This AMAZING Herb Helps Reduce Stress and Anxiety
Ashwagandha is touted as a miracle herb and has many great health benefits. But is it really true?
This Royal Indian Palace is Absolutely Breathtaking!
Let's take a royal tour of the Umaid Bhavan, the luxurious palace hotel located in Rajasthan, India.
Joke: The Indian Cnadidate
Mujibar was trying to get a job in India.
The Secrets of Indian Cuisine: How to Stay Healthy.
In India, they’ve long understood what the healthiest foods are for prevents dangerous diseases like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, learn about them yourself now!
You Will Simply Love This Delicious Indian Lentil Dish
Have you ever tried Dal Makhani? It's a delicious Indian dish that's healthy and easy to make. A star chef shows how to prepare it.
Mango Kulfi – The Delicious Stuffed Indian Ice Cream
Have you heard of Kulfi, the amazing Indian ice cream? Find out what this delicious Indian summer treat is all about.
Celebrating the Majesty of Indian Tigers - 14 Photos
Photographer Jitender Govindani's camera captures the majesty of Bengal tigers as they roam freely through India's jungles.
Enjoy the Beauty of this Breathtaking Indian Hill Station
Manali is a beautiful Indian hill town that offers extraordinary natural views. Enjoy its beauty in this cinematic travel video.
Enjoy Yummy & Little-Known Indian Delicacies at This Cafe
Café Lota in New Delhi, India, is known for serving a wide variety of little-known Indian foods that are pure delight!
Who Knew This Common Herb Could Be SO Healthy?
Even the most common and trivial herbs, such as rosemary, have a number of wonderful benefits for your health, well-being, and appearance
The Beautiful World of Indian Birds - 21 Gorgeous Photos
Let’s marvel at the exotic beauty of Indian birds.
Eat These Delicious Herbs & Spices for a Healthy Heart
Add these delicious herbs and spices to your diet today to benefit your heart health.
Your Herb Garden Will Flourish with These Helpful Tips
The following six tips will help you grow an abundance of herbs round the year.
This Quiz Will Test Your Knowledge of Herbs & Spices
How well do you know the healing properties of herbs and spices? Take this test and find out for yourself!
Your Herb Garden Will Flourish with These Helpful Tips!
This Guide Will Teach You Exactly How to Store Fresh Herbs
Did you know that you can make fresh herbs last much longer if you find a way to store them properly? Here's a guide to keeping them fresh.
The Biggest Struggles & Solutions of Growing Herbs Indoors
Here are 6 of the biggest pitfalls of growing herbs indoors, and ways to salvage your plants when they're struggling.
Tasty and Healthy: 15 Herbs That Improve Brain Function
What's common among all the following plants is that each can improve the function of the most important organ in your body - the brain.
You Will Never Suffer From Bloating Again With These Herbs
These herbal teas are all excellent home remedies that will help you deal with bloating and gas.
Love Using Herbs & Spices? Then This Quiz Is For You!
20 Unforgettable Indian Wildlife Photos Worth Seeing
Admire the rich diversity of wildlife in India in 20 supreme photos of mammals and birds native to different regions of the country
11 Common Herbs Known For Their ANTIVIRAL Activity
These 11 common herbs have stood both the test of time and scientific scrutiny, and are widely known for their antiviral activity.
Try this Ancient Indian Method for Removing Body Hair
An ancient and natural method that both men and women have been using for centuries to get rid of unnecessary hair from their bodies.
4 Smart Ways to Keep Your Herbs Fresh
To help keep your herbs fresh and delicious for longer, we've compiled four tips for you.
Meghalaya: An Indian State Blessed With Endless Beauty
Meghalaya is a beautiful state in the northeast corner of India, which is filled with numerous natural wonders and cultural excitements.
Food Explained: Which Herbs Go With Which Foods?
Herbs can make or break a dish, which is why we shy away from them. Let Gordon Ramsay explain the best herb and food pairings in this guide
What is the Most Relaxing Herb in the World?
