14 Dizzying Optical Illusions That Move and Confuse You
All of these optical illusions are completely static, but your brain will try to convince you otherwise!
4 Simple Exercises to Reduce Vertigo and Dizziness
If you are suffering from vertigo or unexplained dizziness, try these simple exercises to relieve the annoying and unbearable spinning sensation.
This Is How Roller Coasters Can Affect Your Body
Riding a roller coaster is a dubious pleasure, as you're always risking to feel not so good after the ride, but why is that? Blame physics...
3 Easy Exercises to Alleviate Light-Headedness
If you're feeling dizzy or out of balance, these three exercises will help alleviate your symptoms.
How to Improve Your Neck Posture in 30 Days
A forward head posture affects the alignment of the entire spine and may lead to neck pain and even headaches. Here's how to improve your neck posture.
The Fascinating Reason You Feel So Awful When You're Sick
It may be logical to assume that feeling miserable is a result of the infection coursing through your body. But as this video will show you, it may not actually be the case.
How To Fix Anterior Pelvic Tilt so it Doesn't Return
Learn effective techniques, like the kneeling overhead reach, to address and prevent Anterior pelvic tilt for good.
Get Rid of Face Fat With These Wonderfully Useful Tips
Face fat can be really tough to get rid of, sin't it? Not if you follow these wonderfully effective tips.
6 Beginner Friendly Morning Stretches That Promote Energy
These simple morning stretches will help you feel more energized during the day, so they're the perfect companion to your morning routine!
You'll Need a Second Look For THESE Photos...
These fascinating photo illusions will make you believe like you're seeing one thing, but they actually depict something very different
What Makes Your Muscles Grow? Find Out Here!
In this TED-Ed video, Jeffrey Siegel illustrates how a good mix of nutrition, sleep, and exercise hells to keep your muscles as big and as strong as possible.
How Does Losing Weight Affect Our Bodies? Find Out Here!
Ever wondered what weight loss does to your body and brain? If so, you're about to find out!
Learn Three Exercises to Reduce Anxiety and PTSD
Learn 3 simple exercises to deal with those moments when your anxiety gets too "loud" and you need a coping mechanism.
Treat Motion Sickness With These Natural Remedies and Tips
Here are 6 natural remedies and 7 effective tips that will help you eliminate the feeling of motion sickness.
All You Need to Know About Tetanus in 5 Minutes
What is the full truth regarding the sources of tetanus? What are its symptoms, and how should one act in case of suspicion of the disease?
Dr. Explains: An Ocular Migraine or a Migraine 'Aura'?
Today, we're joined by Dr. Michael Chua, who will help us understand the differences between ocular migraines and aura migraines.
Why Do We Pop Our Ears, and What if it Fails?
Dive into the mechanics of this necessary, yet often overlooked, bodily function of popping your ears.
Microbiome Expert: Eat This to Heal Your Gut
This pivotal work outlines the detrimental shifts within our gut health and provides a precise, practical blueprint for rejuvenation and weight loss.
How to Increase the Amount of Oxygen in Your Blood
How can we make sure we're getting enough oxygen in our breathing? This video will make sure you know how.
Four Ways to Tie Your Shoes for Foot Pain Relief
This helpful guide will teach you how to tie your laces based on the specific issue you're experiencing.
Doctor Tip: The Benefits and the Myths of Probiotics
In this video, a doctor explains all about probiotics, facts and myths.
Everything You Need to Know About Hearing Aid Fitting
So how does one choose the best hearing aid for them? This video will explain.
24 Confusing Optical Illusions Explained - Fascinating!
How do our eyes fool the brain? Let's find out as a neuroscientist explains the truth behind the most confusing optical illusions.
Try Out These 4 Ingenious Wall Painting Hacks!
With these 4 clever hacks, painting walls becomes as easy as ABC!
Did You Know Bones Make Up 15% of Your Bodyweight?
