The Rise and Fall of the Tudors: A Royal History
Looking at key events in the history of the Tudor Royal family, where they came from, how they rose to power, and what caused their decline.
The Medieval Disease That’s Perplexing Science to This Day
Past epidemics have turned into a hot topic recently, but there is one disease that seems to be forgotten. What is the sweating sickness and how did it originate?
Introducing Henry, the Oldest Crocodile in the World
Meet Henry, the world's oldest and largest Nile crocodile we know of.
Henri Matisse, a Master of Bold Colors and Impressionism
In Henri Matisse’s 60 year career, half of which he spent painting with Picasso, he created many works of art, like these stunning pieces
Meet Henry, an Existential Cat - Hilarious!
A parody of old French art movies, this artistic cat video is going to crack you up! Our respect goes to the cat, the best feline actor we've ever seen!
15 Mesmerizing Paintings by Henry Ossawa Tanner
Henry Ossawa Tanner was the first African-American artist to gain international acclaim. Enjoy 15 of his most remarkable paintings.
Who Was Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec?
Get to know the French painter Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, who is considered to be the forefather of commercialized art.
Henri Matisse: King of the Wild Artists Movement
Henri Matisse has a place in the Hall of Fame of avant-garde art. This article tries to explore why.
The 10 Greatest British Monarchs in History
Do you know about the greatest monarchs in British history? Don't fret if you don't, because you're about to learn all about them right now.
Think You're a History Buff? Take This Quiz and Find Out!
How well do you know these important historical figures, who helped to create the world we live in today?
Marriage Didn’t Last Long For These Royal Family Members
Good marriages can be hard to maintain and even harder for royalty. These 8 royal marriages you're about to read about are a clear proof of that.
7 Ancient Helmets That Will Blow Your Mind
In this article, we will be taking an up-close look at 7 ancient helmets and their archeological, cultural, and historical background.
Take Our Shakespeare Test: Are you Smart Enough to Pass?
Shakespeare is the greastest poet ever, arguably. Therefore, you have to be pretty civilized to know his works well. Let's see if you can pass this quiz!
The Real Faces of Famous Historical Characters
Although people in the movies claim to depict historical characters with lots of accuracy, the reality is often quite different. Here are 10 examples.
The Unlikely Chance Encounters That Shaped the World
One chance meeting could change history. Check out the stories of the most world altering encounters that happened completely at random.
QUIZ: Test Your Insight to the American Revolutionary War
Do you think you've got what it takes to prove that you are a true US patriot? Lets' find out...
The European History Quiz: How Much Do You Know?
This quiz will test your knowledge of some of the most significant events to ever take place within Europe's long and bloody history.
The Great European History Quiz: How Much Do You Know?
Quiz: WDYK of the Famous Rulers of History?
This quiz is going to test your knowledge of rulers of history.
If You Love History, Then You Need to Try This Quiz!
These Are the Most Visually Stunning Castles In England
There aren't many architectural sites in the world that are as impressive as an English castle. Here are the 7 most visually impressive in the country.
This Cat Travels Across America on the Back of a Dog
Henry and Baloo are both rescues who have adopted each other as family and are inseparable
This Late in Life Painter Created Stunning Works of Art!
Henri Rousseau was an artist who created the bulk of his work in his forties, focusing on images of the jungle and day to day life
Everyone Who Loves History Needs to Try This Quiz!
If you're up for a challenge, then give this quiz a shot, and see if you can work out which historical events actually took place.
If You Care About History, Prove it By Acing Our Quiz!
This Quiz Will Test Your Knowledge of Past Events
How well do you remember the events of the past? Give this quiz a shot and find out for yourself!
A History of Betrayal and Intrigue for the Crown of England
The War of the Roses tore England apart between 1455 and 1487, but its seeds were planted long before that. This is the story of the terrible boy king who plunged England into dynastic chaos.
Joke: So That Was How He Won the Presidency!
Henry asks his wife whether she has been unfaithful to him over their 50-year-long marriage. Her replies shock him...
You Wouldn't Believe the Secrets Behind these Locations
These 10 destinations are shrouded in so much mystery, very little is known about them
These Drug Discoveries Changed the World Forever
Drugs have elongated human longevity and made us healthier overall in the event of suffering some form of ailment. Here are 6 key drug advances.
These Unlikely Animal Friends Explore the World Together!
Meet Henry and Frankie - two very unlikely animal buddies!
10 Intriguing and Creepy Facts About the Tower of London
The Tower of London is nearly 1,000 years old, and through this time, it has accumulated numerous fascinating, eerie, and creepy stories... Read some of them here
The Purple Hue That Changed the World
In 1856, a chemistry student accidentally created a strange substance with a rich purple color. In just a few years, his creation changed the world...
pictures of the Vietnam War
United States combat troops started arriving in Vietnam in 1965. We had military advisors in the country before that time. The Vietnam war ended on April 30, 1975, with the fall of Saigon.
