QUIZ: Can You Say Hello in 10 Languages?
This quiz asks a simple question: Can you say hello in 10 different languages?
Say 'Chello!' to This Most Moving Mozart Meets Adele Music
This is one of the videos of the year: a stunning reinterpretation and recombination of Lacrimosa and Hello into a new classic for the modern age.
Hey There, the Earth Says Hello...
A selection of this year's most gorgeous landscape photos!
15 Ways From Around the World to Say: "Hello"
Some cultures have quite a different way of giving a good greeting.
Say Goodbye to Sugar and Say Hello to These Alternatives
we all know that sugar is bad for us, but many of us don't know that there are some great alternatives to this sugary treat. Here are ten of them.
Say Hello to the Most Spectacular Island in the Seychelles
Take a closer look at La Digue, the fourth biggest granitic island in the Seychelles, filmed in stunning 4K quality.
Hello, January: Inspiring Quotes to Greet the New Month
Let’s start the new year with these amusing and inspiring January quotes.
Say Hello to Poki, the World's Most Annoying Cat
The adorable video that you are about to watch will not only make you laugh out loud, but it will also melt your heart at the same time!
Say Goodbye to Curtains and Hello to Opaque Frosted Glass!
If curtains aren't really your thing, then why not give opaque window frosting a chance? Here's how to make your own at home.
Say Hello to the Tiniest Bird You'll Ever See!
How small is the tiniest bird ever recorded? Watch this video and find out!
Say Hello to Solo, the Electric Car With Only 3 Wheels!
Learn all about Solo, the electric car that only has 3 wheels, and won't break the bank!
QUIZ: You Probably Know More Foreign Words Than You Think
You'll probably be amazed by how many foreign words you can correctly identify. Let's see how much you've picked up with this foreign tongues quiz!
Joke: Between Anger and Exasperation
A young girl who was writing a paper for school came to her father and asked: “Dad, what is the difference between anger and exasperation?”
The Pooch That Swims With Dolphins!
Kira is an ordinary dog with extraordinary habits: she swims with wild dolphins! This gorgeous video was filmed in Ponta do Ouro in Mozambique (the Indian Ocean). Watch Kira having the time of her life with a pack of dolphins come to say hello!
Good Morning from the Animal Kingdom!
Good morning humans! Our friends from the next door kingdom of animals would like to say hello! Dogs and cats, horses and ponies, hedgehogs and snakes and many more would like to wish you a great day!
This Cute Little Pomeranian is a New Internet Sensation!
Say hello to Bertram, the cute little Pomeranian puppy who just so happens to resemble a red panda, too!
12 Guinness Records Made in 2012!
2012 has seen many happenings uniqe to it, but some traditions haven't changed, and that is the honor of gaining a Guinness record! This year has seen some interesting additions to the ever changing record book, and in honor of the departing year, we
Humans Aren't the Only Ones With 2nd Chances...
say hello to a bunch of brave animals, who have been given a second chance in life by kind humans.
Here's What Happens When Animals Befriend People...
Here are 20 cute pictures of woodland animals that simply love to befriend people!
Lovable Baby Animals You Just Want to Cuddle Up With!
A collection of cute and adorable baby animals you will love.
These Glimpses at the Natural World Are Each So Beautiful...
Nature is a never-ending source for things both beautiful, and adorable.
Joke: The Mental Health Line
Hello, and welcome to the mental health hotline, this next message may sound hilarious...
Yay! It's Another Cat Day!
I'm feeling very feline today, that must mean it's a cat day!
Reduce Intestinal Inflammation with This Amazing Drink
Watch this video to know about a potent juice that can help reduce intestinal inflammation.
Adorable: Have You Ever Seen a Family of Skunks?
This most adorable moment happened on the road, as this rider met the cutest little skunk family!
They Have Some Really Whimsical Buses in Japan.
School authorities in Japan have learned a thing or two about kids...
How to Stop Snoring: The Easiest At-Home Exercises
Struggling with sleep apnea and snoring? Try these exercises at home for some relief.
30 Animals so Teeny-Weeny they Fit Inside a Cup...
30 lovable animals relaxing comfortably inside cups.
Today's Joke: It Only Takes a Phone Call...
Sometimes a phone call tell you everything you need to know...
The Illusions These Shadows Create Are Simply Amazing!
If you love optical illusions, then you've really got to take a look at these awesome shadows.
Hilarious: Asking a Blonde a Million-Dollar Question
On Who Wants to be a Millionaire, there's a contestant who's in with a shout of the big prize. Will she be victorious?
Joke: Who Was That On the Phone?
The Transient Beauty of Heavenly Cloud Sculptures
While science defines clouds as water vapor, to a child's eyes they are magical sculptures, floating in the sky.
Who is the Better Lifeguard, Man or Dog?
Dogs are man's best friend, but could they also be other things like "man's best lifeguard"?
20 Cozy Winter Quotes to Welcome the Season
Winter is coming. And what better way to welcome the season than to discover some beautiful quotes and sayings about it?
