Science in 2025: 8 Developments That Could Change it All
Here are some of the most exciting trends in science and healthcare to keep an eye on.
7 Tips to Slash Your Retirement Medical Bills
These smart strategies will help you slash your healthcare expenses in retirement.
Historical Overview: Timeline of the US Healthcare System
This interactive infographic reviews the historical eras in USA healthcare since 1943 and until today.
How Did We Invent the Dollar? Learn Its Meandering History
In this video, we will learn a short history of the U.S. Dollar.
INTERACTIVE: The Musings of Philosophers Through the Ages
The great thinkers have imbued the world with greater knowledge and different perspectives. Learn about what the wisest men in history had to say.
Cut These 8 Expenses After Retirement to Save Money
Make sure you avoid spending on these things during your retirement years.
2023 in Science: Biggest Discoveries You Missed!
Let’s take a look at the most amazing scientific discoveries that made news this year.
Nostalgia: Gorgeous Photos of America in the 1950s
We hope you enjoy these beautiful captures of the 1950s in the USA.
Incredible Science Breakthroughs That Made News in 2022
Let’s check out some of the most interesting scientific discoveries of 2022.
Do You Live in One of the 10 Oldest US Capitals?
Learn about the 10 oldest capital cities in the USA.
The American Quiz: How Well Do You Know America?
How well do you know America? Test your knowledge with this 4th of July-themed quiz!
QUIZ: What Do You Remember About the Cold War?
The Cold War (1947-1991) dominated the politics during most of our lives. So, looking back, how much do you remember about the war that brought us to the brink?
QUIZ: Which Founding Father Were You in a Past Life?
Do you think you were the great George Washington, the confident Thomas Jefferson, or perhaps someone else? Take this personality quiz and find out!
This Brilliant 1950s Quiz Is Truly a Blast From the Past!
For some of us, it feels like we were living in the 1950s only yesterday, but how many of the most famous people and events do we actually remember?
New “Massless” Battery About to Transform the Tech World
Read this article to find out how a novel “massless” battery can change the way we design electronics forever.
These Man Made Pools Provide Support to Millions of People
The Potash Ponds are not only a striking sight but also an extremely important resource. What's their story? Find out here.
Will the COVID-19 Vaccine Be Safe For All of Us? Find Out
The COVID-19 vaccine is nearly here. It's time to find out how it works and what it does to your body.
Do You Know the Original Names of These US Cities?
What was the original name of New York City? or Seattle? See if you recognize these old historic monikers for 10 iconic US cities.
Can You Answer These 15 General Knowledge Questions?
Can you beat our newest general knowledge quiz? You'll need to answer 15 questions correctly!
The Great American Quiz: How Well Do You Know America?
Are You One of the Few Who Can Ace This Test?
This hard-as-nails American test will challenge your knowledge of the United States of America.
The FBI Has Various Secrets It Doesn't Like People Knowing
The FBI has numerous secrets, and it's not too keen on the public knowing them. Here are 12 facts that the FBI would rather you didn't know.
If You Love History, Then You Need to Try This Quiz!
Do you think you've got what it takes to prove that you are a true US patriot? Lets' find out...
QUIZ: How Much Do You Know About the US Constitution?
Think you're a true patriot of the USA? If so, then you're bound to know everything possible about the US constitution, right? It's time to find out...
Fed Up With Conspiracy Theories, NASA Broke the Internet
Conspiracy theories related to the authenticity of the moon landings have abounded ever since 1969, but NASA recently decided to do something to debunk them...
An End to Leukemia? A Lifesaving Revolutionary Treatment
Leukemia attacks many young people around the world each year, but fortunately, a new revolutionary and effective treatment has now been approved.
Need a Hospital? Make Sure You Go to the Very Best!
Here are the top three US hospitals for every medical sector imaginable, including geriatrics, ophthalmology, and cardiology.
These Inventions Changed the World Beyond All Recognition
Some inventions meant that the world changed beyond all recognition. In this interactive video post, you'll see nine of the greatest.
COLD WAR TRIVIA: How Much History Do You Know?
US Presidents Have Said Some Amazing & Inspiring Things...
These words from some of America's most important leaders will inspire you with thoughts of patriotism and freedom, wherever you come from.
GEOGRAPHY QUIZ: How Much Do You Know About America?
The United States are mind-boggling in terms of their size, let alone their geography. How well do you know US geography? Take this quiz to find out!
Shocking How Things Have Changed in the Last 100 Years!
It's amazing how much the world has changed in the last 100 years, and these photos are proof of it.
A Financial Checklist for Every Decade of Your Life
Here’s a decade-by-decade guide to help you stay on track and make the most of your money at every stage of life.
