Sci Fi Tech: Only YOU Can See This Airport Flight Board!
Finally, all the time wasted on deciphering airport screen information is over! Detroit Airport recently unveiled the coolest airport invention we've seen!
Joke: Playing in Detroit
A coach for the Detroit Lions was looking for the perfect quarterback. He had scouted all the colleges and even the Canadian and European Leagues...
See the Awesome Cars Launched At the 2017 Edition of NAIAS
Auto manufacturers came out in force for the 2017 edition of the North American International Auto Show. Check out some of the highlights from the show.
This Hilarious Sign is Gaining Notoriety Around the World...
The Indian Hills Community Center sign in Colorado, USA, has gained a worldwide following thanks to the hilarious puns it displays. Here are 30 of them.
15 Awesome Inventions All Lazybones Would Love!
Feeling lazy? Check out some of these awesome inventions that may just be the perfect thing for you.
What On Earth Is the EMT Doing to That Boy!? (Funny)
This hilarious prank sees an injured boy and an EMT pretending to close a wound on the boy's leg using a stapler. Watch people fall for it now!
HILARIOUS: What Would You Do If You Saw This Happening?
What would you do if you saw a scene like this? It's hilarious to see how the people in this video react to what they see going on in front of them!
Joke: I'm Sure That This is the World's Best Invention
A soldier, sailor and an airman are discussing what they think is the best invention in the world. One of them mentions a thermos...
This Joke Starts With Preparations For a Wrestling Match
An American wrestler has a big bout with a Russian wrestler, and he's not sure how to win the match. He soon adopts a novel new tactic...
Have You Heard This One? A Perfect Excuse!
This commander wants an explanation, but what he hears is quite unusual.
Funny: Can You Please Tell Us Your Contribution?
When various representatives of nations are gathered at the United Nations for a summit on technology, little did attendees imagine what the answers might be...
It's No Wonder the Reporter Was Surprised (Funny Video)
An investigative reporter heads to a farm to get to the bottom of an outbreak of Mad Cow disease. She had no idea what she was in for...
Excuse Me Miss, But Do You Need a Hand There? (Funny)
When a beautiful lady attempts to board a bus, little did she know that her chosen outfit for the day was going to cause a whole load of problems...
WATCH: The Cheeky Rooster Is Up to His Old Tricks
A farmer is hell-bent on keeping a traveling salesman away from his daughter. To do so, he devises an ingenious way of ensuring they don't liaise...
Hilarious Joke! When an Advertising Plan Goes Wrong...
Hilarious joke about culture differences...
Hilarious: The Headache and the Strange Doctor
This hilarious joke starts with a special machine...
Hilarious! This Cat Can't Be Beat!
This joke begins with a very frustrated man and a very smart cat...
Hilarious: The World's Best or Most Unlucky Goalie?
Poor, poor goalie...
Your Woman Translator - The Manslator!
Introducing the Maslator, cutting-edge technology at your fingertips that will translate from what your woman is saying to what she actually means!
Caught In The Elevator Door - Funny Prank!
Some People Just Have No Luck...
Hilarious: The 50-Year-Gap Prank
In this prank, they are testing people's social patience to a 50 year gap between a couple. How will people react?
Classic Comedy: The Grammar Nazi
This comedy sketch begins with a standard business meeting, but the boss has a real problem with people's language...
When Daddy and Baby Get Together, Hilarity Ensues!
rom high-flying tosses to goofy dances, witness the unfiltered joy and adventurous spirit of fatherhood that brings a new dimension to family fun.
Hilarious Improv: Dear Wife, I'm Writing You This Letter...
These two improv performers are only allowed to say one word at a time. Following a suggestion from the audience.
Hilarious Nature: True Facts About Elephants!
Come with us as we explore this huge mammal, make some jokes and meet one of the smartest and most fascinating of all animals, the elephant.
Horsin' Around: The Cutest, Most Fun Horse Videos!
Who better than horses to horse around and make some really cute and funny videos for us to enjoy in this hilarious compilation?
Tennis Comedy: These Interruptions Stole the Show!
These players thought they would only have to deal with their match, but the circumstances ended up getting real funny!
Welcome to Laugh Corner - Single Panel Comics
Dial down the stress as we approach our much-deserved weekend with some humor.
Joke: The Jewish Sons
This joke starts with a Jewish son converting...
Joke: Wedding Decisions
A bride and a groom are with a pastor finalizing details for their wedding day. The pastor asks them whether they want a traditional or contemporary wedding...
Joke: Did He Forget Her Birthday?
