A Doctor Explains Why Adults With ADHD Procrastinate
Well known psychiatrist Dr. Tracey Marks explains why adults with ADHD often tend to procrastinate.
What a Dopamine Detox Is and How To Do It
In this video, we will see how one can perform a dopamine detox - a way to get off the dopamine habit.
The Real Reason We Are Attached to the Music of Our Youth
Everyone thinks the music of their youth was the best in history, but hearing new music is vital for our brain. Here is the fascinating scientific reason.
How to Naturally Get More Dopamine, the Happy Hormone
Dopamine is what makes us feel motivated, energized, and like we're the best version of ourselves. Here's how you can boost dopamine levels the natural way.
The Many Mental and Emotional Benefits of Owning a Pet Dog
Dogs are loving, cute and fiercely loyal, but can they actually provide us emotional and mental support?
The Many Mental Health Benefits of Rocking a Song
What happens in the brain when we sing, and how singing together builds friendship
New Study Suggests an Easy Method To Get a Better Memory
Scientists may have discovered a new way of training and improving our memory and it's nothing like you might expect.
Stress Management: How to Use Your Nerves to Calm Yourself
Learn how to calm yourself down instantly using vagus nerve stimulation.
How To Take Control Of Your Wellbeing Through Breathing
Breathing seems obvious to most of us, but there is an art to it. Becoming conscious of your breathing could greatly benefit your mental and physical health.
5 Effective Ways to Get Rid of Bunions Without Surgery
Struggling with bunion pain? These tips will help.
Learn the Meaning Behind These Common Dog Behaviors
Why do dogs howl, smile, or eat grass? To better interpret what your dog is trying to say, watch the informative video below.
Not all Viruses Are Bad, Some Are Actually Necessary
Some viruses are beneficial to humans. In fact, they are an inseparable part of human anatomy and have even shaped the evolution of humanity!
Can Probiotics Improve Mental Health? Research Says YES
Studies repeatedly show that probiotics can be a potentially effective treatment for several mental health issues. This is what is currently known on the topic.
Do You Clench and Grind Your Teeth? This Is What To Do
Clenhing and grinding your teeth is often associated with mental stress, and dentists note cases are on the rise. This is how to handle this problem correctly.
It’s Not a Myth: Why You Want to Avoid Going to Bed Angry
'Never go to bed angry' turns out to be more than just a hackneyed saying. These are 5 very real reasons that explain why going to bed mad is harmful.
What is the Connection Between Dogs and a Long Life?
As if we need more proof that dogs are amazing, a new study confirms owning a dog is linked to living longer.
Avoid These Things If You Want to Save Your Brain Cells
If you want to maintain as much of your mental health and brain functioning as possible throughout your life, then you need to watch this video.
Avoid These Ingredients If You Love Your Mental Health...
Here are some of the worst kinds of food that you can eat if you care about your cognitive health.
These Cancer-Fighting Nanobots Seek and Destroy Tumors!
This pioneer cancer treatment could turn out to be a powerful weapon in the fight against cancer. Find out more here!
Why HAVEN'T We Cured Cancer Yet? An Explanation
This informative video goes over the major challenges researchers face when trying to find a perfect cure for cancer.
Chocolate Exposed! Here's What It Does to Your Brain!
Just what is it that makes chocolate so irresistible to so many people around the world? Find all of the answers in the article.
Woah! Learning to Play Music Has This Effect on Your Brain
Learning how to play an instrument can do wonders for our brain...here's how!
14 Great Ways That You Can Manage Stress and Anxiety
Don’t let anxiety and stress get the best of you. Here are some tips that'll show you how to cope with stress and anxiety successfully.
Watch: A Simple Breathing Technique to Reduce Stress
This is a slow breathing exercise which works wonders for those anxiety-filled situations you just can't control.
Is Stress Changing Your Brain? Here's How it All Works!
Are you forgetting little things, feeling irritable, or isolated? You may be suffering from chronic stress - here's an explanation of how you can overcome it!
How to Best Enjoy and Appreciate Our Alone Time
we sometimes forget that it's okay and healthy to be alone and get away from the crowd a little.
Busting Some Mental Health Myths!
Any western doctor will tell you stress causes physical illnesses. Then why are there so many myths around mental health?
2021's Biggest Breakthroughs in Neuroscience
What did 2021 bring to our understanding of our minds? Have a look...
Ever Wondered How Hormones Work? Well, Wonder No More...
Ever wondered how hormones work? Well, wonder no more as this informative TED-Ed video explains all!
Forget Apples! It's an Egg a Day That Keeps the Doc Away...
According to new research, it could actually be an egg a day that keeps the doctor away.Find out more here!
Mental Health Tips: The Power of Setting Intentions
Setting intentions, not resolutions, can have a great impact on your mental well-being.
Science Alert: A Vaccine Against Depression?
Research suggests that the anesthetic drug ketamine could be used to treat various mental conditions.
The Many Great Mental Health Benefits of Nature Therapy
Ecotherapy, also known as nature therapy, is a wonderful practice that helps promote mental healing. Let’s learn more about it.
