You Need No Longer Suffer from Autoimmune Diseases
Autoimmune diseases are the most common ailments in the world. Conventional medicine suppresses these with strong drugs, but functional medicine cures them!
This Is How to Make Your Eczema Settle Down Once & For All
The truth about eczema is that it can be helped greatly simply with a change of diet. Learn all about the functional medicine approach to eczema.
Catch a Glimpse of the Medicine of the Future
Learn about the scientific innovations that may soon enable the cure of several terrible illnesses, such as Alzheimer's, cancer and blood diseases.
Tasty and Healthy: 15 Herbs That Improve Brain Function
What's common among all the following plants is that each can improve the function of the most important organ in your body - the brain.
The Surprising HIDDEN Functions of Ordinary Objects
Small design details are all there on purpose. Here are a few hidden functions of ordinary objects that will surprise you.
These Bodily Functions Are Beyond Our Power
Do you know why we experience these bodily functions? Find out here!
These Awesome Extensions Add Functionality to Your Browser
These awesome extensions for your Google Chrome or Safari web browser will add a ton of functionality to them. Take a look at them now.
30 Essential Medical Terms For Bodily Functions
The next time you hear a doctor utter something in Latin, pay close attention, as after reading this article, you may understand what it means.
7 Ways to Develop a Child's Executive Functions
What are these executive functions and how can you help your child develop them? You will find all of this in the following guide.
A Fully Functional, Wooden Toy Rolls Royce?!?
This man built a fully functional Rolls Royce replica of wood as a toy car for his son!
Homeopathy: Real Medicine or Hoax? An Explanation.
Find out exactly what homeopathy is and how it works with this fascinating video.
For Effective, Natural Medicine Opt for These Foods
Instead of taking pills for every little thing that ails you, try some natural substitutes that will reduce your dependence on chemicals
The Oldest Medicines That Have Stood the Test of Time
Learn about some fascinating old medicine and general healing practices that have survived for thousands of years.
Breakthrough in Medicine: Real Hope for Amputees!
See the First Man with a Feeling Bionic Hand!
6 Recent Groundbreaking Health & Medicine Advancements
2021 was a great year for medicine. Here are a few key innovations and breakthroughs you might have missed from the last year.
15 Rapid Advancements in Medicine Thanks to 3D Printers!
3D Printers are an incredible new technology and these are 15 incredible uses for 3D Printers that are saving lives and healing people
How Belgium Functioned For Two Years Without a Government
Forming a government in Belgium is so difficult, the country has been operating without one for nearly 2 years! But how is that possible?
Ayurveda - the 5,000-year-old Medicinal Tradition
A light introduction to Ayurveda, a 5,000-year-old Indian medicinal tradition, and a self massage protocol based on this ancient knowledge.
18 Puns That Prove Laughter is the Best Medicine!
These punny jokes will leave you in stitches!
These 15 Powerful Plant Medicines Are Science Approved
The 15 medicinal plants listed in this article all have a whole host of science-backed health benefits.
How Blood Transfusions Changed Medicine Forever
This video tells the story of the 17th century invention that revolutionized medicine forever - blood transfusions
Studying Dolphins May Be Key to Advancing Medicine
Scientists have noticed a strange behavior in red sea dolphins, and they believe this is a form of self-medication. Learn why this discovery is so important.
Connecting Eastern Medicine With Its Western Counterpart
Learn all about the whole body approach to health with this brilliant infographic.
7 Medicinal Uses of Lavender Backed by Science
This fragrant herb has many scientifically-proven medicinal properties for both your body and mind.
10 Animals that Can Function Perfectly Well with No Brain
Everything needs a brain to live, right? Well, not necessarily! Some animals have no brain, yet they manage to survive just fine! Here's 10 of them!
These 9 Common Medicines Affect Men & Women Differently
Did you know that there's a significant difference in how certain types of medicines affect men vs. women? In this article, we discuss the development of gender-based medicine, which works to provide appropriate medication for each gender.
