Direct Primary Care Practices May Revolutionize Healthcare
Direct primary care does away with the necessity for having an exorbitantly expensive health insurance policy. Get the low-down on this new healthcare method.
Keep This in Mind the Next Time You Meet a Nurse...
Some of the hardest workers in healthcare are unfortunately very often the least appreciated, so here are 8 reasons to say 'Thank You' to every nurse you meet.
Need a Hospital? Make Sure You Go to the Very Best!
Here are the top three US hospitals for every medical sector imaginable, including geriatrics, ophthalmology, and cardiology.
Here's How to Prevent and Treat Intestinal Parasites
Although many people seem to think of intestinal parasites as ailments that occur only in countries that are underdeveloped, that isn't true. Take a look.
Dementia Can Be Well-Managed With These 10 Tips
Dementia is a tough thing for anyone to have to deal with, but if you take heed of these 10 pieces of advice, I guarantee that life will be much better.
These Maps Are Guaranteed to Teach You About the USA
The USA becomes all the more fascinating when you collate a ton of different maps containing insightful demographic data. Take a look at this map compilation.
What is Laparoscopy Surgery and Why Was it a Step Forward?
What is Laparoscopy Surgery, when was it invented and why was it an important innovation in medicine.
The Spleen – A Guide to a Little-Known Organ
The spleen is an oft-ignored organ of our body. However, it serves an important function and needs to be taken care of properly.
Get Rid of Nerve Pain Thanks to These Handy Tips...
A pinched nerve can not only be a highly annoying problem, but it can be extremely painful too. Here's how you can treat it.
Check Your Health in 1 Minute with This Easy Tip!
Whether you fear going to the doctor, or fear you have a serious health issue, this easy, little trick will help you notice if you have a serious health issue.
The Incredible Story of the Hug That Saved a Little Girl
This is the story of two young girls who changed our understanding of medicine as infants, with just a simple hug
How to Avoid Passing On Infections in Hospitals
How to avoid passing on or getting an infection at a hospital.
Determine If You're a Type D Personality With This Guide
The D in Type D personality stands for "distress", which refers to the heightened level of the emotion that Type D people tend to feel. Find out more here.
The FBI Has Various Secrets It Doesn't Like People Knowing
The FBI has numerous secrets, and it's not too keen on the public knowing them. Here are 12 facts that the FBI would rather you didn't know.
Here's a New Way to Save Money on Your Prescription Drugs
Saving money on your prescription drugs couldn't be easier, thanks to a couple of new bills that were just passed by Congress.
Here Are Some Sure-fire Signs That You Need a New Doctor
There are tell-tale signs that you should be aware of when visiting your doctor, because they will indicate that it's time to move on to another. Take a look.
The Ultimate Guide to Obtaining or Renewing a US Passport
Obtaining or renewing a US passport is not the most straightforward affair. Thankfully, this detailed guide is here to help!
These 4 Fad Diets Aren't Actually Fads At All...
Fad diets seem to come and go all the time, but there are some that are definitely here to stay. Here are 4 "fad" diets that are far more than just fads.
Make Sure You Know These Things Before Taking Pain Meds
Prescription pain meds are no laughing matter, and that's why it's crucial for you to know this information before taking them. Learn about them in this guide.
These Quick-Fire Facts About US Presidents Are Fascinating
There are many things that are well-known about US presidents, but I bet that you don't know these fun facts! Find out these quick-fire presidential facts.
These Tips Will Help You Cure Your Pinched Nerve
Learn the Skin Cancer Symptoms That You Really Should Know
Most skin cancers are usually rather benign, but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't keep an eye out for symptoms. Here are 9 subtle signs of skin cancer.
Titanium Dioxide Pigment Has Been Linked to T2 Diabetes
The very thing that colors many products white can be behind the increase in incidences of Type 2 diabetes all around the world. Find out about this new study.
These Medical Terms Are Often Confused With One Another...
There are many medical terms that are similar to each other, and often refer to the same illness or disease. Here are 18 groups of terms not to confuse.
Discover Which Hormone Imbalances Can Lead to Weight Gain
The body produces a number of different hormones to function optimally, but the 9 you're about to read about are among the most important of all. r
8 Tips That'll Help You Choose the Best Doctor For You!
Are you looking for a new doctor? These 8 tips will help you find the best doctor for you. Take a look!
Here's All You Need to Know about Travel Medical Insurance
Planning a trip abroad? This guide will teach you everything you need to know about travel medical insurance!
It's a Good Idea to Rid Yourself of These Bedtime Habits..
Our bedtime routines and habits might actually be interfering with our sleep. Here are the things you shouldn't do before bed.
Painful Limbs? You May Have Diabetic Neuropathy...
Diabetic neuropathy is a condition which causes burning and shooting pain in the hands, legs, feet and arms. This guide will help you ease its pain.
This Is All You'll Ever Need to Know About Ringworm
If you think you or someone you know might have ringworm, this comprehensive guide is worth reading!
Guide: How to Protect Your Eyes When On the Computer
Eye strain can be a serious problem if you work at a computer for long hours each day. Luckily, there are various things you can do in order to prevent it.
