14 Outstanding Animal Sculptures from Around the World
we have collected for you 14 special, familiar, surprising and sometimes charming animal sculptures, and the story behind them...
The Environmental Benefits of eSIM Technology
Discover how eSIM technology helps reduce plastic waste and minimizes the environmental impact of traditional SIM cards.
Eco-friendly Travel Practices for Environmentally Conscious Students
In recent years, eco-friendly travel has transformed from a niche interest into a significant global movement.
These Amazing Environmental Advances Give the World Hope
Despite the monumental task we face to ensure Planet Earth's survival, certain initiatives around the world give us hope. Discover the latest advances.
Warning: Be Aware of These Popular Scams!
Most of us work hard to earn a living that will keep us afloat. However, there are some people out there who will do anything to get that hard earned money out of your hands...
Be Aware of the Reality of These Popular Cleaning Myths
Here, we debunk some of the popular and common household cleaning myths you must be aware of.
These Are the Major Online Scams You Should Be Aware Of
The online world can be a pretty dangerous place, which is why you really need to become familiar with some of the most common online scams going.
20 Cooking Tips Everyone Should Be Aware Of
These cooking tips will hopefully close a lot of little holes in your kitchen knowledge.
Watch: Are You Aware of the Myths Surrounding Diabetes?
Are you aware of the misleading myths surrounding diabetes? Here are 7 facts to bear in mind.
Be Aware of the 15 Silent Signs of Childhood Anxiety
When kids are worried or feeling anxious they don't always have the courage to tell anyone, and this can be an absolute nightmare for concerned parents. Here are 15 silent warning signs that your child may be suffering from anxiety.
First Aid Myths and Misconceptions You Must Be Aware Of
Paramedics help debunk some common myths related to first aid.
Not All Natural Remedies Are Safe... Be Aware of These!
Not all natural remedies are safe. Here's what you need to be aware of.
Be Aware of These 10 Unexpected Hazards Around the House
Everyday items like mirrors and exercise equipment cause a great number of injuries every year. Here are 10 households hazards to be aware of.
Were You Aware of These English Language Mistakes?
Learn how to avoid some common English language mistakes by understanding some little-known truths.
7 Subtle Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency to Be Aware Of
Here's a look at some of the most important signs and symptoms of vitamin D deficiency that you should be aware of.
14 Cute Illustrations That Spread Mental Health Awareness
Read through these 14 illustrated facts, and you’ll surely learn something new and important about mental well-being today.
Spiritual Teacher Explains: How to Connect Your Awareness
In this lecture, Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, a spiritual Buddhist leader from Nepal, will explain how to connect to your consciousness to achieve personal results.
The Biggest Migraine Myths You Should Be Aware Of
Migraines are not just headaches. They’re a complex, poorly understood & debilitating neurological condition. Here’s what we all get wrong about migraines.
COVID-19 - 6 Important Developments to Be Aware Of
With variants of COVID-19 emerging every month now and new vaccines being approved and tested, this month has been quite dense in terms of Covid news...
Are You Aware of these Features on Your PC & Smartphone?
Make the most out of your computer and smartphone with these incredible tips.
LIFE-SAVING: All Women Should be Aware of these Symptoms
Symptoms and diseases that are unique to women
Be Aware of These Foods as They Can Cause Food Poisoning
Each year around 76 million people contract food poisoning. Many different foods can cause it, but some foods are more high-risk. Here's 10 of them.
These Baby Monkeys Bring Awareness To Endangered Primates
There are so many creatures in this world that we need to protect. Luckily, there are those who devote their lives to this cause. View these amazing photos.
If You Love Your Garden, Be Aware of These 7 Plants
The more you let these 7 plants grow, the harder it will be to eliminate them. If you have these plants in your garden, eliminate them as soon as possible.
COVID-19: 6 New Developments You Should Be Aware Of
May 2021 was quite dense in important updates related to COVID-19. Read about 6 of the most noteworthy COVID-19 updates below.
