The Delightful Origami Animals of Hung Cuong
Origami, the art of folding paper, is an ancient and honored form of art in Japanese culture, which has, with time, also excited the rest of the world...
Artist Draws Incredible Chalk Portraits On the Pavement
Drawing with chalk on the pavement isn't an activity reserved only for kids. Check out Cuong Nguyen's beautiful lifelike pavement portraits.
17 Magnificent DIY Art Pieces to Inspire the Artist in You
These extraordinary pieces of art were made using common everyday items!
A Lesson in Humility - Hilarious.
This funny video can teach us that it's never smart to gloat, and to always be content with what you have!
These Naval Battles Changed the Course of History
History has been witness to some momentous naval battles. Here is a look at some of the greatest.
7 Creepy Paintings That Remain Shrouded in Mystery
Take a look at these curious paintings, accompanied with eerie stories.
Joke: A Naughty New Tenant
A new tenant has come to the house, and is already causing trouble!
These Photos Prove Just How Weird People Can Be
Here are some of the most unusual things we have ever seen.
Joke: The Firefighter, the Little Girl and Her Firetruck
This joke begins with a firefighter noticing a little girl with her own fire truck...
Time For a Laugh: The New Tenant is In, and He's Trouble!
Joke: Mr. President, the Russians Are Calling!
It was 1990 and Mikhail Gorbachev called POTUS Bush to request help with an emergency: "Our largest condom factory has exploded," the Russian President cried. “This is a true disaster!"
Joke: What Even NASA Can't Do
It was a special day at NASA when the phone suddenly rang...
This Old Man Has Been Saving Up For His Entire Life...
A very young bride and her rather old groom are getting married at a hotel. She thinks she's finally getting her hands on his vast fortune...
The Tallest Hotel In the World - Stunning!
A Hotel Up in the Sky: Ritz-Carlton, HK
This Joke Starts With a Man Finding Prowlers In His Shed
A man discovers prowlers in his barn, so he promptly calls 911. There are no police cars are available, so he takes matters into his own hands...
Do You Know What Goes Great With Halloween Costumes? Puns!
If you love funny word play and puns, then these incredibly creative costumes are just what you need to see this Halloween.
Joke: A Funny Christmas Poem!
Twas the night before Christmas and throughout the substation, Not a deputy stirred, they were all on vacation.
Funny Signs: What Happened HERE???
These business owners have had enough of people's BS and they hung up signs to let everyone know. The result will have you rolling on the floor!
What On Earth Is He Doing to That Cow? (Hilarious Joke)
A farmer is attempting to milk a cow, but she's just completely unruly and not having any of it. He soon resorts to tying her limbs up, but...
Stunning! This Incredible Artist Pays Attention to Detail
Exceptional paper artist Bovey Lee uses large thin sheets of Chinese rice paper to cut intricate scenes. Take a look at her works of art - impressive!
Hilarious! Give Us This Day, Our Daily Chicken!
When the Pope and the Colonel get together...
Joke: The Suspicious Wife
This joke begins with a suspicious wife...
It’s Amazing How Much Dijon, France Has Changed in 70 Years
A local resident of Dijon in France recently discovered some photos from the 1940s and compared them to the present. It’s phenomenal to see how much a city can change in 70 years.
Hilarious: The Husband Exam!
Hilarious! Men Can Handle Anything Impossible!
Hilarious photos illustrating how men are willing to do just about anything!
14 Nostalgic Pics to Take You Back to the Good Ol’ Days
These photos will instantly trigger your nostalgia.
A City Stops to Honor a Sick Child's Wish!
A City Welcomes Batkid on a Remarkable Day!
17 Jaw-Dropping Photos of Notable Historical Events
These are the images by which we will remember these important moments for centuries to come.
This Artist Recreated the Parthenon Using Banned Books
The artist Marta Minujin created the Parthenon of Books - a life-sized replica of the Greek Parthenon made of 10,000 banned books.
Woman Finds Incredible 1930s Time Capsule From Her Father
The Shoebox Negatives is a project by Joan Ruppert to share her late father's photogprahy form the 1930 and 40s. Go on a journey with this touching time capsule
Do You Remember Playing Like These Photographed Children?
In the days before cellphones, the internet, and the like, we children had to learn how to make our fun. Remember playing like these retro kids?
Joke: The Colonel and the Pope
Desperate after three bad months of sales at Kentucky Fried Chicken, the famous Colonel called up the Pope and asks him for a favor.
The Genius Answer of This Granny Really Makes You Think...
This wise grandmother explains to her grandchild how different her childhood was...
HILARIOUS: The Office Can Be a Funny Place!
Four short and funny jokes about office and business situations!
The Joys of Finding Something You Thought You Lost Forever
Though the chances may be slim, these photos prove that we should never despair.
Here’s How to Organize Your Closet Easily and Efficiently!