This is what happens when you don't remember your wife's date of birth!
Joke: The Suspicious Wife
This joke begins with a suspicious wife...
Cheeky Joke: The Shocking News
This preacher was mishandled by the media...
Joke: The Lie-Sniffing Robot
When you've got a robot that dishes out slaps every time someone lies, maybe it's sometimes best not even to know the truth at all!
Joke: The Magic Scales
A woman goes over to a weight machine while waiting for a bus. To her amazement, the machine talks back to her and appears to be able to predict the future...
Joke: The Terrible Snoring
The guys decided to go on a camping trip, only there was one big problem...
Joke: The Devil Has a Schedule to Keep...
This joke begins with a man reaching the gates of hell and meeting Satan.
Joke: Similar Problems...
What a coincidence!
Joke: Don't Drink and Jump
A man and a woman are drinking in a bar at the top of the Empire State Building. The man soon makes a startling revelation...
Joke: She Still Likes to Have a Drink
An old lady is celebrating her 80th birthday aboard a cruise ship. The bartender buys her a drink, and she proceeds to have a few...
This Joke Starts With a Retiree Entering a Pharmacy
When an old man walks into a drug store and makes an unusual request, the pharmacist decides to do a little prying...
Joke: The Odd Driver
When a cop pulls over a man for speeding, little does he know what he's in for...
Joke: The Arrogant Professor
This joke begins with an arrogant professor catching a plane...
Joke: A Lawyer's Accident
This joke unveils the truth about certain people...
Joke: Impossible Demands
A man notices a woman sitting alone at a table in his favorite restaurant. He decides to send her a bottle of expensive Merlot...
Joke: 3 Nurses in Heaven
There are 3 nurses, but not the same kind of nurses...
Joke: How to Get Over the Language Barrier
A furniture salesman heads to Paris on a buying trip. He soon sees a lady that takes his fancy. The only problem is that he doesn't speak French...
Joke: When the Evangelicals Are On TV
When grandma and grandpa are watching the evangelical preacher on the TV, they try to heal themselves of their ills by touching it. It doesn't go so well...
Joke: The Power of the Thermos
A blond is in a store when a Thermos catches her eye. She begins to ask questions about it and eventually makes a purchase...
Joke: The Newlyweds and the Strict Priest...
These newlyweds were asked to do something difficult...
Joke: A DISCOUNT You Say?!?
This couple wanted to go on a fun ride...
Joke: Thank Goodness the Farmer Came Over!
A husband and wife are traveling down a country lane when their car gets stuck in some mud. Luckily, a farmer shows up to give them a helping hand...
Joke: All the Excuses
Jim's had a bit to drink, so he's trying to get out a breathalyzer using every excuse he can think of. Read this funny joke.
Joke: Hedging Your Bets
A man is on his deathbed and a priest is getting him ready for his long journey into the night. Despite his impending death, the man is still very cautious.
Have You Heard This Joke? Pastor Pays Visit To Parishioner...
A pastor pays a visit to an elderly parishioner of his to see how she was doing. He soon eyes a bowl of chocolate-covered peanuts on her bedside table...
Joke: Enough is Enough...
An old man visit the drug store to purchase some Viagra. To the pharmacist's surprise, he doesn't want to use it for it what it was intended...
Joke: You Need to Be Careful When Feeling Frisky...
A man is all by himself in his hotel room while on a business trip. He decides that he wants some company for the evening. This is his story...
Have You Heard This One? The Nuns Visit NYC!
Two newly-arrived nuns are slightly apprehensive about having to eat dogs following their move to the US. Despite that, they place an order as soon as they can.
Joke: Could Have Had a Great Career In Insurance
It's Airman Jones' job to make sure that the knew recruits know what they're entitled to on joining in the army. That's when he begins his lesson in insurance..
Joke: How Did You KNOW??
This man's wife knows how to tell if he got drunk...
Joke: It's Difficult to Fulfill a Dying Wish Sometimes
When a window visits an undertaker to see how preparations of her dead husband's body are going, she isn't happy with what she sees. A solution is proposed...
Joke: The Fortune Teller and the Bad News
A sneaky woman decides to visit a fortune teller when she's in New Orleans
Joke: Getting Away With It
A bartender is having difficulty keeping track of who has or hasn't paid for their drinks. Seeing an opportunity, a trio of men try their luck...
Joke: I'll Let You Off If You Can...
A state trooper pulls over a juggler for speeding and tells him he'll waive the ticket if he performs for him at the roadside...
Joke: Don't Panic!!!
