We’ve Got All The Tips And Tricks to Get Out Coffee Stains
These are some tips to help you clean coffee stains that can affect 10 different areas of your life but are easy to fix.
Everything You Wanted to Know About Coffee...
Is coffee healthy? Is it addictive? Is there any way to reuse coffee grounds? Find the answer these question in this coffee themed collection
Stains Begone: 18 Common Stains and How to Banish Them
We all have occasional "food accidents" that leave stains on our clothes, but you can remove the 18 most common food stains using the following simple methods.
Get Rid of Tea Stains Easily with These Hacks!
Winter is coming and with it, more tea drinking. The only problem is that tea leaves stains. Here are 5 simple hacks to get rid of the most persistent tea stians.
A Complete Set of Solutions for Removing Stains!
This stain removal guide will give you 25 excellent tips for removing any kind of stain!
Have A Stain? Here's How to Remove It Quickly and Easily
Cleaning Guide: How to Get Rid of Any Fabric Stain
Staining your favorite piece of clothing can be quite frustrating. But with these tips, you can get rid of almost every type of garment stain.
Tomato Stain Removal - a Detailed Cleaning Guide
Here’s exactly how you can remove tomato stains from clothes, carpets, wood, food containers, and even leather.
New: The Coffee Faucet
Latest in tech: The Scanomat Top Brewer fully automatic coffee machine completely redefines how we perceive a coffee brewer. All drinks are brewed to barista standards using precision grinders, tamper pressure, pump pressure and water temperature. Le
An Effective Solution to Water Stains on Drywall
This solution is as plain as day but is also extremely effective!
8 Ways to Remove Sweat Stains from Clothes
To help you out, this article will cover what sweat is, how to prevent stains, and how to remove any existing ones.
Could Coffee Soon Become Obsolete?
Scientists estimate that by 2050, the amount of land that can accomodate coffee farming may shrink by 50 percent! Why does it happen and can we stop it?
Joke: A Fresh Cup of Coffee
A young man dressed walks tall through the doors of the local coffee shop one Sunday morning
11 Fantastic Methods for Removing Those Grease Stains!
Grease stains can be notoriously difficult to remove, but that will be a thing of the past if you use these 11 fantastic grease-removal methods.
The Do’s and Don’ts of Coffee Storage
The way you store your coffee is no less important than the kind you buy and the way you make it. So how can you ensure the perfect morning cup?
18 Breathtaking Stained Glass Windows in the World
One look at these stunning stained glass windows, and you’ll be swept away into a fantasy of color and light.
DON'T Remove Deodorant Stains With Bleach, Here's Why
Avoid a laundry bleach disaster with this short guide.
Get Rid of Annoying Sunscreen Stains Fast
We show you how to remove pesky sunscreen stains from clothes and furniture in this brief but very informative guide.
How to Remove Ugly Water Stains from Wooden Furniture
Water stains can destroy the look of your wooden furniture and floors. Here's how you can remove them.
9 Effective Methods for Removing Oil Stains from Clothes
Oil stains are the greatest enemy, not to mention a nightmare, for anyone who does laundry - but now there's a solution...actually 9 of them!
BP Spills Coffee - Funny!
what happens when an executive at British Petroleum spills coffee during a meeting
Turmeric Stains Are Such a Nuisance! Learn to Remove Them
For every problem, there is a solution. Here, we’ll show you how to get rid of turmeric stains from various surfaces - fabrics, furniture, ceramic & even skin.
Why Brushing Teeth BEFORE Your Morning Coffee Is Essential
The order in which you drink your morning coffee matters because it could be harming your teeth...
Get Rid of These Pet Stains With This Neat Guide
There may be times when our pets have accidents on our favorite carpets, or on the floor. Learn how to remove stains, both old and new, and use home remedies to maintain a clean home.
Is it REALLY the Coffee that Wakes Us Up in the Morning?
A recent study has revealed that the coffee you drink may just be a placebo...
