The Art World Was Scandalized By This Artist's Smile
Vigée-Le Brun quickly rose to fame, but at the start of her career she was criticised over a smile. Take a look at some of her work.
The Sublime Beauty of Botticelli's Paintings...
Admire the eternal beauty of the paintings of Sandro Botticelli, an Italian Renaissance artist, who had the gift of painting people gracefully.
Famous Female Artists Every Art Lover Must Know
To honor this special time of the year, we thought to highlight 10 outstanding female painters from different eras in history.
The 7 Best Dutch Artists You Might Not Have Heard Of
Noteworthy Dutch Painters of the Late Renaissance and Baroque
10 Famous French Paintings That Will Captivate You
Over the centuries, French painters have created many masterpieces. Here you can find 10 of the most famous French paintings.
The Beauty of Female Portraits Through the Centuries
This video is truly a testament to that statement that it is a small artistic world after all.
10 Amazing Undersea Vehicles and Their Unique History
Submarines have played a crucial role in transforming water warfare. Here's a look at some of the earliest ones in history.
Expect to See Lots of Butterflies with These Flowers
Here are 15 flowers you should add to your outdoor space in the hope of seeing more beautiful butterflies.
Amazing! 4-Year-Old Prodigy Plays the Piano Like a Master
Evan Le is only 4 years old in this video and plays the piano like a master. Absolutely incredible!
Music Box: 24 Sweet French Songs That Sing L'Amour
If there is one language that sounds beautiful it's French! Hearing it sung with these 24 classic tunes is such a treat for the ears.
Town Reclaims Its Traditional Buildings - Fascinating!
This French town narrowly escaped being turned into just another dilapidated city, but it managed to turn back the clock and reclaim its historic heritage.
The Beauty of This Performance is Unforgettable
You have to see this special, international performance of 'Do You Hear the People Sing' from Les Misérables.
Wow! This is One of the Best Acrobat Acts You'll Ever See!
When you go and watch Le Cirque Mandingue (The Mandingue Circus), you just know that you’re going to be in for a real treat. Get a taste here!
Watch a D-Day Veteran Take Another Trip on His WWII Plane
Watch this touching interview with one of the world's last surviving D-Day paratroopers, Les Cruise.
Witness the Beauty of the Spectacular Canadian Rockies
This part of Canada is truly stunning. Take a look for yourself and see how wonderful the Canadian Rockies are.
I'd Never Heard of This Artist - Now I'll Never Forget Him
Look at these lush rural scenes and you'll feel like you're really where the artist was, communing with nature.
Each of These Racing Cars is More Beautiful Than the Last
Whether we are racing fans or not, certain racing cars are iconic for one reason or another. Here are 14 of the most iconic racing cars of all time.
Toyota is Feeling Celebratory and Has Birthed a Monster...
Toyota recently took its first-ever victory at the 24 Hours of Le Mans, and wants regular customers to share the experience. Time to meet the GR Super Sport!
9 Fragrant Roses to Fill Your Garden with Pleasing Aromas
Check out this list of some intensely aromatic roses that will flood your garden area with delightful smells.
These Incredible Racing Cars Take Me Way Back!
This Live Soprano Aria Performance Will Blow Your Mind!
Take a look at this beautiful and magnificent soprano aria of the famous 'Song of Olympia'.
10 Classical Compositions By Genius Claude Debussy
Enjoy this playlist by the famous classical composer Claude Debussy. We feature 10 of his best works and explain a little bit about each one.
Unbelievable! 12 Awesome Racing Cars with License Plates
The phrase "a race car for the road" nicely sums up these behemoths. Here are 12 ultra rare race cars with license plates.
Ford GT40: The Car the Blue Oval Built to Smash Ferrari
The Ford GT40 is a car born out of Henry Ford II's rage at Enzo Ferrari for not selling him his business. This is the story of the four-time Le Mans winner.
This Simple Breathing Exercise Can Ease Your Heartburn
A simple breathing exercise which can help ease the symptoms of acid reflux.