New Medicine Offers Fresh Hope for Alzheimer's Patients
This experimental new drug can slow down cognitive decline in Alzheimer's patients.
Maintain Your Brain: 15 Methods to Improve Brain Function
Like our muscles, the brain can also be strengthened and maintained in excellent condition, with proper practice. Learn 15 simple ways to train your brain today!
Myths in Medicine and Health That We MUST Stop Believing
In this video, Dr. Seema Yasmin helps debunk (and confirm) some common myths about medicine and health.
The Science Behind Why Laughter is the Best Medicine
They say laughter is the best medicine. But why exactly do we laugh?
What Does Medicine ACTUALLY Do In the Body? Fascinating.
What really happens in our bodies when we take medicine, have you ever wondered? This video will answer your question.
When Modern Medicine Fails, These Remedies Will Work
These effective and natural remedies will work when modern medicine fails.
Extreme Medicine: What If You Drank 2 Gallons of Coffee?
In this video, a certified doctor discusses the real case of a patient who was hospitalized after drinking 2 gallons of coffee in just 3 hours.
7 Brain Functions We May Soon Be Able to Control
A lot of our brain activity is run by neurons and the exciting news is that scientists have detected 7 impulses we will soon be able to control.
As Winter Approaches, Prepare Your Own Cold Medicine
Winter is coming, and this is exactly the time to start preparations before everyone suddenly gets sick with the cold or the flu. Follow these incredibly easy instructions to learn how to make your own home cold remedies!
Baby Laughs: The Best Medicine Ever!
These adorable, laughing babies will keep you smiling all week!
How Does Meditation Improve Everyday Brain Function?
Do you ever hear an internal monologue in your mind about the worries of tomorrow and the faults of yesterday? Here's how to shut it off.
These 8 Infusions Are Natural Medicines For Many Problems
If you want to start the morning in a tasty and healthy way, try these wonderful tea infusions that treat many common health problems.
10 Things You Should Always Have in Your Medicine Cabinet
Here are 10 medical supplies doctors recommend keeping at home.
Health Quiz: How Much Basic Medicine Do You Know?
Do you need to learn more or do you know your medical terms?
11 Ways to Use Honey and Cinnamon as a Natural Medicine
Honey and cinnamon are two wonderful ingredients that can be used for many health benefits.
Laughter is the Best Medicine: Master the Art of Humor
Humor has the power to change your life.
Dawn of a New Era: First Gene Medicine Approved by FDA!
Genetic engineering of cells to fight disease sounds like science fiction, but thanks to a new treatment, it has arrived in the medical world. Find out more.
6 Terrific Recipes That Can Be Made with Medicinal Herbs
Find out how mallow, nettles, mint, elderberry, fennel, and chives are dutifully incorporated into these 6 delicious recipes!
Is It OK to Use Expired Medicine? Find Out Here...
Certain kinds of medication are fine to take even 40 years after their expiration date. Find out which ones they are here...
Yikes! They Do Say Laughter is the Best Medicine...(Rude)
Most customers don't express their emotions, but this guy couldn't even contain himself.
What is Our Executive Brain, and How Can One Improve It?
Did you know your brain had a brain? The executive brain is the part of us that plans. What is it and how to improve its function?
Keep Your Brain Healthy With These Essential Guides
There are so many ways you can boost your brain's health! This collection of articles will tell you all about this topic, and more!
Biology Lesson: How Do Our Lungs Work?
How do they work exactly? This video will explain it all with some great visual aids.
Drooping Eyelids Impairing Vision? Here Are The Options
Dr. Suarez explains various in-office invasive or un-invasive treatments meant to fix droopy eyelids.
Retinal Degeneration: How to Treat It Before It's Too Late
Retinal degeneration is a common disease among the elderly that affects the retina and can lead to severe visual impairment. Learn more about it here...
Deaf Toddler Hears Voice for the 1st Time!