9 Magical Scottish Towns We'd Love to Visit
If you are planning a trip to Scotland, here are 9 highly recommended towns to exploreץ
The Great Comets of Earth Captured in Stunning Photographs
Many comets cross the outer atmosphere of Earth during their journey across the galaxies, and the brightest ones are these Great Comets
These 6 Royals Chose a Path Outside the Palace
A list of Royal Family members who have careers outside their royal duties or decided to withdraw from them altogether
These Architectural Wonders Will Leave You Breathless
These incredible buildings will amaze any architecture lover.
Hilarious: To Be Young and Frolicking In the Countryside...
An elderly man is taking a walk through the French countryside when he spots a couple getting frisky in a field. Immediately, something seems off...
The Architectural Wonders of Europe Never Looked Better...
Watch as some of the most stunning structures of Europe come alive in beautiful detail.
Then & Now - How Time Transformed 7 Grandiose Palaces
Time leaves its mark on everything, even grandiose structures like palaces. Here are 7 digital reconstruction of once-incredible castles around the world.
The Legend of King Arthur Is MORE Mysterious Than You Know
The one thing possibly even more fascinating than the legend of King Arthur itself is the real history behind it.
An Artist in Progress - Beautiful and Fascinating!
From age 2 to 24 - the development of an artist!
Discover Why Captain Morgan Was Hailed a Hero in the UK
Read through the fascinating story of Captain Henry Morgan.
Museums Are Simply Treasure Troves - 16 Fascinating Photos
These incredibly cool and interesting exhibits prove what treasure troves museums are!
The Most Notorious Man-Eating Lions in History
Do you know the strange history of the man-eating lions of Tsavo?
Stunning Flowers and Inspiring Quotes to Brighten Your Day
Take a moment to enjoy the colorful beauty of astonishing flowers and the inspiring words of those who love them.
Robots for Humanity - An Incredible Story
Getting back your life with Robotics...
INTERACTIVE: 12 of the Most Beautiful Classical Pieces...
By exploring this interactive image you can experience stunning interpretations of timeless melodies, both classic and contemporary. Just click on these keys and watch the magic unfold!
Take a Look at What Our Ancestors Really Looked Like!
Impressive technology was used to recreate the face of some of our ancient ancestors through the structure and anatomy of their skull. Take a look:
Enjoy Gorgeous Flowers Accompanied By Inspiring Quotes
These flowers are truly stunning, and when they're juxtaposed with some amazing quotes, their beauty is even more apparent. Enjoy this beautiful post.
Learn About 10 of the Most Interesting Popes in History
The papacy has been ongoing ever since the time of St. Peter, but some popes stand out as being more historically significant than others. Take a look.
10 of the Most Interesting Popes in History
Prevent Alzheimer’s by Using These Expert Techniques
Listen to this expert's views on techniques that the elderly can use to enhance their brain's health.
Timeless Humor: Groucho Marx's Funniest Quotes
Check out these 10 hilarious quotes by Groucho Marx that are bound to make you laugh out loud!
The Beauty of Female Portraits Through the Centuries
This video is truly a testament to that statement that it is a small artistic world after all.
A ROYAL History of the Rolls-Royce Car
For 119 years, Rolls-Royce has exemplified a unique blend of creativity, invention, and luxury.
I Bet You Never Knew This Was How Crayons Are Made
This video shows you the incredible processes behind making items like candles and instant noodles in mass numbers.
Test Yourself: Guess The Actors in These Famous Movies
This is your chance to prove your knowledge of cinema history! Will you be able to guess all the actors from these famous movies?
Quotes to Inspire from the Fiercest Women in History
Quote's from inspirational women for International Women's Day.
15 Famous Quotes about Art!
Some of our personal favorite quotes were made by artists about this creative, illusive and hard-to-define realm of life. These are the best quotes about the art of making art!
These Paintings of Tigers are Gorgeous and Majestic
Tiger paintings have been a prominent subject in art history, spanning centuries and cultures. Here are some of history's best tiger art.
Battle of the Supercars!
Can the Ferrari F12 Berlinetta match the GT credentials of the Aston Martin Vanquish and outperform the wild Lamborghini Aventador? Henry Catchpole heads to Italy to find out in this royal battle of the supercars!
The Most Romantic Demonstrations of Love in All of History
These moving romantic demonstrations of love will melt your heart!
These Witty Drawings Will Really Brighten Up Your Day!
These cute drawings will make you laugh, as well as giving you some food for thought.
Test Yourself: Guess The Actors in These Famous Movies!
17 Historical Photos That Tell Unforgettable Stories
We’ve gathered 17 fascinating photos and facts that offer a unique glimpse into the past.
A Stunning Collection of Timeless Winter Art (16 Pics)
These magical winter paintings will soothe your heart.