A 9-minute video compilation stacked with facts you've never heard about nature and the human body.
Scary But So Fun: The Evolution of Roller Coaster Loops
If you’ve ever rode a roller coaster with a loop, you may have noticed that it's never fully circular. Ever wonder why?
7 Unusual Varieties of Citrus
This video will introduce you to a range of citrus fruit you've likely never even heard of - from oranges that taste like mango to orange-colored limes.
17 Ridiculously Confusing Pictures You’ve Got to See
Take a look at these funny 17 pictures and see how easy it is to trick your brain!
Why Rare Chicken Is Dangerous But Rare Steak is Fine
Cooking meat can be confusing. For example, is it fine to eat rare steak? What about chicken or fish?
Try Seasoning the Cutting Board, NOT the Steak
If you want to prepare the juiciest and most well-seasoned steak ever, try seasoning the cutting board, not the steak. You read that right. Here's why...
Ever Wondered How Hormones Work? Well, Wonder No More...
Ever wondered how hormones work? Well, wonder no more as this informative TED-Ed video explains all!
15 Ways to Use Old Newspapers in the Home and Garden
There are countless ways you can reuse newspapers in your home and garden. Read about these 15 clever tricks, and you'll never throw away your periodicals again!
This Crazy Magnetic Fluid Defies Gravity - Fascinating!
Have you ever heard of ferrofluids? These bizarre fluids develop spiky shapes when combined with magnets, and one day, they may be used in medicine...
These Apples Do More Than Keep the Doc Away
This photo collection features 10 of the world's most unique apples. Who knew this was such an interesting fruit?
Banish Vertigo From Your Life with This Simple Exercise...
Do you suffer from vertigo? If so, this easy exercise can help you banish it for good!
A Fun Poem About the Discovery of Vitamins A, B and C
The history of vitamins is closely linked with human exploration of the world. This charming rhyme will tell you the story of vitamins A, B, and C!
Epsom Salt Is Not As Good For the Garden As You Think
Here's why you should reserve your Epsom salt for bath time and NOT gardening.
12 Clever Solutions to Your Everyday Problems
Here are 12 clever solutions to everyday household problems that make our everyday lives a little calmer and easier!
5 Effective Ways to Get Rid of Bunions Without Surgery
Struggling with bunion pain? These tips will help.
These Superb Optical Illusions Had Us Fooled!
These epic optical illusions completely caught us off guard!
Why Pouring Beer Wrong Can Upset Your Stomach
Do you always feel bloated after drinking beer? There's a way to prevent this - all you need is a regular glass and this pouring technique...
What a Dopamine Detox Is and How To Do It
In this video, we will see how one can perform a dopamine detox - a way to get off the dopamine habit.
Why You Should Avoid Boiling Corn On the Cob
Corn on the cob is super versatile. You could steam it, grill it, or bake it. But one popular cooking method is best avoided - boiling. Learn why in this video.
This Body Language May Be Considered Inappropriate...
Body language is fascinating! The way a person maintains eye contact and how he or she shakes your hand actually tells you a lot about them...
Your Lungs Will Be in Great Shape With These Exercises
Want to increase lung capacity? Use this wonderfully effective technique.
5 Useful Tips For Exercising in the Summer Heat
It doesn’t matter if you’re a runner, yogi, or someone who enjoys a long walk, be careful when you exercise in the heat. Here are 5 important things to consider.
These Optical Illusions Will Play Tricks On Your Mind
Get ready to test your eyes and mind with these incredible optical illusions.
Can Your Birth Month Influence the Course of Your Life?
This video reveals a few interesting (and non astrology related) ways in which the month you were born might influence the course of your life...
5 Antiques That Are NO Longer Worth the Investment
People collect various antiques, hoping that their collection of dolls, furniture, or cards is worth a pretty penny... Watch this before you decide to sell them.
