3 Commonly Missed Diseases - A Doctor's Take
The medical system isn't perfect, and some rare medical cases are often misdiagnosed. Which conditions are these? Here's a doctor's take on this question.
Doctor Shares 10 Natural Remedies Approved by Science
Medicine and natural remedies don't always go hand in hand, but these 10 home remedies are actually backed by all doctors!
Joke: American Doctor vs. Chinese Doctor
While in China, an American single man acts promiscuous and does not use protection the entire time he is there.
Doctor, Help Me - Hilarious Doctor Shorts!
10 hilarious 'doctor, doctor' jokes that will guarantee a lifting of the mood!
The Village Doctor: How Doctors Can Treat You Better
Have you ever gone to the doctor's or the hospital and had a bad experience? How can this be done better?
Joke: The Unorthodox Doctor
A woman went to her doctor's clinic. She was seen by one of the doctors,...
Joke: The Crafty Doctor
A Chinese doctor can't find a job in a Hospital in the US, so he opens his own clinic and puts up a sign outside.
Joke: Going to the Doctor
This old man in his eighties got up and was putting on his coat....
Joke: Doctor's Friendly Advice
A man goes to the doctor with a long history of migraine headaches. When the doctor goes over his history and does his physical, he discovers that the poor guy has tried practically every therapy known to man for his migraines and STILL sees no impro
Joke: A Blonde at the Doctor's
A blonde woman came in for a routine physical at the doctor’s office.
Joke: The Doctor's Waiver
The medics rushed Mr. Steinberg to the hospital in the middle of the night, apparently due to a massive heart attack.
Joke: The Doctor's Plant
Two doctors, Dean and Gable, are treating a man with lung disease...
Joke: An Expert on Doctors
One night a man and a woman are both at a bar knocking back a few beers.
Joke: The Doctors' Opinions
A panel of doctors was asked for their opinions concerning a proposal to build a new wing to their hospital...
Classic Comedy: The Doctor Visit!
In this famous sketch, a doctor visit goes inexplicably awry when the doctor appears to be the oldest person imaginable...
Joke: Calling Up the Doctor
A distraught senior citizen phoned her doctor’s office...
Cheeky Joke: The Doctor and the Stutterer
Enjoy this funny joke about a guy who wanted his stutter removed...
Joke: An Old Snake at the Doctor's
A old snake goes to see his doctor and says, ”I need something for my eyesssss…"
This Doctor Debunks Major Health Myths & Gives REAL Advice
Dr. Mike is a doctor & famous media personality, known for his informative & entertaining health videos. Watch a playlist of the best ones...
Doctor Tip: The Benefits and the Myths of Probiotics
In this video, a doctor explains all about probiotics, facts and myths.
How to Remember Everything the Doctor Says
The doctor gives you prescription pills and an entire lecture on how to use them. How can you remember all that valuable info?
Joke: A Doctor and His Wife "Go At It"!
A doctor and his wife were having a big argument at breakfast.
A Day in the Life of an Ancient Egyptian Doctor...
This video will show you what it was like to be a doctor in ancient Egypt.
Joke: The Abusive Patient and the Patient Doctor
This joke begins with a very irritating patient insulting everyone at the doctor's office.
This is the Story of the Doctor Whose Godfather Was Death
The story of the doctor who tried to cheat his Godfather Death is an old German tale and is retold here with the help of animation.
Joke: Doctor, What Do I Have?
A man returns from a foreign holiday and is feeling very ill. He goes to see his doctor, and is immediately rushed to the hospital to undergo tests.
Joke: Doctor, Give Me Money!
This joke starts with a quack making a big promotion...
This Joke Starts With a Doctor and His Wife Arguing
A doctor and his wife are having a massive argument over breakfast, but he soon has to head out for work. He never expects what happens next...
This Joke Starts With a Chinese Doctor Opening a Clinic
A Chinese doctor has a little difficulty opening a clinic in the US, so he takes matters into his own hands. He comes up with a rather novel business model...
Doctors Explain: 2 Powerful Tools in Dealing With Anxiety
A renowned doctor equips you with not one, but two phenomenal tools to effectively manage and control your stress.
10 Most Frequent Misdiagnoses Made by Doctors
In the US, 1 out of every 20 adults are misdiagnosed. Here are 10 conditions that are commonly missed or mistaken for something else!
Joke: Playing Golf With Your Doctor
A husband decides to join his wife for the first time playing golf. He's never really been into the game, but since his wife was playing with all these men around, he wanted to come and check it out.
The Techniques Doctors Use to Keep Themselves Youthful
Have you ever wondered what doctors use on themselves to keep themselves young? Here are 10 anti-aging treatments that doctors actually use.
Revive Aging Skin with These Doctor-Approved Hacks
Get rid of dry, wrinkled skin with these effective, doctor-approved tips.
This Joke Begins With a Young Doctor New to Town...
This joke begins with a new doctor learning the ropes from his predecessor...
Punny Time: 48 Hilarious Doctor Puns!
