Choose a Word, and I’ll Tell You Where You’re From
Let’s do a quick test: in your mind, count the number of syllables in the word ‘caramel’, and let us reveal where you’re from. Click here to find the answer.
11 Surprising Facts About Dictionaries You Never Knew!
Learn some little-known yet fascinating facts about dictionaries that will help you appreciate them a little more.
Were You Aware of These English Language Mistakes?
Learn how to avoid some common English language mistakes by understanding some little-known truths.
Newly-Added Words to the Dictionary You Should Know
Learn about some of the newest words that have been added to the dictionary in recent times. We must say, all of these are pretty interesting!
Everyone Needs to Know These 17 Online Slang Words
We see these 17 online slang words everywhere nowadays, do you know what these words mean?
1950’s Slang Is a Blast! Learn 10 Essential Terms
These 10 words and phrases are the essentials of 1950’s slang, some of which we still use today...
When GH Says F: Why Does This Occur?
We're meeting up on the corner of history and linguistics to learn why GH is pronounced as F.
11 English Words You Didn't Know Were Actually Spanish!
Learn about the Spanish etymology of 11 words in American English (and a bonus at the end!)
QUIZ: Can You Find All the Antonyms?
This English challenge is all about the antonyms - those words that mean the OPPOSITE of the word in question. Can you find all 15 antonyms in this quiz?
Think You Know How to Spell? It's Time to Find Out!
Do you think you're smarter than the average 4th-grader? If so, then give this English spelling test a shot!
English Test: Do You Know Your Punctuation?
This punctuation quiz isn't easy, it'll throw 10 sentences at you that are either wrong or don't need any further punctuation...
Take Our Quiz: Can You Tell These Homophones Apart?
English has lots of words that sound the same but are spelled differently, they are called homophones. Can you tell them apart? Take our quiz to test yourself!
English Vocab History: Few Can Pass This Vocabulary Quiz?
These 14 words have really strayed away from their original meaning, can you guess what words like 'girl' and 'clue' used to mean?
Is Your English Is Perfect? You'll Find Out Soon Enough!
Do you think that you know the plurals of some of the trickiest words that the English language has to offer? Give this quiz a shot and find out!
Spelling Test: Are You Good Enough to Pass?
With mobile phones and spell checkers all the rage, they say spelling standards are dipping. Can you buck the trend by passing this spelling quiz?
Can You Distinguish Between British & US English?
A lot of people find it hard to distinguish between American English and British English when reading and writing. Are you one of them?
Only Grammar Geniuses Will Be Able to Ace This Quiz!
This quiz will test you on the correct use of apostrophes in sentences. Do you think you'd manage to get them all correct?
Language Test: Can You Spell These 22 US Cities Correctly?
If you love the USA, then you're bound to be able to spell its most popular cities correctly, right? Take this quiz and find out for yourself!
Learn All About the History of the English Language
Ever wondered where the English language came from and how it evolved over time? If so, then this is the perfect video for you!
Test Yourself: Which English Word Should You Use?
Sheep or sheeps? Definitely or definately? Do YOU know which English word to use?
Test: Can You Translate These Latin Phrases?
This 15 question quiz will test your knowledge of Latin phrases still being used today.
TEST: Can We Guess What Part of the US You’re From?
Can we guess what part of the US you're from by your word choice and pronunciation?
What is a Group of Crows Called? Test Yourself!
English has a lot of colorful names for certain groups of animals. Can you guess them all?
There's a Word We Need to Stop Using...
This video shows how much better our language becomes when we stop using one simple word.
They Really Messed Up These Translations, Didn’t They?
Let’s take a look at some of the most epic translation fails shared by people on the internet.
15 Hilarious Language Fails Posted in Public Spaces
Who knew signs, public announcements, and grocery stores were such a goldmine for hilarious language fails?!
The Fascinating Origins of 11 Lovely Flower Names
There is no better time than spring to dive headfirst into the fascinating world of flower name etymologies! Here are the origins of the names of 11 lovely flowers.
13 Funny Palindromes That Will Make You Giggle
People have been enjoying palindromes for centuries - here are 13 funny examples that are sure to make crack you up.
Hilarious Signs We Just Can't Understand
If you thought that the previous “bad English” sign fails we posted were funny, wait until you see these 20 hilarious signs!
