Everything You Need to Know About the Gut-Brain Connection
The gut bacteria in our body can influence our mood, thoughts, and brain. Find out how.
All About GOOD Starch and Where to Find It
Did you know that resistant starch has some very important health benefits? Find out what resistant starch is and why you want to incorporate it in your diet
Study: New Link Found Between Parkinson's and the Gut
A recent study has identified gut microbes likely involved and linked them to decreased riboflavin (vitamin B2) and biotin (vitamin B7), suggesting a potential treatment
Guide: All About the Gut-Brain Connection in Your Body
it's becoming increasingly clear just how influential our tiny gut microbes are in shaping our mood and even our overall health.
There Are Creatures in Your Gut - and that’s a Good Thing
A video discussion of gut bacteria, their importance and how to best promote a diverse microbiome in the gut.
Microbiome Expert: Eat This to Heal Your Gut
This pivotal work outlines the detrimental shifts within our gut health and provides a precise, practical blueprint for rejuvenation and weight loss.
All About Gut Health, Prebiotics and Probiotics
Your beginner's guide to everything related to probiotics, prebiotics, and postbiotics.
Hilarious: Will Ramsay Spill His Guts or Fill His Guts?
Watch James Corden and Gordon Ramsay take turns asking each other questions that are very hard to answer, or eat a disgusting food.
The Surprising HIDDEN Functions of Ordinary Objects
Small design details are all there on purpose. Here are a few hidden functions of ordinary objects that will surprise you.
These Bodily Functions Are Beyond Our Power
Do you know why we experience these bodily functions? Find out here!
These Awesome Extensions Add Functionality to Your Browser
These awesome extensions for your Google Chrome or Safari web browser will add a ton of functionality to them. Take a look at them now.
4 Surprising Ways Your Gut is Affecting You
Your intestines do so much more than simply digest the food you eat, and some of the ways your gut influences you are truly surprising.
For Better Gut-Health, Start Having Bananas Everyday
Did you know that bananas can be great for your gut’s health? Let’s find out more.
Learn About Your Gut’s Effect on Your Mind
Your brain and gut share a unique relationship. Learn all about it here.
7 Ways to Develop a Child's Executive Functions
What are these executive functions and how can you help your child develop them? You will find all of this in the following guide.
10 Animals that Can Function Perfectly Well with No Brain
Everything needs a brain to live, right? Well, not necessarily! Some animals have no brain, yet they manage to survive just fine! Here's 10 of them!
4 Foods That Are the Worst Offenders For Your Gut Health
Some foods are worse than other for our digestive and gut health. These 4 types of food are the worst kind for your gut, here's why...
A Fully Functional, Wooden Toy Rolls Royce?!?
This man built a fully functional Rolls Royce replica of wood as a toy car for his son!
30 Essential Medical Terms For Bodily Functions
The next time you hear a doctor utter something in Latin, pay close attention, as after reading this article, you may understand what it means.
7 Symptoms That Can Indicate You Have An Unhealthy Gut
A healthy gut is a vital for overall good health, and that's why we should be aware of the key symptoms that can indicate that something is wrong.
How Belgium Functioned For Two Years Without a Government
Forming a government in Belgium is so difficult, the country has been operating without one for nearly 2 years! But how is that possible?
Tasty and Healthy: 15 Herbs That Improve Brain Function
What's common among all the following plants is that each can improve the function of the most important organ in your body - the brain.
Learn How to Naturally Treat Toxin Accumulation in the Gut
The accumulation of toxins on the intestinal walls can lead to many problems. The following tips will help you prevent and deal with the problem.
Maintain Your Brain: 15 Methods to Improve Brain Function
Like our muscles, the brain can also be strengthened and maintained in excellent condition, with proper practice. Learn 15 simple ways to train your brain today!
7 Brain Functions We May Soon Be Able to Control
A lot of our brain activity is run by neurons and the exciting news is that scientists have detected 7 impulses we will soon be able to control.
