Can You Get Covid-19 and the Flu at the Same Time?
We now know it is possible to be infected with Covid-19 and the flu simultaneously. Find out about the outcomes are what protective measures can be taken.
What You Need to Know About the HMPV Virus Outbreak
Breaking down everything you need to know about the virus and its potential impact.
5 of the Biggest Misconceptions About the Seasonal Flu
5 important things you need to know about the seasonal flu
How COVID-19 Is Going to Affect This Year’s Flu Season
This year we'll be dealing with flu season alongside the Coronavirus pandemic. Experts predict what this means.
Fight off Seasonal Flu with These 30 Natural Herbs
Why waste money on risky cold medicines, when we have so many herbs that can cure it naturally? Here are 30 of the most effective herbs for treating the flu.
Is it Corona or is it the Flu? How to Tell the Difference
Covid-19 shares many symptoms with the flu and the common cold, which can be confusing, but there are still some differences you should know
The Reasons for Seasons - Superb!
A great and simple way to explain seasons with some surprising details!
Scientists Now Afraid That Coronavirus May Become Seasonal
Researchers now allow the possibility that the Novel Coronavirus may become a new seasonal illness like the flu and other seasonal viruses.
Avoid These Habits if You Don't Want the Flu
Now that flu season is here, it's important to do all that you can to make sure that you're not one of its unlucky victims.
Protect Yourself From the Flu With These New Treatments
To help keep you safe this flu season, click here to learn about all of the latest drugs that have been designed to keep you safe from the flu.
Is There a Link Between Egg Allergy and the Flu Shot?
Though an allergic reaction to the flu shot is very rare, those allergic to eggs may be at a higher risk of developing it.
Flu Shots and Alzheimer’s: Is There a Connection?
Flu shots cannot cause Alzheimer's disease. To the contrary, studies show that they may actually cut down one's risk of the disease by 30%!
A Journey Through Seasons - Beautiful!
This beautiful video was shot over the Norwegian year, showing each season's distinct beauty as the train goes through them, moving through time and space. A gorgeous video and a pleasure to watch the graceful changing of the Norwegian landscape.
Flurona - When the Flu and COVID-19 Overlap
Can you really catch the flu and coronavirus simultaneously? And if so, how can you tell that you’ve got ‘flurona’? Read on to find out.
Relieve Your Cold and Flu Symptoms with these Natural Oils
If you're feeling under the weather, these natural oils will help your body heal faster.
Warning! Get Your Flu Shot Now Before It's Too Late...
Learn why you should get your flu shot while it's still pretty hot outside.
The New Bird Flu - What You Need To Know!
The deadly H7N9 has now advanced beyond mainland China - what do we know about it?
The Pandemic That Came Before: Photos From the Spanish Flu
Life during the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic was eerily similar to what we are experiencing today, as seen in this collection of vintage photos
Crucial Factors You Need to Know About Getting the Flu Shot
Flu season is around the corner, and according to the Centers for Disease Control, the best way to ward off the virus is to get the flu shot. The information below will guide you through factors about the flu shot you may not know.
Keep the Flu Out of Your Home with these 8 Tips
Did you know that if somebody in the family comes down with the flu, all it takes is a couple of hours for the virus to spread? This room-by-room guide will help stop germs in their tracks, keeping everyone at home healthy and flu-free.
This Experimental Drug Could Stop the Flu in Just 24 Hours
A Japanese drugmaker has claimed that they have developed a pill that is capable of killing the flu virus in just one day. Find out more here!
Got the Flu? Apply Pressure to These 8 Points
Acupressure points are a great alternative treatment for various ailments and symptoms, with cold and flu symptoms being no exception. These 8 pressure points are known for their effectiveness in treating various flu and cold symptoms.
Why Do We Need a Flu Shot Every Year? Find Out Here!
Ever wondered why you need a flu shot every year? Well, this TED-Ed video has the answers you've been looking for!
Stop Believing Flu Myths, They Do More Harm Than Good
In this article, we dispel 12 common and often harmful myths about the common cold and the flu.
