India Built a Monster Dam That Controls the Weather!
The Polavaram Dam doesn't just control floods - it moves water between regions and much more!
The Power of Natural Disasters Captured in Poignant Photos
These photographs give you an in-depth and chilling look at the true power and toll of the worst natural disasters from storms to floods.
Europe In Flood - Shocking Photos!
These photos will give you an idea of the extent of the damage these floods are wrecking on these European countries...
This Buoyancy System Could Prevent Destruction by Flooding
Imagine that in the event of a flood, your home could just securely float above its foundations. The Buoyancy Foundation Project is trying to do just that.
What a Shame - New Cars Flooded!
Over the weekend, Germany suffered a terrible flooding after a dam broke...
The Thames Flood Barrier Is a Wonder of Engineering
The Thames Barrier in London, often described as the eighth wonder of the world, is a true engineering marvel.
Engineer Answers: Why Did the Yellowstone Flood Happen?
In June, Yellowstone National Park was flooded due to heavy rains in Wyoming and Montana. How and when will Yellowstone be rebuilt?
11 Practical Technologies That Will Help Fight Flooding
These amazing innovations will be real handy during a flood.
Why Did the Romans Flood the Colosseum?
Apart from regularly hosting gladiator fights, the Roman Colosseum was also the setting for aquatic shows and reenactments of sea battles
May 2024: Largest Ever Flood Hits Brazil
In southern Brazil, relentless rainfall has unleashed a catastrophic flood, claiming at least 83 lives and leaving over a hundred missing.
This Shocking Time-Lapse Captures Harvey Flooding Houston
This shocking time-lapse video shows Hurricane Harvey flooding Houston in just 15 hours.
How This Advanced Flood Barrier Will Help Protect Venice
The beautiful city of Venice is currently under threat from constant flooding. But a new megaproject might save it...
How the 2019 Venice Flood Really Looked and Felt Like
The 2019 Venice flood is the most devastating one in the past 50 years. See just how horrific the floods were first hand in these 12 photos
There is a Way to Stop The Flood of Pesky Junk Mail
Insurance offers, catalogs, flyers - we all receive junk mail, and lots of it. But why does that happen and how can we stop, or at least reduce it?
Australia Under Foam - Amazing!
This week Australia was troubled by severe floods. The heavy floods have resulted in a unexpected byproduct - foamy water, foamy beaches and foamy Australians!
Why the Residents of This Dangerous Island Choose To Stay
The 16 resident of the German Island Oland have to deal with extreme floods on a regular basis. So why do they choose to stay?
Hard to Believe This Used to Be a Soviet Prison!
Located in Estonia, Rummu Prison quarry used to be one of the Soviet Union’s worst labor camps. After the fall of the Soviet Union, the place was abandoned and the quarry was flooded, turning the site into an amazingly exotic beach!
These Photos Prove You Can Never Know What Lies Underwater
9 amazing sites that were once lost to the waters of lakes and rivers, only to emerge many years later...
Photos from the Heart of the Turkish Conflict!
t has been almost a week now that a storm is sowing destruction in Turkey, a storm of protesters, who have flooded the streets of Turkey's major cities, crying out against Erdoğan's regime. With the TV channels not reporting this from inside Turkey.
Has Noah's Ark Been Finally Discovered? Explorers Say Yes
New evidence shows that Noah's ark may have been found in Turkey.
Animals Celebrate Halloween - Adorable!
It seems animals have had it with humans lording their holidays over them, and decided that this year they were going to take part in the Halloween fun! So now that the holidays are over, we are flooded with photos of animals participating in the joy
7 Submerged Villages and Cities You Never Knew About
Forget Atlantis. Let’s explore some of the lesser-known underwater places from around the world.
When Nature Strikes, You Can't Hide: 16 Captivating Photos
These 16 photos reveal nature’s fierce side.
The Remarkable Stories of People Rescuing Helpless Animals
I love animals, and I LOVE people who save them!
Joke: Making This Call About a Wedding is a Tough Decision
A bride and a groom are with a pastor finalizing details for their wedding day. The pastor asks them whether they want a traditional or contemporary wedding...
I Was Shocked to Find Out What Happened to These Churches!
All around the world, with the building of hydroelectric dams, as well as water reservoirs - many towns and villages were subsequently destroyed.
Checklist: Hurricane Aftermath Survival and Tax Relief
The storm has come and gone, and now it's time to pick up the pieces. Where do I start? How can the government help me?
Paralyzed Cat Takes Swimming Lessons!
How a cat recovered using swimming lessons!
Joke: Wedding Decisions
When Disaster Strikes, Think Outside the Box – 14 Pics
These people took storm prep to another level.
Stunning! Flying Through the Bowels of a Bowling Machine
An Incredible Drone Video Taken in the Bowels of a Bowling Machine.
17 Beautiful Abandoned Structures Reclaimed by Nature
All these beautiful buildings have been abandoned for years and reclaimed by nature. The results are hauntingly beautiful!
