Are YOU the Annoying Neighbor? Find Out Here!
Charming, a tad quirky, or full-on annoying - what do your neighbors really think of you?
The Easiest Way to Repair a Chipped Baseboard
If your baseboards could use some repairing, here's the video you should watch to learn how to do it on your own.
11 Simple Home Upgrades That Will Save You Lots of Money
The home improvement projects we feature in this article will help you save money in the long run and they only take an hour or less to complete
The Strange World of Succulents in 21 Photos
For your viewing pleasure, we have collected 21 of the most beautiful and extraordinary succulent plants in the world.
COLLECTION: Growing Tips for Outdoor and Indoor Plants
Dive into the world of indoor and outdoor plants with these 10 great guides to show you the way.
27 Ways to Re-Use Broken Household Items!
OK so you broke something. Don't feel bad, it happens to us all sooner or later. But should that mean the object is now useless to you? The answer is a resounding no!
How to Grow More Basil Than You Can Use in No Time
Why pay for herbs, such as basil, all the time if you can plenty for your cooking purposes at home?
Make Your Garden As Beautiful as Can be With Epsom Salts
Epsom salts are highly rich in nutrients, and this means that they're great for helping flowers and trees to grow beautifully and healthily. Read these 15 tips.
12 Beautiful Plants that Flourish in the Summer Heat
many plants are simply unable to grow in the summer heat. but the 12 before you do well in it and can decorate your house all summer long.
Most Plant Owners Ignore This Crucial Plant Care Detail
Successful houseplant owners always pay close attention to their plants’ light needs. Let us teach you to do just that in this brief but informative guide.
5 Different Christmas Plants and How to Care for Them
In this guide, you'll find some tips on how to keep it alive throughout the season, and how to maintain it for next year.
Why Ingesting This Seemingly Innocent Plant is ILLEGAL
The Peyote, also known as the button cactus (for its cute button-like shape, of course), is not as innocent and harmless as it may seem.
7 Unusual Varieties of Citrus
This video will introduce you to a range of citrus fruit you've likely never even heard of - from oranges that taste like mango to orange-colored limes.
You’ll Be Swept Off Your Feet by These Pretty Pink Plants!
If you love the color pink, check out these 11 indoor plants, you’ll be swept off your feet by these pretty pink plants.
I Had No Idea You Could Do This With a Tape Measure
Did you know that you can turn a tape measure into a compass? This is just one of the many hidden features of the tape measure shown here...
How to Make a Plant Pot Out of Cement and Egg Cartons
This video shows you the general principle of creating a DIY garden planter from two simple and cheap ingredients - egg cartons and cement.
7 Basic Tips For a Successful Garden
Every beginner gardener must hear this information! Practice these 7 rules to achieve consistent gardening success, no matter what you're growing.
23 Creative Gardening Ideas to Inspire Your Spring Garden
Gardening can be enjoyed by anyone! These creative gardening ideas and hacks which might be just the inspiration you need for your spring garden.
Why the Ever Growing Demand for Succulents is Dangerous
The popularity of succulents and cacti has a dark side... Learn why this is dangerous and what can be done about it.
How to Prune Roses in Spring - a Tutorial
Spring is here, and you can slowly start getting your garden ready for the warm season. Learn how to prune rose bushes the easy way!
These Mystical Plants Seem To Be From Another Planet
Take a look at some of the most unusual and unique plants and flowers from around the world.
Plant Hacks and DIY Gardening Tips Everyone Needs to Know
Here is a huge collection of plant growing, mending, and gardening hacks.
13 of the Most Unusual Plants & Veggies Found in Gardens
Here's a collection of some of the most unusual plants and vegetables that people found in their gardens.
10 Pretty Houseplants That Are Nearly Impossible to Kill
These 10 plants are not only beautiful, they're also beginner-friendly and extremely easy to care for!