It's Never a Bad Idea to Speak to Your Inner Child...
Your inner child has a bigger impact on you than you could ever imagine. Here are four ways that you can try in order to heal it and get on with your life.
This Is Why It's a Bad Idea to Go to Bed With Wet Hair
Hair is at its most fragile when it's wet, not to mention that it can give rise to dandruff and bacterial growth. Here's why you should dry it after washing.
Taking Antibiotics? This Is What You Should Be Eating
These few key tips will change your diet and lifestyle, keeping you healthy over the course of your antibiotic treatment.
These Body Odors May Suggest a More Serious Problem
None of use like to smell unpleasant, but on certain occasions, we need to look into the cause of an unpleasant odor. Here are 5 you should pay attention to.
Beware of Ordering These (Potentially) Fake Foods
There are certain items on a restaurant's menu that should be considered with caution, and this is because they tend to be faked. Learn more here.
Check Your Health in 1 Minute with This Easy Tip
Aging Hands? Keep Them Looking Young with These Tips
With proper care, and this handy advice, your hands will keep your age hidden for longer.
10 Tell-Tale Signs That You Might Have Hypothyroidism
Hypothyroidism is a condition that tends to remain unknown, because its symptoms are often related to other things. Here are 10 signs of hypothyroidism.
Everything You Need to Know About High Blood Pressure
Hypertension, or high blood pressure may seem confusing at first but is a condition that can be easily managed. Read about some treatments and lifestyle tips.
Everything You Need to Know About Bad Blood Circulation!
These symptoms could indicate that you have a circulation problem. Learn about them and then learn how you can remedy them.
Kiss Corns and Calluses Goodbye with This Great Guide
Corns and calluses can be both painful and unsightly, and that's why we've devised this guide for you to learn about diagnosis, treatment and prevention.
No More Dry Sinuses: Treat it With Home Remedies
Blocked or painful sinuses can have a big effect on how you function daily, but help is at hand...
Medical Guide: All About Hip Replacement Surgery
Hip replacement surgery can alleviate pain, restore hip function, and improve mobility and quality of life.
How Did We Invent the Dollar? Learn Its Meandering History
In this video, we will learn a short history of the U.S. Dollar.
These Dentists Have 15 Dentistry Myths to Expose
Get your dentistry questions professionally answered by two licensed dentists.
This Study Shows Where People Need to Be Touched
Touching is vital for human development in children, and it's also vital for the strength of familial and romantic relationships. Learn more here.
What is Palo Santo and How Can You Use it For Pain?
Palo santo can be used both for physical and spiritual purposes. Learn how
Discover the Effects of Drinking Dirty, Contaminated Water
How safe is it to drink contaminated water? Find out here.
This Artist Paints U.S. States So Exquisitely
Check out the beautiful landscape paintings of different U.S. states by artist Emily Kenney.
Muscle Degeneration Starts with these 8 Early Symptoms!
Are you familiar with muscular dystrophy? Spot the early signs of this disease by being aware of these tips.
Bet You Never Knew How Beneficial These Foods Are
Include these 12 foods in your diet to reduce the effects of arthritis - they have been shown to fight inflammation, strengthen bones and boost the immune system.
Can Migraines Be Cured, Once and For All?
Enjoy these two doctors eloquently explain your headache away.
How Tennis Balls Are Effective at Relieving Body Pain
You can use Tennis Balls to ease your aches and pains. Here's how!
These Remedies That Get Rid of Facial Hair Actually Work!
Got excess facial hair? Here are 7 natural remedies to remove it.
This Hilarious Sign is Gaining Notoriety Around the World...
The Indian Hills Community Center sign in Colorado, USA, has gained a worldwide following thanks to the hilarious puns it displays. Here are 30 of them.
Un-Hunch Your Shoulders Easily With These 7 Exercises!
Got hunched shoulders? This guide will help you improve your posture.
Prevent a Heart Attack From Occurring with These Tips
What should you do when recovering from a heart attack? Find out here.
Minute Clinic: Healthy Habits That Take Under 60 Seconds
These healthy habits all take less than a minute to perform, yet have significant benefits for your well being.
Low on Estrogen? Add These 8 Foods to Your Diet...
If you have been told that you need to boost your estrogen levels, here are 8 foods that you should consider adding to your diet.
Test Your Knowledge of These Natural Remedies
This quiz will test your knowledge of the most popular and effective natural remedies out there.
7 Lessons I Learned From Tackling Negative Thinking...
Negativity is all around us, but we can choose whether it influences us, or whether we influence it. Learn more here.
Do You Live in One of the 10 Oldest US Capitals?
Learn about the 10 oldest capital cities in the USA.
5 Signs You Might Be Developing Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple Sclerosis is a debilitating disease, but you can spot it early if you know how to. Learn 5 tell-tale signs of the onset of Multiple Sclerosis.
Suffer From Knee Pain? Here Are 6 Moves You Can Do
Banish knee pain today with these 6 exercises.
What is Fibromyalgia? Could it be Causing You Pain?
This guide will tell you all that you need to know about fibromyalgia.
5 Early Signs That You Might Develop Multiple Sclerosis
QUIZ: All Americans Should Be Able to Pass This Test...