Music Box: Enjoy 20 Classic Female French Songs
From "Ella Elle L'a" by France Gall to "Paroles Paroles" by the legendary Dalida, listen to 20 huge hits by the greatest French female singers of all time.
Great Joke: The National Crisis Situation
This joke begins with a weary truck driver who just wants to get home...
Dine at These Restaurants for the Best Views in the World
These restaurants are not renowned because they're food is particularly yummy, rather because they offer the most sensational views in the whole world.
"Flight of Passion" is a Mesmerizing Aerial Dance
When these two acrobats take to the air, their dance of love becomes divine...
25 Breathtaking Buildings That Deserve More Attention
If you’ve never seen these breathtaking buildings, you're seriously missing out!
Have You Heard This Joke? What Gender is it?
Which gender is YOUR computer?
The World News Headlines Today, March 27th, 2017
Le Pen Says the EU Will Die - Teen's Sweet 16 Birthday Gift - Pence Affirms US Loyalty to Israel - Dog Finds Baby’s Funny Bone - Ex-Korean Leader Faces Arrest
You Can’t Afford to Miss These Classic Summer Movies
Can't go to the movies this summer? Don't worry. Check out these classic summer films instead!
Hark Back to Old Paris WIth These Beautiful Paintings
The Paris of yesteryear was an incredibly beautiful place. It still is today, but times were different back then. Take a look at these beautiful old paintings.
15 Before & After Pics Showing How Much Paris Has Changed
In these pictures, you'll get to witness the fascinating past of Paris incorporated within its contemporary settings.
Making Fun of Gravity - Amazing Plane Stunts!
Sukhoi's Su-35 putting on a stunning performance...
All Art Lovers Should Be Familiar With These Great Works
If you love surrealist art, then you've got to see Rene Magritte's ten biggest masterpieces!
Here Are Ten Amazing Places in Canada You Must Visit!
If you ever find yourself in Canada, here are ten places that you really should consider paying a visit to. You won't regret it!
These Tiny Acrobats Will Leave Your Mouth Wide Open
Here is one of the most beautiful and impressive acrobatic act by the Stars of Beijing's Circus!!
Don’t Confuse These Glorious Pictures of Nature for Paintings
The next 17 pictures, don’t need an artist's touch, and although you might mistake it for painting, these pictures depict nature itself is in all its splendor.
Look Back at These Iconic Royal Wedding Photos
Royal Weddings were always a cause for public celebration and fascination. Here are some of the most iconic royal wedding photos in history.
Henri Matisse, a Master of Bold Colors and Impressionism
In Henri Matisse’s 60 year career, half of which he spent painting with Picasso, he created many works of art, like these stunning pieces
24 Breathtaking Hotels You Will Not Want to Check Out From
24 of the most stunning views from various hotel windows around the world.
I Feel Like I’ve Traveled the World Thanks to These Photos
National Geographic's annual photography contest is nothing short of spectacular. Here are some of the amazing images entered that are sure to make you want to travel the world.
Think That Cats Can't Be Trained? Think Again!
Thought one can't train cats? Think again! This talented French trainer can get his gorgeous Angora cats to pull off amazing acts that would put most dogs to shame!
BMW's Amazing Art Cars Blend Motoring & Art to Perfection
Luminaries of the art world, such as Frank Stella, Jeff Koons and Andy Warhol, were all given the opportunity to paint BMW Art Cars. Take a look at the results.
Come See Mont Saint Michel as Birds Do
Enjoy this gorgeous video celebrating the unique beauty of this place.
These Photos Appear To Have Been Taken In Another World...
Planet Earth is an incredible place - so incredible that we sometimes don't even recognise it. These locations could easily double up as alien planets.
This Pantomime Act is One of a Kind...
This performer really knows his pantomime, my god!
This Spanish Painter Changed the World With His Art
Pablo Picasso's paintings contributed significantly to the development of art, as can be seen in these paintings from different periods.
