Do Earphones Truly Ruin Our Hearing?
A recent analysis by the Acoustical Society of America shows that the younger generation is facing serious damage to their hearing ability
Water Trapped In Your Ears? 8 Easy Ways to Clear Your Ears
Having water trapped in your ears isn’t just extremely annoying, but it’s also quite risky. Learn to get rid of the water stuck in your ears promptly and effectively.
Clear Blocked Ears Easily with This Guide
Plugged, blocked or clogged ears can be both irritating to debilitating. Clear it up yourself with these natural remedies .
This Purrfect Cat Poem Will Make You Smile From Ear to Ear
We dedicate this post to all the cat owners, who will surely be able to relate to the words of this Cat Prayer-Poem.
The Child That Astounds Your Ears!
Amazing Piano Version of Someone Like You. Played by The TV Talent Contest Winner in Indonesia at Age of 7 - Fitri Cerado.
Is It Safe to Use Olive Oil to Clean Your Ears?
Warm olive oil treatments are considered safe to remove excess earwax, but is it beneficial or even necessary? Check out for yourself in the article below.
Why Are Your Ears Ringing? The Causes Explained
Nearly 15% of the human population worldwide are plagued by this strange sensation, but most people don't know the causes behind ringing in the ears...
Got a Lump on Your Neck or Behind the Ears? See This
If you have a lump on your neck or behind your ear, here is why you want to check it out and what it could mean.
Say Goodbye to Ear Issues Thanks to This Brilliant Doctor!
Many ear problems can be relived in the comfort of your own home thanks to the professional advice of Dr. David Hill.
Health Tips: Get Rid of that Painful Ear Ache!
Ear ache can range from mild annoyance to outright agony. It afflicts both children and adults and is one of the most common reasons children are brought to the doctor...
Have You Heard This Joke? Men's Earring Fashion
A man goes to work sporting a flashy new earring. His colleague's curiosity gets the better of him, so he begins to ask the bejeweled man some questions...
Ear Check: How Old is Your Hearing?
Try this handy and quick hearing test to see if your hearing is impaired, old for your age or younger than you!
One Musician's Nightmare Is Delight To Our Ears!
Maria Joao Pires wasn't sure which Mozart piece she was supposed to be playing, but her improvisation will astound you.
Try These Effective Home Remedies to Unclog Your Ears
If clogged ears are bothering you, try any of these effective home remedies.
Can Loud Music Really Damage Your Hearing?
Have you ever been to a loud concert or gathering and felt that it affected your hearing? You're not imagining it...
These Brain & Body Hacks Will Have You Smiling Ear to Ear
Cognitive science has come so far that it now has the ability to be able to trick the brain into doing things it wouldn't have done otherwise. Watch now.
Get Rid of Excessive Ear Wax with These Easy Home Remedies
Earwax is important for protecting our ear canals, however if our body produces too much of it, it can become a problem. Here are some home remedies.
Ditch the Q-Tips: How to Clean Your Ears Properly
Ear wax is a vital part of our ENT system, however having too much of it in our ears can do more harm than good. Here's how to clean your ears properly at home.
I Can`t Believe My Ears... Literally!
Test your ears and see if you can overcome these tricky audio Illusions.
Eradicate Skin Damage Naturally with These 6 Foods
Why fork out for fancy creams when you could just as easily keep your skin young and fresh with the following 6 foods?
This Young Violinist Will Treat Your Ears to Heaven...
watch as 11 year old Tyler Butler-Figueroa wows the judges of America's Got Talent with his violin music.
This is the Most Effective Way to Remove Ear Wax at Home
Remove earwax at home with this effective hack.
Why Do We Pop Our Ears, and What if it Fails?
Dive into the mechanics of this necessary, yet often overlooked, bodily function of popping your ears.
15 Daily Habits That Damage Our Kidneys
Our kidneys work very hard to keep us alive and healthy. You can continue to enjoy them if you avoid this next list of kidney-harming habits.
6 Health Symptoms Your Ears Want You to Be Aware Of
Your ears can potentially provide clues about the state of your general health.
Use These Ear Tips to Recharge Your Body Naturally
This simple action can help to boost blood flow and balance hormones.
The One Ingredient in Shampoo that Damages Our Hair...
Most shampoos have at least this one ingredient that might damage your hair - protein.
Did You Know Your Ears Hold Secrets About Your Heart?
Could that small vertical mark on your ear have something to do with heart disease? Here is a simple test that could protect you from serious damage to your health.
Are You Guilty Of These Tooth-Damaging Habits? Most Are...
Become more mindful of your oral health after reading this article about the harmful yet common habits that cause tooth problems.
5 Types of Damaging Parenting and How to Fix it
Our relationship with our parents affects us throughout our lives and shapes our personality, but sometimes it has a negative effect. Discover more here.
If You Can Hear These Frequencies, Your Ears Are Fine
How good is your hearing? Take this interactive test to find out!
8 Everyday Activities That are Damaging Your Spine
Here's a list of everyday activities that harm your spine.
Warning! These 5 Habits Are Seriously Damaging Your Liver
The liver is one of the most important organs in the human body, so its imperative that we do our best to keep it healthy. These bad habits will damage it!
