The Billion-Bug Highway In the Sky - Terrific!
Watch this charming video to behold the great bug highway in the sky!
Joke: Granny's Day on the Highway
Dear Grand-daughter, The other day I went up to our local Christian book store and saw a 'Honk if you love Jesus' bumper sticker.
A Highway Under Water? Not That Farfetched
Learn about Norway's ambitious project of building a first-ever underwater floating tunnel highway.
The Art and Science of Designing the Perfect Highway
Take a ride through the fascinating world of highways in this video.
Highway Noise Barriers - How Effective Are They?
Recent studies claim that highway noise barriers do more harm than good...
This Cute Opossum Is a Real Love Bug!
Butter, the opossum, will change the way you perceive these animals. Butter's favorite thing in the world is cuddling with his rescuer!
Future Discussions: Underwater Highways
These undersea tunnels will blow your mind.
The Billboard that Killed Over 200,000 Bugs!
Insects are so annoying, especially the ones that invade your home. This is why this company has made a billboard to advertise their service. ...
Which Bug Bites and Are Dangerous and Which Are Harmless?
A list of bug bites and stings which are potentially dangerous and how to avoid them
10 Repelling Plants that Keep Bugs Away
Many of the solutions to our problems can be found in nature, and this is also true when it comes to insects. Here are 10 plants that'll repel bugs.
Your Day Will Surely Be Brightened By These Beautiful Bugs
These insects are beautiful and bizarre-looking, and bring lots of different colors, shapes, sizes and even textures into this world
8 Foods to Naturally Keep Those Biting Bugs at Bay
Find out how these 8 foods naturally scare away the bugs.
Alarming! Man Hospitalized With a Bug Bite Had Leukemia
For this Ohio resident, a seemingly harmless 'bug bite' turned out to be something a lot more serious, a truly dreaded diagnosis - leukemia.
8 Warning Signs That You Might Have a Bed Bug Problem!
Bed bugs can be difficult to spot, but they do leave behind some distinct trails, so check out these subtle signs that indicate that you might have a problem!
12 of the Most Alluring Bugs You've Ever Seen
A collection of 12 beautiful insects I guarantee you've never seen before.
How You Could Be Bringing Bed Bugs Into Your Home
Even if you don’t have a bed bug problem right now, you should be aware of the ways bed bugs can get in your home.
Keep Getting Bitten by Bugs? Here's How to Soothe the Pain
If you keep getting bitten by insects, try these 8 things out to help deal with the itching, swelling and pain.
16 EERIE Close-Ups of Bugs Under a Microscope
Take a look at these terrifying close-ups of insect faces.
Keep Insects Away With a Few All-Natural Bug Repellents
From bed bugs to spiders, these quick homemade bug repellents made from natural ingredients will help you keep them away.
Cicadas: Things You Need to Know About These Noisy Bugs
Cicadas can be quite annoying. But there’s a very interesting reason why these bugs are so noisy.
Here's How You Can Prevent and Treat Bed Bug Infestations
Here Are 7 of the most efficient ways of preventing and treating bed bug infestations.
Do You Use a Bug Zapper? You Should Read This Article!
Most of us are familiar with bug zappers, and some of us even use them, but the use of these devices might be harmful!
4 Genius Hacks to Help Remove Bugs and Stickers From a Car
Learn about 3 genius hacks that will help you remove pesky stickers and bug stains fast and effortlessly from your car!
Whoa! You Won’t Find These Big Bugs in Your Backyard!
Insects can be icky, but incredible. Here are 2 dozen of the most interesting and over-sized insects that are great to see from a distance
These “Secret” Places Gave Me the Travel Bug Again
14 places you never even knew you wanted to visit.
Been Bitten? Here's How You Can Identify Which Bug Bit You!
There are many biting insects and they all transmit diseases, so it's important to be able to identify what bit you. Here's how:
QUIZ: What About You Bugs Your Partner?
We all have out little quirks that annoy our partner. Find out yours and get some helpful tips with this terrific quiz.
