QUIZ: What is Your Greatest Talent?
Everyone is different and we all excel at different things. What do you excel at? Take our test to find out!
QUIZ: Select the Colors to Learn About Yourself
The colors you're drawn to say a lot about your psychology. In fact, this quiz is actually capable of determining what kind of outlook you have on life.
The Beauty of Cape Town Is Highly Apparent In This Video
Cape Town is undoubtedly one of the world's most beautiful cities, and this video captures it in the most incredible way. Take a look at Cape Town's beauty.
Escape From the World to These Beautiful US Hideaways
Did you know that you can escape from the world right here in the United States? Here are 10 beautiful US hideaways to escape to.
This Landlocked Eastern European Country Will Surprise You
Many people have never even heard of Moldova, but this landlocked Eastern European republic has much to offer. Here are the top 10 places to visit in Moldova.
Rejecting Water on a Molecular Level - Remarkable!
an impressive discovery, coming at us from the sciences of nano technology and material engineering!
These Lakes Will Simply Leave You Aghast With Their Beauty
The United States has some truly fantastic (and stunningly beautiful) lakes to enjoy, and that's why we've ranked them for you. Here are our top 10 US lakes.
Language Test: Can You Spell These 22 US Cities Correctly?
If you love the USA, then you're bound to be able to spell its most popular cities correctly, right? Take this quiz and find out for yourself!
QUIZ: Which Founding Father Were You in a Past Life?
Do you think you were the great George Washington, the confident Thomas Jefferson, or perhaps someone else? Take this personality quiz and find out!
QUIZ: Every American Should Pass This Geography Test!
Do you think you'd be able to work out which city is the most populous for these 19 different states?
The United States Are Home to Some Spectacular Waterfalls
Although there are many beautiful waterfalls around the world, you'll be surprised to know just how many spectacular ones there are in the US. Take a look.
South Korea Has More to Offer You Than You Ever Imagined
South Korea is truly an amazing vacation destination, as you're about to see. Here are the top must-visit attractions in South Korea.
Every American Should Be Able to Pass This Geography Test
Do you think you'd be able to work out which city is the most populous for these 19 different states? Give this quiz a shot and find out for yourself!
Most Americans Fail This US City Spelling Quiz...
QUIZ: All Americans Should Be Able to Pass This Test...
This quiz will test your knowledge of cities from the east coast to the west, and all you need to do is guess which state each group of cities comes from.
QUIZ: Where Should You Go for Inspiration?
If your hometown no longer seems to be supplying you with the inspiration you need, then it might be time to take a trip to somewhere completely different...
If You Love History, Then You Need to Try This Quiz!
Do you think you've got what it takes to prove that you are a true US patriot? Lets' find out...
QUIZ: How Much Do You Know About the US Constitution?
Think you're a true patriot of the USA? If so, then you're bound to know everything possible about the US constitution, right? It's time to find out...
QUIZ: Can You Guess Each US State From Just 3 Cities?
This Vast North American Country Is Well Worth a Visit
Have you ever considered Canada for a vacation? You certainly might want to after you see all the stunning destinations it can offer you.
WOW! I've Never Seen Photos This Stunning Before!
These photos are so amazing my first thought was that they must have been photoshopped. Wrong. Throw your hands up in amazement at these great photographs.
These Photos Appear To Have Been Taken In Another World...
Planet Earth is an incredible place - so incredible that we sometimes don't even recognise it. These locations could easily double up as alien planets.
Biology Quiz: Let's See How Much You Know About Life!
How well do you know Biology? Test yourself with the BabaMail quiz!
28 Places of Humbling Beauty You Can Find In Asia
Asia is a stunning and highly diverse continent with countless locations to explore. It's time for you to see 28 of the most humbling, beautiful places there.
Let's SEE What Kind of a Personality You Have!
What about these photos and paintings grabs your attention? Take our test and find out...
Take Our Test: What Is Your Strongest Trait?
Are you strong? Are you sensitive? Test yourselves and find out what your strongest character trait is and what influences your personality.
QUIZ: Can We Describe Your Life With 6 Powerful Words?
Do you think your life could be summed up in a mere six words? Click here and find out!
QUIZ: Can You Identify These Classic Movie Scenes?
In this fun quiz, you'll be asked to watch a clip from a movie and then choose the correct classic film it's from! Ready?
QUIZ: What Do Others Think of You?
We all have a mental image of ourselves in our heads, but how close is this self-perception to the way people actually perceive us?
Personality Test: What Kind of a Bird is Your Soul?
If you were a bird, which would you be? Are you a peacock, an eagle, a pigeon? Take our test and find out!
This Amazing Island Is the Mediterranean's Largest of All
Sicily is the largest island in the Mediterranean, and a rich heritage that's just waiting to be discovered. Read on to discover the top 10 places in Sicily.