How Does Meditation Improve Everyday Brain Function?
Do you ever hear an internal monologue in your mind about the worries of tomorrow and the faults of yesterday? Here's how to shut it off.
18 Terrible Sign Designs That Will Have You Bust a Gut
Feeling down? Well, after reading these 18 side-splitting signs, you will no longer have that problem on your hands...
Study Reveals Direct Link Between Deli Meat and Gut Cancer
What harm could an extra strip of bacon do to your health? British scientists decided to measure that and reached a striking conclusion
This Advanced Test Offers Priceless Info about Your Health
Microbiome tests map our gut bacteria and assign the perfect individual diet
This Is How to Make Your Eczema Settle Down Once & For All
The truth about eczema is that it can be helped greatly simply with a change of diet. Learn all about the functional medicine approach to eczema.
11 Foods That Will Work Wonders For Your Digestion
Here are 11 foods you should include to your diet that are good for your gut.
Probiotics For Alzheimer’s - Can They Help?
Can taking probiotics help slow down the progression of cognitive decline and dementia in older adults?
You Need No Longer Suffer from Autoimmune Diseases
Autoimmune diseases are the most common ailments in the world. Conventional medicine suppresses these with strong drugs, but functional medicine cures them!
Can Probiotics Improve Mental Health? Research Says YES
Studies repeatedly show that probiotics can be a potentially effective treatment for several mental health issues. This is what is currently known on the topic.
What You Should Drink After a Meal for Better Digestion
What should we drink after a meal for better digestion?
Going Through Menopause? Take These 10 Supplements!
If you are going through menopause or have just finished, here are 10 supplements that you really should consider taking.
8 Great Reasons You Should Drink Cabbage Juice
Cabbage juice is full of nutrients, minerals, and antioxidants. Here are 8 amazing health benefits of this drink.
A Guide to Boosting Your Brain Power Naturally
Find new ways to ensure your brain remains active and at its peak with these 8 tips.
8 Persuasive Reasons You Should Drink Cabbage Juice...
Yogurt Isn't the Only Probiotic You Can Take...
You can get your probiotics from more than just yogurt. Take a look.
Our Brain and Body Are Interconnected in Surprising Ways
Discoveries that illustrate how our brain, body and experiences are all interconnected and have a strong effect on our health and well-being
What is Brain Fog and How to Treat It Effectively
If you find it difficult to concentrate and experience mental fatigue, you could be dealing with brain fog. What causes this condition, and how can you treat it?
Science Has Just Revealed Another Reason to Love Broccoli!
Researchers have just discovered yet another way that broccoli can help boost your health. Read all about it here.
How a Yogurt Breakfast Can Keep You Full Until Lunch
Learn how to make a full-fat yogurt breakfast that will keep you full till lunch, and how to get omega 3 and 6.
The Surprising Effects of Too Much Sugar on the Body
Besides diabetes, what other effects of sugar will you notice on the body?
Why You May Be Feeling Bloated and What To Do About It
While feeling bloated is uncomfortable, the causes of it are usually relatively harmless and simple to treat. Here is how you may find relief.
Why Alcohol Can Raise Your Risk of Getting the Coronavirus
Excessive drinking, even occasionally, is the major culprit that can make a dent in your immune protection and raise your risk of becoming sick.
11 Useful Vintage and Antique Items That Resist Time
11 vintage and antique items that were bought once and continue to serve numerous generations...
8 Reasons to Eat More of the Humble Turnip
Like many other cruciferous vegetables, turnips are extremely rich in nutrients and low in calories. Here are 8 health benefits of the humble turnip.
These Foods Can Alleviate the Symptoms of Crohn's Disease
If you, or somebody you know, suffers from Crohn's disease, these foods can help!
Even Non Drinkers Can Suffer from Liver Damage, Here’s Why
Our gut bacteria may effect our health even more than we expected, with a specific bacterium being recently linked to fatty liver disease...