The Channel Tunnel - The 7th Wonder of the Modern World!
The construction of the Channel Tunnel is said to be an impossible feat!
Listen to a Beautiful Waltz By the Amazing André Rieu
André Rieu and the Johann Strauss Orchestra are famous around the world for their beautiful performances, and this one is no exception. Enjoy it now.
Watch a Gorgeous Restoration of a Sublime Fresco
See what care and skill go into returning this sublime piece of art to its former glory.
This Pantomime Act is One of a Kind!
Get Lost in the Lovely Impressionist Art of Édouard Manet
Edouard Manet was an artist in 19th Century France that solidified his role in the creation of impressionist and modernist art
This Late in Life Painter Created Stunning Works of Art!
Henri Rousseau was an artist who created the bulk of his work in his forties, focusing on images of the jungle and day to day life
24 Middle Eastern Hotels that Redefine Luxury.
While the Western world sure has its share of beautiful hotels, the Middle East also boasts some extraordinarily luxurious places to feast your eyes on.
New: The Coffee Faucet
Latest in tech: The Scanomat Top Brewer fully automatic coffee machine completely redefines how we perceive a coffee brewer. All drinks are brewed to barista standards using precision grinders, tamper pressure, pump pressure and water temperature. Le
These Cars Are the Kings of This Year's Monterey Car Week
Monterey Car Week is automotive heaven, and the cars that attend are truly "holy grail" machines. Take a look at the cream of the crop from this year's edition.
Only in Canada: 18 Pics That Perfectly Describe the Place!
There really is no other place like Canada, and these pictures prove it.
5 Priceless Works of Art That Are Lost Forever
From ancient sculptures to manuscripts that could have been classical pieces of literature, here are 5 priceless works of art that are sadly lost forever.
This Unique Cabaret Act Is Guaranteed to Amaze You!
You won't believe this stunning, gravity defying act.
These Stunning Cars Were Sold at Unbelievable Prices
These classic cars are beautiful, but you need very deep pockets if you ever fancy getting hold of one of them.
A Trip Around Mont Blanc in 19 Wonderful Pictures
Mont Blanc, one of the tallest summits in all of Europe, is beautifully pictured here in this spectacular photo series!
Enjoy These Delightful Georges Seurat Paintings
Enjoy this collection of delightful paintings by French post-Impressionist artist Georges Pierre Seurat.
Astrophotography: The Perfect Blend of Art and Science
From vibrant photos of the Northern lights to incredible snaps of the sun - these photos all have the chance to win Astononmy Photo of the Year and rightfully so!
Dragons Aren’t Just for Kids! 7 Fantasy Novels for Adults
A list of fantasy and science fiction novels that deal with complex and mature themes of morality and what it is to be human
Month of Love: Famous and Beautiful Paintings of Love
A history of love captured in 9 magnificent paintings. Each one conveys a striking story that resonates with millions because of their universal themes of love and beauty.
A Wide View of the World - Gorgeous Panoramas!
Submitting to a contest by Mash, these stunning panoramas have captured our interest and our admiration!
18 Outfits That Match Perfectly With Beautiful Paintings
This artist creates stunning and perfectly coordinated fashion looks that match the color schemes of specific paintings, art installations, and sculptures.
Unbelievable Book Nooks and Inserts For Every Bookshelf
Did you know you can design and print your own booknooks and bookshelf inserts like these gorgeous miniature worlds.
Love Yourself: 12 Inspiring Quotes for Happiness
Self love an acceptence are important but don't always come easy. We hope these quotes will inspire you and remind you to be a little kinder to yourslef.
10 Road Movies That Will Make You Forget Quarantine
Who said you have to leave the house for an adventure? these 10 exciting road movies will take you on a journey, without moving from the couch.
This Amputee Controls Two Bionic Arms With His Mind!
Lee Baugh has become the first man ever to control both bionic arms with nothing but his mind. To him, it is nothing short of a miracle.
It's Amazing How Similar These Dogs Look to Their Owners!