Every House Needs a Cactus and These Are the Perfect Ones
Not all cacti are prickly, but most as sturdy, low-maintenance and absolutely gorgeous. These Cacti will be perfect for any house or garden
Don’t Miss This Handy Tutorial to Mend an Iron Chair
Here is an informative video tutorial to help those who are looking to fix their broken metal chairs.
16 Heaven-Scent Plants That’ll Make Your Home Smell Divine
This article contains a list of 16 divinely-smelling plants that can be grown indoors or outdoors.
Beautiful! The Color of a Rose Conveys a Special Message
Roses are the most well known and celebrated flower in the world. You may be surprised to discover the meaning of roses and their various colors.
There Are So Many Beautiful Types of Orchids...
There are over 25,000 types of orchid. Here are some of my favorites...
How to Revive Your Plants to Shiny Green Again
To help you out, we've put together a comprehensive guide that covers eight signs of plant sickness and provides solutions to restore their health and beauty.
Do This to Revive a Drying Houseplant
Whenever one of your houseplants suddenly looks ill, do this trick.
The Ultimate Indoor Plant Guide - 15 Articles in One!
We cover everything from choosing potting mix to the best houseplant recommendations for beginners.
These Gorgeous White Flowers Are the Height of Sophistication
The color of elegance and refinement, white can elevate any flowerbed!
These Cozy Gardening Pics Will Add Sunshine to Your Day
This beautiful collection of gardening pictures will add sunshine to your day!
12 Texas Native, Low Maintenance, Heat Resistant Plants
Learn about hardiness zones and why it's best to grow native plants with 12 examples of Texas native plants.
This Plant Blossoms Only Once a CENTURY
David Attenborough introducing the most alluring desert plants at Kew Gardens.
How to Pick the Liveliest Houseplants at the Garden Center
A lot of your plant growing success boils down to shopping for the healthiest plants, and here’s how you do just that.
10 Things Home Owners Must Watch Out For in the Winter
This brief list of just 10 winter household tips will guide you through the basics of winter home maintenance.
The BIGGEST Problems Houseplants Face in the Winter
Why are my houseplants dying in the winter? We review a variety of plant problems typical for the winter and get to the root causes of these problems.
Should You Put Plants on the Windowsill in the Winter?
One of the biggest pitfalls of winter houseplant care is choosing the wrong location for your plants...
A Simple Trick For Painting Walls Twice As FAST!
With this simple trick, you'll be able to coat any wall with a fresh coat of paint twice as fast!
The Definitive Guide to Air Plants: Grow Without Soil
Learn how to grow and care for air plants, a cool and low-maintenance addition to your indoor garden.
Now is the Time to Revive Your Patchy Lawn
Early fall is the perfect time to cure your dry, heat-beaten lawn. Here's how.
You Can Grow This Rare Rose in Your Front Yard
Let us introduce you to this cool-looking flower with a concise how-to-grow guide.
15 Glorious Flowers You’ll See in Late Summer & Early Fall
Late summer to early fall is the best period to grow or admire some of the brightest and most striking flowers in existence.
8 Pretty Indoor Plants You Can Easily Grow in Water
As surprising as it may sound, you don't need soil to grow indoor plants. It's easy to cultivate these 8 plants in a regular jar with just water!
Olive Oil Is Useful All Around the House - 10 Great Ideas!
Olive oil is a kitchen ingredient you always have at home. Realize the full potential of this wonderful household ingredient with these 10 excellent tips!
10 Beautiful Succulents You Can Easily Grow Indoors
You can’t go wrong with succulents. Any of these 10 stunning plants will become an excellent addition to your indoor garden.
Food Hacks: 12 Smart and Simple Ways to Save Cooking Time
Try these simple and easy food hacks and tricks today to save you plenty of cooking time.
How to Revive a Dying Plant
If you have a dying plant on your hands, don't be too quick to lose hope. Here are 9 tips to revive a dying houseplant.
7 Common Indoor Plant Care Mistakes to Avoid
Avoid these 7 plant care mistakes to make sure all of your potted plants will have a long and healthy life.