The benefits of the melissa, the most relaxing herb.
How to Prune Herbs for Fuller and Longer Growth
One of the most common issues with annual herbs like basil is that they can start blooming and grow few to no leaves very fast... Here's how to circumvent that.
8 Secret Herbs the Native Americans Used to Cure
Discover the plants the Native Americans used for curing just about any ailment.
Indian Dance Crew Sets America's Got Talent Alight
Looks at the mind-boggling dance performance of a young Indian dance group. They wowed the audience and the judges alike with their act.
These 10 Herbs Will Help Your Arthritis & Reduce the Pain
While arthritis can be painful, these 10 herbs will help alleviate the pain.
Milk Bottles Make the Perfect Pot for Vegetables and Herbs
Don't have a lot of space but want to grow fresh herbs and vegetables at home? Here's an ingenious method of using old milk bottles to grow plants!
You Should be Growing These 10 Healthy Herbs at Home!
Make your diet a lot healthier by growing these healthy and delicious herbs.
Indian Boy Wakes Up At His Very Own Funeral
After being bitten by a stray dog, an Indian teenager was taken off life support, only for him to regain consciousness on the way to his very own funeral!
8 Super Healthy and Common Herbs & Spices
This post will show you how 8 very common herbs and spices can greatly benefit your health.
8 Herbs That Will Help You Cool Down This Summer
Alongside other health benefits, these herbs have natural cooling properties. This makes them the perfect addition to your food and drinks this summer!
Surprising: 8 Herbs That Will Do Wonders For Your Pets
Herbs are used to prepare a variety of delicacies, and it turns out that their many health benefits apply not only to humans but also to animals!
Your Ultimate Guide to Growing Herbs in Water All Year
This guide will teach you how to grow your own herbs in water.
You Can Heal or Prevent Thyroid Problems With These Herbs
The thyroid gland is vital for regulating metabolic processes within the human body. These 10 herbs can help you prevent and heal thyroid problems naturally.
Everything You Need to Know About Growing Herbs Indoors
Which herbs are best grown indoors and what is the best way to do so? This useful tutorial will answer all of your questions on the topic
The Full List of Herbs That Protect You From Diabetes
Diabetes is dangerous, therefore it's important to be mindful of our food intake and include these 15 diabetic herbs and spices in our diet!
Start Your Own Winter Garden with these 8 Herbs & Vegetables
An easy guide to planting herbs and vegetables in the winter.
This Simple Herb Is Much Healthier Than You Think!
Have you ever heard of milk thistle? It's a herbal remedy that has many benefits and uses...
Love Indian Cuisine? Here's How to Make Tasty Naan Bread!
This is how you can make delicious naan bread at home to go alongside some delicious curry!
Adaptogens: Herbs Whose Job It Is to Fight the Fall Blues
Add a new term to your wellness dictionary. Adaptogens are powerful herbs that help cope with stressors, be it bad weather or a stressful day
Fight off Seasonal Flu with These 30 Natural Herbs
Why waste money on risky cold medicines, when we have so many herbs that can cure it naturally? Here are 30 of the most effective herbs for treating the flu.
Just a Teaspoon of This Herb a Day Will Make You Healthier
Do you love adding cardamon to foods and drinks? If so, you're in luck, as this aromatic spice is just as healthy as it is tasty
Boost Your Memory By Adding These Herbs to Your Diet...
Whether you are looking to prevent or treat memory loss, these natural herbs have served as timeless aids. Let's take a look.
Is There a Healthier Herb Than Ginseng? We Don't Think So!
Of all the medicinal herbs known to man, ginseng is probably the most legendary of all – and for good reason: its health benefits are simply extraordinary.
6 Terrific Recipes That Can Be Made with Medicinal Herbs
Find out how mallow, nettles, mint, elderberry, fennel, and chives are dutifully incorporated into these 6 delicious recipes!