2024's Biggest Breakthroughs in Science We Must Celebrate
These recent scientific breakthroughs could change the world.
The First 3D-Printed Hotel is Already Being Built!
s evidence of this, a groundbreaking project is nearing completion, in which a hotel is being printed, and tourists will soon be able to visit it. Curious to see what it looks like?
How to Travel in Retirement Without Overspending - 8 Tips
Want to travel after retirement without breaking your budget? Try these tips.
Unsure About Retiring? Here's Why You Should Wait
Are you financially prepared to retire? Look out for these signs.
How to Earn Extra Money During Retirement: 8 Useful Ideas
Read on to discover how seniors can earn money even after retiring.
Amazing New Scientific Discoveries You Missed in 2024
There have been so many interesting scientific discoveries this year that we have missed!
INTERACTIVE: 12 Fascinating Facts About Napoleon Bonaparte
Whether you're a history aficionado or a curious learner, these insights offer a unique glimpse into the man behind the legend of Napoleon.
Did This Technique Just Kill 99% of Cancer Cells?
This revolutionary method, employing the power of vibrating molecules, heralds a new dawn in the fight against cancer, offering hope for a more efficient and less invasive approach to treatment.
Vegas to LA in Less Than 3 Hours?! Yes, It's Happening!
The U.S. is gearing up to build its first high speed railway project.
Visit an Ancient Map Collection With Thousands of Works!
Visit this great, free collection for an enlightening journey through the annals of cartography.
Science Breakthrough: An Immunization Against Skin Cancer?
This scientific breakthrough offers hope for those who are struggling with skin cancer. You are now invited to discover more about this revolutionary vaccine.
Doctors Make History With First Whole Eye Transplant
Surgeons in New York have performed the world’s first transplant of an entire human eye!
INCREDIBLE! Paralyzed Man Walks with Brain Implants
Watch how a paralyzed man starts to walk again using a device that reconnects brain with muscles.
10 Real-Life Technologies That Science Fiction Foretold
Sometimes even the wildest science-fiction predictions about the future come true.
New Invention Brings 6G Closer Than Ever Before
The advent of a chip-sized microwave photonic filter may soon lead to 6G wireless communication, according to researchers.
13 Insightful & Thoughtful Quotes by John F. Kennedy
In this article, we will explore some of the best quotes by John F. Kennedy, which reveal the depth of his wisdom and his dedication to public service.
Why Train Tickets Are so Expensive in America
Did you know traveling by train in the U.S. is often more expensive than flying? Find out why.
A Tunnel Built by a Swarm of Robots - Jaw-Dropping!
Imagine a swarm of robots attacking a mountain and smashing it to pieces...
Nostalgia - '70s Teenagers Recalling the Good Times
These groovy 70's teenagers, now proud parents and grandparents, sit for a chat with their younger relatives to compare adolescence now and then.
These Inventions Prove the Middle Ages Were Not So “Dark”
These groundbreaking inventions prove the Middle Ages were not so “dark,” after all!
Sci Fi Tech: Jetpack Rescue!
Paramedics in Britain are being trained to conduct mountain or sea rescues using jet suits. Find out more.
What Went Wrong with the U.S. Army's Universal Camouflage?
The U.S. Army Universal Camouflage Pattern uniform was introduced in 2004 but didn't work. Let's understand why.
What Are the Best Countries for Retirement in 2022?
These 25 countries are the best at maintaining a secure and comfortable retirement for their citizens.
This is The OLDEST American Motorcycle Company
Of these 10 motorcycle manufacturers, only 2 are operating today. Can you guess the two?
6 Life Lessons From the 1929 Great Depression
These are deeper lessons that require adopting a new worldview. Let's see what history has to teach us.
How Can We Start Thinking About Money Rationally?
Learn how to think about money rationally and free yourself of financial anxiety.
A Stroll Down Market Street, San Francisco in 1906
Hop on the wagon, we're going strolling down Market street in 1906's San Francisco with our horse and carriage!
Ready For Some Quick and Quirky Facts From Science?
Here’s your chance to learn some quick, quirky, and fascinating science facts today.
14 Life-Changing Inventions Inspired by Nature
Nature is ever the greatest inspiration for science, and these 14 life-changing inventions are proof.
Scary But So Fun: The Evolution of Roller Coaster Loops
If you’ve ever rode a roller coaster with a loop, you may have noticed that it's never fully circular. Ever wonder why?
Eco Tech: Meet the Robot That Collects Trash From Water
The WasteShark is an emission-free aquadrone that collects trash from the water. This cool invention will help keep our planet clean.
This Salmon Has Been Fully Grown in a Lab!
A startup company in California has grown raw salmon in a lab, and it looks just like the real thing!
Can Cooling Technologies Save Phoenix From EXTREME Heat?