15 Gorgeous Perennials Every Garden Should Have
Growing perennial plants is both easy and rewarding, as these hardy plants will continue growing and blooming on their own for years after you've planted them.
How to Always Look Great in Photos - 10 Useful Tips
If you want to improve your posing skills, check out these pro photographer’s tips!
These Neglected Plants Are Brimming With Life Again!
These neglected and forgotten plants were once on the brink of death, but they are now brimming with vitality once again.
14 Useful Charts and Guides You’ll Want to Save!
We prepared a list of 14 visual guides and charts that will come in handy at home, outdoors, and even when you’re searching for something online!
Everything You Need to Know About Growing Herbs Indoors
Which herbs are best grown indoors and what is the best way to do so? This useful tutorial will answer all of your questions on the topic
These Perennial Flowering Plants Require Zero Maintenance!
If you want to surround your house with beautiful flowers, these are the best long-lasting plants that require very little maintenance.
Who Knew You Can Make Cute Baskets from PINE NEEDLES?
These cute baskets will be the perfect gift or a pretty addition to your interior decor, and all you need to make them are pine needles and some thread!
How to Preserve Flower Bouquets: 5 Simple Ways
When it comes to flower preservation, there are several methods you can use, and here are 5 of the most prominent and easy ones!
Handy Tips on How to Keep Your Pillows Fresh and Germ Free
Experts say we aren't washing our pillows enough. Find out how often should we wash our pillows and how to do it.
You Must Know These Tips for Growing Healthy Plants
With these key tips, even complete beginners will be able to grow healthy and beautiful plants at home!
Why Overspend on Electricity? Dry Laundry the Natural Way!
Want to save money on electricity bills and learn to hang your laundry out to dry in the open? Here are a few handy tips that will help you do it right!
7 Wi-Fi Signal Boosting Tricks for Better Connectivity
Take note of these simple and useful tips to optimize your home’s wireless network.
These Cool Gadgets Can Turn Your Dream Garden Into Reality
If you’re trying to fix up your garden on a budget, these devices, gadgets and nifty items are just the things for you!
15 Easy Ways to Repurpose Household Waste in the GARDEN
Learn how to reuse waste and old or broken items to give your garden a real upgrade!
Home Hacks: 8 Smart Tips to Declutter Your Bedroom
Take note of these handy tips to achieve an organized and clutter-free bedroom.
Plant Propagation for Beginners: 5 Useful Methods
Luckily, you can make the most of every plant you buy by propagating them, essentially multiplying your plant collection every time!
14 Easy Solutions to Everyday Problems You’ll Want to Know
Here we have compiled 14 ingenious solutions to annoying little everyday problems we could all do without!
7 Essential Tips to Maintain a Healthy Lawn in the Summer
Here are some simple and useful tips to maintain a lush, green lawn during the summer months.
11 Mistakes Any DIY-er Should Avoid
Before you begin your long awaited project, take a look at these common DIY mistakes and make sure you’re not making any of them along the way.
These Life-Changing Tricks Will Make Your Scalp Less Oily
We will show you how to make your hair produce less oil and give handy tips and DIY tricks that can help reduce the appearance of oily hair
Proof that Aquatic Flowers Have No Match in Beauty
To honor the exotic beauty of aquatic flowers, we created a list of the 7 most breathtaking aquatic flowers in the world
Even Venus Fly Traps Need a Place to Call Home
Who knew you could keep Venus Fly Traps at home? This gardener knows and shows the best way to do it!
Everybody Should Know How to Tie These 9 Knots
Knowing how to tie different kinds of knots is a very useful and important skill. Learn how to tie these 9 most common knots with this video tutorial.
10 Ideal Plants to Fill Up Empty Space in Your Garden
If your yard or garden has a lot of empty space, then why not add some evergreen ground cover plants to give it some extra character?
17 Flowers That Prove the World is Full of Surprises...
We've gathered for you 17 strange and extraordinary plants and flowers from around the world that all nature lovers should see...
