5 Cleaning Tasks You Shouldn’t Use a Glass Cleaner For
Here's a look at the cleaning tasks you shouldn’t use a glass cleaner for.
Who Needs a Professional Cleaner With These Tips?
These stubborn stains can easily be removed with a little guidance.
Keep Your Home Spotless with This Natural Cleaner
This article will show you how you can make an natural all-purpose cleaner that will leave your house clean and smelling fresh.
A Real Glass Act - Beautiful Glass Art!
ingenious series of glass sculptures, each an accurate 1:1,000,000 scale model of an actual virus.
A Cleaner Sat Down by the Piano and Amazed Everyone Around
This professional pianist decided to pull a little prank on mall-goers by dressing up as a cleaner before sitting by this public piano.
9 Unexpected Uses of Your Vacuum Cleaner
Your vacuum cleaner has these unusual and surprisingly helpful advantages.
Teasing the Window Cleaners - Hilarious and Adorable!
The window washers are the best source of fun and entertainment for this lovely bunch!
Is It Safe to Vacuum Broken Glass?
We explain what kind of vacuum you can and cannot use to clean glass shards, and how to clean up glass safely and responsibly.
The Weight of the Glass - Inspiring!
A little story with an important conclusion...
Save Your Money! 3 Simple DIY Window Cleaner Recipes
Check out these 3 easy recipes based on pantry ingredients that will make sure your windows will be sparkling clean and streak free
Is Solar Glass the Future of Roads?
Is Solar Glass the Future of Roads? Some seem to think so.
A Day With Smart Glasses - Amazing!
This concept video seems like science fiction, but is actually based on an existing product - the Google Glasses, who may be available for private purchase as early as 2014. That said, some people may think that this is 'too much' an integration of t
The Glass Bead House - Amazing!
Patience is something many people admire, but lack. Not so for American artist Liza Lou.
Keep Your Oven Clean with This All-Natural Cleaner
This non-toxic all-natural oven cleaner will keep your oven looking spick and span.
House Cleaners You Should NEVER Mix to Avoid Toxic Fumes
Mixing certain common household chemicals is never a good idea, as it can be dangerous and damaging to both your home and your health.
This 2-Ingredient Cleaner Will Leave Your Deck Spotless
If your deck is dirty, you can clean it easily using this simple 2-ingredient cleaner.
A Day of Glass - Amazing!
A concept video about life in the near future and the use of high-tech glass..
How Is It MADE? - Drinking Glasses
We all use drinking glasses every day, but not many know about the precision, skill, and scientific process behind making them.
How It's Made: Glass Christmas Ornaments
Enjoy a quick history of Christmas glass ornaments and a deep look into how they're made!
Home-Made Wall Cleaners That Will Make Life Easier
Here are 10 easy fixes, recipes and solutions to help make cleaning your walls a simple and infrequent task.
Banish Carpet Smells with This DIY Carpet Cleaner
Banish smells from your carpet with this fantastic DIY carper deodorizer.
This Romanian Artist Redefines Glass Art
She makes marine life-themed glass vessels of all sorts: wine glasses, small glasses, bottles, pitchers, and even ceramic vessels.
Incredible Invention: Glasses That Will Read to You!
A new pair of glasses may just be what those who have visual impairments, or comprehension problems, need to read text easily.
Clean Your Washing Machine With This Easy DIY Cleaner
This natural DIY formula will keep your washing machine safe and clean.
These 3D Glass Paintings Will Leave You Speechless
Jean-Pierre Weill is a French artist who creates 3D paintings using glass as the medium. As you can see, his works are stunning.
The Cat Hates Glasses - Adorable!
Some people don't think cats show love, but they are sorely mistaken - cats do like to show affection, usually by rubbin their head against yours. But what happens when you have big glasses on that interfere with the cat's plan?
The Most Beautiful and Rare Glass Collection in the World
This museum is full of the beauty of glass making.
An All-Time Classical Music Hit on the Glass Armonica
The glass armonica: you've never heard anything like it before.
These Glass Pieces Represent the Very Finest in Design...
The Corning Museum in New York represents the very pinnacle in glass design, and some of the pieces on display are the most expensive in the world.
Where is the Best Place in The World for a Glass of Beer?
I know beer is a popular drink but I never knew it was THIS popular in some places around the world...
What We Will Be Able to Do with Google Glass
Google glass is no longer a futuristic prospect. Rather, it will be arriving to retail shops in a very short time. So lets examine the kind of things you would be able to do with this new technology, should you choose to adopt it, the options seem qu
18 Breathtaking Stained Glass Windows in the World
One look at these stunning stained glass windows, and you’ll be swept away into a fantasy of color and light.
Artist Creates Incredibly Detailed 3D Paintings on Glass
The detail in these incredible 3D glass paintings of animals is unbelievable! See for yourself...
How to Clean BETWEEN the Oven's Glass Panels
Here is a neat trick you can use to make sure that this troublesome gap is kept free of dirt and filth so that your oven door remains spotless!
Make One of These Magical Glass Terrariums at Home!
You can create this simple terrarium in just 1-2 hours using basic and inexpensive materials.