A Spectacular Celebration of the Changing of Seasons...
The 2015 Chinese New Year celebrations included a breathtaking performance that symbolizes the changing of the seasons.
16 Foods to Get Rid of Hangovers and Flu
Rather than referring to your medicine cabinet as soon as you feel a little ill, you can try any of these 16 foods to make yourself feel better.
Man Flu: Do Men Have a Weaker Immune System than Women?
Are men overreacting or being whiny when they catch a cold or get a flu, or are they simply sicker than women with the same illness?
Try Seasoning the Cutting Board, NOT the Steak
If you want to prepare the juiciest and most well-seasoned steak ever, try seasoning the cutting board, not the steak. You read that right. Here's why...
7 Seasonal Superfruits You SHOULD be Eating
It's well documented that fruit is very good for you, but not all fruit is created equally. Here are 7 seasonal superfruits that you should definitely be eating.
Welcome the Summer Season with These Beautiful Quotes
Welcome the balmy summer season with these beautiful warm-weather quotes.
WATCH: When the Flu Bites, This Honey Mixture Is Perfect
For when colds bite, nature has provided us with some wonderful natural remedies. Like this curative honey drink.
A Beautiful Season is Upon Us!
The great and beautiful things about the fall...
The Major Differences Between Swine Flu and COVID-19
Swine Flu (H1N1) is a virus known to have many similarities to COVID-19, which is why understanding their differences is important
These Flowers Are Beautifully Captured As Seasons Change
Watch flowers bloom and change with the seasons. It's truly mesmerizing!
The Comprehensive Guide to Seasonal Fruits & Vegetables
A printable guide to when each fruit and vegetable is in season.
Does Zinc Actually Work to Fight the Flu and Cold?
Zinc is an essential mineral. Some say it can even shorten the duration of a cold by 2 days! Let's learn the science behind it.
Ring in the New Season with these Scrumptious Cocktails
These fall cocktail recipes can be prepared in mere minutes. But most importantly, they are absolutely delicious!
Grow Off- Season Vegetables With Ease With These Tips
Did you that it's possible to grow good quality vegetables off-season? Watch this video to know how...
Guide: The Right Seasoning Can Do Wonders!
A steak is easy to make. A well seasoned one, though, can make all the difference.
Enjoy the Sweetest Poem This Christmas Season
Enjoy the sweetest poem that will remind you of everything you love about Christmas Eve
20 Cozy Winter Quotes to Welcome the Season
Winter is coming. And what better way to welcome the season than to discover some beautiful quotes and sayings about it?
Here's What You Didn't Know About The Spanish Flu Pandemic
How much do you know about the 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic? This video provides detailed insights into the history of the disease.
Watch These Underrated Christmas Films This Holiday Season
Watching some feel-good Christmas movies during the holiday season can be great fun. Here we have some underrated Christmas movies for you.
See How Japan's Nature Changes with the Seasons
These photos depict the purest forms of nature in Japan. And they are stunning!
Savor These Delightful Short Films This Christmas Season
Here are some of the most wonderful Christmas-themed short films that you can watch this holiday season.
Visual Guide: Know When These Common Vegetables are in Season
This visual guide will help you determine what's in season year-round
Best Time to Visit Singapore and Malaysia: A Seasonal Guide
Planning a trip to Singapore and Malaysia involves more than just choosing the attractions to visit and activities to do...
How to Season a Cast Iron Skillet the Right Way
What is seasoning and why is it necessary to season your steel and cast iron pans? And most importantly, how do you do it? Here are the answers
Admire 8 Tourist Attractions in Every Season of the Year
From New York to India and then to the distant reaches of Lake Baikal, here is how 8 famous tourist destinations look like in every season
Hurricane Season is Now In Full Swing. Are You Prepared?
Hurricanes are violent tropical storms that often form in the Atlantic Ocean. Find out all about them and how to prepare for them if you live in their path.