These Practical Charts Will Make You More Knowledgeable
These charts, maps, and tables cover all kinds of topics - from health and geography to home design and cleaning tips. It’s a goldmine of practical knowledge!
You Don’t Always Need to Hit the Gym to Lose Belly Fat!
Want to get rid of your belly fat but can't hit the gym? These effective tips might just do the trick.
What Drinking Whiskey Actually Does to Your Body
While we now know that whiskey isn't the cure-all medicine people once though it was, it does have a few proven health benefits.
Ingenious Solutions That Should Be More Widely Available!
Where there is a problem, there is also a clever inventor to come up with a solution, as shown in these 22 pictures of cool solutions to everyday problems!
This Award-Winning Staircase Illusion Will Blow Your Mind!
It's mind-boggling how this staircase appears to be viewed from above from two different viewpoints!
14 Mind-Blowing Optical Illusions You Must See
After trying to wrap your head around these crazy visual challenges, your eyes will be tired but your mind will be thrilled and elated!
Why Is Pneumonia Life-Threating?
Pneumonia is one of the most common and also one of the most dangerous lung conditions. Learn about this dangerous condition and ways to prevent it here
Paper, Plastic or Cloth - What Kind of Bag Should We Use?
Which shopping bags should we use - paper, plastic, or cloth? The answer to this question seems like a no brainer, but the truth may surprise you
Can Parkour Practitioners Keep Up With Gymnasts?
A group of traceurs attempts to complete a few gymnastics tricks taught by professional gymnasts. Will they be able to keep up? Find out here
Panic Attacks: What Causes Them and How to Prevent Them
Listen to an expert's views on what exactly causes panic attacks and what we can do to prevent them.
How to Hack Your Brain For Better Control
What kind of tricks does our brain play on us?
Having Trouble Remembering Things? This Just May Be Why!
This video tells us all the different ways our lifestyle and our environment can impact our ability to retain and recollect memories
Plant Hacks and DIY Gardening Tips Everyone Needs to Know
Here is a huge collection of plant growing, mending, and gardening hacks.
You Must Know These Tips for Growing Healthy Plants
With these key tips, even complete beginners will be able to grow healthy and beautiful plants at home!
Why Are Your Ears Ringing? The Causes Explained
Nearly 15% of the human population worldwide are plagued by this strange sensation, but most people don't know the causes behind ringing in the ears...
Breathalyzers May Be More Important Than You Thought
This video does a great job in breaking down how in the future, breath analysis can be used to detect disease and prevent more invasive procedures.
Biology Lesson: How Do Our Lungs Work?
How do they work exactly? This video will explain it all with some great visual aids.
Fascinating: Hacking Bacteria to Fight Illness
This video will show you the front lines in this war of human vs. bacteria.
Why Are You Always Tired? Watch For An Answer.
WHY are you so tired if you still get those 8 hours of sleep a night? Here's the answer.
Try to Wrap Your Head Around These 17 Optical Illusions
Don’t trust your eyes! These mind-bending photos aren’t as bizarre as they seem at first, but they will try to mislead you...
How to Choose the Best Kitchen Sponge for Your Home
What things should you consider when choosing the best kitchen sponge for your home? This video explains...
Was the Medieval European Diet Healthy or Even Tasty?
This video attempts to demonstrate the approximate everyday diet of a regular Medieval European citizen, and it's very surprising...
Is Teleportation Possible or Just Sci-Fi Pipe Dreams?
Teleportation is a mainstay of science fiction, but is it actually scientifically feasible?
Strange Matter: The Most Dangerous Stuff in the Universe
All about the strange matter and why it's both dangerous and full of promising knowledge.
10 Fun Visual Brain Teasers You Will Want To Share
Brains need exercise just as much as muscles do. Challenge yourself with these 10 fun observation tests.
Here Are Some Things You Didn't Know About Mount Everest
Mount Everest didn't always stand at the height it does now. Its mass developed and increased through a steady process over time before it formed the giant beauty we have now. This video tells us how
Did You Know That Batteries and Magnets Can Make Magic?