4 Super Useful Cleaner Tools You MUST Have on Your Phone
Install these free cleaner apps on your smartphone and save some precious space on your device.
Here Are the Most Amazing Things Ever Made Out Of Glass
Check out some of the most remarkable things ever made out of glass in this video.
Drink a Glass of Banana Juice Everyday for These Benefits
Banana juice is one of the healthiest juices around. Here are 8 health benefits of this delicious drink.
The Art of Glassblowing: How Glass Marbles Are Made Live
Have you ever wondered how glass marbles are made? Behold the art of glassblowing and creating real glass marbles.
Hilarious: When Babyboomers Try Using Google Glass...
Nowadays, all kids are talking about is Google Glass, but what happens when you late older people try it? You're going to love these reactions!
Wow! Who Knew Glass Could Create Such a Beautiful Sound?
In this video, Glass Duo, as their name suggests, give a stunning rendition of a Tchaikovsky classic using just glasses.
These New Eye Drops Could Eradicate the Need for Glasses!
A team of researchers from Israel have created eye drops that could eradicate the need for eyeglasses. Find out more here!
Artist Makes Beautiful Animal Paintings on Glass – 10 Pics
Artist Silvia Popescu makes some gorgeous animal paintings on glass. Check out some of her works.
How To Keep Your Glasses In Mint Condition For Years to Come...
7 simple tips that will help you keep your glasses in good condition for a very long time.
Spectacular Spectacles! This Video Shows How Glasses Work
Would your eyes be useless without glasses or lenses? Did you ever know how these magical lenses were discovered and how they work? This video tells you ...
Why Is Glass Transparent? Come In and Find Out.
How is glass transparent, what makes it so special?
20 Glass Globe Rings That Will Leave You Dazzled!
Miniature gems inside glass orb rings you must see!
Glass Art Immortalizes 18 Stunning Endangered Butterflies
Laura Hart creates the most beautiful and delicate glass sculptures to immortalize the beauty of endangered butterflies
Study: Is a Glass of Red Wine a Day Truly Good For You?
Once and for all, a study has checked the influence of red wine on our heart. Does a glass a day truly help?
Magical Miniature Worlds Trapped Forever in Glass
This artist combines the live ecosystems with functionality to create terrarium lamps, and the results are as unique as only nature can get!
You Do NOT Need 8 Glasses of Water a Day!
In this video, Dr. Berg teaches us why water is so healthy and busts some myths like the "8 glasses a day" one
What Do Those Digits Printed On Your Glasses Mean?
Indeed, those little numbers stamped on the temples of your glasses mean something. And understanding their meaning is more useful than you think!
Beware: This Is What Just 1 Glass of Coke Does to You
In a mere hour you wouldn't believe the amount of effects a world famous can of coke has on your body. So, before you reach for your next can of cola, remember that one moment of refreshing taste has a long list of consequences that can have serious
What is Sea Glass and Does it Have Any Value?
In this article, we'll discuss the values and qualities of sea glass and where to find it. Sounds like a new hobby!
The Most Beautiful Stained-Glass Pieces You Will Ever See
Synonymous with luxury and fame, his works are scattered everywhere in the U.S.: from the White House to, quite possibly, your nightstand.
I've Never Seen Anyone Drink a Glass of Wine Like THAT!
Learn a neat party trick you can do at home with a glass of wine!
These Artists Are Taking Glass-Making to a Whole New Level
These seven artists are all looking to take the art of glass-making to a whole new level.
Jason Gamrath Makes the Most Extravagant Glass Flowers
These glass flowers by Jason Gamrath are colorful, huge and exquisite. From orchids to fly catchers, these big glass flowers are shown in beautiful photos.
How Heavy Is Your Glass of Water? An Inspiring Story
This moral will give you a different perspective to life, and in particular, how to manage stress.
How Can Anyone Paint Rain on Glass So Realistically?
Gregory Thielker is one of the world's greatest painters, and with this rainy-road collection you can definitely see why.
The Glass Butterfly: One of Nature's Most Beautiful Creatures
The 'Great Oto' butterfly is nicknamed the 'glass butterfly' and it's easy to see why. It may just be the most beautiful butterfly of all.
Incredibly Simple Homemade Rust Cleaner for Your Bathroom
Rust stains on porcelain surfaces can be a real pain, but they're easily removed with material you probably have in your kitchen.
Hilarious! Would You Like a Glass of Milk?
What happens to these unsuspecting victims when they are sold milk from a dog?
These Gorgeous Glass Terrariums Have Entire Worlds in Them
The two artists behind these stunning terrariums create entire worlds encapsulated in glass jars, bottles, and other glass vessels
Joke: I Bet You I Can Reach That Glass!
A man and bets a barman that he's able to urinate in a glass located on the far side of his bar. The barman agrees, but doesn't know what else is going on...
You Haven’t Seen This Kind of Detail in Glass Art Before!
Glass is an unexpectedly flexible material - and artist Amber Cowan takes advantage of this fact to turn it into beautiful artwork...
Check Out These 8 Awesome Ways to Reuse Glass Bottles
Check out these 8 brilliant ways to upcycle your old glass bottles!