Can You Believe These Words Didn’t Exist Before the 1970s?
When a new words spreads it seems it's been around forever. But in reality, many of the words we use everyday are quite new. These didn't exist before the 1970s.
Is It Soda or Pop? 12 Fun and Interesting Regional Words
How are these objects called? It depends on who you ask! Every part of the US has its own fun and fascinating set of regional words
Lost in Translation: 15 Laugh-Out-Loud Fails
These are some of the funniest translation and spelling fails people have had the luck to encounter and share with others online!
9 ‘Current’ Words That Are Much Older Than You’d Guess
Hipster, Influencer and Dude - all these words sound so quintessentially modern, but you'd be surprised to learn how old they actually are.
QUIZ: How Good Are You At Phrases? Find Out In This Test
Some phrases can be quite hard to pick up and memorize, and some people are better at it than others. How good are you at phrases? Find out here.
12 Oddly Specific and Often Funny Terms You Didn’t Know
Did you know the space between your eyebrows has a name? Or what a tittle is? Learn these oddly specific and quite funny terms in this article.
15 Proverbs That Translate Hilariously into English!
Here are 15 phrases and idioms that don’t translate that well into English because they sound absolutely bizarre, mind-boggling, and hilarious!
QUIZ: Can You Complete the Sentences?
Complete all 15 sentences and questions correctly to ace this English quiz
Hilarious: If You Love English You'll Love These Puns!
We’ve collected 14 side-splitting jokes and puns that highlight common grammatical mistakes, contain clever twists on words, and more!
Quiz: Can You Beat This Tough Punctuation Test?
What Features Are Missing From the English Language?
English is incredible, but what can it learn from other languages? What features do English speakers miss out on?
QUIZ: Translate Australian Slang to English
Can you translate these hilarious Australian slang words to common English?
What’s the Story Behind the Weird Names of US Coins?
Have you ever wondered what the word "dollar" actually means and where it comes from? Wonder no more.
We Need To Use These Bizarre Idioms More Often
Here are some interestingly odd phrases and idioms that are so pertinent that they have to make their way across oceans and seas.
QUIZ: This English Test Appeared in 1945. Can You Beat It?
Can you beat this English test from 1945? It may just give you some challenge...
Do You Know What Speakers of Old English Called a Snake?
Kennings are a unique feature of English that goes all the way back to old Anglo Saxon epics and poems.
Complete Our Quiz, and We'll Guess Your Age!
Can we guess your age just by what synonyms you use? You would be really surprised...
Which Languages in the World Are the Closest to English?
The closest extant languages to English, sample texts and where they are spoken.
QUIZ: What Region of the US Does Your English Best Match?
When You Try to Translate, But Fail Hilariously!
More and more businesses around the world try to appeal to English-speaking customers, leading to sometimes hilarious translation fails.
10 Common French Loanwords You’re Probably Mispronouncing
French loanwords that are pronounced differently or mean something else entirely in French
It’s a Shame We Stopped Using These 17 Old English Words
These 17 old words are definitely missing in our modern vocabularies and deserve to be brought back into day-to-day speech
QUIZ: Can You Guess What These Words Used to Mean?
We Challenge You to Put These Words Back Together!
Can you find the words from the letter jumble? Then take this quiz and see if you can score 10 out of 10!
Quiz: Can You Solve This Grammar Challenge?
Can you solve this 15 question English grammar quiz? if so, you are a grammar god!
Can You Beat Our Missing Letters English Test?
This quiz will test your English knowledge by filling in missing letters in these words.
QUIZ: Are You a Master of English Grammar?
QUIZ: Can You Solve This Grammar Trivia Test?
Here are 25 Chances to Prove You Know Your Spelling!
Can you solve our 25 question spelling test?
QUIZ: Can You Ace This Tricky Grammar Test?
Want to assess just how great your English grammar truly is? If so, then you've come to the right place!
Language Quiz: Which English Word Should You Use?
Do You Know The Origins of These Common Phrases?
There are many phrases that we use in English that we never give a second thought to. Here are 9 common phrases with rather sinister origins.
QUIZ: Can You Pass This 4th-Grade Spelling Test?
QUIZ: Can You Guess What These Fancy English Words Mean?
It's time to find out just how fancy your range of vocabulary really is! Good luck...