Would You Ever Attempt These 10 Frightening Hiking Trails?
The perils of these dangerous hike trails around the world will make you weak in the knees!
Cognitive Defusion: The Art of Stopping Intrusive Thoughts
Master Cognitive Defusion, the skill of blocking intrusive thoughts and overthinking.
This DIY Drain Will Save You Tons of Money!
Looking for a cheap drainage solution for your yard? Try this DIY French drain.
Human Spirit Shines - Good Deeds During Sandy!
The following are little stories from the recent Hurricane Sandy where people stepped up and offering their kindness and help to their fellow man. We're proud of them.
These 10 Super Island Cities Float Like Brilliant Boats
Some of the greatest cities in the world are actually like magnificent boats. They are islands of civilization and wonder floating in the world's seas.
10 Popular Health Hacks That Do More Harm Than Good
It’s time to stop falling for these fake health hacks!
Seeing Animals Hug May Just Be the Best Thing Ever
Is there anything more endearing than animals hugging?
Buckle Up and Enjoy These Super Cool AMPHIBIOUS VEHICLES
Take a ride in these incredibly cool amphibious vehicles that can both drive in land and float in water.
Now This is What Photography is All About...
Each of these photos tells a beautiful story...
These Deadly Natural Disasters Are the Worst Since 2005
Every year, different parts of the planet are devastated by natural disasters, which required joint global efforts to provide relief
Zero Sugar: What You REALLY Need to Know
Are zero sugar foods really healthy? Let’s find out…
These Genius Old Life Hacks Have Passed the Test of Time
These age-old life hacks were once used by our grandparents. Turns out, they can still make our life easy.
The Problem with Concrete and What Can Be Done About It
Concrete literally makes up the cities we live in, yet it also puts us in danger. What can be done about it? Find out in this video
The Sunken Town of Villa Epecuen!
the town that resurfaced after 25 years...
Photos That Prove That Reality Beats Photoshop Hands Down!
These photos prove that reality is always far better than Photoshop.
These Engineering Failures Ended In Real Catastrophes
These are 10 of the worst engineering failures in history. These accidents had horrific results, and we must learn from them to never ever repeat them.
14 Incredible News Photos from Around the World
14 Incredible shots from events that happened around the world, and that you might have missed.
Meet CAAT: Water Tank to the Rescue!
This video depicts testing of a 1/5 scale demonstrator of the Captive Air Amphibious Transporters (CAAT). The CAAT has air-filled pontoons on a tank tread-like design, enabling them to carry containers over water and directly onto shore. The vehicle
16 Bizarre Facts That Are So Strange They Could Only Be True
Sometimes science is so bizarre it blows the mind. Read These 16 fascinating facts that prove that truth is stranger than fiction.
8 Unexpected Health Benefits of Taking a Sauna
Saunas can shower you with some serious health benefits, and this video explains exactly how.
The Massive Afsluitdijk Dam Is Getting an Awesome Upgrade
Check out how Holland's iconic Afsluitdijk dam is all set to get a major and awesome upgrade.
These Award-Winning Photographs Shed Light On Pollution!
These winning photographs From the International Photography Awards One Shot Competition capture the effects of Climate Change
Important! When Is It Time to Go to the ER?
names and explaines which conditions should have you get an immediate ride to the hospital, and which don't require you to go because there's very little they'll be able to do for you there other than let you rest.
Winter, the Cold-Hearted Sculptor
In winter's domain, everything can become a sculpture...
15 Hilarious Pics That Prove India is Unique
India is a place like no other...
This Joke Starts With a Man Trying to Steal a Hat
When a man attempts to steal a hat from a church and fails, he is duly punished. Little did he know that memories of his old one would soon come flooding back..
Hilarious! Nobody Tells Mother Nature What to Do!
Here are 18 ironic photos that prove that nature doesn't care about what people want!
These History Facts Sound Unlikely But They’re Accurate!
From a happy story of a lucky kitty to one of an utterly tragic shipwreck, all 6 of these mind-blowing facts are difficult to believe but accurate!
China's Cherry Blossom Bloom is a Sight to Behold!
People all over the world usually associate cherry blossoms with spring in Japan, but China’s blooms are just as majestic! See for yourself!
14 Fascinating Stories Told in Amazing Photos...
14 interesting photos that tell a different story
The Year's Best Aerial Photos!
Today's satellite photos are becoming more detailed and clear than ever. They used to be these black and white fuzzy photos, where you could maybe identify a country or a continent. These days, you can see all the way down to street level. And this y
These Mind-Blowing Landscape Photos Need to be Framed
Take a look at the magical winners of the 2022 Landscape Photographer of the Year competition.
Science Proves: These 10 Bible Stories Probably Did Happen
The Bible describes many seemingly supernatural cases, but today, science can show that they might have indeed happened.
Who Knew There Were Such Adorable Creatures Underwater?
