The Link Between Dry Brushing and Lymph Drainage
Learn how to safely and effectively drain your lymphatic system at home via dry brushing.
The Risks of Over Brushing Your Teeth
Have you been brushing your teeth too hard? Watch out for these signs…
9 Surprising Uses for a Grill Brush Beyond the Grill
The grill brush isn’t just for cleaning your grill; it has many handy uses in your home.
Eradicate Your Dry Skin with These Fantastic Tips
Everyone wants their skin looking its best, so here are some wonderful tips that'll help you get rid of any dry skin that is bothering you.
Fascinating - How to Brush Your Teeth in Space
Living in space comes with a lot of unexpected limitations. Personal hygiene, for example, can become a real challenge...
Do This to Revive a Drying Houseplant
Whenever one of your houseplants suddenly looks ill, do this trick.
5 Important Reasons to Keep Brushing Your Tongue
Did you know that 700 different bacteria species live in the mouth? Here are some possible conditions you may encounter:
Cute Overload: This Chinchilla Lives ForBelly Brushes!
Chinchillas are odd little chubby rodents with soft fur and a cute fluffy tail. And apparently, these little critters love belly rubs, too! How cute is that?
Why Brushing Teeth BEFORE Your Morning Coffee Is Essential
The order in which you drink your morning coffee matters because it could be harming your teeth...
Relieve and Restore an Itchy or Dry Scalp with These Masks
3 simple, at-home hair masks that will nourish your scalp and relieve the itching and flaking brought about by a dry or flaky scalp
How to Clean Your Hair Brushes in 2 Easy Steps
Wondering why your hair is full of flakes or your hairbrush stopped working as well as it once did? It may be time to clean it...
How to Deal With Combination Skin That's Both Oily and Dry
If you suffer from combination skin, read on to discover the reasons behind it and learn several simple ways to deal with it.
Genius Ways to Make Use of a Damaged Paint Brush
Don’t discard that old paintbrush. It can be used in many ingenious ways.
Summer In 20 Brushes: A Collection of Summer Moments
Summer symbolizes something different for each of us, and the next 20 paintings by artists will give you a glimpse into different perspectives...
10 Tips to Avoid Dry Skin This Winter!
Avoid dry, cracking skin this winter with these 10 great tips!
Is Vitamin D Better for Teeth Than Brushing and Flossing?
Keep your teeth healthy and strong with more than just brushing and flossing. Once you start getting your daily dose of vitamin D, you'll never stop smiling!
10 Foods That Alleviate Dry and Flaky Skin
Tired of dry winter skin? The list below includes a variety of plant and animal foods that have been proven to increase skin health and improve skin dryness
Waking Up With a Dry Mouth? 8 Causes and Home Treatments
In this article, we focus on the symptoms, causes, and home treatments of dry mouth to help you understand and get rid of the condition
These Dry-humored Comic Strips Are Utterly Brilliant
If you've never seen Pie Comic by John McNamee before, then you need to take a look at this post. His comic strips are hilarious!
This Dry Fruit is a Blood Sugar Game Changer!
Dates are not just a delicious snack; they can also help manage your blood sugar!
10 Ways to Naturally Alleviate the Symptoms of Dry Eyes
Dry eyes are an irritating ailment that we have all experienced at one point or another. Luckily, there are many natural home remedies to alleviate them.
10 Smart Ways to Treat Your Dry Skin!
Suffer from dry skin? You can find these next natural dry skin treating ingredients right in your home...
How to Clean 'Dry Clean Only' Clothes at Home
Dry cleaning can be a huge hassle, as well as quite the expense, which is why it is so much better to do it yourself at home...
Incontinence: A Complete Guide to Staying Dry
No one likes to talk about this condition that affects millions of people. Here is a complete guide to understanding the pesky problem and how to treat it.
Why Overspend on Electricity? Dry Laundry the Natural Way!
Want to save money on electricity bills and learn to hang your laundry out to dry in the open? Here are a few handy tips that will help you do it right!
