Future Tech: 19 Innovations About to Change Our World
These groundbreaking new technologies will change our world.
The 1900s Had Some BIZARRE Predictions About Today...
These wild predictions about the future were way off.
The Rise of the Machines: Can Humanoid Robots Help Us?
Will humanoid robots change the way we work forever?
The Robotic Kitchen That Will Make Your Meals!
Meet the world's first robotic kitchen that be the nucleus of the kitchen of the future.
This Is How the World Could Look Like in Half a Century
Listen to what some technology experts say about how the future of the world may transform in half a century.
Is It 3024 Already?! – 14 Wildly Futuristic Things
These revolutionary ideas are about to change our world.
Scientists Develop 'Flying Dragon' Robot to Fight Fires
Scientists in Japan have created a water-spitting 'flying dragon' robot to fight fires.
Saudi Arabia is Building a 100-Mile-Long “Linear” City!
Saudi Arabia is all set to build a city that could well be the blueprint for the future of urban living.
Science Predicts These 10 Technologies Will Rule 2025
These upcoming tech innovations will reshape our world.
This Humanoid Robot May Join the Workforce Very Soon...
Meet Digit – a bipedal robot that's ready to join human workers at warehouses around the world as early as 2024.
This Tiny Robot Can Jump on the Statue of Liberty!
This tiny robot is incredibly fast, but it's the height to which it can fly that will truly surprise you!
A Robot With Human Facial Expressions - Incredible!
The Ameca is the first-ever robot capable of imitating believable human facial expressions.
Robotic Exoskeletons Are Here, and They're Pretty Cool!
This military leg brace makes jumping from heights and carrying heavy loads long-distance a breeze! See it in action...
This House Was Built By a ROBOT
Meet Hadrian X, the first mobile brick-laying robot that can build a house 10 times faster than an ordinary construction worker.
This New Invention Could Revolutionize the Use of Prosthetics
This new invention can be a huge boost for the world of prosthetics
These Microscopic Living Robots Have Memory!
The Xenobot 2.0 is the upgraded version of the first living, self-healing robot in history. This tiny living robot could save millions of lives one day!
Aircrafts of the Future Will See Many Exciting Changes
Flying in airplanes in the near future is going to be so exciting!
This Wearable Robo-Vehicle is Made for Racing
This huge machine looks like a rhinoceros or a tarantula, and it is completely controlled by human movement!
These Life-Saving Technologies Are Truly Revolutionary
Take a look at 9 really cool modern technologies that can actually help save human lives.
These Future Vehicles Will Make Traveling So Much Fun!
Take a look at some of the coolest advanced vehicles that are all set to rule in the future.
How People in the Past Pictured Our Present Days - 12 Pics
What did the previous generations imagine the modern world to be like? These 12 pictures give us a general sense, and it's quite surprising!
China’s City of the Future May Be a Revolutionary Concept
China is developing a futuristic city that could well turn out to revolutionize the way we live.
Is It Possible to Upload Your Mind & Live Eternally?
Life eternal is the ultimate dream. Will supercomputers be able to grant us that wish? Is it possible to upload our minds to a computer and live forever?
20 of the Most Infamous Tech Product Flops In History
Here's a look at some of the most infamous and biggest technology failures in recent history.
15 Historical Figures Recreated Into Modern Humans
In this collection, you will get to see how some popular historical figures would have looked like as modern day humans.
The Future Will Be Fast With These High-Speed Trains
Take a look at some high-speed trains of the future and imagine what a thrill it would be to ride in them.
15 Cool Futuristic Phones That Look Too Good to Be Real
Take a look at some insane smartphone designs that are likely to dominate the world in the near future.
6 Amazing Technologies That May Transform Our Tomorrow
In this article, we will look at some amazing future technologies that have the potential to change our world by the next decade.
The 1900s Had Some STRANGE Predictions About Today...
People from the past centuries have made some very bizarre predictions of the 21st century, even famous scientists and writers got things completely wrong!
How Robots Are Revolutionizing COVID-19 Care
One of the ways medicine may soon become even more tech-savvy is through the introduction of humanoid robots, and it's already starting to happen
Insanely Cool Modern Vehicles That You Need To See Now
Take a look at these insanely advanced and futuristic-looking vehicles that are set to make our lives easier in the future.
9 Times the Future Was Predicted With Surprising Accuracy!
These 9 historical events were predicted with extreme accuracy, and here is who managed to forecast them...
8 Incredible Historical Predictions that Actually Came True
Here, we present some truly remarkable fictional predictions made in history that actually turned out to be true.
