These Doggies Are Making the World a Better Place
These heroic dogs help make the world a better place.
What Would it Look Like if Dogs Had Jobs?
What would the office look like if dogs had jobs? It may look something like this...
There's Only One Dog In the World With a Job Like This
Meet our newest employee, he can do something no human could ever do!
Disgusting! These Are the Worst Jobs of the Victorian Era
From chimney sweeping to sewer sifting, here are the ten worst jobs of the Victorian age.
Wrong Job for the Blind!
It's blind training day at the grocery store, and people are told that the 3 blind people will carry their groceries to their car for them...
Joke: The Illiterate Job Seeker
A destitute man is walking the streets looking for a job.
You Had ONE JOB To Do!
Come on people, you had one job to do!
Men's Best Job in the World - Funny!
Lars Larson wins the man with the best job in the world and helps raise awareness for Male Breast Cancer. A hilarious gag video.
4 People Who Have the Most Audacious Jobs in the World
Meet these remarkable people who have the most insanely daring jobs in the world.
Hilarious Job Fails That Missed the Mark
Check out this collection of 15 tasks that ended in utter failure and the results are totally hilarious!
What It's Like to Work in the Most Dangerous Jobs
You'll thank your job after seeing what these people have to do to earn their bread.
11 Relatively Unknown Peculiar Jobs That No Longer Exist
Here is a collection of lesser-known jobs that are now obsolete. Some of them may sound unusual or even funny; even though they are real.
Joke: A Snail Job
A bear, a moose, a fox, a wolf and a snail were playing cards around a table...
Hilarious: You Had ONE Job!
Situations like this are always amusing.
HILARIOUS: These Warning Signs are NOT Doing Their Job...
These warning signs are not doing their job well, are they?
Funny Pics - The Most Outrageous Car Repair Jobs
These are the most outrageous car repair jobs you’ll ever see.
Funny Photos: You Had One Job!
These ridiculously funny work fail pictures will have you laughing all day.
Herman the Pigeon Has a Very Responsible Job!
Herman the pigeon works as a foster parent for newborn puppies - this is an animal rescue story you've got to see!
14 “Genius” DIY Fixes That Get the Job Done—Almost!
Some people come up with the most creative solutions for their everyday problems.
12 of the Weirdest Things Car Mechanics Saw on the Job
Turns out car mechanics regularly spot all kinds of crazy things on the job. Take a look at these 12 highlights
Come On People, You Had ONE Job To Do!
Every job is good as long as you take it seriously. But I often notice that some people just don't care about the work they do, and it shows...
When People Fail at the Simplest Jobs—14 FUNNY Pics
They only had one job to do... but failed dramatically!
What Were the Best Paid Jobs in Ancient Rome?
This post answers the intriguing question - which workers had the best-paying jobs in Ancient Rome?
Hilarious: 16 of the FUNNIEST DIY Repair Jobs!
These ridiculously funny DIY fixes will crack you up!
PERSONALITY TEST: Which Job Were You Just Perfect For?
You only get one life, which for most of us means only one career. So, have you ever wondered what you could have been? This quiz will tell you!
Is it a Raccoon? Is it a Dog? No. It’s a 'Raccoon Dog'!
Tanuki, or the Japanese raccoon dog, is a unique species. Its neither a dog, nor a raccoon. So what is it?
QUIZ: What Would Be Your Job in Ancient Rome?
If you lived back then, what career would you have had? Take our quiz to find out!
20 Fascinating Jobs You Probably Didn’t Know Existed
From professional Lego builders to people whose job it is to make babies cry in movies, there are many fascinating and unexpected jobs out there...
Hilarious: These "translators" Should Quit Their Job...
This is hilarious!! See These Signs in ENGLISH!!
Unusual Jobs of the 20th Century You Never Knew Existed
Which of these obsolete 20th century jobs would you like to do today?
These Guard Dogs Are Not Exactly Fearsome...
Maybe these cute pooches are supposed to deter hardened intruders from their life of crime by being so woolly and lovely!
The Dog With A Seeing Eye Dog
This golden retriever was not exactly blessed upon coming into this world. He was born not only blind but also with a tendency for violent seizurs that caused him to lose control of his bowels. However, something changed the moment Blair, a black lab
Adaptogens: Herbs Whose Job It Is to Fight the Fall Blues
Add a new term to your wellness dictionary. Adaptogens are powerful herbs that help cope with stressors, be it bad weather or a stressful day
HILARIOUS: 15 Times People Failed the Only Job They Had
The most hilarious examples of hilarious work fails.