6 Expert Tips to Manage Post Pandemic Anxiety
If you're feeling anxious rather than excited about the world opening back up, you're not alone. Here are 6 expert tips to help you cope with those feelings.
Looking To Cut Back On Sodium? Try These 5 Handy Tips
If you’re looking for ways to cut back on your sodium intake, these tips will help.
Achieve Total Relaxation With Autogenic Training
Autogenic training is a wonderful relaxation technique that helps you beat stress and anxiety.
Ridiculously Bad Diet Advice You Should Steer Clear From
Following any diet advice blindly might be harmful to your body. Here, a doctor explains some of the worst diet tips you can follow.
Boost Your Mood and Productivity at Home With These Tricks
Here are some nifty tips that will help lift your mood and productivity at home.
Vaccinations SHOULD Trigger Side Effects, Here’s Why
Once you watch this video and understand why vaccine side effects happen, you may even be happy to get that headache.
Feeling Drowsy After Lunch? Here’s How To Control It
Do you often find yourself feeling a little sleepy after lunch everyday? Then these tips might help you control that.
What Drinking Whiskey Actually Does to Your Body
While we now know that whiskey isn't the cure-all medicine people once though it was, it does have a few proven health benefits.
Eat These Foods for Pristine White Teeth
From oranges to cauliflower, and even the amount of milk you drink per day, this video will touch on 13 foods to eat for a naturally white smile
What Would Happen To Your Body If You Stopped Showering?
Ever wondered what would happen if you stopped showering for a long period of time, for example, a month? This video has the answer.
De-Stress Your Brain in 30 Seconds With These Simple Tips
A doctor shows a useful and simple technique with the help of which you can achieve instant relaxation. Find out more...
Why Fragrance in Shampoo Can Harm Your Health
If you see this potentially harmful ingredient on the label of your shampoo, it may be time to switch it for the sake of your health.
This Study May One Day Help Treat Chronic Stress And PTSD
A recently discovered protein in the brain (p11) can be linked to both depression and stress and has the potential to help future treatments
How to Hack Your Brain For Better Control
What kind of tricks does our brain play on us?
Has Anyone Ever Truly Seen a Ghost?
If ghosts don't exist, how come some people swear they have seen one?
Did You Know There’s a Diet That Can Help Depression?
Listen to a mental health expert's suggestions on how certain food items can help treat depression.
Trouble Falling Asleep? Try White Noise
If you're sensitive to sound or live on a busy street, white noise may be the ideal aid to get better sleep.
How Blue Light Really Affects Your Sleep and Health
You have probably heard that blue light coming from screens is 'bad for us'. But how does it work and what are the exact health risks? Find out
What First Impressions Reveal About Human Psychology
This video offers some interesting insight on first impressions, second chances, and what all this reveals about the human mind.
6 Coronavirus Indicators That You May Not Have Heard Of
Here, we list some of the more unusual and lesser-known COVID-19 symptoms you might not be aware of yet.
The 5 Foods That Ward Off Depression
We know diet has a direct link on mental health, so which foods are most likely to boost mental health and actually reduce depression?
The Way to Lose Weight May Be Different Than You Thought
Regular exercise is wonderful for your overall health, but contrary to popular belief, it is not the way to lose weight. Find out why...
Friendship Might Be One of the Secrets to Healthy Aging
A recent study finds that senior individuals with exceptionally good memory and cognitive function are the ones with strong relationships.
Who Can Benefit from Having an Emotional Support Dog?
Have an animal companion around could be a great way of managing your mental health. What does it entail?
How to Completely Detoxify Your Mind
It's not just your home that can do with a good clean every once in a while, your mind should regularly require one too. Find out more here.
Knowing the Signs of a Brain Tumor Can Save Your Life...
Learn what the most common symptoms of a brain tumor are, so that it can be picked up and treated before it's too late.
Are Smartphones Making Us Stupid? This Will Surprise You!
If you use a smartphone you need to see this!
Age-Related Cognitive Decline Might Be a Reversible Thing!
Age-related cognitive decline is something we've all come to accept, but a new study has shown that the process might just be reversible. Read on for more.
Here's Why You Should Throw Out Your Old Mattress!
Many of us don't change our mattress unless it's obviously broken. However, an old mattress can wreak havoc on your health. Here's how!
Can't Stop Overeating? Watch Out For These Sneaky Triggers
Overeating is a problem that affects millions of people around the world, so here's a list of the most common overeating triggers you should avoid.
Sticking to One Doctor Could Help Prolong Your Life!
Keeping the same doctor rather than switching between different ones has a noticeable effect on mortality rates. Find out more here.
Ever Wondered How Hormones Work? Well, Wonder No More!
Sleeping in At the Weekend Could Prevent an Early Death
According to some recent research, getting yourself more sleep at the weekend might help to reduce the risk of an early death. Find out more here!
Forget Apples! It's an Egg a Day That Keeps the Doc Away!
