role. Make sure you have plenty with the following 11 foods!
The Reasons Why You Have a Stomachache After You Eat
Are you experiencing pain after a meal? In this guide, we outline the most common causes of pain after eating - called postprandial pain.
What is Crohn's Disease, and How Can it be Stopped?
Crohn's disease afflicts millions of people all over the world, but very little is known about it. Read on to learn about it, and see how you can stop it.
Discover the 7 Benefits of Fermented Foods and 2 Recipes!
Love pickles? Now you have all the more reason to eat them. Here are the 7 Health benefits of fermented foods?
What Is Your Stool Telling You? Find Out Now
Have you ever taken the time to analyse your stool? Its color and shape can reveal an awful lot about your health.
What Is Your Stool Telling You? Find Out Here!
WARNING: If You Love Dogs, This Information is Vital
If you're a dog lover, you should spread this information around. Don't feed dogs these common foods!
Is Alcohol Better as a Day Drink or At Night?
Learn about the less-known effects that alcohol has on your body and brain.
IBS versus IBD - Symptoms and Key Differences
Let’s compare and contrast IBS and IBD in this educational article.
10 Most Tempting Sweet & Savory Gluten-Free Recipes Around
Whether or not you are gluten-intolerant,these dishes are delicious!
Find Out the 8 "Fake" Foods You Unknowingly Eat Regularly
The coffee and tea you drink, the cheeses you eat and the oil you use may be fake, but now you can recognize whether what you're buying is quality or not.
The Low-FODMAP Diet That Effectively Handles GI Problems
Have irritable bowel syndrome or bloating after meals? The FODMAP Diet may be the one that will help you get rid of the unpleasantness once and for all!
The Most Exciting Archaeological Discoveries of 2024
Let’s dig into the most fascinating archaeological moments of 2024.
Even Doctors Can Misinterpret These Weird Allergy Symptoms
Allergies can be caused by anything and can exhibit themselves in a million ways. Here is a list of 8 weird and easy-to-miss symptoms of allergies.
Do You Shop at Trader Joe's? If So, Avoid These 10 Foods!
Trader Joe's have built an empire on house-brand products that are affordable and tasty, but some products should be left well alone. Here are 10 such items:
Avoid These 16 Foods and Drinks to Keep Your Belly Flat
We never suspected that these 16 super healthy food varieties could ever make your belly appear bigger, but all of them can sensitize your belly!
Allergic to Gluten? Here are 10 Top Alternatives to Wheat
Wheat has been a part of our diet for many years. However, many people are allergic or intolerant to it. Here are 10 alternatives to wheat and wheat flour.
Prevent & Get Rid of a Bloated Belly Without Ab Exercises
These simple methods will help to prevent or get rid of a bloated belly. Keep reading to find out how to prevent and naturally cure stomach bloating.
Learn About Tempeh and Its 9 Amazing Health Benefits
Tempeh, a fermented soy product with essential nutrients, can make a real difference to your health because of its abundance of health benefits!
IBS vs. IBD: Which Bowel Disease Is It?
Understanding the distinctions between Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) is crucial.
7 Kinds of Food Known to Cause Adult Acne
There is a significant link between adult acne and diet. These 7 food types are known to cause acne in adults
Neurologist Explains: All You Need to Know About Migraines
Do you suffer from migraines? find out what causes migraines, how they are diagnosed, and how to treat them with this complete guide!
Why Pea Milk is the Best of Them All
We're so hooked on pea milk. It's an effortless, delicious, nutritious protein punch.
Start Eating Tempeh While We Explain Why You Should...
Gluten-Free Cauliflower Grilled Cheese for the Whole Family
Looking for a healthier version of grilled-cheese? look no further...we have just the recipe for you and it's gluten-free!
These 8 Bad Habits Could Lead to Thyroid Problems
These 8 bad habits could lead to a thyroid problem. Cut them out now!
These Bedtime Drinks Will Help Ensure a Good Night’s Sleep
All 7 of these delicious drinks have been proven experimentally to improve sleep. Why not try them if you have trouble sleeping?
Foods and Drinks You Should AVOID to Prevent Constipation
Here we will look at 12 foods and drinks that can cause constipation - one of the most common digestive issues out there.
If You Like Sauerkraut, You'll Love This Recipe
Sauerkraut isn't one of the most popular foods out there, but it sure is healthy. Here's a simple recipe to teach you how to make the perfect sauerkraut!
Science Says: What is the Best Time of Day to Exercise?
Those who are overweight will achieve more if they keep their fitness workouts and even household chores for the evening hours, as the benefits are immense - this was proven in a new study..
How to Know If a Child You Love Has Thyroid Problems
Thyroid problems are not a rarity in kids, but they're not as common as some like to think. Here's what to look for if you think your kid has a thyroid issue.
Warning: Two Skin Infections You MUST Look Out For
Is it more than just a rash? Two instances your rash can be more serious than it appears.
16 Human Foods You Can Share With Your Dog or Cat
In this article, we will present you with 8 foods for dogs and 8 foods for cats.
Warning! Read About These Mistakes Before Taking Vitamins
Are you using vitamins are supplements correctly, or are you just wasting your money? Find out by learning about the 8 most common myths on dietary supplements.
Nutritionists Approve of These 10 Healthy Processed Foods
Not all processed foods are unhealthy. Here are 10 healthy ones you can and should add to your diet!
