Dad Jokes: A Hilarious Collection of Terrible Crack-Ups
These terrible dad jokes are guaranteed to tickle your funny bone.
These Men Will Go Down in History As Legendary Super-Dads!
When these dads got into the parenting gig, they decided early on that every day must be a hilarious adventure.
Prepare Yourself for the Greatest Dad Jokes Ever Written
Dave is an extremely creative father, who shows his talent for puns and dad jokes in these cartoons he draws on his daughter’s lunchbags
Joke: Tick Tock, Tick Tock...
Colonel Reichman, an interrogation specialist for the German army, was walking around in a quaint little Swiss village one day during WWII...
Joke: What Career Should I Pick?
A businessman needs a new lease on life, so he goes to see a fortune teller and asks him what his future would look like if he became an artist.
These Questions Are as Hilarious as They Are Witty!
These innocent-looking questions are actually cleverly crafted...
Joke: Between Anger and Exasperation
A young girl who was writing a paper for school came to her father and asked: “Dad, what is the difference between anger and exasperation?”
These Funny Illustrations Show What Life Is Like With Kids!
Jim Benton is a cartoonist and illustrator who has managed to capture life with young kids perfectly. Take a look at his hilarious drawings.
This Hilarious Sign is Gaining Notoriety Around the World...
The Indian Hills Community Center sign in Colorado, USA, has gained a worldwide following thanks to the hilarious puns it displays. Here are 30 of them.
Joke: The Fortune Teller and the Bad News
A sneaky woman decides to visit a fortune teller when she's in New Orleans
These Comics Sum Up Motherhood In Just a Few Perfect Words
Katya is an artist that beautifully and hilariously documents her adventures as a mother and the skills motherhood can teach
People Will Think You're Smart If You Tell These Jokes!
They may be a little cheesy, but these jokes are certainly rather clever. Here are 15 rather clever jokes that can make you smart.
This Joke Starts With a Woman Visiting the Fortune Teller
I Love Laughing at Clever Cartoons, Don't You?
from religion to family to funny situations, you'll surely find something to raise that smile in these funny cartoons.
Escape to the Utopic World of Cute Animal Illustrations
Reading these comics, you'll probably feel entertained and understood - as if you're talking to an old friend.
Welcome to Laugh Corner - Single Panel Comics
Dial down the stress as we approach our much-deserved weekend with some humor.
Enjoy a Laugh with 30 Mouth-Watering Food Puns
Hungry for some laughs? Then you will love these hilarious food puns.
Joke: The Curious Little Girl
When a little girls begins asking her Mom every question under the sun, Mom understandably begins to become annoyed at her. Then, a friend gives her advice...
Joke: The Blondes and the Suspect
Three blondes are being interrogated in order to become detectives. The question turns to how to identify a suspect...
Funny: The Heart & the Brain Can NEVER Be On the Same Page
These comics, by artist Nick Seluk, also known as The Awkward Yeti, show the eternal struggle between the heart and the brain.
Joke: Some People Are Just Never Happy in Life!
Sometimes in life, you just can't get it right in the eyes of people. That's why you really shouldn't try to please everyone...
Joke: Mom and Dad's New Wife
When a husband's young new bride and his ex-wife are planning to wear the same dress on their wedding day, you know it's a recipe for disaster...
20 Hilarious Comics Filled With Wit, Fun, and Humor!
These hilarious comic strips by legendary cartoonist Mark Parisi are guaranteed to make you chuckle.
These One Frame Comics Are Guaranteed To Brighten Your Day
Sometimes, a single panel of a comic strip can contain so much wit and humor, and these one frame cartoons certainly prove it!
Joke: The Professor and the Old Man
An old college professor goes back to his former campus and finds his office. He promptly knocks on the door...
I'm Not Going to Buy Him a Drink (Hilarious Joke)
A Nazi walks into a bar and buys a drink for everyone, bar a Jewish man who's sitting alone in a corner. His decision soon backfires...
Hilarious: Which One of Us Will Crack First?
Three Axis soldiers are contemplating their respective fates as they're about to be interrogated. They start debating as to who will last the longest...
This Joke Starts With a Woman Joining a Country Club
A woman joins a country-club and sets out to play with the guys at 6.30am. She immediately impresses them with her golfing prowess...
25 Xmas One-liners to Make Everyone Howl With Laughter
Do you enjoy a good one-liner? If you do, then there's no need to tell you Christmas is the perfect time for them. Here are 25 hilarious Christmas one-liners.
This Joke Starts With An Elderly Man On His Farm
A man is on his farm in Australia when he decides to head to the pond at the back of his property. He soon discovers several women skinny-dipping in it...
This Joke Starts With a 6th Grade Human Anatomy Lesson
A teacher is asking her sixth-graders about the part of the human anatomy that enlarges itself by 10 times when stimulated. Little Mary chimes in...
Discover the Hilarious Adventures of a Baby and His Dog
Boy and Dog was created by Nate Anderson after his wife gave birth to their son Rowan. Take a look at the hilarious adventures of Boy and Dog.
