FUNNY: Woman’s Gorilla Encounter Goes Wildly Wrong
This prank compilation will leave you in stitches.
What Happens When a Robo-Gorilla Sneaks In a Gorilla Troop
In this curious experiment, a baby robot gorilla has infiltrated a troop of wild gorillas. What will happen with the little robot?
Looking Back at 10 Important News Stories of This Decade
The current decade is coming to an end. Now is the right time to look back at some of the major news stories from the last 10 years.
The Pure Definition of Adorable: Boy & Gorilla Play Together
This is the most heartwarming and adorable thing you'll see today - a young boy and a gorilla playing together.
A Massive Gorrila, But Watch Her With Kittens...
This video is amazing, I never knew gorillas could be like this.
Nothing Beats a Grandmother's Love!
Enjoy these photographs and video of a baby gorilla and her grandmother's blossoming relationship.
True Friendship Survives Beyond Time - Beautiful!
Gorilla Reunites With Carer 5 Years Later...
A Gorilla's Favourite Place? A Pile of Leaves!
Watch as these gorillas at the Atlanta zoo enjoy their fall-time fun - leaves enrichment!
Stop You Crazy Kid - Great Silly Prank!
This crazy kid runs right into the gorilla cage while the people aren't looking, and they are terrified for him. Not terrified enough to go in after him, however...
The Incredibly Evolved Gorillas - Hilarious!
A BIT of monkey business by Hamish and Andy at Werribee Zoo left some spectators feel cheated. Why? They thought they were watching the real thing! The hit comedy duo donned gorilla suits for a TV sketch in which they played with a remote-controlled
Alone with the Gorilla - Funny
A funny prank about a visit to a cage and an angry Gorillaa