Speed Up Your Laundry By Reducing Drying Time
Learn to speed up your laundry by reducing your drying time!
Make Your Dry Cough Disappear With These Handy Tips
A dry cough can be incredibly unpleasant and annoying, but you don't have to suffer for days on end until it clears. Here are 5 tips for getting rid of one.
Say Goodbye to Dry, Flaky Skin with These Natural Remedies
These home remedies and herbs can help treat the itchiness and dryness that is caused by Psoriasis.
No More Dry Sinuses: Treat it With Home Remedies
Blocked or painful sinuses can have a big effect on how you function daily, but help is at hand...
Heal Your Dry and Cracked Lips With These 7 Great Tips
Dry lips are one of those little things that can drive us absolutely, illogically crazy. Here are 10 quick ways to treat the problem.
Treat Your Dry Skin with These Excellent Sea Salt Scrubs
If you have dry and sensitive skin and want to get rid of it you should check out these fantastic sea salt scrubs.
10 Ways to Quickly Get Rid of Cracked, Dry Lips
Need Your Clothes to Dry Fast? Here's What You Should Do
When your clothes are wet, and you need them to dry quickly, what do you do? This guide will tell you all you need to know.
Face Masks Make Your Eyes Dry and Red? These Tips Can Help
Dry eye syndrome can become worse or even be caused by face masks. Here's why it happens and how to prevent and treat mask-related dry eyes
7 Tips That'll Help You Say Goodbye to Dry Pork Chops!
Follow these fantastic tips and you'll never have to suffer a dry pork chop again!
The World’s First Empire Rose From a Dry Desert
Long before the Ancient Greeks and Romans, there was the Sumerian Empire. How did the world's first empire rise in seemingly impossible conditions?
Some Ceilings Keep You Dry, Some Make You GASP
Some ceilings were meant to be admired...
Here's How to Naturally Rejuvenate Your Dry, Chapped Lips
Lips can get chapped any time of the year (not only winter), but there are many ways you can guard against it and heal them. Here are 10 natural remedies!
12 of the WORST Hair Care Mistakes All of Us Still Make
Here are 12 common hair care mistakes that may be responsible for the frizz, dry and split ends, hair thinning, and lack of manageability.
9 Habits that Cause HAIR LOSS. Are You Guilty of These?
Your everyday haircare and styling routine can really affect your hair health and encourage hair loss, know what to avoid.
These Life-Changing Tricks Will Make Your Scalp Less Oily
We will show you how to make your hair produce less oil and give handy tips and DIY tricks that can help reduce the appearance of oily hair
Cleaning Supplies Need Cleaning Too, This Is How To Do It
We tend to forget cleaning supplies need maintenance too. This is how often you should clean or replace 8 items everyone uses.
8 Simple Tips to Help Your Hair Stay Voluminous
Have thin hair? With the following 8 tips, you'll be able to give yourself a healthy, voluminous look in just a few minutes...
This Is Why It's a Bad Idea to Go to Bed With Wet Hair
Hair is at its most fragile when it's wet, not to mention that it can give rise to dandruff and bacterial growth. Here's why you should dry it after washing.
How to Remove Salt Stains From Fabrics, Shoes & Flooring
Salt stains are more common than you think. Learn to remove them effectively from your shoes, clothes, car interior, and floors in this useful guide.
Want to Paint? Here's a Complete Guide For Taking it Up!
Ever wanted to take up painting as a hobby, but had no clue where to begin? This complete guide to painting and drawing will answer all your questions.
Transform Your Room with These DIY Painting Tips
Painting your own room may seem like a daunting task. But here are some useful tips that will make the job easier.
Find Out How to Remain Cellulite-Free With An Easy Massage
Cellulite is a cosmetic annoyance for many women, but there's a simple way to keep it at bay. Here are two simple massages to remain cellulite-free.
How to Clean and Organize a Leather or Fabric Wallet
Your wallet has more germs than a toilet, but most rarely clean theirs. This guide will walk you through deep cleaning and organizing your wallet.