No Season Captures the Stunning Beauty of Nature Like Fall
A stunning photo collection of fall's pretty hues, complete with a series of facts you probably don't know about this remarkable season.
This Is What It's Like to Have Seasonal Affective Disorder
If you find that when temperatures start dropping, your mood does too, then you may be suffering from SAD. Learn all about it here.
Winter Hikers, Gather Round for the Best Tip of the Season
Here's how advanced snow hikers layer clothing in the winter.
8 Spice Plants Perfect to Plant for the Fall Season
Here are 8 fragrant and delicious herbs that are highly recommended to grow yourself, including growing instructions for each one of them.
6 Tips to Take Care of Your Woolens This Season
Here’s how you can make sure your woolens last for many winters.
This Apple Season Calls for Some Luscious Apple Galettes
Try out this 7-ingredient and 7-step recipe for one luscious snack while it's apple season. You'll love the results!
Keep Your Pets Safe This Storm Season!
Learn some useful tips on how to keep your pets safe in stormy weather.
10 Natural & Simple Ways to Overcome Seasonal Allergies
Seasonal allergies can be quite a hassle, but it's quite easy to prevent them with these 10 simple methods.
Send Christmas Wishes to Your Friends This Festive Season
Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. Send this video to your closest and dearest friends to let them know that you're thinking of them.
Vivaldi's "Four Seasons" are Much More Than Just Music
In this TED-Ed video, Betsy Schwarm explains just why it is that you should listen to Vivaldi's "Four Seasons."
18 Pics That Perfectly Capture How Hot It Is This Season
Feeling hot, hot, hot! Summer has been crazy this year, and these pictures perfectly illustrate how we all feel.
5 Unique Pie Recipes You Should Try This Winter Season
These easy-to-make and unique homemade pies will be the perfect treats to warm you up this winter season.
10 Great Ways of Beating the Winter Blues This Season
Do you suffer from winter blues or depression? You're not alone! Listen up on our tips to help yourself get over them.
Thinking of Taking Up Skiing This Season? Start Here
If you're thinking of taking up skiing this year, here are the basic things to know before you start.
Could Your Pet or Farm Animals Give You the Flu?
Some viruses are especially dangerous, since they can learn to spread from animals to humans. How?
Black Pepper Is More Than a Seasoning - Here Are 10 Uses
Black pepper has so much going for it. It's already in your cupboard so you might as well get these 10 extra uses from it.
6 Sensational Hot Cocoa Drinks to Curl Up to This Season
These hot chocolate recipes are sure to tempt you this winter!
Boost Your Immune System With These 4 Delicious Juices
These 4 healthy and delicious drinks will help you ward off the cold and flu during the cold seasons and improve your immune defenses
Taking High Doses of Vitamin C Won’t Cure or Prevent Colds
This is how a personal tip from a Nobel Prize winning chemist turned into one of the most widespread medical myths of the past few decades
Are You Washing Your Hands Correctly?
Proper hand-washing can help protect you from infectious diseases, be it salmonella, the flu, or other dangerous viruses. Here's how to do it
8 Ways People Waste Time Trying to Avoid Germs
When it comes to flu and cold we all start acting a bit overly cautious. Learn which behaviors are actually pointless in avoiding germs
Keep Germs At Bay with This Homemade Hand Sanitizer!
In order to keep your hands clean when you're out and about, why not make yourself this handy hand sanitizer?
5 Medical Advances That May Alter the Future of Healthcare
This article takes a look at some of the most important recent scientific breakthroughs in the field of medicine and health.
How Grandma Used to Fight Off a Cough and Cold
This cough syrup is what grandma used to prepare back in the day. Take a look.
Allergies vs COVID-19: How To Distinguish Between the Two
Here is how you can figure out whether or not the symptoms you may be experiencing are more likely to be an allergy or the Novel Coronavirus.
7 Subtle Signs You Might’ve Had Covid-19 Without Realizing
Covid-19 is quite elusive and hard to recognize. Here are a few subtle signs you might have already had the virus, and what to do if that's your suspicion.