Scientists Have Finally Created The First Living Robot
Scientists have finally created the world's first living robot. Watch the clip to find out more about this amazing discovery.
The Science of Biomimicry: Cool Robots Inspired by Nature
Biomimicry is a science that builds robots inspired by nature. Here is list of animal-inspired robots, each containing a video of the robot in action.
Artificial Intelligence: The Tech That’ll Change the World
The computer science field called artificial intelligence is gaining momentum - what is it? What principles is it based on and how will it change our lives?
What Daily Life in Ancient Egypt Really Looked Like
Here are 14 artistic depictions that offer a glimpse into what life was like in ancient Egypt.
The 12 Game-Changing Inventions From 2024 You Missed
2024 was a ground-breaking year in terms of innovation. Here's a look at some of the key breakthroughs from the year.
14 Old Photos That Show Just How Hard Life Once Was
Remember when doing even the basic tasks took hours? These photos do.
You Didn’t Realize it, But AI Is Making Your Life Better!
Here are thirteen unique ways AI can simplify daily life.
When History Comes to Life: 21 Colorized Moments
Enjoy this amazing collection of colorized history photos.
Asia Has Already Jumped Into the Future! Crazy Innovations
These inventions show Asia is already living in the future.
A Glimpse Through Time: 17 Photos That Bring History Alive
Here are some of the most interesting photos from history.
17 Vintage Black & White Photos That Tell Untold Stories
It’s time for another fascinating collection of historical photos.
We Got Hold of Some Rare Historical Pics. Want to See?
This Giant Tank Will Unlock the Universe’s Big Mysteries
Japan is building a huge underground tank inside a mountain to help unlock the many mysteries of the universe.
Here Are 18 Rare Photos You Won't Find In History Books
These are the RAREST vintage photos ever...
15 RARE Historical Photos of World Leaders in Their Youth
Have you seen these extremely rare historical photos before?
Museum of the Weird: 15 Fascinating Finds
Historical artifacts don't get weirder than this.
What’s it Like Using a 115-Inch TV?!
This colossal 115-Inch TV will transform your viewing experience forever.
Through the Lens of Time: 20 Rare Historical Photos
These amazing historical photos shed light on some rarely-seen events of the past.
Scientists Develop Wrap That Determines if Food is Spoiled
Scientists at MIT have developed a biodegradable plastic-like wrap that changes color when food goes bad. Find out more…
INCREDIBLE! Paralyzed Man Walks with Brain Implants
Watch how a paralyzed man starts to walk again using a device that reconnects brain with muscles.
NASA's Plan to Colonize the Moon by 2026
NASA has a Moon colonization plan that involves utilizing 3D printers to construct an entire space station by 2026. Here's what it will look like.
Behind the Scenes of the Human-Like Atlas Robot
In this video, we get a behind-the-scenes look at the development of the incredible Atlas robot.
10 Incredible Animal-Inspired Robots
Let's meet some incredibly realistic robotic animals.
Future Technology: Inventions That Will Change Our World
Check out a few amazing futuristic inventions that are about to become mainstream.
Leonardo da Vinci: Profile of a True Renaissance Man
We're about to uncover the real Leonardo da Vinci in this deep dive into the life and personality of this famous genius.
These Shoes Can Boost Your Walking Speed by 250%!
Robotic engineers have created shoes that, they claim, will increase your speed by 250%.
14 of the Most Fascinating Specialized Tools You'll See
We bet you haven’t seen these unique tools before!
Excited About 2023? Well, You Should Be!
2022 is over and the New Year is finally here. There are plenty of things to look forward to in 2023!
A Tunnel Built by a Swarm of Robots - Jaw-Dropping!
Imagine a swarm of robots attacking a mountain and smashing it to pieces...
17 Jaw-Dropping Photos of Notable Historical Events
These are the images by which we will remember these important moments for centuries to come.
11 Of the Most AMAZING Off-Road Vehicles
Take a look at the most extreme all-terrain vehicles in the world today.
15 Photos of 19th-Century Celebs Alongside Their Portraits
These vintage photos offer a unique look at what 19th-century celebrities looked like when compared to their painted portraits.
These Colorized Black & White Photos Bring History Alive
Romanian artist Jecinci colorizes historical black and white photos. Here are some of her best works.
Meet the Smallest-Ever Remote-Controlled Robot
This crab robot is only half a millimeter wide but can move and turn in every direction. Let’s see what else it can do.
Get Ready For a Totally New Kind of Computer in the Future
In the coming years, computers, as we know them today, will change drastically.
