7 Coughs Common in Children and How to Treat Them
Coughing can sometimes be indicative of other problems. Learn more about the 7 types of coughs common in children and how to treat them.
The 7 Coughs Common in Children and How to Treat Them
What Is Flat Head Syndrome and How Can It Be Treated?
An asymmetrical skull shape and flat head in babies may frighten many parents, luckily, the following article will teach you how to treat the problem in time.
Parents, These Are the Most Important Facts About Colds
With winter come many illnesses, especially colds that can lead to the flu, which is why it's important that you know the following information...
5 Holding Positions That Can Help a Baby in Many Ways
If you've ever wondered how to help your baby release gas, burp, or even just calm them when they're crying, read this article and learn 5 new holding positions!
Have Picky Eaters at Home? Learn 10 Tips for Dealing
Many children are picky about food. The following tips will help you deal with the problem correctly, making mealtime more enjoyable and healthy.
These 5 Holding Positions Can Help a Baby in Many Ways
You Don’t Need a Pharmacy: Natural Home-Made Cough Drops
When suffering from a sore throat the first thing we do is head straight to the pharmacy for cough drops. But why buy them when you can make them at home?
Make Your Own Homemade Cough Syrup!
In the winter, we all seem to have to cope at one point or another with flu symptoms. Here are five homemade syrups that can soothe a sore throat.
Help Strengthen Your Child's Immune System With These Tips
As parents, we’re always concerned about cold and flu season. Learn how to identify signs of a weak immune system, and 10 ways to strengthen it.
Fight off Seasonal Flu with These 30 Natural Herbs
Why waste money on risky cold medicines, when we have so many herbs that can cure it naturally? Here are 30 of the most effective herbs for treating the flu.
Cure Your Child's Cough With These 7 Natural Remedies
7 natural remedies to cure a cough in kids that your pediatrician won't tell you.
What You Need to Know About the HMPV Virus Outbreak
Breaking down everything you need to know about the virus and its potential impact.
6 Pressure Points to Ease Knee Pain Naturally
you can reduce pain caused by osteoarthritis, bursitis, tendonitis, and injuries to cartilage and ligaments using the following 6 pressure points.
The Exploits of Adorable Dog Nannies is My Cute Fix for the Day!
Whether it’s a soft paw on a baby’s back or a playful game of fetch, these moments of canine compassion are sure to brighten your day!
Guide: How to Meditate With Your Children
This guide will instruct you on how to do easy meditation techniques with your children and grandchildren.
How to Identify Rashes on Children's Skin
It is important to be familiar with the following 8 skin problems and to know if there is a need to see a doctor if they appear
Fix Shoulder Pain, Rotator Cuff Injuries & Impingement
A deeper look into why addressing scapular dysfunction can be a game-changer and how you can effectively fix these common shoulder ailments once and for all.
How to Tell Your Children You Have Cancer
What's the right way to tell your children you have cancer, and are there situations where you shouldn't?
These Parents Have a Great Sense of Humor...
These parents have the best sense of humor about their daily struggles. So stay awhile and crack some smiles!
ARFID: An Undiagnosed Eating Disorder?
In the ever-evolving realm of psychological disorders, Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) has emerged as a puzzling newcomer in recent years.
Guide: What to Feed a Baby at Every Age
Not all solid foods are suitable for every stage, which is why we have created a guide to help you feed your baby according to their age.
Should Children Have Caffeine? Here's Our Complete Answer
This article asks: should kids have caffeine, and how much is too much?
Study: The Effect 40 Minutes Have on Children
Let's explore the details of this research and the opinions of other experts in this domain.
Can't Seem to Find a Good Pillow? This May Be Your One
You may be on the verge of settling for a pillow that is less than optimal for you, but we can suggest an alternative - buckwheat pillows.
This Little Piece of Plastic Does Wonders For Your Feet
As we age, our toes tend to cram together. Spacing them promotes blood flow and prevents pain!
How Much Black Tea is TOO Much for Your Health?
What does black tea have to do with fluoride? How much of it is too much? And most importantly- can you heal from it? All the answers are right here.
This Video Saved Me From Wrist Pain. Let it Help You Too
Stretching your tendons can relieve pain better than stretching muscles. Here are 3 stretched for your hands.
Guide: How to Stretch 14 Specific Muscles!
Want to maintain muscle flexibility, reduce pain and improve mobility? The following stretches will tell you exactly what muscle you are stretching.
Drooping Eyelids Impairing Vision? Here Are The Options
Dr. Suarez explains various in-office invasive or un-invasive treatments meant to fix droopy eyelids.
13 Fun Activities That Help Babies Better Develop
In the first weeks of life, your baby will usually be busy sleeping and eating. to add some excitement to this routine, do these 13 activities!
Does Zinc Actually Work to Fight the Flu and Cold?
Zinc is an essential mineral. Some say it can even shorten the duration of a cold by 2 days! Let's learn the science behind it.
Want to Prevent Shoulder Pain? Here's How You Do it
The smartphones, tablets, and computers that fill our days can lead to unbearable pain, and with these 7 exercises, you can avoid them.
