Generate Your Own Masterpieces With These Ai Generators
Let artificial intelligence generate some art for you! We gathered 5 websites that are easy and free to use. Click to see what we made ourselves!
Joke: This General is No Sucker...
This retirement plan ran into some difficulties...
The New Generation of Prosthetics
The new wave of 3D printed prosthetic limbs that you can control with your mind...
The New Generation of Television!
They may not be available in a store near you just yet, but it pays to know what's coming up before you make any decisions on your next big purchase. The 4k television set is coming our way, and it is the next big thing, according to all tech experts
Joke: The General and the Unruly Boy
When a little boy starts having a temper tantrum aboard a flight that's just about to take off, a retired Air Force general steps in to calm the situation...
Joke: The Generous Old Lady
A pastor pleads to his congregation to be generous with donations that day. He soon notices a $1000 bill on one of the offering plates...
The Impossible Quiz: General Trivia Marathon!
Can you solve this impossible general knowledge quiz?
The Next Generation of Backpacks is Astounding.
With backpacks being so comfortable to carry around, they make the perfect medium for useful items, As you will see in this excellent photo series of the world's most useful backpacks!
Beat This Tricky General Knowledge Test
Let's see how much you know...
QUIZ: Ready For Some General Trivia?
How's your knowledge feeling today - well rounded?
Funny Today: The Over-Generous Wife!
hese amazed husbands just can't get their minds around this one...
Funny Joke: The Researcher, the General, and the Question
A young woman is undertaking research about intercourse and includes war veterans as part of her study. The answers she gets are surprising..
Joke: The General and His Noisy Boots
A retired Army General moves into a new apartment after quitting the service.
How One Disciplines the Facebook Generation!
This next video has turned up a storm on the web, with hundreds of thousands taking sides. See what you think as you watch this father to an angry teen destroying his daughter's arguments and eventually - Shooting her beloved laptop! He's strict, but
This Joke Begins With 3 Generals Showing Off...
This joke begins with 3 generals during WWII having an argument...
This Joke Begins With a General Visiting an Army Hospital...
This brave man had only one favor to ask...
Watch the 4-Generation Craze that is Sweeping the World!
What four generations of families looks like! It's beautiful!
Is This the Most Generous Boss On the Face of the Earth?
The boss of India-based HK Exports, Savji Dholakia, should serve as an inspiration to all bosses around the world thanks to his incredible generosity.
The Future is in Our Hands - Next Generation Technology
These young brilliant minds grind hard at finding and creating solution to waste recycling, and the results are promising.
Take a Fun General Knowledge Quiz for a Challenge!
Whip out your sharp mind, set your jaw and take on our 15 questions from every possible realm of knowledge in our fun general knowledge quiz.
Amazon's Next Generation Warehouse Robots!
Watch the most advanced warehouse robots working at the Amazon warehouses!
The Young Chinese Generation Has Decided to Quit.
They are giving up on life, unmotivated to find jobs, and living from paycheck to paycheck with no prospects. But why?
QUIZ: Would You Make a Good General?
What kind of tactics and strategies you are likely to use as a general?
Can You Beat This General Knowledge Test?
Can you get 10 out of 10 in this 1985 general knowledge trivia test? Prove it!
Two Generations of Golf Compete, Who Will Be the Winner?
Old generation vs. new generation - Who is the better?
It's Time for Our Great General Knowledge Quiz!
Do you think you've got what it takes to take on our great general knowledge quiz? Give it a go, and find out just how smart you really are!
Test Your General Knowledge!
to authors, science to bible - we'd like to witness what you know!
What Will the Next Generation of Cars Look Like?
It has taken Jaguar, a company with considerable resources at its disposal, two years to develop the C-X75...
Are You Smart Enough For This General Trivia Quiz?
Featuring 15 mixed knowledge questions from all walks of life.
Hilarious! The Most Generous Wishing Well on Earth...
The Just For Laughs gang are at it again with their hilarious wishing well prank! Watch it here.
General Knowledge Quiz: Can You Answer These Questions?
How much knowledge have you amassed in your lifetime? Put it to the test with our fun general knowledge trivia quiz!
Can You Answer These 15 General Knowledge Questions?
Can you beat our newest general knowledge quiz? You'll need to answer 15 questions correctly!
QUIZ: Take Our General English Quiz!
Are you feeling confident about your English skills today? Then let's have a go at it!