What Every Woman Should Know About Heart Failure
Scientific studies have found that most aspects of heart failure differ between men and women. Read more about it here!
These So-Called “Facts” About Cats Aren’t Actually True
Do cats always land on their feet? Are cats untrainable? Find out the truth about some common cat myths.
WARNING: Deadly Painkiller Well on the Way to the Market
Amid the worst opioid crisis in American history, the FDA approves a painkiller 1000 times more potent than morphine.
This Delicious Gluten-Free Pizza is Perfect for Coeliacs!
Even if you're a coeliac you can still enjoy some delicious pizza. Here's how to make a tasty gluten-free pizza.
Here Are 7 Causes of Hot Flashes That Aren't Menopause!
When we think of hot flashes, we often think of older women who are going through their menopause. However, here are 7 other things that cause hot flashes.
How a Yogurt Breakfast Can Keep You Full Until Lunch
Learn how to make a full-fat yogurt breakfast that will keep you full till lunch, and how to get omega 3 and 6.
Don't Like Eggs? Here are 5 Fantastic Replacements
What substitutes can you use for eggs? Here are 5 other things you can use for eggs.
If You Like Cruises, Keep These Invaluable Inputs in Mind
Cruises are a great way to enjoy any vacation, and we've collected these 18 tips to make every cruise trip truly the best for you!
Learn How to Use Expired Milk with the Following 7 Tips
When we buy milk, we carefully check its expiration date. However, even if milk has expired, There are still many things it can be used for...
We've Got 8 Reasons For You to Eat Greek Yogurt
Greek yogurt is the healthiest yogurt available on the market. Here are 8 healthy benefits of this delicious treat.
Don't Like Eggs? Here are Five Fantastic Replacements
Is it Celiac or is it Gluten Sensitivity? Find Out Here
In this article we take a look at the subtle differences that exist between celiac disease and gluten sensitivity.
What You Should Drink After a Meal for Better Digestion
What should we drink after a meal for better digestion?
7 Fantastic Free Apps That'll Help You Stay Healthy
These 7 fantastic free apps will help you track and maintain your good health.
Taking These Drugs Increases Your Chances Of Stroke!
Antacid drugs have been used for many years, but new research has found a link between taking them and an increased risk of stroke.
There's Something Making Us Fatter, But It's Not Fat...
When most people hear about "carbs", they automatically have a bad connotation, but not all carbs are the same and not all are "bad" for you.
9 "Health" Foods That Are Actually Unhealthy
There are foods out there that are said to be healthy, but they're actually not. Here are 9 examples!
Don’t Postpone a Doctor’s Visit If You Have These Symptoms
Many people suffer from some form of chronic liver disease, often unknowingly. Pay close attention to these 9 warning signs of liver disease.
7 Reasons Why You Should Be Eating Amaranth
Amaranth is a superfood that you should include in your diet. Don't believe us? The following 7 health benefits will soon change your mind!
Regular or Diet: Which is More Harmful to Your Health?
Both regular and diet sodas are known for being unhealthy, but which type is the better of the two?
These Pressure Points Will Help Alleviate Allergy Symptoms
If you have overwhelming allergy symptoms, you can naturally eliminate them with the following pressure points.
8 Thyroid Gland Disorders that Commonly Affect Women
The thyroid is an important part of our hormonal system that regulates metabolism. Disorders in the thyroid could cause weight gain or loss.
Suffer From Hot Flashes? Menopause May Not be the Reason
Suffer from hot flashes? Menopause may not be the reason why.
The Superfoods to Watch out for in 2017
The following superfood trends are going to take over in the coming year. Here's what you should keep an eye out for!
Can Changing Your Diet Reduce Your Risk of Migraines?
If you suffer from migraines can changing your diet reduce the likelihood of you getting them?
The 5 Types of Belly Fat Not Caused By Overeating
Your type of belly fat and how it affects your weight loss.
These 7 Exercises Helped Me Get Rid of My Shoulder Pain
The smartphones, tablets, and computers that fill our days can lead to unbearable pain, and with these 7 exercises, you can avoid them.
A Vital How-to Guide of Neuropathy Treatment & Prevention
Our full guide to one of the worst and most common nerve problems - neuropathy.
Add Flaxseeds to Your Diet and Thank Me Later!
10 great reasons to have some flaxseed, every day. The powerful little seeds also help prevent heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer.
This Natural Plant Powder Will Do Wonders For Your Body!
New discoveries in the field of health allow us to improve our lives, and the latest discovery - Arrowroot powder - will do wonders for your body!
Quinoa May Be Even Healthier Than You Thought
To better understand why it’s a super-food, we have compiled a list containing the health benefits of quinoa you should know about.
8 Common Health Myths You've Been Misled With All Your Life
Get yourself informed about the REAL facts on health and diets. You're very likely to have been believing one of these outrageous myths.
If You Have a Dog, Here Are 10 Signs It's Stressed Out
Like us humans, dogs can get stressed as well. If you have a dog, here are 10 common signs that it might be stressed.
How to Treat an Obstruction in Your Stomach
Did you know that you can naturally treat gastric obstructions by adding to organic ingredients to your diet?
10 Things You Need To Know If You Have a Thyroid Problem
There are many preventative treatments for common thyroid issues, but apart from medication, it is important to know how and what to eat!