These Radishes Grew Legs! Where Are They Going?
These hilarious radishes grew roots that look a lot like legs!
This Killer Whale Has Been Taught to Mimic Human Sounds
For the first time ever, a killler whale has been proven to have the ability to recall and repeat human sounds. Find out more about the amazing Wikie!
15 Pictures of Gorgeous Cats and Their Adorable Mini-Me's
Owners of these cats will have a hard time telling the kittens apart from the parents once they reach adulthood. In the meantime, enjoy these 15 cute pics!
Funny Signs: Translation Isn’t Everybody’s Cup of Tea
It’s time to enjoy some hilariously bad translation fails.
Joke: The Resemblance is Uncanny...
When a pastor is mistaken for a country singer while doing his rounds, he's quite taken aback, however he soon gets used to his new-found fame...
Beautiful Photos of Spiral Steps!
Spiral steps are more than just an architectural trick or a means of convenience. In the right hands, they can emerge as a beautiful art form, one that is both pleasing to the eye and fun to climb. This photo series explores the beauty of spiral stai
This Joke Starts With Door-to-door Research Being Done
A man is doing door-to-door research on behalf of a petroleum jelly manufacturer when he a very beautiful housewife opens up her front door for him...
12 New Things You Can Learn For Free From YouTube
Looking to learn something new? Learn some useful new skills with YouTube.
15 Photos That are Worth Much More Than A Thousand Words
Sometimes, as the following 15 fantastic photos prove, a picture is worth a lot more than a thousand words. Take a look and we're sure you'll agree!
13 Times Dogs Didn't Know What the Heck was Going On!!
These dogs are so confused it's simply hilarious!
Joke: Grandma and Her Boyfriend
A little girl is asking her single grandmother why she doesn't have a boyfriend, and her grandma replies that her TV is enough. Suddenly, the doorbell rings...
20 Unique Tea Infusers that'll Make You Want to Brew Tea Now
A good cup of tea is great to calm the nerves, sooth the stomach, ease the mind and with these creative infusers - put a smile on your face.
Music Box: 16 Unforgettable Hits by THE DOORS!
This playlist captures 16 of the most popular songs by The Doors.
Joke: You Need to Be Careful When Feeling Frisky...
A man is all by himself in his hotel room while on a business trip. He decides that he wants some company for the evening. This is his story...
These Photos Prove That Cats are Actually Liquid!
These 20 hilarious videos will prove to you that cats are actually made of some type of alien liquid!
14 English Oddities That Will Make You Laugh!
There are some pretty odd languages in the world, but surely nothing comes close to matching English's absurdities? Take a look at these oddities.
21 Oddly Beautiful Street Scenes Caught on Camera
Here are some wacky and amusing photos from the "Street Photographers" Instagram page.
If You're Feeling Low, Then Here's the Pick-Me-Up You Need
If you're feeling a little blue or are just looking for something to make you smile, then you've certainly come to the right place!
13 Times Dogs Didn't Know What the Heck was Going On
From Mother Nature's Family Album...
We went for a visit at mother nature's cottage, deep in the woods. After some tea and biscuits, she was kind enough to open one of her photo albums and show us her favorite photos. There are some lovely photos here, and we really enjoyed our visit!
Hilarious: What is Life Like After Death?
Where do we go when we die? These two friends, depending on who dies first, promise to return to let the other one know...
These Cats Really Are Excited for Christmas
Humans are not the only ones who get excited for Christmas. Check out these 18 photos which show that cats also love the festive season - especially the trees!
The People We'd Like to Thank This Year!
Hello to the good people of 2012! We here at baba-mail, would like to thank you for all you've done this year. For the help you gave without being asked. For the love you showed for your fellow man. For your kind gestures and altruistic nature. It is
Joke: The Plane, the Crash and the Emergency Plan
Shamus and Johnny were riding a flight on Philippine Airlines, everything was going smoothly, and then something went wrong with the engine!
Hilarious: You Need to Be Careful When Feeling Frisky
15 Petite Animals Sitting On People's Fingers
Look at this collection of 15 itty-bitty animals sitting on people's fingers!
These Crazy Cloud Formations Will Blow Your Mind
Prepare to witness some of the most incredible cloud formations our world has ever seen!
When a Ridiculous Sign is Put Up, Hilarity Ensues!
There are certain signs that you come across that leave you wondering what was going on in the mind of the person that put it up. Here are 16 hilarious signs.
The History of Whistling - A Must Watch!
25 songs, 98 years. This musical group are known for their musical 'experiments'. In this video, they go over 25 different whistles we've all heard and loved throughout our lives. It's amazing how many whistles we suddently recall! Enjoy this unique,
Cheeky Joke: The Doctor and the Stutterer
Enjoy this funny joke about a guy who wanted his stutter removed...
Joke: Calling Up the Circus
Alex sees an ad in the newspaper that says “Circus Looking for New Talents”. Alex says to himself, “Eh, what the heck. I’m pretty talented.” and calls the circus...
