People Really Have No Idea What These English Words Mean!
A lot of people think they know how to use English words correctly, but they really don't! Here are 21 most misused words in the English language
8 Historical Misunderstandings of the First Christmas
Some of the details that you have heard about the first Christmas are completely wrong. Here are 8 things that we bet you didn't know about the first Christmas.
Joke: The Incorrect Student
Teacher asks their class of children to come up with a sentence beginning with "I"
Grammar Challenge: Correct the Sentence!
You have 13 sentences that may or may not be incorrect, it's up to you to find the proper way to fix them.
Got a Stiff Neck? Give This 90-Second Treatment a Shot!
If you ever wake up and find that you have a stiff neck, this 90-second technique will help relieve it in no time at all.
A proper explanation - Pat Condell on the Palestinians
Pat Condell is known for taking no prisoners when giving a political rant, and after listening, none would argue that he sees things very clearly and nothing will stop him from expressing his opinions, no matter how politically incorrect they may be.
These Are the Most Overused Words in the English Language
Are you guilty of using these overused words in English? Find out!
8 Hilarious Malapropisms by Famous Figures
Everyone, from politicians to celebrities, had a language slip-up at least once...
If You Take Medication, You Need to Read This...
Taking wrong medication dosages or mixing certain medications with others can have serious, if not, fatal consequences. Avoid these medication mistakes.
This 81-Year-Old Japanese Woman Has Developed Her Own App
Masako Wakamiya's story is remarkable. This self-taught programmer first picked up a computer at age 60. Now aged 81, she has just released her own iPhone app.
Hilarious: 14 Times People Didn't Spell Check Public Signs
Sometimes, a simple spelling mistake can make a seemingly mundane sentence hilarious
10 Words that Mean the Opposite of What They Used to Mean
These meaning of words we know today used to have an opposite meaning when they were first used.
We All Make These Mistakes as Parents... Hilarious!
When situations like this happen, we cannot help but giggle. Take a look at these hilarious parenting fails.
For the Good of Your Clothes, Stop These Laundry Mistakes!
Here are 9 common washing mistakes that reduce the quality and durability of your clothes.
8 Lies We've Been Told About Electricity
These incorrect facts about electricity have been perpetuated long enough. It's time to disprove them.
How Logical Are You? Test Yourself and Find Out!
90% of people who took this test got it wrong. Do you think you can do better? Give it a go!
14 Times People Hilariously Misused Quotation Marks
A misused quotation mark can send a completely different message than was intended, as you will see in these pictures.
This is Where Fat Really Goes When You Lose Weight
Ever wondered where fat goes once you've burnt it off? Well wonder no more as all is revealed here!
How Can You Recognize a Fake Gadget Before Buying It?
More often than not, you're almost unable to recognize them. So, before purchasing the product you want to have, bear in mind the following tips:
QUIZ: Did These Events Take Place During WWI or WWII?
Give this quiz a shot, and see if you can work out which of these events took place in the First World War and which ones took place in the Second.
7 Creepy Paintings That Remain Shrouded in Mystery
Take a look at these curious paintings, accompanied with eerie stories.
10 Hidden Diseases Doctors Find Hard to Diagnose
Even modern medicine has a hard time with these ones...
Did This Woman Augment Her Memory Using Surgery?
A new study has opened the door to the possibility of creating memory-enhancing prostheses and implants following successful clinical trials. Read on for more.
10 Conditions You Think You Have, But You Likely Don't
10 conditions you think you have, but most likely, you don't.
These 8 Great Tips Will Help You Boost Your Credit Score
If a low credit score is causing you frustration, then you've got to read these tips!
Protecting Yourself from Medical Errors: A Patient's Guide
Medical negligence is on the rise – here’s how you can keep yourself safe from it.
How 11 Everyday Actions are Shortening Your Car's Lifespan
These common mistakes are wrecking your car’s longevity.
8 Everyday Activities That are Damaging Your Spine
Here's a list of everyday activities that harm your spine.
The Herpes Virus Might be a Cause of Alzheimer's!
A study has reignited a controversial theory about what causes Alzheimer's by studying the brains of people from three different brain banks. Learn more here.
This Is What Gadgets of the Future Look Like! Impressive
It's incredible what inventors think of these days. Here are some new inventions you must check out:
These Common Words Began as Mistakes - Unbelievable!
Some spelling and grammar mistakes change a student’s grade for the worse, others transform the language forever.
7 Downsides to Being Highly Intelligent
Everyone thinks that being blessed with a very high IQ can only be positive, but there are also downsides. Here are 7 downsides to being highly intelligent.
QUIZ: Can You Complete the Sentences?
Complete all 15 sentences and questions correctly to ace this English quiz
Popular Myths Dispelled - Informative and Funny!