Hilarious: Hey Manager, Can I Please Have a Job?
Three unemployed factory workers apply for a job. The manager soon makes up his mind on where to place all three of them.
8 Little-Known Jobs That Keep the Movie Industry Going
We all know actors, directors and screenwriters, but these are the people that take care of the details, without which movies just wouldn't be that good
They Had One Job But Messed it Up… (16 Funny Pics)
Check out this collection of the most hilarious fails from around the world.
These Guys Only Had One Job Yet They Failed Spectacularly!
No matter how badly you mess up, you can never be worse off than these guys...
When Designers Failed At Their Jobs – 15 Funny Pics
These designers had one job. And they failed at it!
Have You Ever Seen Ducks With Jobs? You're About To!
Watch the day-to-day life of these incredible ducks, who just so happen to spend their lives on a wine farm...
Career Quiz: Which Job Does Your Intelligence Match Best?
Take our quiz and find out what job your IQ fits best.
Can We Guess Your Job Based On What You See?
Can our quiz be smart enough to guess what you do (or did) for a living?
These Dogs Need to Practice Their Hiding Skills
These dogs think they are brilliant at hide and seek...they're not.
17 Dogs Who Will Surprise You With Their Resourcefulness
Take a look at some of these dogs who went out of their way to help their human friends.
Who is the Better Lifeguard, Man or Dog?
Dogs are man's best friend, but could they also be other things like "man's best lifeguard"?
Hilarious: The Real Dogs Behind the "Beware Dog" Signs
Here are 12 hilarious “Beware of the Dog” signs and the cuties behind those signs.
Zoe is an Amazing Dog!
What Dog Training is All About!
Joke: I've Never Seen a Dog With Such Abilities!
A dog sees a vacancy at a local business and decides to head inside to put himself up for the job. He faces resistance from the manager...
The Parkour Dog - Amazing!
!Meet Tres, the parkour dog
Rusting Icon: Can a $64M Paint Job Save the Eiffel Tower?
The iconic Eiffel Tower is in trouble.
This Dog is Almost Unbelievable!
See the newest tricks by Jumpy the incredible stunt dog.
7 Tips That’ll Prep Your Kids for The Jobs of the Future!
oHere are 7 tips to help you prepare your children for future professions and to impart on them the skills they'll need to succeed in the world.
Joke: Can I Guess Your Job?
A man flying in a hot air balloon suddenly realizes he’s lost. He reduces height and spots a man down below.
Can My Dog Eat That? An Important Infographic for Dog Owners
If you want to keep your dog safe and happy, you need to know what foods they can and cannot eat.
Take a Look At These Truly Beautiful Dog Photos!
Kristýna Kvapilová's first love in life is photographing dogs, and that's highly evident from her stunning images. Take a look at her best work here.
Whoa! This Dog Groomer's Talent Is Out of This World!
Here are some of the most incredible dog transformations ever. You won't believe what a talented groomer is able to do to a dog!
What Is a Terrier, Anyway? Explaining Dog Breed Names
here’s a good reason we call dogs our best friends: they’re unerringly loyal, loving and they’ve been at our side for a long, long time. Lets look at the etymologies of dog breed names.
The Love of Dogs - Beautiful!
The beautiful expressions of 58 dogs in under 4 minutes. Over the course of the last year, the maker of this video filmed the expressions of dogs that came to stay at a boarding kennel. He saw so much emotion behind their eyes and he imagined what th
Where is YOUR Dog From? The Full Dog Breed Compendium
The complete guide to dog races by country!
Like Owner, Like Dog: Fun Photos of Dogs and Their Owners
We had no idea that people and pets could look so much alike! Here are 9 comparison photos that look so alike it's uncanny!
The Cat Dog-Walker!
A cat that walks the dog on a leash! Don't believe us? Watch the video!
These Dogs Have Skills!
Behold the incredible stunt dogs and frisbee champions!
Dog Behavior 101: How Dogs Show They’re Upset
Your dog may be mad at you and may not even know it!
Photographer Captures the Mischief of Dogs on the Streets
These pictures, captured by a famous street photographer, show us the unique and amusing personalities of dogs.
This Dog is... a CAT Person!
This dog found a very surprising playmate, which he prefers to other dogs!
Dialogue with a Wet Dog...
A clever and hilarious video the whole family will enjoy!
The Sing-Along Dog!