WARNING: These 6 Habits Are Damaging Your Teeth!
When brushing our teeth and going about our daily lives, we make mistakes that can damage them. Here are 6 of such mistakes.
The 30-Second Ear Trick That Calms Your Nervous System
This quick ear exercise stimulates the vagus nerve, which plays a key role in relaxation and healing.
Does Weed Smoking Damage Our Brain?
Watch this video explaining the issue of smoking weed and its possible effect on the brain.
Busting Some Common Ear and Nose Myths With ENT Doctors
Watch two ENT doctors bust some commonly believed myths about the ear and nose.
Use Ear Reflexology Can Help Relieve Aches and Pains!
If you suffer from aches and pains in any part of your body, then why not give ear reflexology a try?
Amazing! Scientists Reverse Brain Damage in Drowned Girl!
Eden suffered devastating brain damage when she drowned in her family pool. However, scientists have now found a way to reverse it.
How to Balance the Damage from Eating Refined Carbs
Refined carbs can cause some serious health effects. This is what you should do to balance the damage.
QUIZ: What Do You Know About Your Ears?
What do you know about the magnificent organs that help us navigate the world of sound?
New Research Shows Surprising Way to Repair Damaged Nerves
This common deficiency could be damaging your nerves.
STOP! You're Damaging Your Computer...
Computers are practically indispensable to us these days. The thing is, you could be damaging yours without even knowing it. Looking out for these 16 things.
12 Ways You Unintentionally Might Be Damaging Your Home
We all want to avoid costly repairs. Check out this list of 12 common housekeeping mistakes that can damage your home, and what to do instead.
Cleaning With Baking Soda Can Really Damage These Surfaces
Even baking soda isn’t universal, and using it to clean certain surfaces, like wood, marble, and glass, can damage them...
Using Vinegar to Clean These Items Can Really Damage Them
Cleaning these common home surfaces and other items with vinegar can seriously damage them...
A Musical Life Story that'll Fill Your Ears and Hearts
This stunning piece of music takes us through a beautiful life-cycle...
These 15 Terrible Habits Are Damaging to the Eyes
Our eyes are pretty fragile, and even the slightest misstep on your behalf is bound to affect their health and eyesight. Learn to preserve sharp vision for decades by avoiding these 15 bad habits capable of ruining your eye health
If You Do This, Then You Could Be Damaging Your Phone...
Many people end up damaging their phones without even realizing that they are doing so, and here are 9 of the most common ways this happens.
Lay Off These Foods As They Are Damaging Your Brain!
Did you know that certain foods are, in-fact potentially hazardous to our brain's healthy functions? which foods should you be avoiding in order to keep your mind sharp, and which can you have in moderation?
If You Wear These Shoes Often, You Are Damaging Your Feet
Wearing these shoes often can damage your feet!
A Study Shows Whitening Strips May Damage Your Teeth
The habit to use teeth-whitening products too often may harm your teeth in the long run.
How to Unclog Your Ears? 5 Best Ways to Get Instant Relief
The next time your ears feel clogged, just try some of these tricks for instant relief.
Top 10 Causes of Cartilage Damage and How to Prevent It!
In this article, Chris Centeno M.D. explains the top ten major causes of cartilage loss and what we can do to help prevent it.
Shocking Photos Reveal the Damage Caused by Hurricane Irma
Hurricane Irma has been causing havoc in the Caribbean and several American states. Here are some pictures of the devastating damage she has caused.
WATCH: These Bad Habits Might Lead to Brain Damage
It's incredible to think that habits such as smoking and not getting enough sleep can actually damage your brain, but it's true - they can. View this video.
Why Do Dogs Have Floppy Ears When Wolves and Foxes Don’t?
Ever wondered why dogs are the only canines that have floppy ears? The answer is fascinating.
12 Ways You Might Be Damaging Your TV Without Knowing
These mistakes could ruin your TV—avoid them!
10 Treatments You Must Try to Heal Your Damaged Hair
Split ends and constant hair fall bothering you? And all spa treatments aren't helping? Well, you aren't alone.
Fix a Damaged Windshield With This Cheap and Easy Method
A cracked windshield is something that needs to be taken care of as soon as it happens. Here's a cheap and easy DIY method to correct a windshield crack.
How Free Radicals Damage Your Body & How to Stop Them...
What are free radicals, why are they harmful, and where do they come from? Read on to find out.
Cut Out These Bad Habits As They're Damaging Your Brain
Our brain is the most important organ in our body. With this in mind, we should cut out the bad habits that damage it. Here are 7 of them.
Kids Have Been Known to Occasionally Cause Massive Damage!
Sometimes, kids can get into a lot of trouble, and these 9 stories of carnage are no exception. Here are 9 times when kids were blamed for expensive damage.
The Surprising Reason Keeping Secrets Could Damage Health
Keeping secrets takes its toll on your mental health in multiple ways. Here's how to cope with that.
10 Hair Myths That Are Damaging Your Hair
We're here to bust 10 persisten hair care myths, that are actually doing more harm than good to your hair
Genius Ways to Make Use of a Damaged Paint Brush
Don’t discard that old paintbrush. It can be used in many ingenious ways.