Are Probiotics Really Helpful For Most Digestive Diseases?
Here is a look at why it wouldn't be wise to depend on probiotics for treating all our digestive conditions.
Is Vitamin D Better for Teeth Than Brushing and Flossing?
Keep your teeth healthy and strong with more than just brushing and flossing. Once you start getting your daily dose of vitamin D, you'll never stop smiling!
How to Naturally Get More Dopamine, the Happy Hormone
Dopamine is what makes us feel motivated, energized, and like we're the best version of ourselves. Here's how you can boost dopamine levels the natural way.
12 Surprising Health Benefits of Butter
Most people try to stay away from eating butter as they believe it's no good for the waistline. However, when eaten in moderation, it has many health benefits.
Science in 2025: 8 Developments That Could Change it All
Here are some of the most exciting trends in science and healthcare to keep an eye on.
Here's Why You Must Make Sure You Get Enough Vitamin B12!
Getting the proper amount of B vitamins is essential to your overall health, and vitamin B12 is one that benefits your whole body. Here's how!
We've Got 8 Reasons For You to Eat Greek Yogurt
Greek yogurt is the healthiest yogurt available on the market. Here are 8 healthy benefits of this delicious treat.
7 Foods That Relieve Constipation the Natural Way
Constipation is one of the most common digestive issues. Alleviate this uncomfortable symptom with the natural remedies and useful tips we list here.
New Study: This Surgery Will Lower Risk of Parkinson's
Could your appendix be associated with Parkinson's?
Why Screening for Stomach Toxins is Really Important
For GI problems, we now have tests that can be taken at home. These tests are called BTOX tests and they give actual clarity about the situation in your gut by screening your existing biochemistry. Learn more about them here.
The Scientifically Proven Health Benefits of Bone Broth
Learn about the health benefits of bone broth, how to prepare it at home, and use it in the foods you make.
You Only Need 2 Simple Ingredients to Cleanse Your Liver
Your liver is an essential organ that carries out many functions, helping you to sustain a healthy body. So give your liver the boost it needs with these two simple ingredients.
Should You Take Apple Cider Vinegar to Lose Weight?
Taking apple cider vinegar can be beneficial to weight loss and other conditions, but you need to know how to take it safely and effectively
A Cooking Oil that Could Help You LOSE Weight? It’s True
What is MCT oil, and how can it benefit weight loss and brain function?
8 Biology Factoids You Were Taught that Are Totally False
A list of some of the most widely-held beliefs about the body that are actually wrong
5 Warning Signs of Your Metabolism Slowing Down
Here is a look at some vital signs that will tell you if your metabolism is slowing down.
If You Had to Choose One Alcohol Type, Let It Be Red Wine
Red wine is probably the healthiest type of alcohol you could drink, and there's a brand new exciting reason to support this claim...
3 Sure-Fire Ways Of Ensuring the Best Gallbladder Health
The gallbladder is a highly important organ, and therefore you should do what you can to ensure its (and your) good health. Read this guide to learn more.
7 Strategies to Increase Your Luck By Being Smart!
Good luck isn't completely coincidental. Lucky people tend to make their own luck in life, but there are numerous strategies to implement to change yours.
Yoga for Digestion: Easy and Effective Beginners Practice
Feel like your metabolism isn’t at its peak performance lately? No worries, we’ve got your back, just try this beautiful yoga practice!
Don’t Let Irritable Bowel Syndrome Get in the Way of Life
What is IBS, and how can you manage its symptoms?
Is the Kombucha Craze Justified?
What exactly is Kombucha and should you believe the hype? This list contains the true advantages and health benefits of drinking Kombucha.
Just a Sprinkling of These Seeds Can Make You Healthier...
Did you know that you can use the seeds of the sweet basil plant, not only the leaves? In fact, eating has several health benefits.
Is This the Healthiest Of All Fermented Foods?
Is this the healthiest of all fermented foods? Quite possibly so, just read about it's health and wellness benefits and judge for yourself.