QUIZ: Your Reaction to These Colors Reveals You...
For some red is anger and blue is gloomy, for others red is lust and blue is calm. What about you? How you associate colors can help determine your personality.
The Natural Beauty of South Africa is Simply Astounding
This video will take you on a road trip around Cape Town and Kruger Park, exploring the gorgeous nature and wildlife of South Africa.
10 Overlooked Yet Fascinating US Landmarks
If you want to avoid the crowds and explore a new location, check out these lesser-known, underrated yet fascinating US landmarks
The World Never Ceases To Amaze Us With Its Beauty
Go on a journey through 12 countries, including China, Saudi Arabia and more, offering absolutely breathtaking views.
QUIZ: What's Your Ideal Country Based on Your Personality?
Have you ever felt like you were born in the wrong country? This personality test will determine where you'd really fit in!
10 Road Trips in the USA With Breathtaking Views of Nature
Summer 2020 is guaranteed to be the time of road trips & scenic drives. Need suggestions? Here are 10 of the most picturesque roads in the US
Iceland Might Be the Most Breathtaking Place On Earth
Iceland is too beautiful to describe in words. Maybe these photos will do the trick...
11 Scenic American Lakes Absolutely Everyone Should See
Everyone ought to know about these magnificent American lakes that offer so much fun and countless beautiful views, we want to visit them all!
Take Our Test: Where Should You Live?
This playbuzz quiz asks the question: Where would you rather live? What kind of home would you like?
QUIZ: Can We Describe Your Life With 6 Pointed Words?
The Ultimate Guide to Obtaining or Renewing a US Passport
Obtaining or renewing a US passport is not the most straightforward affair. Thankfully, this detailed guide is here to help!
TEST: Can You Name the Capitals of These US States?
Can you name the capitals of these 18 US states?
TRIVIA QUIZ: Do You Know Your Animals?
Test your knowledge of the global animal community with this nature quiz!
These Are the Best Places in the World to Visit in October
October is a month of change, as the Northern Hemisphere welcomes the fall season. Here are 10 of the best places in the world to visit in October.
These Floating Hotels Are An Aquatic World Away From Home
Although many of us are more than happy with vacationing on land, there are some of us that just want to take to the water. Here are 10 amazing floating hotels.
If You Love Hiking, You Really Must Visit These US Trails!
If you love your hiking, here are 10 of the best hiking trails in the US. Take a look!
Finland Is Far More Than Merely a Winter Wonderland...
Finland has a reputation for being a winter wonderland, but there's much more to the country than that. Here are the top 10 attractions to enjoy in Finland.
February Is a Gloomy Month, So Why Not Take a Vacation?
February isn't generally the most pleasant of months, so why not hop on a plane and go somewhere fun? These are the 10 best places to be in February.
Discover What Kind of Karma Is Affecting Your Life...
Are you wondering where your Karma really stands? Take this personality test, and find out for yourself.
What You See in These Pictures Says a Lot About You...
This quiz is designed to give you a little insight into the inner workings of your subconscious. Give it a go, and see what your subconscious obsession is...
QUIZ: What Do Other People Think of You?
QUIZ: Which Classic Actress' Talent Do You Possess?
Which classic Hollywood actress do you think you resemble the most when it comes to both talent and natural beauty? Find out here.
This Personality Test Will Reveal Your Ideal Vacation!
Simply answer the following 'Would you rather...' questions, and we'll work out what your ideal travel destination is!
The Azores Are Certainly Remote, But Well Worth a Visit
This archipelago in the North Atlantic Ocean remains undiscovered by tourists. Here are five amazing reasons you should get there before everyone else.
Discover the Best of the American Midwest In This Guide
The American Midwest doesn't really have a reputation as a vacation spot, but there's tons of things to see. Here are 10 places you should definitely visit.
This Dazzling 4K Video Shows Poland in Its Full Glory
Experience one of the most beautiful destinations in the world in stunning 4K high definition!
These Tourist Destinations ae Beautiful... But Deadly!
Our beautiful world, as you're about to see, is full of extremely dangerous tourist attractions. Visit these places at your own peril!
It's Easy to See Why San Antonio Is One of Texas' Hotspots
San Antonio is a Texan city that has an incredibly rich and diverse history. Enjoy this list of the top 10 attractions that are must-visits in San Antonio.
TRIVIA: Can You Identify These Classic Movie Scenes?
Quiz: Your Cleaning Habits Reveal a Lot About You!
The way you clean can say so much about you. Will you take our quiz and find out for yourself?
This Quiz Will Reveal If You're Easily Influenced
Answer these questions to discover whether we can manipulate your way of thinking.
18 of the Coolest Little Towns in the Good Ol' US of A
The US is more than Chicago, LA, and New York. For a true taste of Americana, visit these 18 cool towns.
Would You Love to Live on These Deserted Island Paradises?