12 Beautiful Gardens That Show Another Side of Europe
Europe is a favorite for people from all over the world, but apart from the ancient buildings and historical sites, it also has some of the most beautiful gardens in the world.
Winter Is a Harsh Time For Plants, Here's What to Do
Here's how to go about protecting your plants in the winter.
These Flowers Add Color With Very Little Gardening Effort
If you want to have a colorful summer garden but don't fancy dedicating all your free time to it, all you need are these 12 flower varieties. Read on for more.
Stunning Flowers and Inspiring Quotes to Brighten Your Day
Take a moment to enjoy the colorful beauty of astonishing flowers and the inspiring words of those who love them.
The Flowers & Blossoms of Fruit Trees Are Achingly Pretty
There are few things in this world that are quite as magical as a flowering or blossoming fruit tree. Take a look at 15 stunning images of fruit tree flowers.
Enjoy Gorgeous Flowers Accompanied By Inspiring Quotes
These flowers are truly stunning, and when they're juxtaposed with some amazing quotes, their beauty is even more apparent. Enjoy this beautiful post.
I Have Never Been This Moved by a Flower's Beauty
Nature is full of plenty of surprises, but none surpass the varied beauty of these wild flowers. Enjoy this series of gorgeous, delicate rare flowers to add some beauty to your day!
These Exotic Flowers Are Just Plain Beautiful!
Many of us have a favorite flower, but we're always left in awe when we're in the presence of a really rare one. Take a look at this wonderful bunch.
These Orchids Look Like Anything Else Other Than Flowers
Orchids are some of the most unusual flowers in nature. As you'll see in this next post, there's a lot of them that don't actually look like flowers at all...
Learn This Amazing Two-Step Fix For Scratched Furniture
You can give your scratched furniture a whole new lease of life by learning this super-easy two-step solution. Take a look.
This Photographer Captures the Beauty of the Bonsai Tree
The magic of bonsai trees is captured beautifully by this talented photographer.
These Plants Prove That Life Forever Finds a Way...
Even when conditions are not ideal, these plants always seem to find a way to survive and even thrive...
A Wonderful Collection of Flowers, Beauty and Color
This is BabaMail's Ultimate Floral Post collection. We've selected 12 of the best articles, photo-series and videos from our website for you to enjoy.
10 Products That Are Perfect for Quick Home Repairs
If you're terrified of making repairs to your home and call a handyman for every little thing, you're wasting money. These 10 products will make home repair quick and painless, even for a novice.
25 Ways to Keep Your Garden Healthy and Thriving
We've collected some great tips for maintaining a healthy garden that will help you every day.
From an Unsightly Tree Stump to a Garden's Centerpiece!
If you have a tree stump in your garden that you can't get rid of, why not turn it into something beautiful?
Bring Nature Indoors with These Teeny Tiny Gardens
Wouldn't it be nice to have a garden in your home? If you're limited by space and time, these 24 tiny gardens may be the solution to your needs.
Learn About 12 Popular Spices in Their Natural Form
We've gathered 12 very common spices and included photos showing them as plants blooming in nature.
Gosh, These People are Annoying!
While I'm a people person, I DO acknowledge that there are some people that really annoy me on a daily basis...
15 Stunning Photos of the World's Largest Feline
15 photographs that prove once again the splendor and majesty of the Asian tiger.
13 Mind-Blowing Wildlife Photographs from 2024
These are 13 rare, beautiful, stunning, and terrifying moments that will show you the hidden and true faces of nature...
12 Beautiful Plants That Will Transform Your Windows
Brighten your home with these gorgeous window plants.
How to Create a Low-Maintenance Garden
This guide will provide practical advice on designing and maintaining a low-maintenance garden, from plant choices to time-saving techniques.
A Guide to Identifying and Treating 8 Common Lawn Problems
Discover 8 common problems in gardens and lawns and how they can be treated