Doctor jokes are some of the oldest style of classic jokes. But when you really need some healing, Doctor Puns are just as funny!
This Joke Starts With Two Doctors Making House Calls
The old doctor is showing the new doctor around and introducing him to the people he treats. The young doctor is surprised at how quickly he diagnoses...
The Insane Objects Doctors Remove From Our Bodies
you're about to find out for yourself just how crazy the kind of objects doctors pull out of people are.
Watch 20 Doctors Give Their Best Health Tip
20 top doctors, each an expert in a different medical field, all sharing one valuable health tip - packaged neatly into a single, convenient video
Meet the Doctor Who Can Communicate With Chimps
Meet Dr. Cat Hobaiter, a primatologist, who has been working on communication and cognition in wild chimpanzees.
4 Modern Day Doctors Who Are Doing Impactful Work
Here's the story of 4 modern doctors who are changing the world through their influential and inspirational work.
Doctor’s Recommendation: What To Eat When You’re Sick?
The foods & drinks you choose to consume can make a difference in how long it takes for you to recover from a cold. Here is what doctors say on the topic.
Doctors Reveal: How to Keep that Adhesive Bandage Sticking!
This simple trick will get adhesive bandages to stay on securely, properly protecting your wound from exposure to infection.
Joke: Sometimes Even Doctors Don't Have a Clue...
Sometimes the doctors really don't know what is going on...
Using These 25 Medical Terms Will Impress Your Doctor
Use these 25 medical terms to impress your doctor next time you're feeling under the weather.
At 98, This Doctor Is Still Sharp. What Is His Secret?
What is the secret to a long healthy life by one who has done it himself.
Funny: The Doctor's Advice Gets This Old Woman in Trouble
Who knew that such a small pill could get someone into so much trouble...
Joke: Doctor, What Are You Going to Do With My Husband?
A man's penis just starts to grow with no end to the growth in sight. He soon resorts to seeking out a urologist...
Joke: Doctor, I Need Help With My Husband
An elderly lady went to the doctor and asked for his help in reviving her husband’s passion.
Doctor Reveals the Ice Creams That Can Harm Your Health
A doctor reveals the worst and best ice creams you can eat for your health.
Brilliant Doctor Easily Fixes This Common Injury!
Learn all about plantar fasciitis, a common foot injury, and discover the best non-surgical way to treat it.
8 Tips That'll Help You Choose the Best Doctor For You!
Are you looking for a new doctor? These 8 tips will help you find the best doctor for you. Take a look!
Doctor Tip: How to Prevent Ingrown Hair
In this insightful video, Dr. Adedeji shares her expertise on preventing ingrown hairs.
So This Is What Doctors Say Behind Our Backs!
When three tired but contented surgeons shared a friendly drink, the conversation turned to other professions...
Can A.I Catch What Doctors Miss? A Fascinating Talk
How close are we to that and can AI really do better than a human doctor? This fascinating TED Talk addresses these issues.
5 Inspiring Doctors Whose Work Will Always Be Remembered
At a time when we are realizing the significance of doctors, here is a look at some of the most influential doctors who changed the world.
This Doctor Tried the Keto Diet and This is What He Thinks
Curious to try the KETO Diet? Listen to what a doctor has to say first.
Sticking to One Doctor Could Help Prolong Your Life!
Keeping the same doctor rather than switching between different ones has a noticeable effect on mortality rates. Find out more here.
If You Get Migraines Your Doctor Will Want to Know This
If you suffer from migraines often, this is what you need to let your doctor know.
WARNING: Ibuprofen Should Be Avoided by +40s, Say Doctors
The FDA are now saying that Ibuprofen is dangerous. We break down this warning, and show you some great natural alternatives.
10 Hidden Diseases Doctors Find Hard to Diagnose
Even modern medicine has a hard time with these ones...
Hilarious: The Headache and the Strange Doctor
This hilarious joke starts with a special machine...
Busting Some Common Ear and Nose Myths With ENT Doctors
Watch two ENT doctors bust some commonly believed myths about the ear and nose.
Joke: Doctor, How Can I Prolong My Life?
This joke begins with some very bad news...
See a Doctor Immediately if You Experience these 6 Signs
If you experience any one of these symptoms, be sure to book that appointment:
With These 10 Rules, Doctors and Nurses Get Sick Less!
Sometimes our doctors seem to be immune to all disease, but the truth is, they've adopted simple habits that keep them healthy. Here are 10 of them ...
Doctors Make History With First Whole Eye Transplant
Surgeons in New York have performed the world’s first transplant of an entire human eye!
Meet a Doctor Who LITERALLY Feels His Patients' Pain...
Read the story of Dr Joel Salinas, a physician who suffers from mirror-touch synaesthesia...
DOCTOR'S ORDERS: The Tests You Should Take After 50
Now you've made it to 'middle age', you'll want to make sure you sustain your good health for as long as possible. Ask your doctor about these medical tests.