Rude: The Milk Farmer Is Thrilled with His New Equipment
When a farmer takes delivery of new milking equipment, he can't wait to give it a try. Little did he know that his over enthusiasm would get him in trouble...
These Ideas People Had Are Way to Crazy to Believe!
It's hard to believe what lengths some people go to after an idea pops up in their heads. Take a look at these hilarious images.
These Vintage Photos are Both Funny & Bizarre!
Check out these 15 weird sights from the past, which you certainly won't see nowadays!
Joke: Is Your Daddy Home?
A boss begins to wonder where on Earth his employee is when he decides to make a phone call to his house to see where he is. His son answers...
Joke: The Poem of the Three Little Pigs
The animal I really dig, Above all others is the pig. Pigs are noble. Pigs are clever, Pigs are courteous. However, Now and then, to break this rule, One meets a pig who is a fool.
Just the Pick-Me-Up You Need: Photos of Cute Baby Animals
Every animal has its cute versions and these photographs of baby animals give us adorable moments of everything from otters to lizards
Is This the Cutest Dog Breed Ever? See For Yourself!
One of the most famous dog breeds on the internet is certainly the Shiba Inu. Here are 20 cute photos of this fantastic kind of dog!
These Photos Show How Our World Is Just Full of Surprises!
We are blessed to inhabit this Earth - think of all the beautiful things that you've seen! Here are 21 photos to prove that the world is full of surprises.
Have You Heard This Joke? The Stuttering (Rude)
These Fearless Animals Aren't Intimidated by Size!
Looking at these 13 photos of animals who were up for a challenge convinced me that we should always trust in ourselves and our inner strength.
Well, You Don't See This Every Day...
We get so many great, surprising and beautiful photos, we really don't always know what to do with them... other than share with you!
These Cute Animal Encounters Took People by Surprise
Enjoy these touching images of harmony between animals and humans.
10 Stories That Prove Good People Still Exist in the World
These 10 heart-warming stories will improve your faith in humanity and show that there is still some good left in the world.
What Is This Giant Cat Doing Here? - 9 Hilarious Images
Digital artist Fransdita Muafidin decided to take funny cat photos one step further, and the results are peculiar and hilarious.
This Christmas, Beware Mischievous Pets!
These mischievous pets are wrecking havoc on the holidays!
Meanwhile in Australia, Some Weird Things are Happening...
Australia is a fascinating and weird place.
You'll Be Amazed at How Far Dogs Will Go to Beg for Food!
Here are 20 hilarious examples of begging dogs that will melt your heart and make you scream with laughter!
28 Mouth-Watering Pieces of Creative Sushi Art
These pieces of sushi are so amazing, I almost don't want to eat them. Almost...
Here Are 20 of the Goofiest Cats You'll Ever See!
These 20 photos are proof that cats can be just as goofy as any human out there!
16 Hilarious Moments Captured On Camera Just In Time
These 16 photos were made just in time to capture some of the most hilarious moments you have ever seen!
These Photos Are Guaranteed to Confuse You at First Sight
These bizarre photos will confuse you at first, so look at them very closely.
Here's Proof That Wrong Spacing Can Ruin Any Sign...
Sometimes, a tiny mistake like a space in the wrong place can make all the difference, turning an ordinary sign into the most hilarious one you've ever seen!
You Don’t Always Have to Venture Out to See Cute Animals
Sometimes, nature comes to us. Check out these unexpected animal encounters!
Poignant Photos of People and Nature Colliding Perfectly!
These 20 photographs perfectly encapsulate how truly stunning people and nature can be together, and how beautiful the Earth is!
My High-Flying Kids Can't Afford a Present For Me (Funny)
In spite of having three high-flying children, this poor couple didn't even get a single present at their 50th anniversary, but they have a secret of their own.
A Real Life Storybook Featuring An Adorable Little Baby
An entire storybook of themes with one adventurous baby girl
15 Unusual Animal Friendships That Will Melt Your Heart
These adorable pictures of unlikely animal friends prove that love is truly blind.
14 Terrific Before and After Room Renovations
Let these 14 home renovation success stories inspire you to personalize your home!
Funny! The Photos That Animals Don't Want You to See!
Animals give the world so much joy, as these hilarious images prove.
If Cute Looks Could Kill, These Kittens Would Be Illegal
If you think kittens couldn't get any lovelier, you haven't seen them dressed up like these 30 pussies! What fun!
18 Beautiful Animal Portraits Made From Pressed Flowers
These botanical illustrations and animal portraits are made entirely from ferns, twigs and different flower parts by Helen Ahpornsiri
These Cats Trying to Get a Tan Are Just Too Funny!
Have a look at crazy but cute cats that just can't seem to get enough of the sun!
What Would it Look Like if Dogs Had Jobs?
What would the office look like if dogs had jobs? It may look something like this...
Hilarious: Isn't Marriage a Funny Thing?
The best of marriage jokes, and all in good fun!