Elizabeth Swaney - The Most Controversial Olympian
Halfpipe skier Elizabeth Swaney forged her way into the Olympic games in quite an unusual way. Many would go as far as saying that she scammed her way in...
HMS Queen Elizabeth Redefines the Word "Gargantuan"
HMS Queen Elizabeth is the largest ship ever built for the Royal Navy. At a length of 920 feet and capable of carrying 40 aircraft, she is a formidable sight.
Daily Things Queen Elizabeth Was Never Allowed to Do
Even though Queen Elizabeth II was the head of the UK, there's quite a lot of everyday experiences she has never been allowed to do. Here are several examples.
Remember Queen Elizabeth II by Her Powerful Words
Queen Elizabeth II was known for her words of wisdom. Let’s look back at some of her most inspirational quotes.
The Chilling Story of Hungary’s Murderous Blood Countess
Elizabeth Bathory is one of the most feared names in Hungary, with a sadistic streak to rival that of Vlad the Impaler's.
Windsor Castle - a Must See Travel Destination
This video will take you on a tour of Windsor Castle, the Queen's Royal Residence, and Her Majesty's real home!
Look Back at These Iconic Royal Wedding Photos
Royal Weddings were always a cause for public celebration and fascination. Here are some of the most iconic royal wedding photos in history.
The Royal Jewelry Collection: Let's Take a Peek...
The British royal family has some of the most spectacular pieces of jewelry in the world. Take a look at this post to see amazing tiaras, necklaces and earrings
The Rise and Fall of the Tudors: A Royal History
Looking at key events in the history of the Tudor Royal family, where they came from, how they rose to power, and what caused their decline.
Why Do We Sometimes Hallucinate? Find Out Here!
In this informative TED-Ed video, Elizabeth Cox details the science of hallucinations.
The Secret Plan: If the Queen of England Dies...
Operation London Bridge is the name for British protocols that must be followed when Queen passes and Prince Charles come to the throne. This video touches the important parts of this protocol as we know it.
What Makes Us Age? This Enlightening Talk Explains All!
What makes our skin wrinkle, our immune systems weaken, and our hair turn white? This engaging TED-Ed video explains all!
This Baby Changed an Abused Dog's Life for the Better
You've got to see these adorable photos of baby Archie spending time with his family's beloved dog, Nora.
This Legendary Hat Shop Is the OLDEST in the World!
The oldest hat shop in the world is in London, and it makes custom hats for the English royalty, among other customers. Take a peek inside this legendary shop.
Quiz: WDYK of the Famous Rulers of History?
This quiz is going to test your knowledge of rulers of history.
12 Photos to Honor the Memory of the Late Prince Philip
On April 9, 2021, Prince Philip passed away at the age of 99. Here are 12 photos to honor his memory and life.
10 of the Most Spectacular Royal Crowns in the World
Crowns have long been seen as a strong symbol of power and wealth. Here are some of the world's most recognized crowns and tiaras.
16 Intriguing Maps That Will Surprise You
These fascinating maps show the world in the most interesting ways.
Everyone Loves Pets, Including These Famous People.
The Pets of Famous People!
QUIZ: Which Famous Ruler Would You Have Been?
Would you have been a Julius Caesar or Louis XIV? Elizabeth I or Genghis Khan? Take our quiz and find out!
Live Long Like the Queen: 8 Royal Secrets of Longevity!
The Queen celebrated her 92nd birthday this year. By following her way of life, you can increase your chances of living that long.
I've Never Seen Anything Like These Cakes. I'm Dumbfounded.
These cake submissions from an online competition are more amazing than I would have ever imagined.
I Was Amazed By These Creations, Especially #3.
Incredible Portraits Made from everyday objects.
11 Artists Who Make Magical Sculptures Out Of Wire
Take a look at this gallery of beautiful wire sculptures from different contemporary artists
WATCH: What if the British Empire Suddenly Reappeared?
The British Empire is said to be the greatest body politic that has ever existed. So, how would it compare with today's major superpower if it resurfaced?
20 Previously Unseen 20th-Century Celebrity Portraits
Enjoy this beautiful collection of unseen 20th-century celebrity portraits by the famous American photographer Philippe Halsman.
You May Know These Photos, but Not Their History...
These photographs are so famous, there is no chance you don't know them. But do you the absolutely incredible stories that led to those moments?
These Old Photos Show a Fascinating Side of History
Each one of these remarkable photos tells a story of bygone history. See how much the world has changed with scenes of both famous faces, events and everyday moments.
6 Facts You May Have Not Known About King Charles
Did you ever know Prince Charles also dabbles in art? And what about his musical skills? Let's get those royal facts.
If a Kid Could Paint It, Why Is It in a Museum?
Some art is so minimalistic it's hard to understand why it's in a museum. Some of them are just... a white canvas. it turns out there is more that meets the eye
You've Got to See These Rare Celebrity Pics from the Past!