8 Signs of Pancreatic Cancer You Should Be Aware of!
Pancreatic cancer is the 4th deadliest cancer in the world. Here are 8 common symptoms of this deadly disease.
What Are Antinutrients and Why You Should Be Aware of Them
Have you heard of antinutrients? Yes, they exist. But they aren't as ominous as they sound. Let's find out more...
We Bet You're Not Aware of These Real-World Facts
Don't miss this random collection of interesting real-world facts from the world over that you are unlikely to have heard before
Are You Aware of These Lesser-Known Causes of Skin Cancer?
What are the factors that contribute to the disease? Take a look at the common causes of skin cancer here.
6 Health Symptoms Your Ears Want You to Be Aware Of
Your ears can potentially provide clues about the state of your general health.
6 Signs of Fiber Deficiency You Should Be Aware Of
What happens to your body when it doesn’t get enough fiber?
7 Knights of the Round Table You May Not Be Aware Of
We have heard of King Arthur and his famous Knights of the Round Table. Here we look at some of the forgotten knights from the period.
Seven 2017 Space Events That You Should Be Aware Of
If you love everything to do with Space, 2017 will be an exciting year for you. Check out some of the major Space events that are happening next year here!
12 Things Every Cat Owner Should Be Aware Of and Care Tips
Cat care may not seem terribly complicated, but there are some important moments that even experienced cat owners miss...
5 Subtle Signs of Hearing Loss You Should Be Aware Of
Learn about 5 subtle signs of hearing loss that many people often overlook or misdiagnose.
10 Hotel Secrets You Should Be Aware of Before Booking
There are numerous tricks of the trade that hoteliers employ to maximize profits. Here are 10 hotel secrets that you must know before booking your next trip.
She Uses Her Fingers to Create Realistic, Beautiful Art...
This artist uses a unique method to create stunning, icy landscapes
Through a Child`s Eye - Amazing!
Last September, kids all over the world were invited to enter their pictures in the Children's Eyes on Earth photo contest to help raise awareness of environmental issues while giving budding artists a chance to share their visions with the world. Th
You'd Never Guess These Seascapes Were Finger Painted
Zaria Forman is a very unusual artist, because she doesn't use paintbrushes but her fingers to make such lovely realistic seascapes.
How Travels Affect Students’ Cultural Perception After College
In an increasingly interconnected world, travel has become more than just a means of leisure; it’s a significant educational experience, especially for students.
Trash Is Everyone’s Problem, But They’re Here to Solve It
People participating in the TrashTag Challenge are attempting to change the world, one trash bag at a time.
Is the Female Lifespan on the Decline?
According to a number of recent studies and statistics on world health, female life expectancy is on the decline and no one knows why.
8 Great Websites For Your Kids To Use the Internet Safely
Parents with young children all know how worrying it is knowing they're using the internet. These websites will allow them to have fun while keeping them safe.
When Art Makes You Reflect Upon the World – 12 Pictures
The creative works of art featured here will make you think about the state of our world.
This House is What Fantasies Are Made Of...
Come see this magnificent, environmentally-friendly water mansion in Florida...
Here's Why You Should Limit Your Usage of Hand Sanitizers
Hand sanitizers have become very popular, but overusing them does have its drawback. Here are 8 of them!
Whatever Happened to that Hole in the Ozone Layer?
Let's embark on this enlightening journey to better understand our atmosphere's health.
Ocean-Big: Why Are Some Deep Sea Creatures So HUGE?
This video explores the unique environmental pressures and evolutionary advantages that lead to the extraordinary sizes of deep-sea dwellers.
This Dome May Be the Green House of the Future
This is a solar-powered, environmentally-friendly home that is built like a dome and rotates to save energy
Paper, Plastic or Cloth - What Kind of Bag Should We Use?
Which shopping bags should we use - paper, plastic, or cloth? The answer to this question seems like a no brainer, but the truth may surprise you
Why Electric Aircraft Is Likely To Take Over in the Future
In the future, electric planes are likely to take over and become the traditional way of flying. But why?