These Common Antidepressants Could be Causing Dementia!
Medication that is commonly used to treat incontinence, depression, and gastrointestinal disorders has been linked with an increased risk of getting dementia.
Study Shows Seniors Still Grow New Brain Cells Daily
A new study shows that even the elderly keep on growing new brain cells, which could be the breakthrough the scientific community was waiting for...
Learn What Happens to You During a Stroke...
This video explains exactly how strokes work, as well as what causes them...
Great Dog Training Tips You'll Wish You Knew Before!
Here are 10 great training secrets that will make it easier for you to train your puppy. Take a look.
This Technology Could Help Us Get More Deep Sleep!
In this informative TED-Ed video, Dan Gartenberg talks about the brain benefits of deep sleep and how we can get more of it!
Did You Know Different Kinds of Light Affect Our Emotions?
We consider many things in terms of how they affect our health and emotions, but we don't often think about how light does. Here are six ways it has an impact.
Clear Your Throat From Pain With These Natural Gargles
Got a sore throat? If so, why don't you try one of these natural gargles?
These Techniques Helped Me Get Rid of Stress For Good!
If you've got a lot of stress in your life, then you really need to take a look at this video!
Suffer From Anxiety? Here's How to Avoid Panic Attacks
Learn all about panic attacks, including what causes them, and how you can effectively prevent them and deal with them when they occur.
Never Lose Touch With Your Old Friends! Here's Why...
This video explains exactly why having old friends is so incredibly important, and what we can all learn from them.
Feeling Stressed? These Hidden Triggers Could Explain Why
Here are seven hidden stress figures that you should be aware of and try your best to avoid.
Adopt These Daily Habits to Make Your Life Less Stressful
Here are 5 things that you should do every day in order to keep your life as free from stress as possible.
Shocking! This Is What Chocolate Does to Your Arteries...
Can chocolate cause strokes? Find out in this informative video from Dr. Greger.
If You Have a Dog, Here Are 10 Signs It's Stressed Out
Like us humans, dogs can get stressed as well. If you have a dog, here are 10 common signs that it might be stressed.
Here's Why You Should Never Give Your Dog Any Chocolate
Most dog-owners know that they should never give beloved pet any chocolate, and this video highlights exactly why.
Wow! Who Knew Exercising Was so Good for Mental Health?
We all know exercise is good for your body, but what exactly does it do for your mind?
9 Easy Ways to Ensure You Get Enough Water Each Day
Water is so important, but so many of us don't drink enough of it. Below are 9 tips that'll help you consume more water.
New Research Reveals a Link Between Bacteria & Alzheimer's
Groundbreaking new research has found a connection between Alzheimer's disease and certain types of bacteria in the brain. Learn more here.
Keep Your Uric Acid Levels Under Control with These 8 Tips
Having too much uric acid in your blood can lead to a whole range of uncomfortable symptoms. Here are 8 natural remedies to help decrease uric acid levels.
These Sleep Secrets Are Only Known to a Few...
What are the things that will help make your sleep better?
A Lack of Sleep Can Cause These Detrimental Effects
We all know sleep is important. But what ACTUALLY happens in the body when we don't sleep?
7 Behaviors We All Have that Make Us Tense...
Anxiety is hard to shake off and creates challenges to every situation. Here are 7 behaviors that create anxiety and how to avoid having them.
This is How to Activate Your Brain's Ability to Learn
A recent study has shown that overlearning might improve performance in a particular task by altering the chemicals in the brain that "lock" in training.
These 20 Tips Will Help to Safely Fight Your Fever
20 fantastic natural ways to lower your fever without taking a risk.
A Beautiful Way to Relax is Listening to Allan Watts...
This great talk will give you some great food for thought, and explains why many people often feel stressed out.
The Early Signs of Dementia You Should Know About
Dementia symptoms can surface from as early as the 30s. So it's very important to know the early signs so that you can help yourself and others.
6 Natural Teeth-Whitening Methods You Should Know About
These 6 natural remedies will leave your teeth whiter than ever before. Now you'll have no reason to hide your smile!
Mold Will Be a Thing of the Past With These Home Remedies
Mildew and mold are pesky household invaders. Here are 5 easy ways to get rid of them using just natural household ingredients.
Learn the Weight Loss Secret That Everyone's Kept From You
This is the secret that everyone's been keeping from you. You can train your brain to lose weight and ensure it stays off. Read about this fascinating approach.
8 Ways to Avoid the Negative Loop of Rumination
we’re here to help you break free from rumination and negative thoughts with 8 words of advice.
How to Stop Worrying About Letting People Down
With the following 6 tips, you can overcome this overwhelming feeling and learn how to stop fearing disappointing others.
Doctors Explain: 2 Powerful Tools in Dealing With Anxiety
A renowned doctor equips you with not one, but two phenomenal tools to effectively manage and control your stress.
Best Nootropics: Boost Your Brain Power
Discover the best nootropics scientifically formulated to enhance cognitive function, improve focus, boost memory, and support overall brain health.