17 Amazing Black & White Photos Restored in Color
Enjoy this collection of stunning photos from history beautifully restored in color.
Eco Tech: Meet the Robot That Collects Trash From Water
The WasteShark is an emission-free aquadrone that collects trash from the water. This cool invention will help keep our planet clean.
Can Cooling Technologies Save Phoenix From EXTREME Heat?
Phoenix, America's hottest city, may have found the most innovative answer to beat extreme heat!
The End of Breathing Machines? New Way of Getting Oxygen
Oxygen may now be able to be added directly to the bloodstream, thanks to a new experiment.
Breakthrough: Anti-Aging Study Reverses Time by 30 Years
Scientists claim to have developed a technique that can take 30 years of your skin. Find out more...
Wait, So, There’s a 6G Network Coming Too?!
We have hardly even got used to the 5G network, but 6G is already in the works. Here's what you need to know.
What is E-ink and What Does it Have to Do With Cars?
See for yourself! The new electric vehicle from BMW can change color with a push of a button.
One Man's Trash in Another Man's Dream Job
15 inventions and products you would never guess are made of trash
The Biggest Issue With Electric Cars...
Electric vehicles are not without their faults...
IBM Simon – the World’s FIRST Smartphone
Learn the story of the world's first smartphone - the IBM Simon.
Is This Odd Looking Vehicle the Future of Transportation?
The Zoox vehicle is not merely a self-driving car...
12 SUPER COOL Military Inventions You’ve Never Seen
Check out this list of amazing new military innovations. They will transform warfare in the near future!
Vintage Pics Show a Fascinating Period in American History
Take a look at these age-old photos showing the immigrants who just arrived at Ellis Island in America.
Artist Creates Charming Japanese Storefront Illustrations
Fall in love with the charming illustrations of artist Angela Hao that depict cozy Japanese storefronts.
This Artist Sees Whimsical Figures Hidden in the Clouds
Artist Monse Ascencio likes looking up in the clouds and imagining the cute and whimsical figures in the sky.
11 Practical Technologies That Will Help Fight Flooding
These amazing innovations will be real handy during a flood.
Science & Technology: Are ROBOT DOGS a Good Idea?
A company called Energy Robotics is testing robot dogs for tech inspection. Find out how successful they have been in this unique initiative.
Fun, Creative, and Wacky Shadow Doodles by Vincent Bal
Artist Vincent Bal transforms shadows of everyday objects into ingenious illustrations.
These Crazy Robots Can Do PARKOUR - Wow!
Hold on to your socks! In this mind-blowing video, you'll see two robots do parkour and backflips. Need we say more?
This Insane Domino Robot Broke a World Record!
This new robot attempted to beat the domino stacking world record by building 100 thousand dominoes in just 24 hours! Take a look.
Is It Possible to Create a UNIVERSAL Vaccine?
Scientists claim that a universal vaccine for the flu, or even more - one vaccine to combat all infectious diseases - is underway. Is that truly possible?
These Advanced Technologies Take Parking to the Next Level
These incredibly advanced car parking garage systems will make parking so much easier and safer.
8 Awesome Inventions That Any Car Owner Would Want
These ingenious inventions are designed to make the lives of car owners so much easier.
This Odd Robot Has Countless Potential Applications
This inflatable robot is one of the most oddball inventions we've ever seen! Despite its strange looks, it could save countless live one day...
How This Advanced Flood Barrier Will Help Protect Venice
The beautiful city of Venice is currently under threat from constant flooding. But a new megaproject might save it...
Advanced Technologies to Build the House of the Future
These awesome new home automation technologies will help make our lives in the coming days.
9 Awesome Tools That Make Gardening Super Easy
These cutting-edge tools make gardening so much easier and more fun!
Unusual Vehicles: A Bicycle That’s Shaped Like a Car?
Take a ride on the PodRide E-Bike - a bicycle shaped like a CAR!
These Architectural Drawings Appear to Be Illuminated
Artist Nikita Busyak creates unique architecture sketches that appear to be illuminated. Check out some of his works here.
13 Colorized Historical Pics You Shouldn’t Miss!
The past comes to life in these beautifully-colorized historic photographs.
Have You Ever Seen Banana Art? 15 Lovely Illustrations
Art can be created on virtually anything. For Anna Chojnicka, the unconventional canvas of choice is... a banana! Check out her lovely illustrations.
Everything You Need to Know About Autonomous Cars: 6 Facts
The dream of using a self-driving car may have been delayed but it certainly hasn't fizzled away. Find out why.