Say Goodbye to Curtains and Hello to Opaque Frosted Glass!
If curtains aren't really your thing, then why not give opaque window frosting a chance? Here's how to make your own at home.
The Perfect Places to Go For That Perfect Glass of Wine
The best destinations in the world for amazing and relaxing wine tours.
If You Have Glasses, Here Are 12 Tips You Should Know...
Broken hinges, misplacement. These occurrences mean we sometimes need assistance in the vision department .These are 12 hacks to get by without spectacles.
Why You Should Never Clean Your Glasses With a T-Shirt
Cleaning your glasses with your shirt or paper towels is really harmful to the lenses. Here's what you should do instead.
Do You Wear Glasses? You Must Read Through This Guide
Do you wear glasses? This guide will teach you how to keep them in good condition.
3 Glasses of Sunshine: Drink Recipes for the Hot Weather
Spring and summer are on their way, so what better time than to start perfecting your drink making skills. These sunny juices will quench your gaping thirst.
The Surprising Health Benefits of a Glass of Beer
Did you know that drinking beer could actually be good for you? Now you have a legitimate excuse to go to the bar! Here are 10 Health Benefits of Beer.
Guide: How to Clean Your Car's Side Mirrors so They Shine
This article provides a detailed guide as to how to best clean your car's side mirrors.
Want to See Something Funny? This Prank is Hilarious
This prank begins with a window cleaner taking off some clothes...
How to Clean the House Quickly and Efficiently
There are plenty of cleaning hacks out there, but which ones actually work? Find out here!
Cleaning With Baking Soda Can Really Damage These Surfaces
Even baking soda isn’t universal, and using it to clean certain surfaces, like wood, marble, and glass, can damage them...
Are You Using Cleaning Supplies Right? 10 Common Mistakes
Are you using cleaning products correctly? Here are 10 important cleaning mistakes you should always avoid
7 Common Ways You Are Harming Your Stovetop
Want to ensure that your stovetop runs for a long time? Avoid making these common and obvious mistakes.
Be Aware of the Reality of These Popular Cleaning Myths
Here, we debunk some of the popular and common household cleaning myths you must be aware of.
Clean Your Filthy Oven Fast, Easy and Well
Here is some excellent advice to clean your oven!
11 Spring Cleaning Mistakes You're Making Every Year
Most people make these spring cleaning mistakes. Do you, too?
Avoid These Mistakes to Extend the Life of Your Gadgets
Your gadgets and household electronics won’t last long if you keep repeating these common mistakes.
Avoid Spending Extra Cash on these Unnecessary Upgrades!
To make sure you don't have buyer's remorse after making a big electrical appliance purchase, avoid these upgrades!
Save Yourself Time and Money with These Cleaning Tips
These great cleaning tips have saved me so much time and money. They're so clever and simple you'll wonder why you haven't used them before.
7 Cleaning Mistakes Most of Us Still Make
All of these 7 cleaning mistakes are extremely common, and what’s worse, all of them can completely ruin your hard work while cleaning
Should You Be Drinking Water That's Been Sitting Overnight?
Should you be sipping from the glass you left on the nightstand throughout the night? Find out here.
Who Knew Denture Tablets Had SO MANY Handy Uses?
Here are 10 items in your home you can turn spotless with denture cleaning tablets.
Laundry Detergent Is SO Versatile: 8 Genius Home Uses
Laundry soap, both liquid and powder, has a great number of unexpected uses, from dissolving grease stains to cleaning upholstery & even getting rid of weeds!
Fix a Damaged Windshield With This Cheap and Easy Method
A cracked windshield is something that needs to be taken care of as soon as it happens. Here's a cheap and easy DIY method to correct a windshield crack.
Stain Removal Tricks For Stainless Steel Pans & Appliances
Even though the word "stainless" is literally in its name, stainless steel is not immune to stains. So here's how you can get rid of them.
These Hidden Dangers Are Lurking in Your Cleaning Products
Household cleaning products are toxic for your health and the environment. Here are a selection of more friendly cleaners.
This Is What the World Would Look Like if Time Stood Still
Check out these incredible long exposure shots, which enable photographers to perfectly capture the effects of the passage of time.
Is Your Bathroom as Clean as It Could Be? Probably Not!
Is your bathroom as clean as it could be? Follow these 10 tips to ensure a cleaner bathroom.
Is Your Dog Afraid of the Vacuum? These Tips Might Help
If the vacuum sends your dog into a tailspin, don’t worry, you are not alone. Follow these steps to reduce your dog's dislike of the vacuum cleaner.
Full Guide: How to Take Care of Your Food Containers
Food containers are essential kitchen items, and with the right care, they can last for years. Learn some indispensable tips in this article.
15 Ways to Use Old Newspapers in the Home and Garden
There are countless ways you can reuse newspapers in your home and garden. Read about these 15 clever tricks, and you'll never throw away your periodicals again!
Using Vinegar to Clean These Items Can Really Damage Them
Cleaning these common home surfaces and other items with vinegar can seriously damage them...
If Only I Had Discovered these Cleaning Tips Sooner
10 not-so-obvious tips about cleaning that are both surprising, yet very effective.