These 7 Superfoods Are My Go-To Herbs to Fight Disease
On the days that I feel tired and run down, or whenever I feel as though I am about to get a cold, or indigestion, these 7 plants never let me down.
Medical Breakthrough: Can This Green Herb Prevent Cancer?
Moringa is getting scientists very excited, thanks to discoveries about the potential cancer-killing properties it possesses. Read on for this good news.
Just a Dash of This Common Herb Can Benefit Your Wellbeing
Learn what health issues peppermint is most beneficial for and how to use this herb to improve your wellbeing right here.
Oregano Is a Wonderful Herb! It Offers So Many Benefits
How many of these incredible benefits for oregano do you know about?
This Herb Has Many Health Benefits That You Can Reap
Rhodolia is an herb that grows in the mountains of Europe and Asia. It has numerous health benefits. Find out what they are right now.
Indian Art Teacher's 3D Street Art Brightens Local Streets
A local Indian art teacher's vivid chalk drawings have breathed life into dull neighborhood streets.
10 Vegetables and Herbs To Buy Once and Re-Grow Forever...
Some parts of vegetables and herbs that you don't normally use and just throw away can actually be used to re-grow themselves time and again. Find out more.
Marvel at a Loner Black Panther Roaming the Indian Jungle
The black panther is an extremely rare and elusive animal, spotting it is nearly impossible. 'Nearly' is the key word here, and you simply must see it here!
Aching Joints or Bones? 7 Herbs That Will Make Them Strong
7 herbs and supplements everyone needs in order to keep their bones and joints strong later in life.
Your Round-the-World Guide to Cooking with Aromatics
No matter what cuisine you're cooking, get it right every time with this helpful guide, enabling you to create delicious curries, soups, rice dishes and sautés.
This Active Ingredient Is One of Nature's Best Gifts
Only recently has the western world discovered the incredible benefits of an ingredient many in the world already knew about.
Curcumin Is Just Starting to Catch On In Europe...
While the health benefits of curcumin have long been known in Asia, this incredible herb is only just starting to catch on in Europe. Learn more here.
These World Cuisines Are As Healthy As They Are Delicious
Japanese, Greek, Indian, or Mexican – which is the world’s healthiest cuisine?
Give Your Food a Kick with International Spices!
Here are different spice mixtures common to the world's major continents and geographical zones that will give your cooking an extra kick!
For the Culinary Masochist: Top 10 Spicy Chili Sauces
Why we like spicy food and the top 10 spicy sauces from around the world
Make Warm and Spicy Chai Tea at Home!
During the winter months, we commonly search out the tastiest hot drinks that will make us feel warm and cozy.
Behold the Gaur: The Largest Wild Cow on Earth
Let’s get up close and personal with the mighty Indian gaur, known as the world’s biggest wild cow.
These Punny Signs Are a Joke, Literally!
These hilarious signs are sure to put a smile on your face and a spring in your step!
How to Grow More Basil Than You Can Use in No Time
Why pay for herbs, such as basil, all the time if you can plenty for your cooking purposes at home?
11 Healthiest Takeout Dishes to Order
You can confidently order in these 11 popular takeout foods because they are actually quite good for your health and waistline!
History Lesson: The Armored War Elephants of Ancient India
Elephants in ancient Indian history played a crucial part in warfare. Find out more about their fascinating history...
Marvel at the Majestic Forts of Rajasthan in Ultra HD
Enjoy this compilation of some of the most magnificent forts and palaces from the historical Indian state of Rajasthan.
Have You Heard This One? Breaking Down in the Desert
This hilarious joke all begins with an untimely breakdown...
This is Probably the Most Fun Wedding Dance I've Ever Seen
Taking inspiration from Bollywood movies and Indian music, these guys put on a terrific dance show at this wedding.
Easy Tips for Growing Chamomile in Your Home Garden
Love drinking chamomile tea? Now you can grow the wonderful herb in your garden and make your own chamomile tea.