Here are some cool magic tricks you can try at home using only a few magnets, batteries and other household items. Watch carefully as the magician puts together a completely self-reliant motor
Weird Things That Can Find Their Way Into Human Bodies
Surgeons joke around that you never know what you can find in the human body. In these unfortunate cases, the joke turned out to be true...
Why Is Meningitis So Dangerous to Us?
Meningitis is one of the most terrifying diseases out there, but why is that?
These Things All Say Something About Your Body Or Mind
There are many things that you can determine about your body and mind just by looking at yourself. Here are 10 things that your body says about you.
Ever Wondered How Binary Code Works? Wonder No More!
In this informative TED-Ed video, José Américo N. L. F. de Freitas explains how binary code works.Take a look!
Are There Universal Expressions of Emotion? Find Out Here!
Do facial expressions look the same and communicate the same meaning wherever you are in the world? Find out here!
Why Do We Sometimes Hallucinate? Find Out Here!
In this informative TED-Ed video, Elizabeth Cox details the science of hallucinations.
Ever Wondered How Hormones Work? Well, Wonder No More!
What Causes Constipation? Find Out Here...
What's behind constipation? This informative TED-Ed video sheds some light on the matter!
How Do Brain Scans Work? All Is Revealed Here!
How do we study living brains without harming their owners? In this TED-Ed video, Elizabther Waters and John Borghi explains how PETs, EEGs, and fMRIs work.
Do You Know About the Process Wounds Go Through to Heal?
It's amazing to think about how good our bodies are at repairing themselves, but have you ever actually thought about the process? Here's how wounds heal.
This is the History of Our World in Just 18 Minutes
Using a series of stunning illustrations, David Christian, in a riveting 18 minutes, narrates a complete history of the universe. Take a look!
Ever Wondered Where Math Symbols Come From? Find Out Here!
Have you ever wondered where math symbols originated from? If so, all your questions will be answered in this informative TED-Ed video.
The Science of Skin: This is All You Need to Know!
Apart from keeping your organs in, what else does your skin do? All is revealed in this informative TED-Ed video.
Why Do We Need a Flu Shot Every Year? Find Out Here!
Ever wondered why you need a flu shot every year? Well, this TED-Ed video has the answers you've been looking for!
It Sounds Weird, But You Can Eat Weeds From Your Garden!
Weeds are often thought of as being invasive and harmful, but there are select kinds that offer plenty of nutrition. Here are 7 that you can actually eat!
8 Unexpected Health Benefits of Taking a Sauna
Saunas can shower you with some serious health benefits, and this video explains exactly how.
The Story of the Most Mysterious Book Ever
The most mysterious book in the world has beautiful illustrations - but no one can figure out what it says!
This Video Collection Will Turn You Into an Artist!
If you've ever wanted to learn how to draw but had no clue how to start, all that's about to change thanks to this video guide. Watch the videos and draw away!
Improve Your Critical Thinking with These 5 Great Tips
Critical thinking is one of the best skills one can have. Here are 5 tips to become a better critical thinker.
A Lack of Sleep Can Cause These Detrimental Effects
We all know sleep is important. But what ACTUALLY happens in the body when we don't sleep?
What Does Medicine ACTUALLY Do In the Body? Fascinating.
What really happens in our bodies when we take medicine, have you ever wondered? This video will answer your question.
Your Body Can Do More Things For You Than You Ever Knew
If you suffer from the odd ache and pain, you'll be glad to know that you can make them go away simply by knowing these 14 fantastic body hacks.
Itchy? This Might Be Why...
Do you suffer from itches? Of course, we all do! Do you want to scratch right now? Probably. But instead why not learn the science behind why we itch?!
Get Headache Relief by Applying Pressure to These Points
No matter how bad the headache that you're suffering from is, reflexology provides a natural solution to provide you with instant relief. Watch for more.