Come spring everyone's rushing to organize their closet, and these 6 tips can make your lives much easier when doing so!
Everyone Should Know This Beautiful Story...
We often face challenges, and often argue that we can't overcome them. The following story will show you that "I can't" has long since died.
We All Have Our Bad Days - 15 Funny and Relatable Photos
Anyone can relate to these funny 'bad day' photos. Sometimes luck just isn't on our side...
I Want to Share This Old Man's Advice with You
This old man knew how to face up to life and be happy. Here's his story.
This Ingenious Idea Will Bring More Light to Your Home
Do you have a dark hallway or room in your house and want to brighten it up a bit (without hassle)? If the answer to this is yes, then we have just the thing for you!
15 Enchanting Photos That Will Soothe Your Heart
These enchanting photos will transport you to a different world.
This Woman's Answer is the Best Thing I've Heard Today
The best answer the later generation can give...
The Best of the Best - Stunning!
The Best of the Best Photos!
7 Household Chores That You Should Do Less Frequently
Keeping up with our homes can take a lot of time and energy. But not all of them are worth your time and effort.
These Criminal Masterminds Were Just Too Darn Clever!
Think crime doesn't pay? Take a look at these 20 criminal masterminds who were just too damn good at everything they did!
Monet's Garden: A Place of Vivid, Gorgeous Colors
Have you ever seen a garden more beautiful than that belonging to Monet? Take a look at these beautiful images.
30 'Dog Photographer of the Year' Award-Winning Photos
Check out these beautiful award-winning photos from The Kennel Club's 'Dog Photographer of the Year' competition. Enjoy!
I Never Knew the Origin of These Common Words!
These regular words have very exotic origins.
The Surprising Medical Benefits of Garlic
The amazing powers of nature's natural cure to a variety of diseases and conditions - garlic!
QUIZ: What Do You Remember About the Cold War?
The Cold War (1947-1991) dominated the politics during most of our lives. So, looking back, how much do you remember about the war that brought us to the brink?
Have You Ever Seen Giants Things & Creatures Like This?
Some things are so disproportionately large relative to others that it's enough to boggle the mind. Here are 12 very large creatures and things.
Make the Most Out of Your Closet Space With These Top Tips
Do you feel like screaming every time you open your closet door? These 7 cost-effective tips will help you get all the space you need!
Grandma Gets Asked a Question and Has a Perfect Response
When I asked grandma what she thought of events in recent years, I found her answer intriguing. It made me realize how much things have changed...
If You Want to See Some Breathtaking Beauty, Come In Here...
Check out the astonishing winning panoramic images from the 2023 EPSON International Pano Awards.
The Talented Winners of the Sony Photo Contest.
The 2014 Sony World Photography Awards have finally published the winners of their world-wide photo competition. Here are my favorite finalists and winners, definitely a talented and original crowd!
These Houseplants Are Dangerous For You and Your Pets!
Some houseplants look beautiful but could pose a danger for small children and pets alike. Find out about 9 common poisonous houseplants.
40 Works of Street Art That Will Make You Stop And Think
Many beautiful works of art have been found in the most unique places. These artists make the streets their canvas and pour their hearts out to the world.
COLD WAR TRIVIA: How Much History Do You Know?
Hahaha! These 3 Parrot Jokes Will Ruffle Your Feathers
Parrots are funny animals. They can talk, they can imitate us, they make weird noises, and they are a lot more intelligent than they look. These 3 parrot jokes will have you choking on your feathers.
The Royal Jewelry Collection: Let's Take a Peek...
The British royal family has some of the most spectacular pieces of jewelry in the world. Take a look at this post to see amazing tiaras, necklaces and earrings
This Guy Found a Tip Book from the 60s, And It's Genius!
It turns out lifehacks aren't only a thing of the present, the 60's had their own book of tips and tricks to make life easier, and here are 8 of the best!
Around the World in 10 Unique New Year's Eve Traditions
Discover the different ways New Year’s Eve is celebrated around the world.
7 Truly Provocative Psychological Experiments
Psychological experiments are considered one of the most controversial and questionable branches of science because of their lasting effects on individuals. Here's a list of the 7 most provocative of them all!
You'd Best Think Twice Before Consuming These Delicacies!
Here are 10 dishes that can give you an adrenaline rush stronger than that from any roller-coaster, while testing your luck better than the lottery.
Between Grandparents and Grandchildren - Funny!
Funny Anecdotes of Children and Grandparents
Bright Colors, Fireworks and Lots of Food! That’s Diwali!
Celebrate with Hindus world over the wonderful Festival of Lights, Deepavali, with food and firecrackers galore, and beautiful lights!
This Contest’s Travel Photos Are So Poignant (19 Pics)
‘All About Photo’ Magazine has recently declared the best travel photos of the year. Let’s take a look at some of them.
Take a Tour of the Real Castle of Downton Abbey!
