10 Decisions That Changed World History Forever
Did you know that world history has often been changed by decisions that were taken in a split second? Here are 10 that changed world history forever.
The Psychology of Decision Fatigue and How to Avoid It
Follow these tips to start making smart decisions quickly.
Joke: King Solomon's Decision
King Solomon isn't the monarch for nothing. When a man is dragged before him by two women, his decisions have to be calculated and swift...
Joke: Wedding Decisions
A bride and a groom are with a pastor finalizing details for their wedding day. The pastor asks them whether they want a traditional or contemporary wedding...
The Truth About WHY We Make Irrational Decisions!
What is the reason behind our illogical decision making? Get a real, scientific answer once and for all!
Why is Making the ‘Right’ Decision Often So Hard?
In this frank and funny Ted talk, economist David Ash explain why humans often act irrationally, and how we can make better, healthier decisions
The Battle of Midway: Exploring a Decisive WWII Victory
In this clip from the history channel, we dive deep into the great naval fight - the Midway Battle.
Having Trouble Making a Decision? These 8 Tips Might Help!
Making difficult decisions is an inseparable part of our lives. which is why we recommend getting to know the following 8 simple tips about decision-making.
20 Cognitive Biases Ruining Our Decision Making Process
If you find it hard to make a decision, these cognitive stumbling blocks could be what's affecting your behavior.
This Joke Starts With a Very Tough Decision
A man is thinking hard about who to choose from his three girlfriends, so he gives them a test...
Hilarity Ensues When Mad and Foolish Men Make Decisions
These 20 photographs perfectly encapsulate what both stupidity and luck look like as people find themselves in dangerously dumb predicaments
QUIZ: What Do Hard Decisions Say About Your Character?
The hard decisions say more about us than any other decision. What do your hard choices say about you?
QUIZ: Steal a Diamond and Learn About Your Decision Making
In this quiz, you will need to make decisions that will either help or hinder you in pulling off your heist. The decisions you make will decide whether you pull it off as well as teach us about your decision making process and what kind of person you
These House Design Decisions Are Criminally Bad!
It’s hard to believe these weird houses actually exist!
People's Decisions Can Be Hilariously Dumb Sometimes...
How can people be do such dumb things? It really beggars belief, but luckily for us, other people's stupidity can mean endless laughter for us. Enjoy!
Joke: The New CEO and His First Decision
General Motors, feeling it was time for a shake-up, hired a new CEO. The new boss was determined to rid the company of all slackers.
Funny Joke: King Solomon's Got a Serious Decision to Make
Joke: Making This Call About a Wedding is a Tough Decision
Best of Animal Photography: 17 Stunning Images
Check out the most amazing shots of animals caught on camera from “The Decisive Moments Magazine”.
What Were They Thinking - Hilarious!
These 'wise' guys and girls have put themselves in all kinds of silly situations, and these photos have come to prove just that, how deep does human weirdness and bad decision making, go?
8 Reasons You Should Stop Listening to Everyone’s Opinions
When making decisions we often take into consideration what other people think, but do we consider what we think is best for us?
How to Tell Children about Divorce without Hurting Them
Divorce isn't easy for any couple, especially if children are involved, so it's important to know how to tell them the news in the best way ...
China Banned Building Any New Skyscrapers, Here’s Why
China has recently banned building any new skyscrapers in the country, but why?
Take Our Test: Are You a Logical or Emotional Thinker?
Do you rely on logic or tend to make emotional decisions? Take our quiz and find out.
Learn 8 Effective Ways for Overcoming Your Self-Doubt
Self-doubt has the power to stop us in our tracks and keep us from moving forward, the next guide will help you overcome it!
The New Generation of Television!
They may not be available in a store near you just yet, but it pays to know what's coming up before you make any decisions on your next big purchase. The 4k television set is coming our way, and it is the next big thing, according to all tech experts
Joke: Newlyweds At the Pharmacy
Jack, 92, and Gill, 89, living in Nelson, are all excited about their decision to get married.
Can't Stop Overthinking? This Insightful Guide Is For You
Do you overthink? This guide will help you manage your thoughts better.
Read These Tips and Banish Your Self-Doubt for Good!
There are small things that we can do to help conquer self-doubt and this infograph reveals all.
These Innocent Questions Can Hurt Other People’s Feelings
Sometimes, asking seemingly innocent and common questions can hurt other people’s feelings.
A Complete Guide to Solving Your Problems
Your ability to solve problems, or lack thereof, has a great bearing on whether you can be happy and successful. Try these 3 problem-solving methods.