Chicken Itame: A Meal Your Tongue and Doctor Both Agree On
Chicken Itame is both healthy and full of the rich taste of Asia. You'll definitely be saying: "More, please!"
15 Questions to Ask a Doctor to Keep Your Health in Check
To help you always keep your health in check, we compiled a list of 15 important questions to ask your physician on your next health checkup
QUIZ: What Kind of Doctor Would You Have Been?
This quiz will tell you what type of medicine you would have taken up if you were a doctor.
This Doctor Showed Us Masks Are Safe to Wear While Running
With many people raising concerns regarding breathing difficulty caused by masks, these doctors prove that masks are perfectly safe.
The Doctors Thought She Had a Brain Tumor. They Were Wrong
Doctors first believed Rachel Palma was suffering from a cancerous brain tumor. To her relief they found something else, much stranger.
Joke: This Blonde Doesn't Quite Get What Her Doctor Meant
A Blonde heads to the doctor to lose some weight. Sadly, she misunderstands her doctor's instructions.
12 Things You Should Never Lie To Your Doctor About
White lies are not so harmless when your health is at stake, and even the most unimportant detail you decided to skip can affect your health
Doctor Tip: How to Drain Sinus and Clear Nose in 1 Move!
This doctor has a genius routine for draining your sinuses while also clearing your nose.
Don’t Postpone a Doctor’s Visit If You Have These Symptoms
Many people suffer from some form of chronic liver disease, often unknowingly. Pay close attention to these 9 warning signs of liver disease.
Funny: This Doctor Wishes He Had Given Some Other Advice
This doctor gives some friendly advice to a patient of his...six weeks later he regrets it!
Even Doctors Can Misinterpret These Weird Allergy Symptoms
Allergies can be caused by anything and can exhibit themselves in a million ways. Here is a list of 8 weird and easy-to-miss symptoms of allergies.
You Don't Need a Doctor to Perform These 8 Medical Tests
Find out about some of the most simple and effective medical tests that you can perform from the comfort and privacy of your home.
Here Are Some Sure-fire Signs That You Need a New Doctor
There are tell-tale signs that you should be aware of when visiting your doctor, because they will indicate that it's time to move on to another. Take a look.
This 104-Year-Old Doctor Has Some Great Advice to Give!
Dr. Shigeaki Hinohara, from Japan, turned 104 recently. Here are 15 Hinohara's pieces of advice for a long and happy life.
9 Embarrassing Details You Should Never Hide from Your Doctor
There are times When doctors ask us personal questions that we may not want to answer, but these are 9 details that you have to tell!
Doctor's Advice: The Truth About Calcium Supplements
Discover the truth about calcium supplements and if they are safe to use.
Doctors Use Woman's Own Immune System to Cure Her Cancer
A woman has been cured of breast cancer after doctors tweaked her immune system, enabling it to destroy the tumors in her body. Find out more here!
Find Out If A Doctor Should Check These 7 Skin Spots…
A new red, brown, or pink spot pops up and you're already stressed, but you might not need to be. Find out of you need to get these 7 skin spots checked.
8 Absurd Medical Cures Doctors Once Thought Made Sense
Here, we look back at some truly bizarre and unusual medical practices that would sound outright absurd today.
A Doctor Explains Why Adults With ADHD Procrastinate
Well known psychiatrist Dr. Tracey Marks explains why adults with ADHD often tend to procrastinate.
Woman Narrowly Escaped Death: Doctors Blame Energy Drinks
Energy drinks are advertised to improve your concentration, energy, and physical performance, but in reality, they might be doing the opposite
10 Facts Doctors Don’t Always Tell You About Blood Tests
Doctors don't always tell you everything about your blood test results. Learn what questions to ask for the next time you get a set of blood tests.
Doctor's Advice: What is the Best Way to Cook Vegetables?
We compare ways to cook vegetables to see which method is the healthiest.
Say Goodbye to Ear Issues Thanks to This Brilliant Doctor!
Many ear problems can be relived in the comfort of your own home thanks to the professional advice of Dr. David Hill.
Do You Suffer From Heel Pain? This Doctor Has the Best Tips
Heel pain can be excruciating, but this doctor's guide helps subside the pain caused by plantar fasciitis.
These Doctor-Approved Secrets Will Help You Fall Asleep
Discover how you can fall asleep quickly with these essential tips.
Doctors Are Using the Polio Virus to Treat Brain Tumors!
A genetically modified polio virus has been used to improve the longer-term survival of patients with a lethal type of brain cancer. Find out more here!
Doctors Rediscover Old Method That May Help Fight COVID-19
This fascinating medical approach from the 1930's can help treat patients with COVID-19
The Story of the Green Beret Who Went On a Saving Rampage
The unbelievable story of one man who went on a movie-like rampage to save his comrades in arms.
What Makes Opioid Addiction So Difficult to Fight?
Learn about the opioid crisis and why it's so difficult to stop it from famous historian and writer Mike Davis.
What Was the World’s First Private Space Flight Like?
Astronaut Mike Massimino what Jeff Bezos experienced on the world's first private space flight.