8 Things You Use Everyday That Can Damage Your Health
Many everyday products are ingrained with chemicals that are dangerous to our health. Here are eight of them!
How to Remove Rusty and Damaged Screws – 7 Easy Tips
Removing a rusted, stripped, or damaged screw can appear frustrating, but it’s pretty simple. Just follow this guide.
This Fruit Treats Inflammation, Arthritis and Cell Damage!
Blueberries are nutritious, anti-inflammatory and rich in antioxidants, a true dietary medicine.
This Girl Only Needs a Simple Flute to Delight Your Ears
Listen to the dulcet tones of this young girl's flute.
Even Non Drinkers Can Suffer from Liver Damage, Here’s Why
Our gut bacteria may effect our health even more than we expected, with a specific bacterium being recently linked to fatty liver disease...
Why Guilt Can Be Much More Damaging Than You Think...
There's much about guilt that many of us don't know, and some of the facts relating to it are very surprising. Here are 10 surprising facts about guilt.
When Contemporary Pop Meets Doo-Wop, Our Ears Rejoice!
If you miss the music styles of the 1920's, you will love this astonishing version of a popular contemporary song.
Prepare Your Ears for Another André Rieu Musical Triumph!
Enjoy another jewel of a performance from our favorite Dutch musician, André Rieu
10 Items in Your Kitchen That May Be Damaging Your Health
There are a number of items in the kitchen that we often take for granted. But, did you know that many of these items can pose a threat to our health?
WARNING! Drinking Too Much Coffee Can Damage Your Brain
Drinking coffee in excess increases the risk of dementia, stroke, and even reduces brain volume.
Use These Tips to Prevent Computer Use Damaging Your Eyes
Our eyes were not created for computer use, so we need to do our best to make sure we are looking after them. Here are 10 handy tips.
Nine Tips to Help You Quit Nicotine and Reverse Its Damage
A comprehensive guide on quitting nicotine and rehabilitating the body
Warning! Eating Too Much Licorice Can Damage Your Health!
Eating too much licorice can be dangerous. Read here to find out more.
HEARING LOSS: How to Keep Your Hearing Strong for Longer
It's not just age that steals away our hearing, but also bad listening habits that damage our ears. Here are 10 tips to help keep your hearing strong.
Natural Methods to Improve Hearing That Actually Work
Now you can improve your hearing at home with these natural methods.
Everything You Wanted to Know About Sonic BOOMS
Learn everything there is to learn about sonic booms.
5 Subtle Signs of Hearing Loss You Should Be Aware Of
Learn about 5 subtle signs of hearing loss that many people often overlook or misdiagnose.
9 Ingenious Q-Tip Hacks for Surprising Daily Uses
We bet you never thought cotton swabs could be so handy around the house!
Did You Know Tooth Pain Can Indicate Problems in Organs?
It may come as a surprise to discover that your teeth may be an indicator of what is happening within your body.
If Your Body Is Making These Sounds, There May Be an Issue
Our body makes strange noises all the time. When should you see a doctor and when ignore them? Find out in this helpful article.
9 ‘Contagious’ Conditions That Are Not Truly Contagious
These 9 conditions cannot be transmitted from person to person, though many people believe them to be highly contagious
9 Easy Stretches to Reset an Aching Body
Do these 9 easy and quick stretches after a long day of sitting.
Measles Emergency: Why Should This Scare You?
Why measles is on the rise and why vaccination is important
Never Buy These 10 Items From a Health Food Store!
There could be many products in such stores labeled as “natural” and “organic,” but in reality, they can be hazardous to your health. Here are 10 such products!
Never Buy These 10 Items From a Health Food Store...
10 Foods that Naturally Whiten Your Teeth
There's nothing like a pearly white smile and healthy teeth, and with these 10 wonderful foods, you can achieve these without the need for harsh chemicals!
5 Neurological Diseases that Are Close to Being Cured
New research that could forever change the lives of millions inflicted with these five neurological diseases.
The Natural Way of Eliminating an Earache
If you or your child are prone to getting ear infections, you know how painful they can be. Here are 7 effective natural remedies that will relieve and prevent the pain of an earache
These Puppies Can`t Wait to Hear You Say: Awww!
Half way between puppies and full grown dogs, these guys are still not sure how to use their cute little ears.
Easily Fix Fashion Mishaps With Our DIY Guide!
If you've ever lost a button, got a zipper stuck or lost the back of your earring, you'll appreciate these tips!
Test Your Hearing: Can You Hear that Last Sound?
As we grow older, we can hear less and less sound frequencies. How young are your ears? Take this audio test.
WARNING: Staring at Your Phone Can Lead to Spinal Injury!
As we spend more times looking down at our phone, we may actually be doing our necks some serious damage.
4 Tests for Hair Health You Can Perform at Home
To avoid an unpleasant surprise about the poor health of your hair, it is recommended to perform the following 4 tests that anyone can do at home in just a few minutes.
WARNING: Why We Shouldn't Lie on Our Stomachs!
Lying on your stomach for long stretches of time or every day can have some negative consequences...