Why Does Some Jewelry Leave Green Stains on the Skin?
Does your jewelry leave green stains on the skin? Here's why they occur and how to avoid them.
Say Goodbye to Armpit Stains with This Natural Deodorant
Naturally remove armpit stains with this effective remedy.
How to Remove Salt Stains From Fabrics, Shoes & Flooring
Salt stains are more common than you think. Learn to remove them effectively from your shoes, clothes, car interior, and floors in this useful guide.
How to Remove Oil Stains From Concrete Floors
Getting rid of oil stains for good is actually a lot easier than you'd expect! Learn more here...
Remove Hard Water Stains Easily With Natural Solutions!
Hard water stains can be pesky and persistent. Here's how to easily remove them from different surfaces in your home.
How to Remove Sweat Stains From Your Hats
Sweat stains can ruin the look of your hats. Here's how to remove them once and for all - quick and easy!
5 Surprising Household Items That Are Great Stain Removers
Not every stain requires a special product. Here are 5 common household items that are unexpectedly effective at removing stains.
A Quick and Easy Solution To Remove Yellow Armpit Stains
Watch how you can remove yellow armpit stains with this easy and helpful method.
Stain Removal Tricks For Stainless Steel Pans & Appliances
Even though the word "stainless" is literally in its name, stainless steel is not immune to stains. So here's how you can get rid of them.
Say Goodbye to Marble Stains - Cleaning Hacks That Work!
Say goodbye to those stubborn marble stains with these useful cleaning hacks.
Handbag Care - How to Clean and Remove Stains
Just like your clothes and shoes, handbags need to be maintained regularly to stay in good shape. Learn how to maintain and clean your purse or handbag here.
Guide: Remove All Urine Stains and Smells with Ease
Whether your problem is on the floor, the furniture or worse, the bed, here's what you need to do.
I Bet You Never Realized How Useful Coffee Grounds Can Be!
Hold it! Don't throw away those old coffee grounds of yours - they have more uses than you can imagine. Read this post for 19 ways to use old coffee grounds.
Tea vs. Coffee: Which One’s Better For YOU?
Many people demonize coffee. At the same time, tea is considered a "superfood" by most people. But is this comparison accurate? Let's find out!
The Perfect Cake to Have with Your Coffee
Everyone likes a nice bit of cake with their hot cup of coffee. This, in our view, is the best cake to have with your coffee. Check out how to make it here.
9 Ultimate Methods for Stain Removal around the House
Things we;ve had for a long time tend to lose their fresh-out-the-box look but this can be remedied! These methods will help you remove those stubborn stains!
Coffee Is Good for the Kidneys? What the Studies Show.
Studies have discovered the connection between coffee and the kidneys.
Don’t Toss Wax-Stained Items, You Can Clean Them Instead
With these cleaning methods, you’ll forget wax stains were ever a problem, be it stains on your furniture, floor, carpeting or your clothes
Scientists Discover a New Benefit of Drinking Coffee
Your coffee drinking habit is healthier than you think. Scientists have recently discovered one more reason to enjoy a daily cup of coffee or two.
Just for Laughs: Hilarious Coffee Pranks and Gags
Check out this hilarious collection of coffee pranks by “Just for Laughs”.
Amazing! Who Knew Spilled Coffee Could Create Great Art?
Amazing! This Italian artist uses spilled coffee to create stunning pieces of art. Check out some of her work here!
Have You Ever Tried Whipped Coffee?
This delectable whipped coffee is the stuff of dreams!
These Coffee Shop Customers Couldn't Believe Their Eyes...
This gag is going to make you wonder: Why aren't they gagging??
Learn How to Effortlessly Purge Blood Stains From Clothing
There are plenty of household items that you can use to help purge your clothes of blood stains, and here are 8 of the most effective ones.
Joke: The Coffee Shop and the Drunk Man
A drunken man walks into a coffee shop one day...