Life After Chernobyl: A New Generation of Wildlife
Take a look at the way in which radiation in Chernobyl has affected the animals and plants that live there.
We Generally Need Some Trivia in Life...
Are you ready to prove your cerebral might?
TRIVIA: How's Your General Knowledge Right Now?
Are you up for this general challenge?
This Quiz Will Tell You Your Generation in 12 Questions...
Are you a baby boomer or a millennial? Are you from generation x or z? These 12 simple questions will help you find out.
QUIZ: A General Knowledge Challenge!
How will you do when confronted with 13 questions from varying disciplines?
Trivia Quiz: A Very Tough General Knowledge Test!
This quiz wants you to know it all - history, geography, biology, politics, events and more - you need to know a LOT to pass this one with flying colors!
Quiz: This General Knowledge Test is Great Fun!
In this quiz, we've prepared 12 questions from various subjects for you to solve. Can you ace this test?
This Boy Was Mocked, Until Rescued By the Generous Public
This boy's teeth were horribly visible, and he got mocked mercilessly by his fellow school children, until the public started donating...
Test Your General Knowledge in 12 Tricky Questions!
arm yourselves with your best general facts and let's see if you can beat this quiz!
15 Flying Cars That Are the Next Generation of Travel
Check out some of the most amazingly cool flying cars of the future that are all set to change our lives.
This Smart Businessman Opens Up About The Generational Gap
Chip Conley explains how Baby Boomers and Generation Y can learn from each other in the work place.
Test Yourself: How Rounded is Your General Knowledge?
Beat our 15 varied questions and claim the highest score!
General Knowledge: Can You Answer These 12 Questions?
Care to test your wisdom in our newest general knowledge trivia quiz?
When Out Shopping, Avoid These 8 Generic Foods!
Generic foods are becoming more and more popular, but are they always a bargain? Here are 8 foods you should never buy generic.
QUIZ: What Kind of General Would You Make?
If You Pride Yourself On General Knowledge Take This Quiz!
This quiz will undoubtedly put your general knowledge to the test, so watch out for being overconfident before taking it!
Test Yourself With Our 15 Quizzes on General Knowledge
Do you think you're equally educated in all areas of knowledge? If so,we challenge you to prove if by beating all of these fun quizzes!
Have You Heard This One? A Generous Man...
When this wife finds her husband cheating, she never thought this would be his excuse...
Trivia Time: Let's Test Your General Knowledge!
Time to test that general knowledge of yours!
QUIZ: Do You Know Your General History?
12 challenging historical questions for you to answer!
How to Stop the Cycle of Guilt Between Generations
Dear Parents, guilt-tripping your kids can seriously harm your relationship.
General Knowledge Challenge: Will You Answer Them ALL?
Let's see how your general knowledge is holding up, and if it may be interested in learning a few new tidbits...
QUIZ: Do You Know Enough For This General Trivia Test?
Think you have a the well rounded education and knowledge required to ace this trivia quiz?
Test Your Knowledge With Our General Science Quiz!
Can we challenge your scientific knowledge with some fascinating questions?
Can We Guess Your Generation? Take Our Test!
Are you a baby boomer or a millennial? Are you from generation x or z? Find out what generation fits your personality best with these 12 simple questions.
Each Generation Has Its Own Unique Take on Life
The generation you belong to determines a certain part of your character. Here we breakdown the differences between today's generations.
The Speech EVERY Generation Should Hear...
Jack Webb Dragnet giving one of his most compelling speeches to youngsters complaining about the state of the country.
This Artist takes Generic Photos & Spices them with Doodles
When generic photos meet a creative illustrator, everything is possible...
QUIZ: Can You Ace This 1985 General Knowledge Test?
34 years ago, someone made these 12 questions and gave them to high schoolers. Can you do better than they did? We'll tell you if you try!
MUSIC BOX: These Songs Influenced Entire Generations...
Some songs just tend to stick in the collective consciousness and influence a generation, changing the world forever. Here are 10 of the most influential.
QUIZ: Care For a Round of General Trivia?
Got a hankering for some challenging trivia?
17 Terrific Charts to Expand Your General Knowledge
We have a treat for all lifelong learners. It’s a list of 17 charts that will enrich your knowledge in geography, nutrition, linguistics & anything in-between!
Seniors Today Are Younger Than All Previous Generations
Recent research finally brings us some great news this year - seniors seem to be getting younger and younger with every generation... Read on to learn more
Quiz: Can You Solve 15 General Knowledge Questions?