Enjoy this amazing collection of vintage celebrity pictures!
History Really Starts to Come Alive When You Add Color
If you love history then you'd better hold onto your hat. Discover a collection of 20 colorized historical photos alongside the original monochrome photos for reference
Should We Throw Away Spotty Fruit & Veg? TED-ED Reveals
The US food industry is responsible for wasting some $30 billion of fruit & veg a year. But can this be avoided? Is it better that we don't need blemished food?
This Young Woman Captures the True Beauty of Wanderlust
Despite her young age, this young Canadian captures the beautiful essence of wanderlust...
You Cannot Miss This Close Look at the Big Ben's Makeover
Here is a fascinating inside look at the historic restoration of London's iconic Big Ben clock tower.
The British Honours System and Knighthood Explained
The British honours system doesn't only seem complicated, it really is very ritualistic and complex, but also extraordinarily fascinating!
Some Moments In History Need to Be Seen in Vivid Color!
An artist digitally adds accurate colors to these famous historical black and white photos to give them a fresh new perspective
The Most Romantic Demonstrations of Love in All of History
These moving romantic demonstrations of love will melt your heart!
Rare Footage: Historical Photos Renewed with Color
Old historical photos have been through expert recoloring and retouching in order to bring the past back to the present!
The 10 Greatest British Monarchs in History
Do you know about the greatest monarchs in British history? Don't fret if you don't, because you're about to learn all about them right now.
These Famous Clock Towers are a Sight to Behold!
These famous clocks do more than just tell time. They are an architectural highlight, drawing in throngs of tourists. Let's take a look.
These Are the Most Visually Stunning Castles In England
There aren't many architectural sites in the world that are as impressive as an English castle. Here are the 7 most visually impressive in the country.
15 RARE Historical Photos of World Leaders in Their Youth
Have you seen these extremely rare historical photos before?
Ready For Some Great Humor? Here Are 16 Funny Comics
Are you ready for some great humor? Take a look at 16 of these funny webcomics!
22 Celebrities Who Make Getting Older Look So Cool
These celebrities are ageless!
5 Strange Lesser Known Stories About the British Monarchy
Some of these lesser-known rumors about the British Royal Family are funny, some are mysterious, and some are just plain odd...
Solve Common Issues With Your Clothes Using These 20 Tips
Keep your clothes in perfect condition with these nifty tricks!
Remember the Things that Defined the 1950s?
The 1950s marked the beginning of the postwar era, increased prosperity and drastic changes to everyday life. Here are 10 things that defined the 1950s.
Nostalgia Test: Do You Remember These Cinema Classics?
Take our 60s movie trivia quiz and prove you remember these classic movies.
Do You Remember the Things that Defined the 1950s?
1960s Movie Trivia: Do You Remember These Classics?
9 Women Inventors Who Have Been Overlooked by History
History has overlooked many great women inventors. Here’s your chance to get to know a few of them.
The Dark and Fascinating History of the Romanov Family
For more than three hundred years, the Romanov family had absolute power over Russia, this is their fascinating story.
We Will Never be as Stylish as We Used to Be…
Talk a walk down memory lane and have a look at how stylish and beautiful we used to be in a simpler time.
These Couples Have Been Married For Over 50 Years
What is the secret to these couples' longevity? Being married over 50 years certainly takes work...
15 Powerful Anthony Hopkins Quotes to Remember
Read to discover some profound words on life by Anthony Hopkins, one of Hollywood’s most distinguished actors and a living legend.
Thrones of Sanitation: Lavatories Throughout History
Today we're taking a deep dive into the past, where we will inspect the toilets that made history.
UNBELIEVABLE! Are These Celebrities Really Past Their 80s?
Let’s celebrate these 11 wonderful, inspiring celebrities well past their 80s that prove that age is just a number.
See the Wonder in the World Through Incredible Photographs
These are some beautiful creations, buildings, and concepts made by people that are both new and old but all absolutely fascinating.
Seeing Scenes of True Love is Good for the Soul...
Falling in love is a wonderful feeling. But those that have experienced true love, know that it extends way beyond that initial romance. ...
20 Fascinating and Beautiful Moments Caught on Camera
The photos of extraordinary places and curiosities around the world are sure to spark joy and fascinate you!
20 New Photos of Stars Side by Side Their Younger Selves
Our favorite celebrities are finally back posing together with their younger selves and making us smile from ear to ear!
QUIZ: Can You Identify These Scrambled Faces?
It takes a special kind of genius to work out whom these faces belong to. Do you think you're up to the task.
Artist Creates Actual Photographs of Historical Figures
Digital artist Bas Uterwijk uses technology to create photographs of people who were gone long before the camera was even invented!
Celebrities of the Past In the Most Fascinating Photos
These rare images capture celebrities, royalty and scientists as you've never seen them before. Be sure to check out this extended picture gallery.