Phoenix, America's hottest city, may have found the most innovative answer to beat extreme heat!
Fall Back in Love With Summer in South California
A retired military man has been documenting his travels to South California for the past two years. Enjoy the coast through his lens- you can really see the love.
How Come We've Never Heard of This Cancer Therapy?
Has this cancer therapy treatment been hidden from us for a century? Or is it one of the biggest medical frauds in modern history?
The End of Breathing Machines? New Way of Getting Oxygen
Oxygen may now be able to be added directly to the bloodstream, thanks to a new experiment.
Turns Out, There Is a Way to Forget Unpleasant Memories
A new study claims that actively forgetting a negative experience may help prevent bad memories from constantly plaguing us.
Where Did the Language of Hebrew Come From?
This video will explain the surprising and fascinating origin of this ancient language.
Is There Such a Thing As an Undetectable Poison?
This video explains why the smell of almonds is as appetizing as it is dangerous...
Ever Wondered Why the Sun Makes You Sneeze?
Ever wondered why looking at the sun or at bright lights makes you sneeze? Turns out, you have a condition.
What Are Antibiotics Made Of?
What are antibiotics made of and how do they work?
Is It Scientifically Possible To Slow Our Own Aging?
Scientists are discovering ways to add years to our lives and make later life more enjoyable.
When Dangerous Viruses Escaped the Lab...
Many deadly viruses have escaped from laboratories in the past. No, we aren’t talking about COVID.
This Artist Paints U.S. States So Exquisitely
Check out the beautiful landscape paintings of different U.S. states by artist Emily Kenney.
These Healthy Foods Do Weird Things To the Human Body!
Everyday foods like cilantro, pine nuts, and green tea can prompt the human body to react in many surprising ways!
Was There a Time a Day Lasted 10 Hours?
Eons ago, before the dinosaurs ever evolved, there was primordial life on Earth. What did it look like?
2022 Is Almost Here, And Here's the Good News...
Here’s a look at a few positive things we can all look forward to in 2022.
Take an Interactive Tour of Our Colossal Milky Way Galaxy
Fly Through the Milky Way Galaxy!
Test Your Basic Chemistry With This QUIZ!
Are you ready to challenge yourself in the field of basic chemistry? Let's see how you do with our basic chemistry quiz.
This Hilarious Sign is Gaining Notoriety Around the World...
The Indian Hills Community Center sign in Colorado, USA, has gained a worldwide following thanks to the hilarious puns it displays. Here are 30 of them.
Quiz: How Good is Your Brain? Let's Find Out...
This test has both memory and general knowledge questions - so be ready for anything!
Quiz: How Well Do You Recall Basic Biology?
we're about to test your rudimentary understandings of biology. Do you have the required knowledge?
What Did the Earliest Photographs Look Like?
Nowadays everyone has a camera, but take your mind back the time when photography was just a fantasy and imagine the thrill of seeing the first photos!
QUIZ: What Was Invented First?
This trivia quiz is all about inventions, from early machines, to inventions from a decade ago - can you tell which of the two came first?
Was the Statue of Liberty REALLY a Gift?
Learn about the numerous possible people who may have modeled for the Statue of Liberty, and some shocking myth-busting.
'Rare & Expensive' Doesn't Do These Muscle Cars Justice
Rare and expensive are terms that don't do these muscle cars justice. Some are completely unique, while others actually started legends. Here they are!
New York’s Most Important Tunnel is in Dire Straits
The 110-year-old Hudson River rail tunnel in New York City is crumbling and needs urgent fixing.
TRIVIA: Can You Identify These Famous Historical Photos?
These photos have shaken the world during the 20th century - can you beat the Famous People Photo Quiz?
Test Your Knowledge of Our Solar Neighborhood!
This quiz will put your knowledge of our solar system to the test!
The Story Behind One of America's Most Famous Photos
Learn the story behind one of America's well-known photograph "Lunch Atop A Skyscraper"
How Columbus's Life Was Saved By the Moon
Celebrate Christopher Columbus day on October 11th with 5 facts you didn't know about him.
7 Discoveries of Albert Einstein that Changed the World
The 7 biggest discoveries of Albert Einstein and how they changed the world forever.
QUIZ: Do You Know About the Great Science Discoveries?
Take our quiz and see if you can recall the great inventions that made our lives better.
QUIZ: All Americans Should Be Able to Pass This Test...
This quiz will test your knowledge of cities from the east coast to the west, and all you need to do is guess which state each group of cities comes from.
The Many Talents of Leonardo Da Vinci
Catch a glimpse of the mysterious life of Leonardo da Vinci, a jack of all trades.
These People Made History, But Never Made It to Fame
Discover the people who made history but never made it to the headlines.