12 Ingenious Life Hacks from Ancient Civilizations
From advanced dental care to sustainable agriculture, these ancient life hacks demonstrate a blend of practicality and sophistication.
Explore Egypt's Wonders in This Photo-Log Journey
This short travelogue will take you through some of the most amazing Pharaonic sights of Egypt.
Egypt's 10 Most Jaw-Dropping Wonders
Time to take a look at 10 of the most fascinating places in Egypt - from The Great Pyramid of Giza to The Temple of Luxor.
Exploring the Inside of the First Ever Pyramid of Egypt
Take a special tour inside the Great Pyramid of Giza - the only remaining Ancient Wonder of the World.
A 200 Year Old Tradition Is Kept Alive by This Artist
Saied Hussain is one of the last artists in Egypt to produce transitional handmade cement tiles. This video offers a peek into this unique art form and business.
TRIVIA: Test Your Knowledge of the Seven Wonders
How much do you think you know about the ancient Seven Wonders of the World? Take this test and find out.
Exploring Karnak: The Jewel of Ancient Egypt
Karnak in Egypt is one of the largest religious complexes in the world. Let's take a closer look at this magnificent place.
Take a Peek inside King Tutankhamun’s Mysterious Tomb
The tomb of Tutankhamun is one of the most famous archaeological finds of all time. Explore the historical place in this video.
From Italy to China, These Great Pyramids Still Stand Tall
Pyramids are works of architectural genius that are not limited to any one location, like these 8 that are spread out all across the planet
Why Cairo is the Middle East’s Gem
Discover the magic of the largest and most impressive desert city in the world!
See How the Egyptians Actually Built the Pyramids
While we marvel at the great pyramids, we know little about how they were actually constructed. This video sheds some light into that.
Take a Look At the Many Secrets of Life in Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egypt always fascinates us. But do we really know how daily life in that civilization was like? Watch his video to learn more.
Egyptian Pantheon: 11 Powerful and Fascinating Gods
In this article, you will learn of 11 of the most powerful, lasting and popular gods of Ancient Egypt.
The 7 Oldest Cities on Earth that Still Stand
Many cities have been erected through history, and many have fallen to natural disaster or war. These cities have stood the test of time.
Enter Egypt By Night in A Stunning Time Lapse Video...
There really is nowhere quite like Egypt, as this fascinating timelapse video is sure to prove!
INTERACTIVE: Visit Ancient Egypt and Learn a Bit About It
This interactive guide will take you on a 3D tour of ancient Egypt, where you'll learn all about the pyramids, the pharaoh's tombs, and their many gods.
A Day in the Life of an Ancient Egyptian Doctor...
This video will show you what it was like to be a doctor in ancient Egypt.
Visiting Egypt? Here's Why You Need to Go to Luxor!
If you are ever visiting Egypt, this video shows why you really must visit Luxor. We bet you've never seen anything quite like it!
15 Lucky Charms That'll Bring You Peace and Prosperity!
Keep yourself safe and prosperous with these 15 good luck charms from around the world.
7 Historical Facts That Aren't Actually True
Here are seven well-known history facts we should have never believed.
Egypt Announces the Discovery of a New Ancient Tomb
Archaeologists have discovered the burial chamber of an ancient Egyptian royal goldsmith and other carefully preserved bodies. Find out more here.
15 Jaw-Dropping Facts You'll Find Hard to Believe!
Want to find out who really built the pyramids, or how many teeth a snail has? Here are 15 of the most unbelievable yet true facts.
Going Abroad? It's Best If You Learn These Customs First!
If you don't know the etiquette and customs of a place you're visiting, you could end up causing offence. This is how you can prevent that from happening.
It's Amazing to Think How Much the Ancient Egyptians Knew
Ancient Egypt was a truly amazing civilization that reached an incredible level of knowledge. Enjoy these 10 examples of how advanced it was.
When an Ancient Egyptian Tomb Was Opened, This Was Inside
Finding Tutankhamun's tomb was one of the most significant archaeological discoveries in history. These recolored photos capture those incredible days.
20 Astounding Facts That Will Skew Your Perception of Time
These 20 mind-bending facts will show you just how warped your perception of time really is. Enjoy!
15 Colossal Buildings Built by Ancients That Still Stand
Some of the greatest and most ancient buildings ever built by man are still used today, centuries after they were first constructed. These are 15 of the best.
This Travel Log Will Take You Through Egypt's Wonders
Visit the Golden Halls of the Cairo Museum...
Witness the beauty of ancient Egyptian art as we visit an astounding museum.
This Ancient Egyptian City Was Found Underwater...
t was more than 12 centuries since the city of Heracleion, a great and ancient Egyptian city, suddenly vanished from the pages of history...