Here are 16 gorgeous uninhabited islands where you can easily picture yourself leading a peaceful, pleasurable life. Which one is your favorite?
Test: Can We Tell What Bird You Are Most Like?
Scotland Is One of the Most Beautiful Places on Earth
Scotland, as these 16 photos will prove, truly is a place of remarkable beauty.
Take a Virtual Trip to Australia With An Interactive Guide
Australia is an amazing country that leaves many of us in complete awe for a whole variety of reasons. Take an interactive tour of the country.
Take This Freudian Test to Reveal Your Hidden Subconscious
Find out what your subconscious mind thinks about the big questions of life by taking this simple test. Take a pen and some paper, and open up your soul!
Charming Secret Gardens in America Only Open Twice a Year
Take a peek into America's top 13 secret gardens that open their gates to the public once or twice a year.
Are These the Most Beautiful Streets in the World?
There's something so charming and beautiful about these streets that are surrounded by trees. Take a look at these stunning streets.
QUIZ: This Mood-Color Association Test Will Describe You
15 Places In South America to Put On Your Bucket List...
South America is a varied and intriguing continent full of superlatives. I've compiled a list of 15 must-see places that you should add to your bucket list.
I Would Give Anything to Visit These Incredible Places!
These breathtaking views are a "must see" for any nature lover. Warning! if you're afraid of heights these photos might leave you feeling a little dizzy.
16 Hidden Gems That Should Be on Everyone's Bucket List
How can you make a bucket list without seeing these unbelievably gorgeous hidden gems first?
PSYCHOLOGY 101: Quiz Yourself on the Human Mind
Human psychology is utterly fascinating. How well do you think you know why people do the things that they do?
GEOGRAPHY QUIZ: How Much Do You Know About America?
The United States are mind-boggling in terms of their size, let alone their geography. How well do you know US geography? Take this quiz to find out!
Quiz: Your Perception Says a Lot About Your Personality!
The way we perceive things says a lot about our personality. Take this test to find out how your eyes can reveal your innermost personality traits.
TEST: Found Out What Your Personality Type Is
This personality test will determine if you are rational, emotional, introverted or extroverted.
Can We Tell You Your Personality By Your Artistic Choices?
What do the paintings you choose say about you?
Have You Seen The 9 Best Drone Photographs of 2016 Yet?
Drone photography has taken the art of the camera to lofty heights never seen before. Every year photographers get even better, and these are the best of 2016.
Take Our Test: Can You Pass the US Citizenship Test?
Could you have been an American? Do you still remember these facts about your country? Test yourselves: Can you pass the citizenship test?
These Are the Best Nature Walks in the Entire World
There's no doubt that walking in nature is good for the soul, so imagine what it would do for you along the very best routes in the world. Here are 10 of them.
Take Our Test: Are You a Logical or Emotional Thinker?
Do you rely on logic or tend to make emotional decisions? Take our quiz and find out.
Can You Beat the Color Confusion Test?
This test is based on the structure of our brain, I'll bet it'll fool you...
Take Our Test: What You Notice Says a Lot About You!
Did you know that certain personality traits that you have can be determined simply from the part of an image that you notice first? Take our test and see.
Fall In Love With These Gorgeous Pink Lakes
The sight of a pink lake is rare, and utterly gorgeous. Fall in love with photos of pink lakes from around the world.
Fall in the Great Smoky Mountains is So Darn Beautiful...
This season is especially beautiful in the Smoky Mountains National Park...
This Place Proves the Desert Can Be Beautiful
This place is called the Natural Bridges National Monument, and today we're going to visit it.
INTERACTIVE: 16 Gorgeous Places to See in Canada!
With this interactive map, you will be able to travel to some of the most beautiful places in a land already inundated with so many.
Winter Hikers, Gather Round for the Best Tip of the Season
Here's how advanced snow hikers layer clothing in the winter.
This is How Mountain Goats Defy Physics and Gravity
They're known to be able to defy the laws of physics, and today we'll discover exactly how they do that.
How Did We Invent the Dollar? Learn Its Meandering History
In this video, we will learn a short history of the U.S. Dollar.
Pack Up and Join Along As We Explore Utah's Landscape
If you enjoy traveling in nature, here are 10 geological oddities you wouldn't want to miss when traveling through Utah.
Did You Know Bones Make Up 15% of Your Bodyweight?
A 9-minute video compilation stacked with facts you've never heard about nature and the human body.
This Rare Jellyfish Was Only Seen Twice
This rare jellyfish was only ever seen twice. Now we have it caught on video.
Why Ingesting This Seemingly Innocent Plant is ILLEGAL
The Peyote, also known as the button cactus (for its cute button-like shape, of course), is not as innocent and harmless as it may seem.
Why Do Cats Like Catnip?
Are they really getting "high," or is there scientific logic behind cats' love of catnip?