Hilarious: The Home Improvement Horror Show
We all need to do a quick repair when we're on a budget sometimes, but these are just ridiculous! Here are 25 of the sloppiest repairs you'll ever see.
My Office Looks Just the Same... Oh Wait (Hilarious Joke)
Hilarious: These Cheesy Puns Will Make You Giggle!
These cheesy puns will have your family and friends cringing first, and tittering with laughter second. Enjoy there 20 cheesy puns that are made to share.
Joke: In Life, They Say That What Goes Up Must Come Down
A man goes skydiving for the first time, but things begin to go awry as soon as he leaves the plane. Something even more surprising happens...
Go Round Back and Do It There, OK Honey? (Hilarious Joke)
When a little girl begins to feel ill in church, her mother instructs her to go around the back and be sick. The little girl seemingly has other ideas...
This Joke Starts With a Man Sitting Next to a Cute Blonde
Blondes have a reputation for not being the sharpest knives in the drawer, but this man soon finds out that you should never judge a book by its cover...
Hilarious: The Best of Little Johnny Jokes!
I'm always partial to a good Little Johnny joke, but when there's a collection of them in one place, you know there'll be people falling about laughing...
A Generous Lawyer Invites a Family Over For Dinner (Joke)
When a lawyer is going about town in his limo, he spots two men eating grass at the side of the road. He immediately stops to see what on earth is going on...
Funny Joke: An Uninvited Guest Keeps Coming Over
An old, tired looking dog keeps wandering into the house next door. The owners decide that it's time to investigate...
Do You Enjoy a Good One-Liner? If So, You'll Love These
Do you enjoy a good one-liner? I don't think that there are many who don't. These 15 are some of the funniest you will ever read!
This Joke Starts with a Little Girl Being a Nosy Parker
My High-Flying Kids Can't Afford a Present For Me (Funny)
In spite of having three high-flying children, this poor couple didn't even get a single present at their 50th anniversary, but they have a secret of their own.
Hilarious: Uncle Ted's Running Around Scaring the Kids
When a married man arrives home early from work, the last thing he wants to find is a household in chaos. It turns out Uncle Ted is to blame...
That's a Really Nice Save, Dude! (Funny)
This produce assistant has quite a mouth on him, but he's also very clever and knows how to cover his tracks. See how events play out at the supermarket...
Have You Heard This Joke? Good News Or Bad News?
An artist is pleased to hear that all 10 of her paintings on display have been bought by someone. Unfortunately, the big purchase has a twist...
Giant Joke Collection: 200 of the Best Puns Ever!
Give yourself some quick and easy laughs with this huge collection of short puns! These punny jokes collection are bound to make you squeal with laughter!
To Date this Hilarious Father's Daughter, Here are the Rules
While dads may be glad to see their daughter in love, when it comes to fathers and daughters, there are some hard line rules that NO suitor should cross!
Can You Handle These Hilarious Medical Jokes?
These hilarious medical jokes will keep you laughing all week.
Spooktacular Halloween Jokes for a Good Laugh
Get ready to cackle at these Halloween puns and jokes!
Hilarious New Versions of Classic Book Titles (16 Pics)
Artist Hugleikur Dagsson has reimagined classic book titles with a comedic twist.
Laugh with These Mom Jokes That Are Pure Comedy Gold
These mom jokes are so funny, you can't stop laughing.
LOL: 14 Dad Jokes & Puns to Make You Cringe
These terrible dad jokes are guaranteed to make you secretly chuckle.
This 76-Year-Old Draws Funny Cartoons To Make You Laugh
This 76 year old artist creates funny comics that delight everyone.
These Parents Have a Great Sense of Humor...
These parents have the best sense of humor about their daily struggles. So stay awhile and crack some smiles!
Classic Comedy: The Grammar Nazi
This comedy sketch begins with a standard business meeting, but the boss has a real problem with people's language...
Cheeky, Funny, Unapologetic Children - 20 Pics
Here are 20 funny test answers, all written by children who just couldn't be bothered.
Vandalism Is Not Okay. Unless It Makes You Laugh Out Loud
Vandalism is WRONG. Unless it makes you laugh out loud. Then it’s okay.
Joke: Wedding Decisions
A bride and a groom are with a pastor finalizing details for their wedding day. The pastor asks them whether they want a traditional or contemporary wedding...
Cheeky Joke: The Shocking News
This preacher was mishandled by the media...
Joke: Similar Problems...
What a coincidence!
Joke: Don't Drink and Jump
A man and a woman are drinking in a bar at the top of the Empire State Building. The man soon makes a startling revelation...
Joke: She Still Likes to Have a Drink
An old lady is celebrating her 80th birthday aboard a cruise ship. The bartender buys her a drink, and she proceeds to have a few...
This Joke Starts With a Retiree Entering a Pharmacy
When an old man walks into a drug store and makes an unusual request, the pharmacist decides to do a little prying...