WARNING: Mold in Your Home Can Cause Serious Health Problems
Mold can cause chronic and life-threatening diseases like these. Get better informed about the issue now.
Can the Coronavirus Bring a Second Great Depression?
What will be the economic consequences of the pandemic? This enlightening infographic examines possible economic and environmental outcomes.
Behold the 10 Most Advanced, Eco-Friendly Buildings
Who said that eco-friendly can't be beautiful? These buildings prove that environmental responsibility & beauty can go hand in hand.
How Many Plants Do You Need to Clean Indoor Air? None.
Indoor plants are a great addition to any home, but it appears that we shouldn’t trust our beautiful plants to clean the air in our homes, here's why.
The Surprising Link Between Basements and Lung Cancer
One in five lung cancer patients in the US have never smoked. But what are the environmental risk factors of developing lung cancer?
A New Shade of Blue Has Been Invented! Want to See?
Science has accidentally discovered a new pigment of blue. Take a look.
These Plastic Bricks Are Much Stronger Than Concrete
A Kenyan startup came up with a genius innovation - recycled Plastic Bricks that are 7 times stronger than concrete.
10 New Inventions That Make the World a Brighter Place
All the time, people are coming up with brilliant inventions that answer different human needs - such as clean water, sanitation, or an environmental necessity. These 10 brilliant inventions will definitely make the world a much better place.
This Milk Protein-Based Packaging Could Change the World
Researchers have discovered how to make food packaging from milk protein and water. This invention could consign the plastic packaging problem to history.
5 Quirky & Imaginative Homes Built On a Shoestring Budget
These homes are proof that something incredible can be created on a shoestring budget while being kind to the environment at the same time. Take a look.
Those Stickers On Your Produce Can Tell You an Awful Lot!
The stickers that you find on fruit and vegetables can tell you an awful lot about how the produce was grown. Read on to find out more.
Why Children Suck Their Fingers and How to Make It Stop
To aid in understanding and addressing finger sucking, this article discusses why it may happen and how to stop the behavior.
I've Reduced My Energy Consumption at Home with These 50 Tips
I've seen a world of a difference in applying these 50 tips around my home, helping me reduce both my carbon footprint and my energy bills! See how you can make a difference too!
This Map Shows Every Known Nuclear Explosion Since 1945
This series of 3D maps will help you visualize the timeline of every known nuclear explosion conducted since 1945 and until 2019
Never Flush or Pour These Items Down Your Drain!
Drains aren't capable at dealing with everything that you throw down them. Here are 10 items that you should never throw down the drain!
The Horrible, Dirty Truth About Hand Dryers
If you happen to be a germophobe who wants to use a public restroom ever again, you might just want to stop reading this.
If You Have This Cookware at Home, Throw it Away Right Now
Most people nowadays are aware of the importance of eating healthy, but not everyone knows that the cookware you use to make the food is just as important!
9 ‘Contagious’ Conditions That Are Not Truly Contagious
These 9 conditions cannot be transmitted from person to person, though many people believe them to be highly contagious
7 Air Pollution Solutions That Will Help Us Breathe Easy
Let's take a look at some global initiatives that have been launched to reduce air pollution levels.
Inspiring Young Couple is Rebuilding a Receding Coastline
This inspiring young couple from Louisiana started a glass recycling facility that produces sand to help rebuild Louisiana's receding coastline.
A Highway Under Water? Not That Farfetched
Learn about Norway's ambitious project of building a first-ever underwater floating tunnel highway.
Extreme Vehicles That Will Impress You
If you like to follow up with technological advancements, you'll love watching these extreme vehicles persevere even in the worst weather conditions!
How to REALLY Use a Paper Towel.
I was recommended this talk about how to use a paper towel, and was really happy I did.
Ever Wonder What Your Smartphone Is Made Of?