GUIDE: Learn 3 Proven Problem-Solving Methods
Financial Planning for Widowhood - 7 Important Tips
Losing a spouse can be extremely stressful and overwhelming. But there are some important financial steps you must take immediately.
How to Help Those Who Don't Want Help
This article explains the ways to deal with a senior who needs help but is resistant.
Learn About 4 Types of Bosses and How to Deal With Them
There are tons of books that teach bosses how to be bosses, but now its time for employees to learn how to deal with their bosses!
Quiz: Could You Pull Off a Brilliant Heist?
This quiz uses a metaphor: A diamond heist, to test your decision making abilities!
7 Smart Steps to Lead Your Children to Economic Stability
Are you worried about your children's economic future? Using the following 7 steps will help them become more responsible, economically stable, adults.
A Simple, Easy Guide for Writing Your Living Will
It's not something you want to think about, but writing your will is sure to lift a huge burden from your shoulders. Here's a simple guide.
Look Ma, No Eyes: How Self-Driving Cars "See" Obstacles
The technology that allows self-driving cars to detect and navigate around obstacles
What Is Artificial Intelligence and Is It Dangerous?
Little by little, technology is getting smarter and learning to make decisions. Are we in danger of a machine takeover?
Do We Really Have Control Over Our Happiness?
Does getting what we want really affect our happiness level?
What is Your Biggest Regret?
Watch people aged from 5 to 75 share the biggest regret of their lives...
A Great Story of Survival Poses a Serious Ethical Dilemma!
A rugby team found themselves forced to make terrible decisions to survive when stranded in the mountains. What would you do?
Hilarious: Why You DON'T Send a Man to the Grocery Store
Sending a man grocery shopping - what could possibly go wrong?
Did You Know We All Speak 3 Languages?
Even if you only know 'English', you actually understand and speak 3 different languages. Knowing how to speak them fluently is the key to a successful life!
Test: Would You Make it As an International Jewel Thief?
Cancer Stages: How Cancer Type Affects Staging
The stage of cancer is more than just a number.
What is Our Executive Brain, and How Can One Improve It?
Did you know your brain had a brain? The executive brain is the part of us that plans. What is it and how to improve its function?
The Truth About Sweeteners: Stevia vs. Aspartame
There is a lot of data running around about sweeteners. Are they healthy? Are they safe? Are they better than sugar, and what sweetener to choose?
The 4 Types of Bosses and How to Deal With Them
The MAIN Differences Between Fish Oil and Cod Liver Oil
Both cod liver and fish oils are healthy options. But which one is more suitable for your body?
These Beautiful Thoughts Set Me Off Into Deep Pondering...
Let these quotes and thoughts fill your mind and heart.
This Cat Was Raised As a Dog! What's He Like?
Meet Birdie, the stray cat who was taken in and raised like a dog.
Have You Ever Seen a Card Trick as Good as THIS One?
This magician's card tricks will leave you wondering how he managed to pull them off.
Here Are 7 Reasons Why You Should Consider Getting a Pet!
In this video you'll find 7 reasons why you should seriously consider getting a pet in your life.
These Kids Were Given a Harsh Choice: To Give or to Receive?
A truly touching and inspiring lesson from kids we can all learn from this Christmas.
The Incredible Athletics of the Quadcopter - Amazing!
Raffaello D'Andrea demos his flying quadcopters: robots that think like athletes!
When Reality Becomes Slapstick Comedy...
In this funny compilation, we take a look at some (minor) falls, fails and slapstick mayhem!
15 Gas Station Foods You Should Avoid At All Costs
Nothing ruins a trip like food poisoning. Here are 15 foods to never buy at a gas station.
Self Driving Cars Are Coming, But is That a Good Thing?
Self-driving cars are one of the great inventions set to change our lives. But, worryingly, it appears we have more to be concerned about than hopeful.
What Is Net Neutrality and How Does It Affect You?
What on Earth is net neutrality, and how does it effect you? Watch this informative video and find out!
Every Parent or Grandparent Should Watch This Video
With summer coming, this is an important message to anyone with a child.
Writing Your Living Will: A Simple Straightforward Guide
14 Interesting Life Facts I Wish I Knew When I was Younger
There are some universal truths that we should be aware of, yet we miss them because we're too busy...
Say Hello to Poki, the World's Most Annoying Cat
The adorable video that you are about to watch will not only make you laugh out loud, but it will also melt your heart at the same time!
Autonomous Cars Are the Future... But How Safe Are They?
Autonomous cars are said to be the future, but how safe are they? Experience a fascinating test ride in this video.