We all have many little beliefs we are completly sure are fact. However, it is often we discover that little facts we thought were true since childhood are actually nothing more than a myth. Have a look at this myth-busting post to really re-evaluate
The Easiest Way to Tell If You're Overweight
The right way to tell whether you're a healthy weight doesn't involve a scale or your BMI. Learn more here!
A Few Things About Child Obesity We All Need to Know
What causes childhood obesity, why is it getting more common, and what can be done about it?
7 Historical Facts That Aren't Actually True
Here are seven well-known history facts we should have never believed.
These Are the Most Mispronounced Countries in the World
Avoid saying these commonly mispronounced places incorrectly.
Our Brains Are So Incredible, Want to Know Why?
Find answers to questions you've always wanted to ask!
10 Common French Loanwords You’re Probably Mispronouncing
French loanwords that are pronounced differently or mean something else entirely in French
12 Passport Mistakes That Could Ruin Your Next Trip
Here are some passport mistakes you should never make to ensure your journey goes smoothly from start to finish.
Trivia: Only a Minority of People Pass This Test Correctly...
Do you have great general knowledge? Think you can beat our fact test...?
Do This Eye Exercise At the End of a Screen Intensive Day
Suffer from painful and tired eyes after another day of working in front of the computer? You may be hurting your eye muscles... Fix the problem with this exercise.
What Do Your Nails Say About Your Health? Find Out!
Your fingernails and toenails are an effective warning system for our health. This is what you need to know.
10 Difficult Words in English Everyone Should Know
English has many difficult words with meanings that are nearly impossible to guess, which makes them super tough to remember. Here are 10 such words
7 Truly Provocative Psychological Experiments
Psychological experiments are considered one of the most controversial and questionable branches of science because of their lasting effects on individuals. Here's a list of the 7 most provocative of them all!
How Do Professional HVAC Technicians Diagnose System Issues?
It is important to fix HVAC system problems if we are to attain the highest efficiency from the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems in your house throughout the year.
6 Shocking Truths About Coffee You Never Knew
Have you been believing these common coffee myths too?
These Ancient Inventions Have Got Scientists Stumped!
Here are 12 items from long ago which prove that our ancestors possessed knowledge and skills far more advanced than we once believed them to be.
9 Tips to Keep Your Sweater from Shedding This Winter
Winter is almost here, and it’s time to protect your sweaters from shedding.
10 Words We Use Every Day That Shakespeare Made Popular
Shakespeare is believed to have invented 1,700 words, but these 10 should be taken off the list, as he didn't invent, but popularized them.
7 Mistakes to AVOID When Preparing For a Hurricane
Hurricane season is at its height - these are the mistakes to avoid in order to stay safe!
5 Tips to Keep Your Toothbrush Truly Clean
Incorrect or inconsistent care of your toothbrush may expose you to germs and bacteria. Following these tips will help you avoid it.
Your Computer Mouse Can Do Much More Than You Think...
Knowing how to use your mouse can make computing so much easier than you ever realized. Here are some great tips on how to maximize the use of your mouse, which will increase your overall productivity on the computer.
8 Facts You Learned at School that Are No Longer True!
The passage of time leads things that were once accepted as facts to actually be proven as incorrect. Here are 8 supposed facts that aren’t really true.
6 Fascinating Stories of Accidental Medical Discoveries
From penicillin to pacemakers, here are the medical breakthroughs that were discovered by accident.
Although People Think These Are US Creations, They're Not
There are certain foods, things and inventions that are just synonymous with America, but they were actually invented elsewhere. Here are 15 of them.
8 Unique Facts You Didn't Know About The Thesaurus
How much do you know about the thesaurus? Here we list some fascinating and lesser-known facts about the word-finding tool.
Lost Your Voice? Here's What You Can Do
Four most common reasons why you no longer sound like yourself.
These American History “Facts” Are Actually False
We’ve all believed these American history “facts” at some point.
Metallic Taste in Your Mouth? Here Are 10 Possible Causes
The flavors we experience derive from what we put into the mouth, but sometimes there are factors that distort the sense of taste - here are 10 of them.
Stay Clear of These 9 RISKY Google Searches
You can search anything on Google, but it’s advisable not to do so for these risky things.
These 10 Ancient Practices Will Completely Baffle You!
In this article you will find 10 common practices of ancient people that will leave you completely baffled.
5 Psychological Theories For Understanding the Mind & Soul
These five psychological theories are considered to be breakthroughs in understanding the mind. Knowing them can certainly change your life for the better.
13 Great Tips That'll Ensure Your Container Pots Thrive
If you struggle to keep your container plants alive then you're definitely doing something wrong. Here are 13 great tips that you should heed!
7 Handy Chrome Extensions That You Must Install Today
This article features some of the best and most useful Google Chrome extensions that will be handy to every user.
8 Exercises that'll Improve Your Sitting Posture
Did you know that your sitting posture can end up causing you a lot of pain?
Short Senior Jokes that'll Make You Crack Up!