We don't usually look at the ocean as containing cute life, but it apparently does - have a look at all these adorable animals living underwater.
23 Incredible Photographs Taken at Just the Right Moment
These scarcely believable pictures have NOT been doctored. They were just taken at the perfect time.
Rare Photos From Decades Gone By Show What Life Was Like
Take a look at a collection of rarely seen photos from decades gone by. These photo show how far mankind has progressed.
Joke: Putting the Foot Down
When Joe and Bob are doing some work together, Bob notices how much Joe fusses over his wife. He asks him what's going on...
These Photos Were Captured Just at the Right Moment...
These amazing photos were each shot at exactly the right moment for hilarious, beautiful and incredible photographs. Take a look!
Hilarious: Nobody Tells Mother Nature What to Do!
8 Island Cities that Are Wonderful Places to Visit
These densely-populated islands are intriguing, and each boasts a unique history.
This Amazing Superyacht Design is Fit For a Bond Villain
Designer Timur Bozca call himself "limitless", and it's not hard to see why. The Black Swan is one of the most jaw-dropping superyacht designs ever seen.
2013 Was a Year of Surprising Moments!
Here are some of the photos that prove 2013 was a year full of the unexpected!
Australia is the Land of the Most Bizarre Creatures!
Australia is the land of the most bizarre creatures!
How a Blind Man and Armless Friend Planted Over 10,000 Trees
This has to be one of the most incredible stories I've ever heard!
The Raw Power of Pure Destruction. Wow.
There is something mesmerizing about chaos, when everything loses control and natural order erupts.
These Glorious French Lakes Are Out of This World!
Spending a couple of days at one of these breathtaking lakes is guaranteed to fully recharge your body and refresh your mind. Check out our top ten!
10 Stunning Wonders You Need to See Before They Disappear
The Earth is full of amazing places and wonderful species, but soon enough, we may not get the chance to see them ever again.
Who Knew Creativity Could Take the Form of Cool Snowplows?
When winter strikes, snowplows take to the streets. These people decided to be creative and put their own unique snowplows together
Joke: Everything Seems to Be Going Wrong Today
From Across the Decades, These Photos are Fascinating!
Join us as we take you through the ages and see some really incredible sights!
Who Knew Statistics Could Be SO Funny!
Raf Schoenmaekers combined his love for digital art and engineering background to tell some truths using graphs in this funny comics.
2014's Most Sublime Photos Will Leave You in Awe (Part 2)
The second part of our Most Awe-Inspiring Photos of 2014, focused on humanity and its impact on nature, as well as nature’s impact on mankind
Funny Joke: An Understanding With God
This joke begins with a hunter muttering a curse to himself...
8 Things That Should Always Be Kept In A Safe
Even if you don't have wads of cash or jewelry lying around, there are a few valuables everyone has that should always be kept stored in a safe
15 Shocking Photos of Nature Gone Haywire
These real-life photos of extreme weather show that nature can be quite terrifying when she reveals herself in full force!
18 Glimpses of the World’s Most Fascinating Places
These awe-inspiring photos feel almost dreamlike,
Get Your Daily Dose of Happiness From These Sweet Photos
This collection of photographs combines cuteness with love, beauty, and wonders of the natural world, all just to make us smile.
These Photos Will Remind You of the True Power of Nature
Modern man thinks he is the master of his world, but nothing could be further from the truth. These photos serve as poignant reminders of the power of nature.
20 Stunning Photos Captured at the Perfect Moment
Take a look at these perfectly-timed photos that will undoubtedly take your breath away.
22 of Nature Photography's Most Exquisite Moments!
The NG website has a daily photo of the day page, from which we've selected 22 incredible examples of nature's undeniable and breathtaking beauty. Undoubtedly, you also deserve to enjoy these amazing pictures from the last few months.
Keep Your Pets Safe This Storm Season!
Learn some useful tips on how to keep your pets safe in stormy weather.
Europe's Immigration Problem Explained in a Simple Map!
Much has been said about European immigration over the past year or two. These four maps, created by Jakub Marian, break down what's really going on.
How To Take Control Of Your Wellbeing Through Breathing
Breathing seems obvious to most of us, but there is an art to it. Becoming conscious of your breathing could greatly benefit your mental and physical health.
The Power of Nature's Fury Captured in Poignant Photos
These images are a poignant reminder of the resilience and courage that defines us as humans.
A New Perspective on the World’s Most Famous Landmarks
These rare photographs reveal a whole new side to landmarks we thought we knew.
14 Cool and Interesting Things From Around the World
Check out these cool and interesting things from around the world that will leave you surprised.
Don’t Mess With Mother Nature - 17 Photos
Nature is powerful, for better or worse. These photos show how natural events can disrupt or absolutely ruin one’s day.
15 Pics That Show Just How Scary the Ocean Can Be...
The scary photos of bodies of water will make you thank your stars that you live on land.