This Art Made Entirely From Coffee Is Superb!
Tammie Wales is a highly talented artist who uses coffee to create beautiful paintings. Check out some of her stunning work here!
Beautiful Story: The Suspended Cup of Coffee...
While having some coffee in a small cafe, one man learns how a small act of kindness can have a big impact on someone's day.
No Better Place for Coffee - The Kitty Cafe!
Do you love animals but can't have a cat at home? Wouldn't it be great to have a coffee shop nearby that brings you the experience of playful and cuddly kitties without the need to take care of them?
How to Remove Chocolate Stains from Your Favorite Material
A chocolate stain can be one of the trickiest stains to remove as it’s known as a combination stain. Thankfully, these tips will help!
10 Simple Solutions to Removing Paint Stains From Clothes
Got paint stains on your clothes but not sure how to remove them? Here's what to do.
The Most Beautiful Stained-Glass Pieces You Will Ever See
Synonymous with luxury and fame, his works are scattered everywhere in the U.S.: from the White House to, quite possibly, your nightstand.
Can't Get Those Deodorant Stains Out? Do This Instead!
Got deodorant stains on your shirt? Here's what to do about it.
Coffee: There’s SO Much We Don’t Know About This Drink!
Here you'll find 11 fascinating coffee facts, many of which even the most knowledgeable coffee aficionados aren't aware of...
WARNING: Do Not Drink Coffee While Taking These Pills
If you are currently taking medications for cold and nasal congestion, it’s very important to read the following information to understand why you should avoid caffeine and what could happen if you don’t.
Bring Variety to Your Morning With 10 Iced Coffee Drinks
Bring variety to your breakfast with these delicious and refreshing iced coffee drinks!
These Ginger Biscuits Are Perfect with a Cup of Coffee
This recipe will show you how to make delicious ginger snap biscuits.
A Coffee Filter Can Be the Most Helpful Item in the House...
Don't let their name fool you - coffee filters are some of the most useful things you can have around the house!
Learn to Prepare 3 Different Iced Coffees At Home
Check out three ice iced coffee recipes in this video - these recipes are easy to prepare at home and will make for the perfect summer drink.
Did You Know There’s an Optimal Time for a Cup of Coffee?
Learn when to drink your coffee for it to give you the best pick-me-up.
Ink Stain Removal Made Easy With 9 Ultimate Home Methods
Don't throw out you ink-stained clothing, instead, try one of these 9 at-home methods of ink removal to revive your garments
How to Load Your Morning Coffee With Healthy Antioxidants!
Since most of us are encouraged to place limits on our daily caffeine consumption, it makes sense to make the most out of each and every cup...
17 Relatable and Funny Comics for All the Coffee Addicts
Coffee lovers, unite! Take a sip of these relatable and funny comics.
How to Get the BEST Coffee With a Spice Grinder
If a spice grinder is all you have on hand, here's a three-step hack that will yield a surprisingly professional-tasting cup of coffee.
Why You Should Start Using Coffee Filters in Potted Plants
Coffee filters are a secret gardening must-have that render your plants more resilient and healthy.
QUIZ: What Coffee Should You Be Drinking?
Discover what coffee you SHOULD be drinking by taking this insightful quiz.
This Joke Starts With a Cowboy Having Coffee At Starbucks
An old cowboy is at Starbucks having a coffee when he gets chatting to a young woman. She soon opens his eyes to something he never realized...
Coffee Tips: How to Easily Make a Delicious Cup at Home
If you miss those cozy mornings at the coffee house, we have essential tips that will help you approximate the coffee shop experience at your own home.
Study Finds Nicotine and Alcohol, Not Coffee, Harm Sleep
New study finds that alcohol and nicotine have a detrimental effect on sleep quality compared with caffeine.
How Many People Does It Take to Make a Cup of Coffee?
Do you know how many people does it take to make a simple cup of coffee? It's a fascinating and complex process, indeed!