3 year old Grayson Clamp was born deaf...
What Can We Do to Help People with Parkinson?
Man With PD Demonstrates the Neurostimulartor
This Is Why You Should Add Rhubarb to Your Diet Right Now
Rhubarb is incredibly healthy and can offer you numerous health benefits, so there's no reason why you shouldn't add it to your diet today.
Clinical Trial May Be a New Hope For Alzheimer’s Patients
At the Alzheimer's Conference in 2018, the results of a study on a new drug, NA-831 were revealed to be beneficial to Alzheimer's Patients
This Miniature Heart is Real and Made With a 3-D Printer
Scientists in Tel Aviv University, Israel, have used a 3-D printer to create a small heart using human tissue .
Discover Why There's a Metallic Taste in Your Mouth
If your mouth constantly tastes like old pennies, you're not alone. There are several different conditions that may cause this to arise, such as these eight...
Boost Your Memory By Adding These Herbs to Your Diet...
Whether you are looking to prevent or treat memory loss, these natural herbs have served as timeless aids. Let's take a look.
This Amazing Breakthrough Has Given Hope to Quadriplegics
Quadriplegia greatly affects one's ability to function normally, so this amazing medical breakthrough provides a lot of hope for a lot of people.
Warning! This New Smartphone Can Meddle With Pacemakers
Cardiologists are alarmed that the new iPhone 12 could disrupt the work of pacemakers and cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs). Are these concerns warranted?
Researchers Have Managed to Actually Reverse Dementia...
Dementia doesn't yet have a cure, but the world is a step closer to having one after researchers managed to reverse the illness in mice. Read on to learn more.
Who Knew Vick's VapoRub Was So Incredibly Versatile?
Is there any product in your medicine cabinet that is more versatile than Vick's VapoRub? Here are 7 innovative ways for you to use it.
Pay Attention to How Your Microwave Could Be Harming You
Your microwave may not be as safe as you think. Click here to find out why.
Who Knew Vick's VapoRub Was SO Versatile?
Breakthrough: Anti-Aging Study Reverses Time by 30 Years
Scientists claim to have developed a technique that can take 30 years of your skin. Find out more...
Keep Your Pancreas Healthy With These 10 Tasty Foods
Although the pancreas is a relatively small organ, its function in the body is important & essential to maintain its health, we recommend eating these 10 foods.
These Drinks Give Your Brain a Massive Health Boost!
We prepared a list of 10 excellent beverage suggestions that will both hydrate you and boost your brainpower.
Cardiac Arrest Patients Have Renewed Hope Thanks to This
British scientists have managed to turn spinach leaves into working human tissue, in what could be a revolutionary step toward repairing damaged organs.
Seniors Today Are Younger Than All Previous Generations
Recent research finally brings us some great news this year - seniors seem to be getting younger and younger with every generation... Read on to learn more
Best Nootropics: Boost Your Brain Power
Discover the best nootropics scientifically formulated to enhance cognitive function, improve focus, boost memory, and support overall brain health.
Warning! These 5 Habits Are Seriously Damaging Your Liver
The liver is one of the most important organs in the human body, so its imperative that we do our best to keep it healthy. These bad habits will damage it!
5 Ways 3D Printing Is Changing the World
From medicine to apparel and housing, here are 5 fields that have already evolved beyond belief thanks to 3D printers.
Unlock Health Secrets with These Awesome YouTube Channels
Follow these YouTube channels for the best medical and health advice this year.
8 Secret Herbs the Native Americans Used to Cure
Discover the plants the Native Americans used for curing just about any ailment.
Find Out Which 10 Surprising Foods Reduce Anxiety!
Anxiety is a common thing that any of us may experience, but by adding these 10 foods to the menu you can make a difference and prevent it!