Joke: The Odd Driver
When a cop pulls over a man for speeding, little does he know what he's in for...
Joke: Impossible Demands
A man notices a woman sitting alone at a table in his favorite restaurant. He decides to send her a bottle of expensive Merlot...
Joke: What To Wear When The IRS Calls You In...
A man has been called in to the IRS to testify, but he's unsure of what to wear for the outcome to be most favorable for him. Read on to find out what happens..
Joke: How to Get Over the Language Barrier
A furniture salesman heads to Paris on a buying trip. He soon sees a lady that takes his fancy. The only problem is that he doesn't speak French...
Joke: When the Evangelicals Are On TV
When grandma and grandpa are watching the evangelical preacher on the TV, they try to heal themselves of their ills by touching it. It doesn't go so well...
These Radishes Grew Legs! Where Are They Going?
These hilarious radishes grew roots that look a lot like legs!
Joke: The Power of the Thermos
A blond is in a store when a Thermos catches her eye. She begins to ask questions about it and eventually makes a purchase...
Joke: The Newlyweds and the Strict Priest...
These newlyweds were asked to do something difficult...
Joke: Thank Goodness the Farmer Came Over!
A husband and wife are traveling down a country lane when their car gets stuck in some mud. Luckily, a farmer shows up to give them a helping hand...
These Sarcastic Retro Photos Will Have You in Stitches...
If you're looking for a good laugh, then these snarky vintage illustrations by artist Anne Taitor have certainly got your covered!
Joke: You Need to Be Careful When Feeling Frisky...
A man is all by himself in his hotel room while on a business trip. He decides that he wants some company for the evening. This is his story...
Joke: Could Have Had a Great Career In Insurance
It's Airman Jones' job to make sure that the knew recruits know what they're entitled to on joining in the army. That's when he begins his lesson in insurance..
Joke: It's Difficult to Fulfill a Dying Wish Sometimes
When a window visits an undertaker to see how preparations of her dead husband's body are going, she isn't happy with what she sees. A solution is proposed...
Joke: Don't Panic!!!
When a pilot has a heart attack mid-flight, he and his co-pilot aim for LaGuardia airport, but the landing doesn't look like it will go to plan...
Joke: The Brothel Union
Guess which profession just got unionized...
Joke: This Wife Gives a Gift to Her Upset Husband
A couple have an argument at bed-time, so the husband takes himself off to the couch. It isn't long before the wife decides to make amends...
Joke: A Naughty New Tenant
A new tenant has come to the house, and is already causing trouble!
Joke: What Are We Going to Do Without a Camel?
A nun and priest are traveling through the desert when their camel decides to die on them. The conversation soon turns elsewhere...
Joke: Putting Your Private Part Right Is Gonna Cost
When a doctor is tasked with fixing a rabbi's mangled manhood, he explains that there's a variation in price depending on the size...
FUNNY! 10 Superb Puns From and About History
Here are 10 of our favorite puns about and from history that are still as funny as ever!
Joke: King Solomon's Decision
King Solomon isn't the monarch for nothing. When a man is dragged before him by two women, his decisions have to be calculated and swift...
Joke: HOW Could it Be Worse?
A guy runs into an old school friend on the street. The friend immediately begins talking about his financial troubles...
Joke: A Drink Best Served Cold
A man enters a bar and orders a beer. To his delight, he's only charged 1c for it. Similarly, steak dinner is only 4c, but there's a reason for the cheapness...
Joke: The Mother Superior Really Needs to Calm Down..
Mother Superior is dying, and her nuns comfort her during her last moments. Suddenly, one of the nuns has a great idea...
Joke: The Generous Old Lady
A pastor pleads to his congregation to be generous with donations that day. He soon notices a $1000 bill on one of the offering plates...
19 Hilarious Things That Happened At Real Weddings
Wedding days are certainly filled with heartfelt and beautiful moments, but sometimes, hilarious incidents get caught on camera too...
Joke: A True Story
This joke proves some stories are too weird for fiction.
Joke: To Heaven and Back
A woman suffers a heart attack and ends up in hospital. She has a near-death experience, but awakens. She decides to get some work done...
Joke: Dad, I Need Money
A college student writes home to ask for money from his dad. Little did he know that his dad would have a rather curt reply...
Joke: Driving By the Numbers
An old lady is spotted driving very slowly on a highway by a policeman who promptly pulls her over. The problem soon becomes apparent...
Joke: Ah, to Be Six Again...
A man doesn't know what to do when his wife says she wants to be six again...
Joke: Two Prostitutes and Their Sign
Two prostitutes get pulled over by a police officer because of their rude sign...
Joke: Well, THAT'S a First!
When a hunter arrives at the ER with a bear trap attached to his testicles, the story as to how it happened is bound to be weird...
Joke: Anything to Regret?
A famous surgeon dies and goes to heaven. He asks whether he's done anything that he regrets. He confesses to a minor sin, but all seems to be well...