You'll Do Much Better In Life If You Realize These Things
Life teaches us many lessons, however,sadly many of us are guilty of forgetting the lessons we learn along the way. Here are 24 things to keep in mind in life.
These Golden Rules Will Put You on the Path to Greatness
These golden tips or rules will help you live a happier, more inspired life. You should learn them today.
6 Great Tips That'll Make Your Next Vacation Much Easier
Here are 6 simple but clever tips that will help to smooth the way on your next vacation.
These Naval Battles Changed the Course of History
History has been witness to some momentous naval battles. Here is a look at some of the greatest.
25 Award Winning Wedding Photos that Are Simply Superb!
A stunning collection of 25 incredibly moving wedding photos that capture the big moments as they happened.
Start Soaking Raisins! Here’s Why It’s Worth It
Start your day with soaked raisins for multiple health benefits.
Let This Famous Poem Sweep You Away...
This poem is all about coming to a fork in the road in life and having to make a decision one way or the other. Watch it on video now.
I Hope This Advice Will Propel You to New Heights
The decisions you make have a great impact on your health and wellness...
Personality Test: Which Traits Should You Keep?
Answer the following personality quiz and find out what your positive qualities are and what needs improvement...
Quiz: What Trait Should You Fix And What Should You Keep?
GUIDE: Getting Unwanted Advice? This is What You Should Do
Getting a lot of annoying, unwanted advice? There are ways to put that to an end, politely.
Ever Seen a Magical Card Trick as Good as THIS ONE?
Is Gardening Hurting Your Back? Problem Fixed!
If your back feels tense and painful after a day out in the garden, you need these simple preventative tips in your life
This Week in Health Tips!
Sometimes taking care of your health comes down to small everyday decisions. Discover some tricks to making your life healthier in this week’s health tips.
The 10 Best Dogs for Kids and Families
Looking to find the perfect dog breed for yourself? This review of the best dog breeds might help.
My Love, Here's a Video to Wish You a Happy Valentine's Day
Let your love know that you are thinking of them this Valentine's by sending them a lovely video greeting.
Here's How Marriage Changes You Physically and Mentally!
Every summer, thousands of couples tie the knot in the US. This decision is one that has lasting effects on their health over time. Find out more here!
Enneagrams Teach You About 9 Different Personality Types
An enneagram is an explanation of human personalities used by psychologists to help facilitate deeper connections between people. Here's the low-down on them.
Stop Making These 8 Subconscious Thinking Mistakes Today
Taking the time to look out for these thinking mistakes in your own psyche can save you a lot of time, money and stress!
Adopt These 14 Habits and Start Enjoying a Better Life!
These14 simple tips and easy habits don't require special effort, but their contribution to your body and mind health is tremendous ...
Talking to Yourself Has More Benefits Than You Realized
Talking to yourself isn’t unusual. In fact, it has more benefits than you realize.
QUIZ: This Impulse Test Will Tell You Something Important!
This test will require you to act impulsively, choose as fast as you can - and learn something new about yourself.
These Colorful Belly Dancers are Beauty in Movement
In this spectacular show, you will meet Fleur Estelle and her team of dancers in a particularly colorful and oriental belly dance performance.
8 Rules that Will Make Your Home a Better Place
8 Disciplinary Rules that worked Great in My Home and for My family
Step Through and Take a Walk Above the Most Beautiful Falls!
Take a Virtual Tour Through Iguazu Falls!
Our Brains Are So Incredible, Want to Know Why?
Find answers to questions you've always wanted to ask!
I'm Not Going to Buy Him a Drink (Hilarious Joke)
A Nazi walks into a bar and buys a drink for everyone, bar a Jewish man who's sitting alone in a corner. His decision soon backfires...
Great Joke: The Truth About How Congress Works...
This is the decision making of the congress. Is it any wonder we're in trouble?
Some Things Only a Cat Owner Will Understand...
The rules of living with a cat every cat owner knows, dreads and even loves!
Joke: The Honest Judge
A defendant in a lawsuit involving large sums of money was saying to his lawyer, "If I lose this case, I'll be ruined."...
QUIZ: Answer These Questions to Learn How Your Mind Works!
Try to answer these questions to the best of your abilities to learn about the type of mind you have.
8 Reasons Why Logical-Emotional Couples Have Strong Bonds...
A relationship in which one partner is logical and the other is emotional will always work best due to different problem-solving approaches. Here's why.
Collection: The Greatest Moments in History
A collection of fascinating, sometimes controversial and surprising stories from the annals of history. Explore and learn about the fascinating past of humanity and some of its most outstanding figures.
The Only Hotel Room in Disneyland - Wow!
The Only Hotel Room in The Magic Kingdom!