This is Unlike Any Dance Performance You’ve Seen Before!
This beautiful classical Indian dance performance will keep you captivated!
This Hilarious Sign is Gaining Notoriety Around the World...
The Indian Hills Community Center sign in Colorado, USA, has gained a worldwide following thanks to the hilarious puns it displays. Here are 30 of them.
Learn to Prevent and Clear This Pest From Your Cupboards
So what exactly should you do if you’re facing the Indian Meal Moth in your home, and how can you prevent its appearance?
This Joke Starts With Two Stupid Scoundrels Having a Drink...
Two stupid scoundrels are having a drink in a saloon in the Wild West. The barman tells them about a terrible thing the Indians did to his barn...
Hilarious: A Punny Sign Collection!
What could be better than a mixture of funny signs and clever puns? If that sounds intriguing, you simply must check out these hilarious signs!
When it Comes to Comedy, Rowan Atkinson Knows Best!
Rowan Atkinson plays an Indian restaurant owner who is trying to deal with drunk customers. This is a must watch!
The World Needs to Know About This Ancient Martial Art
Kalaripayattu, believed to be one of the oldest surviving martial arts, might have given birth to Kung Fu.
Make This Two-Ingredient Bread at Home, It's SUPER Easy
Ran out of bread or store-bought tortillas? No worries, we can help. Just make this delicious and easy-to-make Indian flatbread.
End Your Insomnia Naturally with this Helpful Herbal Guide
These natural remedies will enable you to fall asleep more easily, and hence, wake up feeling well-rested.
Joke: The Remarkable Native American
Many years ago, two cowboys come upon a Native American lying on his stomach with his ear to the ground...
12 Home Hacks for Your Microwave
With kitchen space a minimum in small, cool homes, many are debating even keeping their microwaves. But we think that you ought to first realize just what a multi-functional appliance your microwave is before you decide to Freecycle it. Inside, we'll
These Gorgeous Birds Can Be Found in India!
If you're a bird lover, then few places on this planet are more ideal for you than India. Find out why here.
Witness the Stunning Majesty of the Birds of India
This Soothing Eczema Cream Is Homemade, Natural & Amazing!
This natural herb infused home made skin cream will remedy your eczema better than anything you can buy from the store.
Meet the Siddis, a Lost African Tribe Living in India
A native African tribe has been living in obscurity in India for centuries. This is their story.
A 300 Year Old Recipe For a Unique Tasty Mushroom Ketchup
This delicious recipe for a sauce made from mushrooms predates the recipe for tomato ketchup, but is an equally delicious condiment
Black Salt Offers Some Remarkable Health Benefits
Black salt is a really healthy type of salt that is hardly ever used. Here are some black salt uses and benefits that you deserve to know about.
20 Ways to Turn that Blank Wall into a Vertical Garden
Gardening can be done anywhere and sometimes you just don't have land. That hasn't stopped these creative people from growing plants in all sorts of spaces.
Soothe and Warm Your Body and Soul With These Yummy Drinks
With the cold months upon us, we wanted to help you with an enormous collection of soothing, healing and simply delicious hot beverages
If You Want Healthy Eyes, Look at What Nature Can Offer
The sense of sight needs protection. Keep your eyes in top shape with nature’s offerings. Read about the 6 herbs that can help your eyes stay healthy.
Rare Nature: Wild Tiger Cubs Caught on Film!
Astonishing footage shot in the Indian Jungle using cameras attached to Elephants and vegetation, captures the life of young tiger cubs and their protective mother. Amazing!
Thyme is Even More Beneficial For You Than You Know!
If you enjoy thyme in your diet, you’ll be glad to know that this humble herb comes with an impressive list of health benefits.
Welcome to Udaipur, India's Beautiful City of Lakes
Take a trip of the beautiful Indian city of Udaipur that's literally surrounded by serene lakes from all corners.