These 12 Simple Actions Will Keep Your Mind Sharp
The brain, the most important organ in our bodies responsible for countless actions, sometimes needs a little help, here are 12 unique ways to help it.
How to Maintain Healthy Digestion while Traveling
Prevent common traveler’s gut issues by following the tips we discuss here
QUIZ: Which Set of Rules Guide You in Life?
Take this test, answer truthfully and by your gut feeling, and we'll discover what rules govern your life.
These 8 Bad Habits Could Lead to Thyroid Problems
These 8 bad habits could lead to a thyroid problem. Cut them out now!
Taking Antibiotics? This Is What You Should Be Eating
These few key tips will change your diet and lifestyle, keeping you healthy over the course of your antibiotic treatment.
This 2-Minute Massage Will Give You Better Digestion
If you suffer from bad digestion, give this 2-minute abdominal massage a go.
Being Stressed Can Cause Constipation, Here’s How
Digestion is extremely susceptible to stress, one of the most results of stress being constipation. Here is why it happens and what you can do
Detoxify Your Body by Keeping Your Lymphatic System Healthy
Your body is designed to heal and find balance, and one of the ways it clears waste and maintains healthy circulation is through the lymphatic system. Stay healthy by decongesting your lymphatic system using these six methods.
Reduce Intestinal Inflammation with This Amazing Drink
Watch this video to know about a potent juice that can help reduce intestinal inflammation.
The Superfoods to Watch out for in 2017
The following superfood trends are going to take over in the coming year. Here's what you should keep an eye out for!
A Link Found Between Cesarean And Child Obesity...
Having a cesarean section could increase the risk of the child becoming obese in later life. Read on to find out more.
This Doctor Debunks Major Health Myths & Gives REAL Advice
Dr. Mike is a doctor & famous media personality, known for his informative & entertaining health videos. Watch a playlist of the best ones...
Could This Popular Ingredient Be a Cause of Cancer?
The chemical triclosan began to appear in a multitude of products in the early 1970s. This ingredient, found in a multitude of products has been linked to cancer.
Can a Lack of Sun Cause Mental Health Issues?
Find out how sunlight can impact your mental health and what to do about it here.
Doctor Tip: The Benefits and the Myths of Probiotics
In this video, a doctor explains all about probiotics, facts and myths.
15 Proverbs That Translate Hilariously into English!
Here are 15 phrases and idioms that don’t translate that well into English because they sound absolutely bizarre, mind-boggling, and hilarious!
The Reason Yogurt Could Be Making You Happy!
How do probiotics importantly affect our moods?
These Methods Will Help Trick Your Hormones to Lose Weight
Science discovered that hormones and chemicals may be the cause of your weight gain. We will teach you to trick your hormones into making your body lose weight.
Learn More About Your Health with This Innovative GI Test!
Most people aren't aware of the complexity of a healthy digestive system, and therefore many suffer from problems most doctors can't properly diagnose...
Potassium Deficiency Is On the Rise - What You Should Know
Learn why potassium is so important for our bodies, how to detect a potassium deficiency, its causes, and symptoms in this guide.
These 10 Beans Have the MOST Remarkable Health Benefits!
Let’s take a close look at 10 of the healthiest and accessible beans and other legumes and find out which ones are best suited for you
Balance Your Hormones Naturally With These 10 Useful Tips
A hormonal imbalance can wreak havoc on your health. Here are 10 natural ways to heal your hormones.
WARNING TO MEN: Here's Another Reason to Cut out Red Meat
It's becoming an increasingly well-known fact that high red meat consumption is bad for our health, and this new study only adds to that knowledge.
Why Do We Love Crunchy Food?
Learn about the importance of textures in our food, and a small tip for crunchy fires
Healthier Than You Thought - 9 Health Benefits of Eggplant
For many years Eggplant was believed to have no health benefits. However, it was recently discovered that this was only due to the way we cook it!