When a pilot has a heart attack mid-flight, he and his co-pilot aim for LaGuardia airport, but the landing doesn't look like it will go to plan...
Joke: The Brothel Union
Guess which profession just got unionized...
Joke: This Wife Gives a Gift to Her Upset Husband
A couple have an argument at bed-time, so the husband takes himself off to the couch. It isn't long before the wife decides to make amends...
Joke: A Naughty New Tenant
A new tenant has come to the house, and is already causing trouble!
Joke: What Are We Going to Do Without a Camel?
A nun and priest are traveling through the desert when their camel decides to die on them. The conversation soon turns elsewhere...
Joke: The Hot Dog Place
This joke begins with a country boy visiting his sister in New York.
Joke: Putting Your Private Part Right Is Gonna Cost
When a doctor is tasked with fixing a rabbi's mangled manhood, he explains that there's a variation in price depending on the size...
Joke: The Golf Injury
Two women are playing golf. Nothing out of the ordinary there, but one of them will soon give a poor man a day to forget...
Joke: King Solomon's Decision
King Solomon isn't the monarch for nothing. When a man is dragged before him by two women, his decisions have to be calculated and swift...
Audi Skysphere - Self-Driving Car Inspired by 1930s Roadsters
The Audi Skysphere is inspired by 1930s luxury Roasters. It is fully autonomous and has a moving steering wheel and an incredible sleek futuristic design.
Joke: The Winking Problem
This joke makes you think about how winking can get you in trouble.
Joke: The Indian Cnadidate
Mujibar was trying to get a job in India.
Joke: HOW Could it Be Worse?
A guy runs into an old school friend on the street. The friend immediately begins talking about his financial troubles...
Joke: Why So Happy?
This professor had a very interesting idea about love making...
Joke: The Best Nursing Home
This old grandmother really likes her new home. She just has one problem...
Joke: A Drink Best Served Cold
A man enters a bar and orders a beer. To his delight, he's only charged 1c for it. Similarly, steak dinner is only 4c, but there's a reason for the cheapness...
Joke: The Mother Superior Really Needs to Calm Down..
Mother Superior is dying, and her nuns comfort her during her last moments. Suddenly, one of the nuns has a great idea...
Joke: The Generous Old Lady
A pastor pleads to his congregation to be generous with donations that day. He soon notices a $1000 bill on one of the offering plates...
Joke: The Curious Little Girl
When a little girls begins asking her Mom every question under the sun, Mom understandably begins to become annoyed at her. Then, a friend gives her advice...
Joke: A True Story
This joke proves some stories are too weird for fiction.
Joke: To Heaven and Back
A woman suffers a heart attack and ends up in hospital. She has a near-death experience, but awakens. She decides to get some work done...
Joke: The Blondes and the Suspect
Three blondes are being interrogated in order to become detectives. The question turns to how to identify a suspect...
Joke: It's All Relative...
A man looks up to the sky and begins to identify shapes in the clouds. He decides to strike up a conversation with God...
Joke: Dad, I Need Money
A college student writes home to ask for money from his dad. Little did he know that his dad would have a rather curt reply...
Joke: Driving By the Numbers
An old lady is spotted driving very slowly on a highway by a policeman who promptly pulls her over. The problem soon becomes apparent...
Joke: The Silver Haired Husband
This wife's words are so encouraging.
Joke: Ah, to Be Six Again...
A man doesn't know what to do when his wife says she wants to be six again...
Joke: Two Prostitutes and Their Sign
Two prostitutes get pulled over by a police officer because of their rude sign...
Joke: Well, THAT'S a First!
When a hunter arrives at the ER with a bear trap attached to his testicles, the story as to how it happened is bound to be weird...
Joke: Anything to Regret?
A famous surgeon dies and goes to heaven. He asks whether he's done anything that he regrets. He confesses to a minor sin, but all seems to be well...
This Joke Begins With a Bar and an Irish Man
This man has a beautiful custom when it comes to family and drinking.
Joke: The Weird Letter
A man working at the post office has to go through all the illegible letters when he comes across one from Edna...
Joke: The Duck Rule
When three guys die in an accident and go to Heaven, St. Peter is first to remark on the ugliness of one of their wives...
This Joke Starts With Two Stupid Scoundrels Having a Drink...
Two stupid scoundrels are having a drink in a saloon in the Wild West. The barman tells them about a terrible thing the Indians did to his barn...
The Funniest True Facts About... Ticks!
Turns out ticks are actually quite fascinating creatures. And watching this video, you will laugh while you learn!