Guide: How to Treat Foot Pain (Plantar Fasciitis)
Do you ever get foot pain? This guide will tell you all you need to know about plantar fasciitis.
How Tennis Balls Are Effective at Relieving Body Pain
You can use Tennis Balls to ease your aches and pains. Here's how!
Make an Effective Cough Remedy Using an Orange!
Oranges are a great source of vitamin C that helps strengthen the immune system, but did you know there is a way to make it an effective cough medicine?
Training the Most Expensive Nannies in the World
Peek into the training regimen of the elite Norland College for professional nannies.
First Aid Myths and Misconceptions You Must Be Aware Of
Paramedics help debunk some common myths related to first aid.
You Could Have a Lost Ghost Twin
Learn about another wonder of the mysterious world of genetics - chimerism.
The Surprising Reason Why Babies Shouldn't Drink Water
For babies, water can be deadly. Have you ever wondered why that is the case?
Pain Between Your Shoulder Blades? This May Be the Reason
What are the most common causes for pain between your shoulder blades, and when to see a doctor? Find out in this article
New ‘Trojan Horse’ Drug Tricks and Kills Cancer Cells
A new drug-delivery system promises to deliver the chemo drug straight into tumors with fewer side effects.
Tips That Help Your Children Develop Healthy Eating Habits
It’s vital for kids to learn the importance of nutrition early and these 8 tips will help you get them to eat fruits and veggies every day!
6 Kinds of Child Photos You Should NEVER Share Online
In this article, we've shared some guidelines that will help you understand the kind of child photos that you should NEVER post online.
Is There a Link Between Egg Allergy and the Flu Shot?
Though an allergic reaction to the flu shot is very rare, those allergic to eggs may be at a higher risk of developing it.
Do You Clench and Grind Your Teeth? This Is What To Do
Clenhing and grinding your teeth is often associated with mental stress, and dentists note cases are on the rise. This is how to handle this problem correctly.
A Social Media Challenge Has Kids Taking Too Much Benadryl
One particular challenge on social media has parents terrified as children as consuming dangerous amounts of pharmaceuticals.
How COVID-19 Is Going to Affect This Year’s Flu Season
This year we'll be dealing with flu season alongside the Coronavirus pandemic. Experts predict what this means.
COVID Toes May Be a Symptom of Hidden Coronavirus in Kids
Reports suggest that "COVID toes" could be a coronavirus clue for young people without symptoms.
8 Easy and Important Stretches for Everyday
Stretching the muscles is easy to forget but very important. This list contains 8 simple stretches to help improve stiffness and flexibility.
Stop Believing Flu Myths, They Do More Harm Than Good
In this article, we dispel 12 common and often harmful myths about the common cold and the flu.
Reduce Inflammation in the Body by Simply Sipping This Tea
6 tasty teas that will calm the inflammatory processes in the body, be it chronic inflammation or a common cold
Free Your Neck With This Daily Easy Exercises
These great exercises are just what you need to get rid of that pesky neck stiffness and pain you've been suffering.
No Cribs Can Contain These Super Babies!
Babies can do some incredible things. These ones go the next level and perform daring (and hilarious) escapes from their cribs.
Meet This 71-Year-Old Woman Who Feels No Pain Or Anxiety
While news explode with stories on the opioid epidemic, there are unique individuals like Jo Cameron, completely resistant to pain & anxiety
Exposing Your Kids to Chickenpox Is Bad Idea, Here’s Why
Chickenpox is significantly more dangerous than most people think, and here is why you should never expose your children to this virus.
Are You Experiencing Pain? Get More Sleep!
Scientists prove that by getting less sleep than you need, you may become more sensitive to pain. Here is how it works...
These Loving Animals Take on Human Parenting Roles
Animals have their parental instincts too. Just take a look at this adorable video!
This Is What a Sharp, Stabbing Pain in the Chest Means
If you've ever felt a sharp, stabbing pain in the chest it could mean this...
12 Important Body Gestures Babies Make
Get to know what these 12 body gestures babies make mean so you can really understand what your baby wants...
Here's What You Need to Do to Prevent Illness This Winter
Want to avoid catching the flu this winter? Follow this advice.
A Symptom of Heart Failure May Be Coughing
If you have a persistent cough, it is essential that you check it out, ensuring that it is not heart failure.
These Baby Sleep Tips Will Save You Time on Yours
These tips will ensure that your baby gets a good night sleep.
Teach Your Kids to Use Technology Wisely
Help your kids be successful in the future by following these tips on tech intelligence. Don't know what tech intelligence is? Find out now from this article.
Follow These Safety Tips For Neck & Back Pain Medication
Understanding how to correctly use drugs is key to successfully recovering from neck and back injuries. Click here to learn more.
7 Yoga Exercises That'll Keep Thyroid Dysfunction Away
Proper nutrition can help keep the thyroid functioning properly, but if you want to see the best results, you may want to do the following exercises...