Smartphones are ubiquitous in the modern world, but making them is extremely energy- and resource-intensive. Watch this video to find out more about them.
Composting is Great for Your Garden: Here's Where to Start
Have you always been interested in composting but were too intimidated to try it? Learn about the basics of composting and why it's easier than you thought!
Amsterdam Festival of Lights: A Fairy-Tale Beauty
A beautiful set of photographs and a video depicting the beautiful Amsterdam Light Festival in the year 2019.
Wrapping Up the Major Events of 2022 in a 7-Minute Video
Another year has come to an end. Vox has edited 2022 in its entirety into a 7-minute video. Let's take a look.
What Was the Plant That “Ate the South”?
What are invasive species and why are they so dangerous to the environment? This video reveals the answers
Is All This Noise is Making Our Lives Shorter?
European scientists concluded that noise is the second biggest environmental risk to public health after air pollution. How does noise impact our health?
The Most Innovative and Unique Homes Around the World
The design of these 15 homes is so unique and innovative that it seems like they belong in the future.
Meet the Man Who Transformed a Barren Land Into a Paradise
Watch the inspirational story of David Bamberger, who transformed 5,500 acres of barren land into a paradise.
This Man Built the Most Perfect Floating Home...
Jay Blackmore has built a 700-square-foot home that is utterly perfect and self sufficient. Oh and it floats, too.
Nature’s Beauty & Drama Captured in 14 Award-Winning Pics
Check out the outstanding winning images from the 2024 HIPA awards.
Do You Remember The Things That Defined the 1970s?
The 1970s are synonymous with ABBA, Farrah Fawcett, bell bottoms, oil crises and shag pile carpets. Revisit this decade with us as we see what defined it.
Which Fuel Would Be The Most Efficient For My Car?
Here's a helpful guide that will help you choose the best and most affordable fuel for your car.
When Nature Meets Architecture - 11 Buildings Worldwide
In this article, we showcase 11 stunning architectural creations that marry urban life with nature.
A Porsche Out of a Bicycle??
Can't afford a Porsche? Try building one out of a pair of bicycle like Artist Hans Langder.
The Secrets to Getting More Oxygen in Your Cells
The best (and easiest) exercises for better breathing.
WATCH: The Next 1,000 Years of Human Evolution
It looks like immortality is going to be the biggest change we experience in our evolution over the next 1,000 years...
These Projects Are Our Best Hope For a Sustainable Future
These 10 initiatives come in the form of new technologies, buildings, and philosophies. And they are all focused on environmental consciousness, energy conservation and sustainable development.
Inspiring Examples of Urban Greening from Around the World
Watch the great David Attenborough show us some inspiring examples of urban greening from around the world.
Looking For the Ultimate Quiet Getaway? Vieste is the Best
Vieste is a small town in southeast Italy that is home to some truly beautiful monuments and stunning natural marine treasures
Metallic Taste in Your Mouth? Here Are 10 Possible Causes
The flavors we experience derive from what we put into the mouth, but sometimes there are factors that distort the sense of taste - here are 10 of them.
Once and For All: Is Milk Bad For You?
Milk is one of those polarizing subjects. No matter what your stance on the matter is, this video is sure to deepen your knowledge about milk
Make EASY Natural Beeswax Polish At Home!
Watch this video to learn how to make beeswax furniture polish at home.
Debunking Some of the Main Myths Surrounding Mental Health
Let’s take a look at the real facts behind mental health problems, from addictions to ailments like depression and anxiety
Your Pet May Be Depressed! Watch Out for These Signs
Is your pet behaving weird? it might be depressed. Here are some telltale signs your cat or dog might be suffering from pet depression.
Eco Tech: Meet the Robot That Collects Trash From Water
The WasteShark is an emission-free aquadrone that collects trash from the water. This cool invention will help keep our planet clean.
How to Avoid Anger: A Wise Guru Explains
Watch guru Sadhguru give great advice about the best way to avoid the negative of all emotions - anger.