Keep Your Shoes in Top Shape with These Tips and Tricks
Learn how to always keep your shoes in top shape, no matter their age or fabric. I guarantee, it will save you a lot of money because you won’t have to buy new shoes so often anymore.
Got a Pair of Suede Shoes? This Is How to Care For Them
Care for suede shoes easily with these essential tips.
11 Grease Removal Tips You Wish You Knew Before!
Grease stains can be notoriously difficult to remove, but that will be a thing of the past if you use these 11 fantastic grease-removal methods.
11 Fantastic Methods for Removing Those Grease Stains!
10 Things You Didn't Know You Could Clean in the Dishwasher
Your dishwasher can clean many more items than just dishes. Learn what other household items can be cleaned with this useful appliance.
An Easy and Effective Method To Make Every Skin Type Glow
Do you think you deserve to have a healthy and glowing complexion? Of course you do! Then check out our ultimate guide to skin exfoliation.
Bored of the Outlet Covers? Here's How to Paint Them Well
In this article, we'll learn how to paint and wallpaper plastic or metal outlet covers effectively and professionally.
6 Tips to Take Care of Your Woolens This Season
Here’s how you can make sure your woolens last for many winters.
Did You Know Shampoo Has Other Useful Uses Besides Hair?
if you always thought your shampoo was only meant for keeping your hair healthy and beautiful, you are about to discover 10 particularly useful surprises!
Try this Ancient Indian Method for Removing Body Hair
An ancient and natural method that both men and women have been using for centuries to get rid of unnecessary hair from their bodies.
Why You Shouldn’t Keep a Bar Soap for More Than 2 Years
The following 10 personal hygiene products all expire sooner than you’d think and you must replace them regularly
How to Make Wooden Furniture Look as Good as New!
Do you have a piece of wooden furniture that has been stained? This is how you can restore it to its former glory.
Holiday Baking - How to Make Delicious Sugar Cookies!
With the holiday season just arrived, having a good recipe for sugar cookies is a wonderful is a must. In this video (full list of ingredients and instructions below the video) you will get helpful tips to make the best sugar cookies you've ever tast
15 Common Habits That Harm Your Skin
Here are 15 habits that you may be performing on a daily basis that you should avoid.
Save Yourself Time and Money with These Cleaning Tips
These great cleaning tips have saved me so much time and money. They're so clever and simple you'll wonder why you haven't used them before.
Some Great and Cheap Ways You Can Remove Rust from Metal
Where's there's metal, there's rust - it's an ever annoying problem. These remedies allow you to restore rusty items without using harmful chemicals!
Washing Fruits and Veggies: Here's What You’re Doing Wrong
Don't make these mistakes the next time you wash your fruits and vegetables.
8 Useful Tips For Taking Care of Your Beloved Dog's Teeth
It's imperative that you look after your dog's teeth. Untreated dental issues in dogs can lead to tooth loss, painful abscesses, and systemic infections throughout your dog’s body.
You May Have Been Washing Your Hair Wrong Your Whole Life!
This simple guide will explain why you haven't been washing your hair properly and how to do the right way to make sure your hair is healthy and strong!
Learn to Clean Any Surface With These Great Tips!
A comprehensive guide to cleaning any surface you might have at home.
Vintage Beauty and Self-Care Tips We Should All Be Using
Here we feature 14 really effective, but often forgotten vintage beauty. Best of all, nearly all of these tips use items you have at home
You May Have Been Washing Your Hair Wrong Your Whole Life
10 Little-Known Uses For Your Dishwasher
Are you only using your dishwasher to clean dishes? If so, you’re seriously missing out.
We're In Love With This DIY Art Project!
If there are two things that have been commanding our attention lately, they're cool artwork and chevron prints. So, we were obviously pretty stoked to find a way to incorporate both, for cheap! in an amazing DIY project for your apartment.
How to Polish 12 Old Items So They Look as Good as New
If you want to clean and restore the luster to objects, furniture, and items throughout your home, just follow these 12 simple tips...