Highclere Castle is the real-life Downton Abbey, and it isn't very different to how it is depicted on the popular TV show. Learn some intriguing facts.
15 Smart Alternative Uses for Bubble Wrap No One Told You
Bubble wrap can do much more than help you move!
You Know You're Guilty of Telling These Common Lies
Are you guilty of telling your friends and family these lies?
The 16 Buildings Most Revered By Architects The World Over
There are buildings that are arguably more impressive than the ones you see here, but architects have their reasons for picking them out. Discover them here.
Watch Out! The Following 11 Places Are Full of Germs!
We come into contact with harmful bacteria every single day, even in places we'd expect it the least. Here are 11 places that are actually full of germs.
These Wholesome Animal Titbits Will Make You Smile
Here are some adorable animal facts that will keep you smiling all day.
WARNING: Don't Let Children Play With These Toys
Today there is a large selection of toys, and although they should be fun some may be real life-threatening, such as those on this list,
10 Instant Self-Checks Worth Performing Regularly at Home
Our body can give certain signs we don't always realize are indications of a bad health or disease - learn 10 brilliant ways of checking out your body for these signs regularly from home.
Michelangelo and Rome: An Artistic Love Story
Michelangelo had quite the love affair with Rome, as can be evidenced by his gorgeous works as both painter and sculptor.
12 Pickpocketing Tricks to Look Out For When Traveling
The theft of wallets and other items while on vacation is a real blow, therefore, it's important to know the ways thieves steal in order to avoid them.
These Deserted Yet Beautiful Mansions Have a Spooky Past
Take a look at some creepy old abandoned mansions from around the world that have an eerie past.
Avoid 10 Design Mistakes to Make Your Home More Spacious
Interior decoration is a lot tougher than it seems, no wonder these 10 mistakes are so very common. Care to find out if you're guilty of any?
17 Tricks to Make Your Home Appear More Spacious
Small rooms and houses may lack visual space, but here are some useful tips on how you can make them look bigger than they actually are.
10 Bizarre Contemporary Customs from Across the Globe
Here are 10 truly bizarre local habits and customs around the world that seem super odd to foreigners.
Meet the Most Iconic Winter Olympians of All Time
The Winter Olympics is all set to begin. Let’s look at some of the most iconic athletes who left their mark in the tournament.
7 Notable Han Dynasty Inventions That Changed the World
Here, we look at some of the great inventions from the Han dynasty of China that had a great impact on the world.
Halloween Decorations That Will Make This Holiday the BEST!
Make this Halloween the most fang-tastic of them all with these quick, and easy DIY decorations to turn your house into a maleficent mansion
10 Highly Creative Ways to Re-Use Empty Wine Bottles
Do you have empty wine bottles sitting around in your garage? If so, here's what you could do with them.
10 Popular Tech Myths You Need To Stop Believing Now
Here we bust some popular and common myths about everyday tech that people still believe in.
The Secrets behind Houdini's Greatest Tricks!
Have you ever wondered how Harry Houdini carried out his stunning feats? Well, if you have, wonder no more! All is revealed here!
14 Creative Uses for Magnets Around the House
Here are some creative and practical ideas to make use of those unwanted magnets, which will benefit both you and the kids.
12 Mind-Blowing Archaeological Discoveries Of 2022
Archaeologists made some remarkable discoveries in 2022. Here is a look at the most fascinating ones.
10 Short Stories With a Beautiful Message
This collection offers you 10 beautiful and inspiring short stories that shed a light on real-life questions, and serve as a great way to remember what truly is important in life.
Understanding the LEI Register System: A Complete Guide for Businesses
Let’s explore how this system enhances financial transparency, ensures compliance, and simplifies global business operations.
Expert Nutritionist Tackles Your Most Burning Diet Q's
Nutritionist Dr. David Katz is here to answer real diet questions from the internet.
FUNNY: These Bizarre Road Signs Will Leave You Confused
We’ve rounded up 17 of the funniest and most baffling road signs from around the world.
17 Historical Photos That Tell Unforgettable Stories
We’ve gathered 17 fascinating photos and facts that offer a unique glimpse into the past.
Skype Is Shutting Down – Try These Alternatives Now
With Skype officially retiring, here are some handy alternatives you should try.
The 30-Second Ear Trick That Calms Your Nervous System
This quick ear exercise stimulates the vagus nerve, which plays a key role in relaxation and healing.
ChatGPT: 30 Tips to Using and Working with the AI
In this video, we’re breaking down 30 practical tips to help you use ChatGPT more effectively
Guide: How to Become a More Consistent Person
Follow the 3 steps below that will improve your life on several levels and help you persist all the way to success.
The Funniest Bumper Stickers You’ll Ever See on the Road
These are some of the funniest bumper stickers ever spotted on the road.
2025 Nature Photography Awards: 17 Stunning Winners
The 2025 World Nature Photography Awards winners will leave you speechless.