Do you feel like you have lots of knowledge? Well, if you do, how about you prove it by answering these 15 questions correctly?
Reviving History: AI-Generated Selfies of Iconic Figures
An AI artist has reimagined how famous historical figures would look like taking their selfies. Check out these incredible portraits.
Quiz: Test Your General Knowledge With Our Newest Trivia
Feel like you have a good assortment of random facts in your arsenal?
General Knowledge Quiz: Can You Beat All 15 Questions?
This general knowledge quiz will test your knowledge on a variety of topics, from Geography to art to science.
This Beautiful Story Unites All Generations at Christmas
This classic Christmas animation was made more than 30 years ago but it is still moving audiences every year with it's sweet story of a boy's love of a snowman.
16 Terrific Charts & Maps to Expand Your General Knowledge
Don't forget to check out these useful, informative, and funny charts today!
Previous Generations Sure Knew a Thing or Two About Style
It's not just your imagination, people in the past really were more stylish and glamorous. Take a walk down memory lane with these 11 nostalgic photos.
TRIVIA: Can You Answer These General Trivia?
You'll need a well rounded mind for this one. Are you prepared to take the challenge?
I Didn't Know Billionaires Were This Generous!
Billionaires have more money than they could ever spend, so it's no surprise they support charitable causes. But the extent to which they give is mind-blowing!
Now I Understand Why Older People are Generally Happier...
Although many things go intro decline as we age, there's actually scientific evidence that older people are happier than their younger counterparts. Read on.
Vintage Photos Showing the Coolest Generation in its Prime
Enjoy a collection of 13 vintage photographs showing how cool life used to be.
Can We Test Your General Knowledge With Our QUIZ?
This mixed knowledge quiz is made from all kinds of disciplines, from history to biology to chemistry. Do you have the knowledge to crack it?
QUIZ: Can We Test Your General Knowledge?
As always, we will pepper you with questions from all over the map and you will need to answer correctly!
A Generous Lawyer Invites a Family Over For Dinner (Joke)
When a lawyer is going about town in his limo, he spots two men eating grass at the side of the road. He immediately stops to see what on earth is going on...
15 Terrific Charts & Maps to Expand Your General Knowledge
We have a pleasant surprise for all the curious learners out there: 15 terrific charts and maps that cover many fascinating topics!
General Trivia: Can You Find the Knowledge Within You?
How well rounded is the information inside your brain?
General Geography Quiz: Can You Beat This Geography Test?
Do you know a little bit about a lot of geographical matters?
7 Mistakes We Generally Make While Arranging Furniture
Here's a look at some furniture arranging mistakes you should always avoid and how you can fix them.
Lives Lived Over Many Generations Taught Us Home Truths
There are certain home truths in life that we wish we knew from when we were very young. Here are 6 home truths about life.
Have You Heard This Joke? The Retirement Plan
This retirement plan ran into some difficulties... so they came up with a solution.
This Joke Starts With a Little Boy Having a Temper Tantrum
Joke: That's Not It...
A general noticed one of his soldiers behaving oddly....
8 Kind Animals That Prove You Don't Need Money to Buy Gifts
These guys have something to give, and they're very proud about it - presenting nature's most generous animals.
Burning Stone With Only Sunlight - Amazing!
Discover the incredible power generated by highly concentrated sunlight!
Joke: His One and Only Request...
You Should Share This With Your Younger Family Members
This enlightening message highlights the state of the world and reminds the social media generation of something vitally important.
How to Make a Plant Pot Out of Cement and Egg Cartons
This video shows you the general principle of creating a DIY garden planter from two simple and cheap ingredients - egg cartons and cement.
New Technology: The Robots Are Coming...
Atlas is part of the latest generation of robots. Find out its incredible abilities by watching this video.
English Quiz: Complete the Following Phrases...
This quiz will test your knowledge of some common phrases that we don't hear as much any more...
QUIZ: Will You Beat Our Naming Quiz?
Only a few people have aced this naming test.
Did People Really Look Older Back in the Day?
Why do people in old pictures frequently look older than their age? Watch for a fascinating explanation of this phenomenon called "retrospective aging."
Why Was Hannibal Considered Rome’s Most Dangerous Enemy?
Get to learn some little-known facts about Hannibal Barca, one of the greatest generals in history and a complicated historical figure.