Are Gummy Vitamins Good For Kids? Find Out Here
If your child is vitamin-deficient, but refuses to take their vitamin supplements, you might want to try giving them gummy vitamins instead. Learn more here.
If Your Joints Are Bothering You, You Need to Read This
Rheumatology is the study and treatment of ailments that affect the joints, such as arthritis. Find out more about this type of medicine in this guide.
Protect Yourself From the Flu With These New Treatments
To help keep you safe this flu season, click here to learn about all of the latest drugs that have been designed to keep you safe from the flu.
If You Have One of These Symptoms You Might Have a Migraine
Although many suffer from migraines, the symptoms of onset and how each person experiences them is different. Learn more about common onset symptoms here...
These Easy Stretches Will Help You Reduce Neck Pain
If you regularly experience neck pain, then you need to try performing these stretches regularly.
These Tips Can Help Your Kid Develop Healthy Eating Habits
We all want our children to eat right from an early age, and with the help of this clinical dietitian, you can make that happen...
9 Medical Problems That Can Be Treated with Acupuncture
Most of us wouldn't choose to be stabbed by needles, however, it seems that doing just that can be an effective method of treating various medical problems....
13 Fun Activities That Help Babies Develop Properly
Debunking 6 Myths About Raising Bilingual Children
In today's global culture, many parents want to teach their children another language - but many fear these 6 myths about bilingualism that we'll now debunk...
8 Funny "Drills" to Do Before Deciding to Have Children
If you aren't able to perform these 8 exercises successfully, you probably aren't ready to have kids...
Avoid These Habits if You Don't Want the Flu
Now that flu season is here, it's important to do all that you can to make sure that you're not one of its unlucky victims.
8 Kinds of Pain That Can Be Caused By Strong Emotions
These kinds of emotional states could cause you pain.
Kids And Puppies Are the Perfect Way To Brighten Up a Day!
For the most part kids and dogs are a handful, but when they sleep it's impossible not to fall in love with these charming little ones.
Learn How a Cough Can Harm You & What You Can Do About It
Learn all about the dangers of a chronic cough and what you can do to heal yourself at home.
No More Inflammation With these 10 Food Combos
If you suffer from chronic pain and inflammation, you'll be happy to know that there are natural ways to prevent them, like these 10 food combos....
Warning! Get Your Flu Shot Now Before It's Too Late...
Learn why you should get your flu shot while it's still pretty hot outside.
These 7 Exercises Helped Me Get Rid of My Shoulder Pain
Make Sure You Know These Things Before Taking Pain Meds
Prescription pain meds are no laughing matter, and that's why it's crucial for you to know this information before taking them. Learn about them in this guide.
Hot or Cold? Learn How to Treat Common Body Aches
We all know to apply heat or ice when injured, but what method is appropriate for which situation? Find out here...
This Video Will Teach You What Dyslexia Is & How It Works
If you've ever wondered what dyslexia is and how it works, then this is the video that you need to watch.
This Experimental Drug Could Stop the Flu in Just 24 Hours
A Japanese drugmaker has claimed that they have developed a pill that is capable of killing the flu virus in just one day. Find out more here!
Warning: This Common Painkiller Can Endanger Fetal Health!
A recent study at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem showed that prolonged consumption of acetaminophen during pregnancy may harm the fetus....
How to Treat Your Child's Aching Tummy
Many of us often suffer from various digestive disorders, but when it comes to our children we are at a loss. Here's how to treat your kid's aching tummy.
These Studies Prove How Dangerous Hot dogs are for Kids!
Hot dogs are a favorite, but they aren't the least bit healthy as we all know, they are even severely damaging to kids. Find out why and how to avoid hot dogs!
Every Parent Should Know These 8 Common Autism Signs
There are a number of signs that indicate that a person might be on the autism spectrum. Here are 8 of them!
These Funny Photos Have a Lot to Say About Being a Parent
The 17 parents in the following pictures should be awarded the best parent award, if only for the way they deal with their silly kids!
Learn 10 Simple Tricks For Regaining Control Of Your Body!
We've all experienced laughing when inappropriate, crying uncontrollably, and even annoying hiccups. With these 10 tricks, you'll be able to regain control!
Got Back Pain From Posture? These Tips will Help Cure It!
Having bad posture means that your joints and muscles don’t work right all the time, and this can cause serious issues. Here's how to fix it!
Got a Toothache? Try These 7 Acupressure Points!
If you have toothache, try these acupressure points instead of antibiotics and painkillers, this method costs no money and it can help reduce your pain with no side-effects.
How to Make an Effective Cough Remedy Using an Orange!
Be Aware of the 15 Silent Signs of Childhood Anxiety
When kids are worried or feeling anxious they don't always have the courage to tell anyone, and this can be an absolute nightmare for concerned parents. Here are 15 silent warning signs that your child may be suffering from anxiety.
Clear Your Throat From Pain With These Natural Gargles
Got a sore throat? If so, why don't you try one of these natural gargles?
You Know About Camphor, Right? It's So Good...
Camphor: Its smell is strong, its strength is tremendous, and its medical abilities will help you effectively and deal with a variety of health problems.