This Study May One Day Help Treat Chronic Stress And PTSD
A recently discovered protein in the brain (p11) can be linked to both depression and stress and has the potential to help future treatments
Scientists Discover New Signs of Early Onset Parkinson's
Doctors at two esteemed institutes have worked together to discover early signs of Parkinson's for identification and drug testing
Natural Compound in Essential Oils May Benefit Parkinson’s
A plant-based compound called farnesol is capable of preventing the brain cells affected by Parkinson’s disease from dying off.
Do You Wake at Night? This Guide May Explain Why...
Wake up regularly at night? This may surprise you ... These are the things your body is trying to tell you according to Chinese medicine.
These Water Plants Are Unlike Anything I've Ever Seen
These underwater plants are not just things of beauty, they also can be used as medicine. See what else these underwater plants has to offer offer.
9 Things Pharmacists Want You to Know But Never Tell You!
The queue at the pharmacy may be long but that's because the pharmacist has lots to sort out. Here are 9 things all pharmacists want you to know.
10 Healthy Herbal Teas and How They Can Benefit You...
Herbal teas can do wonders for your health. In this post, we break down 10 of the healthiest types, as well as all the ways in which you can benefit.
Heartburn & Indigestion Meds Shown To Increase Stroke Risk
An observational study concluded that very common over-the-counter heartburn and indigestion medications could increase people's susceptibility to strokes.
This Incredibly Nutritious Drink Is Made With Just 3 Foods
Did you know that you can create a super-drink using just three common foods? Learn more about this amazing drink and make it yourself today.
9 Medical Problems That Can Be Treated with Acupuncture
Most of us wouldn't choose to be stabbed by needles, however, it seems that doing just that can be an effective method of treating various medical problems....
Do You Have a Magnesium Deficiency? Here's How to Know
Did you know that, even though you might be unaware of it, you may be suffering from a magnesium deficiency. Read on to find out if you are.
Could The Best Way to Treat Parkinson’s Symptoms Be a Watch?
Emma's Clock is a promising and intriguing development that has been able to significantly reduce Parkinson's patients' hand tremors - here's how it works.
You Can Heal or Prevent Thyroid Problems With These Herbs
The thyroid gland is vital for regulating metabolic processes within the human body. These 10 herbs can help you prevent and heal thyroid problems naturally.
Do You Wake at Night? This Guide May Explain Why
3 Sure-Fire Ways Of Ensuring the Best Gallbladder Health
The gallbladder is a highly important organ, and therefore you should do what you can to ensure its (and your) good health. Read this guide to learn more.
Waking Up at Odd Hours? Here's What Your Body is Saying
This guide will help you understand how your body systems work and identify any mental challenges you may face.
10 Healing Foods That Can Help Your Body Mend Faster
These few foods and beverages can really help your body recover much faster.
These Native American Achievements Are Truly Outstanding!
Read all about ten of the greatest achievements that the Native Americans made before the arrival of Europeans
14 Cool and Astonishing X-Ray Images Explained
If you think the human body is fascinating, but also very weird, wait until you see these 14 X-Rays
Whoa! This Magic Bean Has a Whole Host of Health Benefits
Mucuna is frequently used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat Parkinson’s disease and other ailments. Learn all about it here.
Wow! I Never Knew Mushrooms Were So Good For Me!
Mushrooms are not only delicious, but they also have a wide range of health benefits too. Here are 9 of health benefits of the humble, but delicious mushroom.
Keep Your Liver In Tip-Top Shape With These Home Remedies
This informative post will teach you how to keep your liver healthy and will provide you with some home remedies to do so.
Powerful New Antibiotic Was Discovered Thanks to AI
Experts claim we are in dire need of new antibiotics. This new research has discovered one, using a pioneering AI technology.
Have Scientists Just Found a Wonder Cure for Alzheimer's?
In 2015, researchers in Australia made a breakthrough in the treatment of Alzheimer's. Hopefully this year, they will be able to try this treatment on humans.
This Side Effect Is Often Confused for Dementia in Seniors
Dementia is often misdiagnosed in seniors because several medications they take on the daily can cause side effects very similar to dementia