This quiz will test your knowledge of cities from the east coast to the west, and all you need to do is guess which state each group of cities comes from.
Language Test: Can You Spell These 22 US Cities Correctly?
If you love the USA, then you're bound to be able to spell its most popular cities correctly, right? Take this quiz and find out for yourself!
How to Balance the Damage from Eating Refined Carbs
Refined carbs can cause some serious health effects. This is what you should do to balance the damage.
Take a Daily Nap and Reap These Healthy Benefits...
Had a rough night? Here are 16 reasons to take a nap.
11 Signs You May Have a Food Intolerance
If you are suffering from any of these 11 symptoms, you might have a hidden food intolerance. Read on to find out more.
If Your Knee Bothers You, Do This
5 Effective Ways to Get Rid of Bunions Without Surgery
Struggling with bunion pain? These tips will help.
8 Food Ingredients That Are BANNED Outside of the US
Some harmful chemical flavorings, additives & other ingredients are still commonly used in the US. These 8 ingredients are actually banned in other countries.
QUIZ: Which Founding Father Were You in a Past Life?
Do you think you were the great George Washington, the confident Thomas Jefferson, or perhaps someone else? Take this personality quiz and find out!
5 World-Changing Medical Advances From the Past Decade
Perhaps the most important technological advancements are those related to healthcare. Here are 5 such incredible medical breakthroughs from the past decade.
These Food Cravings Could Indicate Health Problems
Studies show that certain food cravings and eating habits could be your body's way of telling you that there is a problem.
7 Effects Crying Has On the Body and Mind
The study of crying reveals a few interesting effects it has on our body and mind. Here are 7 ways in which crying benefits us.
Studying Dolphins May Be Key to Advancing Medicine
Scientists have noticed a strange behavior in red sea dolphins, and they believe this is a form of self-medication. Learn why this discovery is so important.
Cutting Out Fast Food for 7 Days Will Have Major Benefits
Cutting out fasy food from your life for just a week can have great effect on your body. A health expert explains how...
Vaccinations SHOULD Trigger Side Effects, Here’s Why
Once you watch this video and understand why vaccine side effects happen, you may even be happy to get that headache.
Myths in Medicine and Health That We MUST Stop Believing
In this video, Dr. Seema Yasmin helps debunk (and confirm) some common myths about medicine and health.
What Drinking Whiskey Actually Does to Your Body
While we now know that whiskey isn't the cure-all medicine people once though it was, it does have a few proven health benefits.
Unbelievable Talent: 5 Unforgettable Dance Performances
Although these dance performances are from different genres, they all have one thing in common: the wow factor. These talented dancers will leave you in awe...
Not Only Covid-19: 5 Historically Significant Vaccines
Infectious diseases were a problem long before Covid-19. These are 5 of the most historically important vaccines that made the world safer.
5 Practical and Easy Ways to Express Gratitude
Experts note that expressing gratitude can boost your mental well-being and enhance self-esteem. Here are 5 easy ways to practice gratitude when times are hard.
Eye-opening Infographic Reveals What Extends Our Lifespan
This infogprhic sheds light on what truly increases our lifespan and what does the exact opposite
Do You Clench and Grind Your Teeth? This Is What To Do
Clenhing and grinding your teeth is often associated with mental stress, and dentists note cases are on the rise. This is how to handle this problem correctly.
Why is Making the ‘Right’ Decision Often So Hard?
In this frank and funny Ted talk, economist David Ash explain why humans often act irrationally, and how we can make better, healthier decisions
It’s Not a Myth: Why You Want to Avoid Going to Bed Angry
'Never go to bed angry' turns out to be more than just a hackneyed saying. These are 5 very real reasons that explain why going to bed mad is harmful.
10 Overlooked Yet Fascinating US Landmarks
If you want to avoid the crowds and explore a new location, check out these lesser-known, underrated yet fascinating US landmarks
Why Some People May Hide They Are Covid-19 Positive
These are the psychological reasons some people choose to hide they are Covid-19 positive, and some tips on how to encourage more transprancy.
Meet the Cat Giving Mental Health Advice in These Comics
Check out these brilliant and wholesome watercolor comic strips where a wise cat is giving out useful mental health advice.
How To Take Control Of Your Wellbeing Through Breathing
Breathing seems obvious to most of us, but there is an art to it. Becoming conscious of your breathing could greatly benefit your mental and physical health.
QUIZ: Every American Should Pass This Geography Test!
Do you think you'd be able to work out which city is the most populous for these 19 different states?
Aging and Alzheimer’s: You Must Hear This Lecture
Kim Campbell shares what she learned from her experiences taking care of her husband Glen Campbell since he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's.
Do You Know the Original Names of These US Cities?
What was the original name of New York City? or Seattle? See if you recognize these old historic monikers for 10 iconic US cities.
Some of These Facts About the US Will Leave You Speechless
We have collected the 50 most fascinating facts about each state. Some of them historical, some funny, and some straight out hard to believe.
The Worst Epidemics in US History
This list contains the 9 worst epidemics the US has faced, and showcases the advancement in treatment over the years.