10 Effective Ways to Boost Hair Shine
We’re all after beautiful glossy hair. Follow these tips to bring back the shine and silkiness to your locks.
Grill Cleaning and Maintenance - a Step-by-Step Guide
You’d be surprised what a difference deep cleaning a grill can make!
Keep Your Jewelry Sparkling Clean With This Perfect Guide
Jewelry is quick to tarnish and lose its beauty. But don't despair - use these cheap and easy methods to clean it at home!
This Guide Could Potentially Fix Your Wet and Broken Phone
This guide might just save your phone should you ever accidentally drop it in water!
Dusty Devices? Here Are 10 Top Tips to Make Them Sparkle
Devices can get grimy and dusty just like anything else, but how can we clean them without ruining them? Here are 10 recommended tips.
Why You DON'T Need to Spend Money on Mouthwash
Mouthwash has quickly become a staple product in many households, a bottle might even be sitting in your bathroom cabinet next to the toothpaste right now. But mouthwash may not be as effective as you think. Even worse - some ingredients in it may be
This Guide Will Show You How to Heal Cavities
This guide will take you through seven ideal ways to care for your teeth.
Learn How to Effortlessly Purge Blood Stains From Clothing
There are plenty of household items that you can use to help purge your clothes of blood stains, and here are 8 of the most effective ones.
Make Mouthwatering Pull-Apart Bread with This Recipe
Create a baked finger treat everyone will love. This bread can easily be created in your kitchen. Your guests will be begging for the recipe.
16 Amazing Uses For Regular Tea You Never Thought Of
Although many of us like to drink a cup of tea for comfort's sake or to warm ourselves up, it has many more uses. Here are 16 amazing uses for regular tea.
Keep Your Car Spick and Span with These Fantastic Hacks
When your car is dirty you probably reach for some chemical-filled cleaning product. However, there are some great natural ways to keep your car nice and clean!
16 Cool Specialized Tools You Didn’t Even Know Existed
Let’s take a look at some unusual yet helpful tools that are designed for oddly specific purposes.
The Surprising Uses of Lemon Salt Outside the Kitchen
Here’s a look at some unexpected ways to use lemon salt beyond the kitchen.
These Natural Cleaning Solutions Will Remove Anything!
Who would have thought that countless chores around your home can be tackled with these easy, natural cleaning solutions?
Tea Is Much More Than a Drink. It Has MANY Other Uses!
Tea isn't just for drinking, it's one of the most helpful materials in the house!
From Leather to Linen - How to Clean Every Type of Couch
Couches tend to collect dirt, but cleaning them can be tricky. Take a look at these expert-approved tips on how to clean 8 different upholstery materials.
9 Effective Methods for Removing Oil Stains from Clothes
Oil stains are the greatest enemy, not to mention a nightmare, for anyone who does laundry - but now there's a solution...actually 9 of them!
Keep Your Dog's Fur Healthy with These 6 Wonderful Tips
Keeping your dog's skin and coat healthy is not hard. The following 6 tips will ensure just that.
Borax Has So Many Uses! Here Are 26 of My Favorite
Did you know about these intriguing uses for Borax?
Keep Your Teeth & Gums Free of Tartar with These Remedies
Tartar build-up in the oral cavity can wreak havoc if left unattended to. Luckily, these 14 home remedies are great for maintaining healthy teeth and gums.
The BEST Ways to Wash Winter Coats and Jackets
Save lots of money on dry cleaning and learn to clean your winter coats and jackets yourself.
8 Natural Ways to Fight Back Against Tooth Plaque
We all suffer from plaque, but we should fight it because it can lead to serious dental problems. Here are 8 natural remedies to help your battles.
Ditch These 12 Bad Habits, They Ruin Your Hair and Skin
Are you unknowingly hurting your skin and hair? We compiled a list of 12 common bad habits, so look through them and see if you're guilty of these
15 Great Tips for Cleaning Those Hard-to-Reach Spots
Have you ever skipped cleaning places and things around the house that were just too difficult to clean? Well, we have just the tips to help you with these spots!