These Vaccinations Are Essential Over 50, Do You Have Them?
While as children you may have received the vaccinations you need, have you continued to do so after 50?
Stay Healthy this Winter and Beat the Blues with these Useful Tips
Ward off colds, flu and other winter germs lurking in the room, with these 10 useful tips to help you and your family stay well during the cold, dark months ahead.
7 Cold Weather Myths You Shouldn’t Blindly Trust
The winter season has long had some commonly held misconceptions. Here is a look at some some cold season myths you should steer away from.
Help Strengthen Your Child's Immune System With These Tips
As parents, we’re always concerned about cold and flu season. Learn how to identify signs of a weak immune system, and 10 ways to strengthen it.
Protect Your Grandchildren By Getting These 5 Vaccines
If you have young grandchildren, you should help protect them by getting the following five vaccinations.
5 Vaccinations Every Grandparent Should Get
As a grandparent, you may wonder what vaccinations you need to take to make sure your grandkids are safe.
Vitamin C Cannot Prevent Colds, But It Can Do So Much More
Although vitamin C may not protect you from the flu, it can do wonders for your immune system, heart, skin and the nervous system, and more...
This All-Natural Nasal Decongestant Is Super Easy to Make
Getting rid of a blocked nose is easy as 1,2,3 and you'll see why when you click on this post. What's more is that this decongestant is all-natural.
The MOST Dangerous and Deadly Viruses Known to Man
Viruses have caused some of the most dangerous outbreaks in human history. Learn about the 12 deadliest viruses and their history in this article
Here's What You Need to Do to Prevent Illness This Winter
Want to avoid catching the flu this winter? Follow this advice.
This Fascinating Video Explains How a Virus Invades a Body
In this great animation that makes this complex process much easier to understand, NPR's Robert Krulwich and medical animator David Bolinsky explain how a flu virus can trick a single cell into making a million more viruses.
Is It Possible to Create a UNIVERSAL Vaccine?
Scientists claim that a universal vaccine for the flu, or even more - one vaccine to combat all infectious diseases - is underway. Is that truly possible?
Fight a Cold with Food: Orange Chicken Salad
Debbie W. from the blog shares her cold & flu-fighting recipe for orange chicken salad
Silent Signs Of Allergies You Should Look Out For
Stop mistaking an allergy symptom for age-related changes, the flu or other health conditions with this guide.
How to Tell If Your Immune System Is Out of Whack
In this article, we’ll provide 8 signs of a weakened immunity and explain the different factors that can suppress one’s immune system.
If You Have This Cookware at Home, Throw it Away Right Now
Most people nowadays are aware of the importance of eating healthy, but not everyone knows that the cookware you use to make the food is just as important!
How Can You Tell a Common Cold Infection from Influenza?
The common cold is among the most prevalent virus infections in the world. What's the best way to treat it?
Colds Can Be Cured In Just 24 Hours - Learn How Here
It's never a pleasant feeling when you feel a cold coming on, but there's actually a way of getting rid of one in just 24 hours. Find out how here.
The Worst Epidemics in US History
This list contains the 9 worst epidemics the US has faced, and showcases the advancement in treatment over the years.
10 Items That May Be in Short Supply This Pandemic Winter
The coronavirus pandemic might make a few items tough to find during the upcoming winter season. Here's a look at a few of them.
Winter Allergies: Causes and Efficient Solutions
Seasonal allergies aren't reserved just for the spring. Here's what causes winter allergies and what can be done about them.
11 Common Herbs Known For Their ANTIVIRAL Activity
These 11 common herbs have stood both the test of time and scientific scrutiny, and are widely known for their antiviral activity.
Make Your Own Homemade Cough Syrup!
In the winter, we all seem to have to cope at one point or another with flu symptoms. Here are five homemade syrups that can soothe a sore throat.
Here Are the Most Googled Health Questions of 2018
We're always told not to Google questions about or health, but there are millions of people who do so. Here are the 10 most Googled health questions of 2018.