Just because you're getting old, it doesn't mean that you have to stop laughing. Here are 25 short senior jokes that'll really tickle your fancy.
These Myths Surrounding Dementia Need to be Cleared
In this article, we try and shatter some of the common myths surrounding dementia.
8 Conversational Mistakes We All Make and Should Stop
Not every conversation with a new person will go well, but avoiding these 8 common mistakes will certainly help
Learn How to Deal With the Most Common Upper Back Problem
Dowager’s hump is the most common type of kyphosis and exists in both adults and young adults, and fortunately, there is a way to treat it!
Got a Scratch on Your Car? We Are Here to Help…
Got a scratch on your car? Here’s how you can repair it at home…
Debunking the Common Myths Regarding the COVID-19 Variants
The new COVID-19 variants have caused widespread confusion and fear. Here, we attempt to debunk some common myths surrounding them.
7 Things We All Get Wrong About a Diabetes-Friendly Diet
This article features 7 misconceptions about the foods and drinks diabetics should and shouldn't eat.
These 9 Behaviors Are Considered Selfish but Really Aren’t!
Selfishness has a bad name, and rightly so, but maybe not always. There are cases, like the following 9, where behavior considered "selfish" is actually not...
12 Common Cooking Mistakes and How You Can Fix Them
Cooking can be fun or a headache, it all depends on how we work in the kitchen. Learn the12 mistakes most of us make while cooking and how to fix them.
PowerToys: The Best Free Microsoft App for Windows Users
In this article, we'll introduce you to this toolbox and show you which 23 useful tools are waiting for you there.
Adjust Your Car Seat to YOUR Own Body
Learn how to customize and adjust your car seat for your own body and which exercises you can do inside your car to alleviate pain.
9 Surprising Psychological Facts About Human Behavior
Do you hold the door open for others, or hate to ask for directions? If so, you should read what scientists have to say about that.
12 Common Cooking Mistakes and How to Fix Them
Learn to Avoid These 15 Bad Habits When Driving
We are told to stick to speed limits and to avoid getting behind the wheel after having a drink. However, you should also avoid these 15 bad driving habits.
12 Small Diet Changes that’ll Give Your Health a Makeover!
Many find it difficult to make major diet changes but with these 12 simple tricks, you won't feel that you're sacrificing the taste of your favorite foods.
Saving Your Houseplants - A Must Have Guide
If you love your houseplants and want to prevent them from dying, read the following comprehensive guide.
When Things Go South, Remember These 20 Universal Truths
When things look bleak and hope feels like a distant memory, remember these 20 inspiring truths that all of humanity shares.
8 Vital Tips To Keep In Mind While Reading Food Labels
Understanding food labels can be tricky, but is very important. Here are some handy tips that will help you read food labels better.
Liver Cirrhosis: What You Need to Watch Out for
One major complication that can occur in the liver is cirrhosis, and this comprehensive guide will show you exactly how to deal with it.
These 9 Common Medicines Affect Men & Women Differently
Did you know that there's a significant difference in how certain types of medicines affect men vs. women? In this article, we discuss the development of gender-based medicine, which works to provide appropriate medication for each gender.
Concerned About Liver Cirrhosis? You Need to Read This!
Guide: How to Unlock Your Phone Without a Passcode
Forgot your phone passcode? Don't panic.Just follow these steps.
10 Worst Things to Say When Talking to Your Grandchildren
In this article, we will look at some of the things you should never say to your grandchildren.
QUIZ: How Do You Make Friends?
Although we are complicated people with many complex traits, we each have something that motivates our relationships. Find out what motivates you now...
World-Famous Psychological Experiments That Shocked Us
The human mind is a most intricate thing. It also has some quirks and idiosyncrasies that are both incredible and a little uncomfortable. Read on for more.
Look Youthful by Avoiding These Common Hair Mistakes
You might be adding years to your face with these common hairstyle mistakes.
Some Good Advice for Teaching Your Kids How to Learn
Our children learn a lot in school, but some have a hard time studying, task solving, reading instructions or summarizing texts. These 10 tips can help...
These 12 Nutrition Tips Will Give You a Health Makeover!
Many of us find it difficult to make major changes to our diets, but these 12 simple tricks won't make you feel like your sacrificing taste for health!
Want to Buy the Freshest Products? Here’s how!
There are basic food products that we consume regularly, so its super important to know how to check their quality. These next tips will help you do just that.
10 Daily Habits that Contribute to Your Lower Back Pain
Here are 10 daily activities that might be causing your back pain and that you should be aware of in order to stop them.
Use Telegram Messenger Effectively With These Handy Tips
New to the Telegram Messenger app? Take note of these handy tips and tricks to enhance your experience.
10 Differences Between Alzheimer's and Natural Aging
Our memory capacity changes as we get older but there are some differences between the natural processes and signs of Alzheimer's that you should know...