Who Knew? Ancient Art Hidden in Old Books!
Centuries old art hidden in books, and can only be found by those who know the secret...
You Will Find Genuine Beauty in These 18 Photos of Nature
A selection of unbelievably beautiful photos of nature worldwide that will make you crave a trip to the great outdoors
22 Serenely Beautiful Cabins that Time Forgot
Escape if you can with these images of solemnly beautiful abandoned cabins from all corners of the world.
It's Amazing How Similar These Dogs Look to Their Owners!
These wonderful portraits really prove the old saying "like owner, like dog".
Nostradamus Predicted the Future With Eerie Accuracy
Here are seven things that Nostradamus predicted and might have gotten spot on. Or maybe, not at all. It’s up to you!
10 Richest People From History You Should Know About
A look at 10 of the richest people that lived in history. From emperor Mansa Musa to Muammar Gaddafi, it presents the insane sums these people had.
The Fascinating Histories of 7 Towns That No Longer Exist
These 7 largely-forgotten towns have been abandoned for years. These are their fascinating stories.
Winners of the 2014 Astronomy Photography Competition
These pictures of the night-sky look so magical that it's hard to believe they're real!
The Sun Never Looked Lovelier Than in These Images
"When the sun is shining I can do anything; no mountain is too high, no trouble too difficult to overcome.'" Wilma Rudolph
MUSIC BOX: These Johnny Cash Songs are Just Wonderful
Johnny Cash uniquely crossed several important genres of all-American music. His influence is impossible to underestimate. Enjoy this selection of 20 greats!
What's Lurking in these Everyday Items Can Impact Your Health
This chart will clearly explains how often you need to clean your things, alongside a list of instructions to help you out with your chores.
The MOST Distinguished Nature Photos from GDT Awards 2020
The winners of the ‘European Wildlife Photographer of the Year' competition were just announced & we're super excited to share them with you!
The Sheer Beauty of Nature Is Captured in Words & Images
Enjoy these spectacular photos alongside some words of wisdom.
The Artist and The Horse: 10 Stunning Works of Art
Take a look at these stunning paintings of horses by these incredible artists.
Rare Footage: Historical Photos Renewed with Color
Old historical photos have been through expert recoloring and retouching in order to bring the past back to the present!
17 Ancient Artifacts That Still Astound the World
These ancient artifacts tell fascinating stories.
Breakfast Art: Edible Masterpieces Made Out of WHAT?
You won't believe the length these talented artists went through to capture each precise detail for their edible masterpieces.
8 Famous Artists That Were Rejected During Their Lives
In this article you will find eight great artists who simply weren’t appreciated for the work that they created during their time.
These Creepy Diseases from History Are Still Around TODAY
Measles, scurvy, typhoid fever, the plague - we think of these diseases as a thing of the past. Alas, these ailments continue tormenting people to this day...
Ever Wonder What People Were Like Thousands of Years Ago?
Some of these ancient faces frown and others smile, but together they tell the fascinating history of humanity.
10 Perennials That Will Serve Your Garden for Years
Here, we look at some amazingly useful perennial vegetables that will serve as a long-term investment for every gardener.
Behold the Majestically Built Castles of Old France!
The beautiful castles of old France take me back to a different time...
Let's Visit the 10 Most Beautiful Castles in France!
France is renowned for its many castles. With a very long and rich history, there are many structures still left from medieval times throughout this beautiful country, many of them still intact or rebuilt. Here are 10 of these stunning French castle
Nature Photography Like You've Never Seen Before
Enjoy the highlights of this years' Royal Society of Biology’s photography competition
10 Obscure Inventions by World Famous Inventors
We’d like to bring your attention to 10 lesser-known inventions of famous figures in history, which will reveal a new and different side of these inventors to you.
Ford GT40: The Car the Blue Oval Built to Smash Ferrari
The Ford GT40 is a car born out of Henry Ford II's rage at Enzo Ferrari for not selling him his business. This is the story of the four-time Le Mans winner.
Are These the Funniest Animal Photos Ever Captured?
If you love animals, then get ready to laugh your head off, since the annual Comedy Wildlife Awards are with us once again!
QUIZ: Do You Know About the Great Science Discoveries?
Take our quiz and see if you can recall the great inventions that made our lives better.
14 Death Masks Left By Great Historical Figures
Death masks are plastic or wax casts of a person’s face following their death. Here are 14 death masks of historical figures.
Amazing Mothers Are Everywhere: Happy Mother's Day!
Great quotes and photos of mothers from the animal kingdom for a happy mother's day!
11 Legendary Military Rulers of the Ancient Past
The annals of history are rich with leaders who earned great renown for their courage and skill in battle. These illustrious kings and generals have won eternal renown due to their courage and brilliance.
FUNNY: 17 Reviews That Prove the Internet Is Hilarious
We’ve gathered some of the funniest and most unexpected product reviews people have ever posted.