Make Homemade Coffee Taste Like it Came From a Coffeeshop!
Whether or not your local coffee shop has reopened - you can channel your inner barista and make coffeeshop-level coffee right at home!
This Is What Your Brain Looks Like on Both Beer & Coffee
Find out all about how beer and coffee can both help and hinder our mental capacities with this awesome video.
All Coffee Drinkers Should Know These 17 Facts
A lot of adults drink at least one cup of coffee each day, but very few actually know these facts about coffee.
STUDY: Drinking Coffee Can Increase Bad Cholesterol Levels
A new study has just been published showing that drinking coffee can actually add to bad cholesterol. Learn more in this video.
Studies Show: The Fat Burning Ability of Green Coffee Beans
Green coffee extract has been used as a weight-loss supplement and as an ingredient in other weight-loss products. Take a look.
This Is What Happens to Your Body After You Drink Coffee
If you are in two minds about drinking that next cup of coffee, this email will help you understand what a single cup does to your body throughout the day.
Feel Tired AFTER Drinking Coffee? Here’s Why That Happens
It turns out that the effect of coffee on our energy levels is more complex than we thought. Sometimes, drinking coffee can actually make you more tired...
Who Knew That Coffee Could Cause Arguments? (Funny Joke)
A husband and wife are having an argument over who should brew the coffee. Little does the husband know that his wife already has the argument won...
We Should Definitely Drink More Tea Than Coffee...
Drinking tea every day is a MUCH better habit than drinking coffee, and you can achieve the same results!
Delicious Healthy Coffee Creamer Made With Two Ingredients
For all the coffee lovers out there, this homemade creamer is just the thing to make coffee deliciously creamy, but without all the nasties
13 Reasons Why Your Brain Craves That Cup of Coffee
Caffeine, recent studies have shown, actually has many health benefits! Here you can find 13 of them!
Extreme Medicine: What If You Drank 2 Gallons of Coffee?
In this video, a certified doctor discusses the real case of a patient who was hospitalized after drinking 2 gallons of coffee in just 3 hours.
WATCH: Does Milk Affect the Health Benefits of Coffee?
There's much debate as to the health benefits of coffee, but what does adding milk do to it? Find out here.
Is Dark Roast Coffee Healthier Than Light Roasts?
Which type of coffee do you think is the healthiest? Dark roast, light roast, or perhaps something else? Watch this video and find out for yourself!
Best Coffee Alternatives to Boost Your Energy and Focus Without Jitters
Whether you want to cut down on caffeine or try something new and more nutritious, here are the best coffee alternatives to replace your cup of Joe.
Punny TIme: 60 Piping Hot Coffee Puns!
There's so much to enjoy with this punny coffee puns!
WOW! This Artist Recreates Famous Paintings on COFFEE FOAM
Have you ever dreamed to have a cup of Van Gogh's Starry Night for breakfast? Now it's possible!
22 Coffee Quotes That'll Add Some Funny to Your Day
Add more spice to your love for coffee with these hilarious coffee quotes.
9 Ways to Use Coffee to Make Your Hair and Skin Shine
Caffeine, a familiar component of coffee, can stimulate blood circulation, leading to radiant, healthy, and bright skin.
WARNING! Drinking Too Much Coffee Can Damage Your Brain
Drinking coffee in excess increases the risk of dementia, stroke, and even reduces brain volume.
6 Shocking Truths About Coffee You Never Knew
Have you been believing these common coffee myths too?
Who Knew a Cup of Coffee Could Cost So Much?
The average cup of coffee can be a daily expense. These cups of coffees can cost you an arm and a leg! But they are worth it!
How Many Cups of Coffee Do You Drink, and Is It Too Much?
How much caffeine can cause adverse effects on your health?
Study: More Cups of Coffee May Slow Spread of Colon Cancer
New research has shown that colon cancer patients who drank more coffee had better outcomes. Find out more.