These wonderful portraits really prove the old saying "like owner, like dog".
I Can't Get Enough of Breathtaking Bird's Eye Photos!
Drones have given us a whole new perspective on the world, allowing us to see things we've never seen before. Take a look at these 12 breathtaking drone shots.
HILARIOUS: 15 Dogs that are Having a Really Funny Day
New dog toys are hilariously giving dogs a shiny new smile that will crack you up.
These Enthusiast's Cars Will Be Enough to Make You Drool
The passion of car lovers knows no bounds, and it is evidenced by the vehicles you're about to see in this next post. Check them out for yourself.
You Won't Believe How Much People Paid For These Paintings
There are some paintings in this world that cost so much money, it's enough to make your eyes water. Here are the most expensive paintings ever sold.
This Porsche 917 Is So Valuable That It's Almost Priceless
Count Gregorio Rossi di Montelera, heir to the Martini fortune, has a very special Porsche delivered to him. Meet the world's only road-legal Porsche 917.
Visit the Museum of Natural History Without Leaving Home!
Enter the Museum of Natural History!
Unlikely Cars That Truly Changed the World
A list of 12 cars that left a mark on the world, each in its own way.
20 Stunning Works of Impressionist Art From Alfred Sisley!
Though Alfred Sisley gained little fame during his life, this 19th century impressionist artist painted landscapes with the most celebrated artists in Paris.
These Classic Beauties Are Unbelievably Pricey and Rare
Each year, many a beautiful car changes hands, but some are the creme de la creme of the entire world. Here they are for your viewing pleasure, all in one place
Find Out the Stories Behind These Truly Amazing Pictures
There's a story behind every picture, and the 10 you're about to see are no exception. Here are 10 pictures with fascinating stories behind them.
Alexander Calder, A Sculptor Known For His Innovative Work
Alexander Calder was an American artist that created moving sculptures exhibited across the world, as well as numerous innovative designs
Even The Most Famous Artists Had to Start Somewhere...
What turns a starting artist into a famous one?
These Houseboats Will Make You Feel Like You're in Heaven!
These houseboats that you can rent out from Airbnb will make you feel like the lord of the lake!
The Most Beautiful Car Ever Made, as Enzo Ferrari Put it
Watch this collection of photos of the Jaguar E-Type
11 Establishments With a Unique and Creative Design...
These restaurants, bars and coffee shops have brilliant and creative designs.
Extraordinary Buildings: 13 Stunning Architectural Marvels
Aren’t these buildings just fascinating?
The Architectural Wonders of Europe Never Looked Better...
Watch as some of the most stunning structures of Europe come alive in beautiful detail.
This Ferrari Has Just Become The Most Expensive Car Ever
It's a well-established fact that the Ferrari 250 GTO is the most desirable car in the world, and this one just sold for a $70 million. Time to meet a hero!
15 of the World's Most Beautiful Historic Race Cars
These race cars weren't only effective on track, they also happen to be absolutely stunning to look at. Here are 15 of the most beautiful race cars ever.
16 Absolutely Unforgettable Historical Photographs
Take a peek at these unforgettable 16 photos, and see history from a brand new perspective.
15 Beautiful Works of Art by Gustav Klimt
Gustav Klimt is one of the most celebrated artists of the 20th century. Join us on a journey through the artist’s life and admire 15 of his masterpieces.
15 Lazy Animals Who Have Decided to Go On a Free Ride
It seems humans aren't the only ones who can ride other animals. See 15 animals who have decided to become daring riders of their fellow creatures.
Music Box: Listen to 16 Classic Disco Songs
In this music compilation you will find 16 of the best disco songs ever produced. These songs are all guaranteed to get you up on your feet and dancing.
15 Sublime Proofs of Our World's Natural Magnificence
Our cities are so cluttered and busy that sometimes we need to remove ourselves. These incredible nature photos allow you to do just that.
When Furniture Imitates Nature!
Here are some of the most interesting designs for furniture that looks like it got plucked out straight from the animal kingdom.