18 Images That Will Make You Gasp
These images may not exactly have a common theme to unite them, but we simply had to share them with you - each image is amazing in its own way.
12 Reasons Why Frequent Intercourse Improves Your Health
The act of procreation is both important and enjoyable, but according to several recent studies, it also has quite a few health benefits.
Let's Explore These Old Photos of the 20th Century
The first part of the century was not just a world of black and white, it was full of many shades of gray, as these illuminating images from history reveal.
22 Old Photos That Really Make History Come Alive
Looking through these old black and white photos you can really learn a lot about history and the world. These 22 photos generates that mind-blowing spark and teaches you something new.
Take a Trip Down Memory Lane with These Rare Photographs
Even though the world is always in flux these images can make us feel like the good old days are frozen in time forever. Enjoy this great rare photo collection.
30 Creative and Amazing DIY Christmas Trees Anyone Can Make!
With just a little imagination, these people decided to get creative with their DIY Christmas tree ideas. Watch these 30 Christmas tree ideas for people short on budget.
12 Fascinating Vintage Museum Photos You Have to See
These weird old museum pics will make you fascinated.
Corgis Really Are the Sweetest Puppers - Adorable!
Enjoy 20 hilarious and cute pictures of the best puppies and dogs ever!
Drown in the Gorgeous Realist Paintings of Edward Hopper!
Edward Hopper was one of the most prominent artists of the 20th century known for his gorgeous oil paintings like the ones listed here
These Photos Prove Long Lasting Relationships Are Possible
While getting old is inevitable, love never grows old. Take a look at how these couples' loves have stood the test of time.
TEST: Can You Identify These Scrambled Faces?
10 Obscure Inventions by World Famous Inventors
We’d like to bring your attention to 10 lesser-known inventions of famous figures in history, which will reveal a new and different side of these inventors to you.
15 MOST Expensive Possessions in the World!
This is a list of the most expensive items sold in the past decade that features some of the most prized possessions of history and art!
Lets Open a Window to the Past...
These 16 black and white 20th century photos show us some of the most interesting moments of the 20th century.
QUIZ: Do You Remember These Hollywood Legends?
The early black and white days of Hollywood cinema were absolutely incredible. If you still get excited remembering those days, take our blockbuster quiz.
The Scariest Murders of All Take Place On Halloween...
Halloween is the most haunted night of the year, but fantasy has turned into reality on occasion in the past. Here are 10 truly gruesome Halloween murders.
These Vintage Celebrity Photos From the Past Are a Delight
Time for some nostalgia! Check out these rarely seen photos of old school celebrities.
QUIZ: Remember These Hollywood Legends?
Feast Your Eyes: 50 Stunning Sceneries From 50 US States!
The US is full of magnificent places, in each and every state...
Small Things Are Enough to Make You Smile Ecstatically
Have you ever seen people so happy? Read through their stories here.
Movie Quiz: Do You Remember These Hollywood Greats?
Gripping Vintage Headlines that Took Readers By Storm
Take a look at these 18 vintage headlines from the past.
QUIZ: Can You Guess Which Book We're Talking About?
Quiz: Which Famous Book is It?
Celebrating the Most Exquisite Photos by National Geographic
National Geographic has created so many iconic memories of the beauty of our world, here are hand-picked selections from their favorite, most intense photographs.
After Being Dumped at the Altar, She Did Something Unexpected
Shelby was dumped a few days before the big day. Did she hide and cry? No, she did this instead...
Step Back in Time With These Rare Historical Photographs
Enjoy this new collection of historical photos!
10 Quotes on Grace and Inner Strength by Jackie Kennedy
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis's grace and inner strenght are an inspiration for many to this day. Here are the most memorable of the former First Lady.
This Buoyancy System Could Prevent Destruction by Flooding
Imagine that in the event of a flood, your home could just securely float above its foundations. The Buoyancy Foundation Project is trying to do just that.
19 Hilarious Things That Happened At Real Weddings
Wedding days are certainly filled with heartfelt and beautiful moments, but sometimes, hilarious incidents get caught on camera too...
DId You Know THIS About Jewelry?
Gold, diamonds, gemstones, pearls and other precious metals and stones - though money has changed a lot over the years, these materials and their worth have little changed.
This Lost WWII Postcard is a Moving Glimpse Into History
Bill Caldwell's family was astonished to receive a postcard from him - sent in 1943!
These Quotes Will Remind You of Your Inner Strength
The past year hasn’t been easy on any of us. Whenever you feel times are getting tough, these quotes will remind you that you can, and will, get through this!
18 Historical Photos Brought to Life in Glorious Color!
These glorious photos show history in full color.
The Sheer Beauty of Nature Is Captured in Words & Images
Enjoy these spectacular photos alongside some words of wisdom.
Historic Photos From Days of Christmas' Past...
Christmas is said to be a time of love, cheer, and human compassion. These photos may be decades-old, but the stories they tell are not much different than the stories of today.