Most Americans Fail This US City Spelling Quiz...
Spelling Quiz: Which Are American & Which Are British?
I've Never Seen Translations Fail This Hard
These hilariously terrible translations will make you laugh your socks off!
Language Quiz: Weird Words of the English Language
This quiz will test your knowledge of some of the weirdest words that you'll ever come across. Give it a try, and see how many you can get right!
Only Masters of English Know What These Old Words Mean...
How well do you think you'd do when trying to decipher the English that our great-grandparents used? Take this language quiz and find out!
Think Your English Is Perfect? You'll Find Out Soon Enough
Most People Fail This A Level English Vocabulary Quiz!
Do you think you have what it takes to pass an A Level English vocabulary quiz? Find out here!
Are You Good At Phrases? Find Out In This Quiz
If You Knew These English Facts You Must Be a Genius
Yeah, you are fluent in the English language, but do you really know that much about it? We bet we can surprise you with these language facts.
Hilarious: How Weirs is the English Language?
English is a really funny language, especially when considering how meanings can be changed when punctuation's omitted. Take a look at these 9 hysterical memes.
TEST: Do You Speak Modern or an Older Form of English?
It doesn't matter how young or old you are, you'd be surprised how much of an influence old-fashioned forms of English have had on you...
English Really Needs a Translation for These Foreign Words
With so many words in the English vocabulary, we still as yet have to come up with a word to describe how we'd feel in these instances.
14 English Oddities That Will Make You Laugh!
There are some pretty odd languages in the world, but surely nothing comes close to matching English's absurdities? Take a look at these oddities.
Can You Pass This Rock Hard Spelling Test?
This Beautiful Short Film Shows How Hard Work Pays Off
When one old European gentleman tries to study the English language, he puts so much energy and work into it. The reason why is sure to give you a few Xmas tears.
Hilarious: English is a Seriously ODD Language...
If you thought English is a clear-cut and tidy language, you better read this.
They've Only Gone and Invented a Universal Translator Now!
First they put a man on the moon, now they are giving us universal translators, whatever will be next?
I Never Knew the Origin of These Common Words!
These regular words have very exotic origins.
You'll Never Guess How These Brazilians Learn English.
A fantastic idea that helps two groups of people that benefit each other.
These Words Don't Mean What You Think They Do...
25 Words That Started Out With a completely Different Meaning.
The English Samurai: The True History Behind 'Shogun'
In this article, we will look at the TRUE history behind the celebrated book Shogun.
8 Words You'll Never Hear the Royals Say
If you want to talk like the British royals, here are 8 words to avoid at all costs. You'd never hear a member of the Royal family utter them!
16 Hilarious Examples of Translation Gone Horribly Wrong
These hilariously terrible translation fails will give you a good chuckle.
Joke: How to Get Over the Language Barrier
A furniture salesman heads to Paris on a buying trip. He soon sees a lady that takes his fancy. The only problem is that he doesn't speak French...
English Quiz: Can You Complete the Saying?
This quiz will test your knowledge of 21 different English proverbs. You will be given the first half and asked to complete it.
Meet Jacques Bailly - the King of the Spelling Bee
Meet Jacques Bailly, the official pronouncer of the Scripps National Spelling Bee.
QUIZ: Think You've Got a Good Level of English?
Do you fancy yourself to be a bit of a grammar guru? If, so then you might want to give our tricky comma test a try.
These Weird Road Signs Will Make You Laugh!
These outrageously funny street signs are certainly worth slowing down for!
7 Must-Read Books That Will Get You Interested in History
These interesting history books will make you look at our world and our past from a different perspective.
English Quiz: Complete the Saying!
Where Did 'Murphy's Law' Come From?
Learn the origin of this common phrase - Murphy's Law
20 Of The Funniest Spelling Mistakes You've Ever Seen
A compilation of the funniest and weirdest spelling errors and grammar mistakes you will come across.
Grammar Test: Can You Solve This Quiz From 1980?
Are you ready for a romp in the glorious fields of English grammar? Then take this 40 year old English quiz!
Joke: Enlglysh is a Pane!
Hear eye sit inn English class; the likelihood is that eye won't pass...
QUIZ: Do You Know The Meaning of These Extra Long Words?
If you know these crazy long words you are crazy smart.