This happy dog has been hearing this Adele song since it was a pup. See what happens when every time he hears it!
Here's What to Do if Approached by a Lone Service Dog
Service dogs are animals that have a very important job to do. If a lone service dog ever comes up to you, what should you do? Read this to find out!
Jumpy, an Extreme Dog!
An amazing dog who is definitely an animal athlete!
An A-Z of Adorable Dog Breeds
From A to Z, here are 26 dog breeds, big and small, but all cute, loving companions. This won't be all the types because there are so very many, but this is a great example of the variety you can find out there.
Joke: The Talking Dog and the Bartender
A guy walks into a bar with his dog and says, "I'll have a Scotch and water and my dog would like a whiskey sour."
Captured in Motion: The Flight of the...Dog
These photographs are so intense, the dogs in them seem to look you straight in the eye!
Dogs Are Always Funny!
Man's best friend in some compromising situations...
The Most Helpful Dog in the World!
When not helping and performing tricks, Jesse can be found playing with his cuz ball, chasing squeaker tennis balls, digging in search for lizards, de-fluffing stuffed toys, swimming, and just being happy.
This Dog is a Hero With an Unforgettable Gift
This dogs beautiful story will move you to tears, while his incredible talent will leave you speechless
Joke: That's a Smart Dog
A man settles in his seat next to the window on a plane, when another man sits down next to him and seats his Black Labrador Retriever in-between them...
Porter, the Driving Dog!
As part of a promotional event for animal shelters in New Zealand, this loveable pooch has been taught to drive, and he does it pretty darn well, although we wouldn't let him drive a taxi anytime soon. A must watch!
These Engineers Had Just One Job and They Botched It Up
Let's take a look at some of the worst architectural fails in the world.
The Most Patient Dog in the World!
This photo series of Scout balancing objects on his head had me in stitches, while also making me rethinking my outlook on pit bulls.
Adorable: The Dogs Are Also Working From Home!
These adorable dogs have decided to work from home, and we get to enjoy the photos!
Sorry, TOO Busy For Cuddles - 14 Cute Service Dogs
These busy but still cute service doggies have no time to play fetch!
The Scrappy Subway Dogs of Moscow
According to Russian scientists, the stray dogs of the Russian capital have become much more sophisticated than their pet counterparts...
Stunning Dogs in Their Natural Environments
These photos capture dogs amid Austrian wilderness. And the results are truly magical, capturing some enchanting portraits. Take a look for yourself.
Cats and Dogs Are Different - Hilarious!
As we all know, there are some major differences between these two popular pets...
The Horrible and Unethical Price of Selective Dog Breeding
Purebred dogs cost a fortune and are prized for very specific qualities, but the cost of inbreeding is very steep.
1 Small Dog vs 2 Large Dogs: Who Will Win in Tug of War?
A Dachshund battles it out in a game of tug of war against two Bernese Mountain Dogs. Who will win? Watch this exciting video to find out.
Why Are These Two Dogs Arguing?
A subtitled argument between 2 huskies.
WATCH: These Dogs Are Ridiculously Agile!
Watch these dogs achieve some impressive feats at the 2022 Masters Agility Championships.
These Dogs' Reactions to the Vet Are Priceless!
When these dogs hear this "magic" word, they react immediately, and it's not the reaction you are expecting!
It's a Good Day for Dog Lovers...
It's time for our dog-loving photos!
One Man's Trash in Another Man's Dream Job
15 inventions and products you would never guess are made of trash
These People Had One Job But Flunked Out Tremendously!
These construction mistakes, design fails, and signs are so funny that we can't stop laughing!
These Designers Did SUCH a Great Job! 19 Handy Innovations
These creative design innovations should be more popular than they are, as they are so very clever and useful!
Yay! It's Another Dog Day!
A day full of doggie happiness, cuteness and beauty.
These Dogs' Lives are Anything But Ruff...
These fine pooches are enjoying life to the fullest!
Joke: The Smartest Dog in the World
A dog pays a visit to the butcher complete with a note in his mouth that asks for lamb chops. The butcher is dumbfounded...
Dogs Decoded - In-Depth Documentary!
An In-Depth and Eye Opening Documentary about our Canine Friends
When Dogs Are Going To Burst!
When Dogs Have Excited Faces!
The Biggest Small Dog - Hilarious!
A Shape-Shifting Dog...
When Dogs Are Happy, It's Contagious!
when dogs are so excited and so happy and dance all around the place looking to go on a walk, it's super cute.