10 Beneficial Insects Your Garden Needs Right Away
Keep pests at bay in your garden with this handy guide.
Joke: The Farmer and the State Trooper
The state decides to spend $6 million to raise all highway signs by 12 inches. A state trooper and farmer soon get talking about it...
Mumbai’s Bold Plan to Build a Coastal Road Over the Sea
India has taken on an extremely ambitious infrastructure project - building an 8-lane highway along the coast. Why is it so expensive and so controversial?
17 of the World's Most Delightful Roads
If you love driving, you probably have your favorite road or roads, but these 17 spectacular roads will definitely trump your personal favorites. Check them out!
The Most Beautiful Roads in the World
These roads call for an amazing road trip as they are absolutely stunning!
10 Stunning Fuel-Efficient Cars That Are All Under $23k
If you're looking to purchase a non-hybrid fuel-efficient car that is relatively cheap, then one of these 10 cars might be what you're looking for!
This Animal Art Is Made Entirely Out of Flowers
This artist uses flowers as his tool and bugs as his inspiration.
10 Road Trips in the USA With Breathtaking Views of Nature
Summer 2020 is guaranteed to be the time of road trips & scenic drives. Need suggestions? Here are 10 of the most picturesque roads in the US
15 Examples of Amazing Engineering from Around the Globe
Marvel at some of the most stunning infrastructure from around the globe.
There Is Much Behind the Beauty of Attabad Lake
These 10 images do not only showcase the beauty of Attabad Lake in Pakistan, but also tell the story of its formation, which is the result of a disaster.
QUIZ: Would You Still Pass a Driving Test Today?
Do you think you've still got what it takes to pass a US driving test if you were to go through another one today? Find out here.
20 Gorgeous Routes to Drive On in the United States
America is a land full of open roads and Beautiful things to see. These are the top 20 trips I would definitely recommend you do.
8 Dangerous Invasive Insects in the United States
Here’s a list of the worst invasive bugs in the United States, pictures included.
Have You Seen an Insect More Beautiful Than This?
Meet the Picasso bug, an incredibly beautiful insect named after the great painter.
5 Common Insect Bites You Should Fear and Beware!
Sometimes bug bites can be relatively harmless, and sometimes they can be much more worrying. But how do you know when? Here are 5 bug bites to watch for.
Is It Soda or Pop? 12 Fun and Interesting Regional Words
How are these objects called? It depends on who you ask! Every part of the US has its own fun and fascinating set of regional words
Funny Joke: The Farmer, the Mule and the Trial Lawyer
This joke begins with a farmer testifying in court and a hot headed lawyer.
15 Bizarre Looking Insects and How to Behave Around Them
This video will introduce you to 15 of the most strange-looking bugs in nature, alongside some tips on how to behave around them to stay safe.
The Poodle Moth - Amazing!
The Venezuelan Poodle Moth is a possible new species of moth discovered in 2009 by Dr. Arthur Anker of Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, in the Gran Sabana region of Venezuela. Researchers were amazed to discover this cute little bug, and many thought at first it
Animal Crossings Are a Huge Step For Wildlife Conservation
Animal crossings are an invention that has contributed significantly to lowering the number of animals killed on the roads. Here are 20 around the world.
QUIZ: Could You Still Pass a Driving Test Today?
You Should Avoid These Foods and Drinks When Sick!
Food might be the last thing on your mind when you're ill, but it's important to keep fueled. However, there are some foods and drinks you should avoid.
Incredible Uses for Fabric Softener You Haven’t Thought Of
This article will teach you about 6 innovative uses for fabric softener around your home!
Bob Dylan’s Most Evocative and Timeless Hits
Enjoy the timeless magic of the 20th century's most influential singer songwriter, Bob Dylan
8 Terrific Additional Uses For Rubbing Alcohol!
Unsure about what you're meant to use rubbing alcohol for? Wonder no longer, as we've listed 8 brilliant uses of rubbing alcohol in this article.
The Most Useless and Expensive Megaprojects in the World
These megaprojects were supposed to change the world… but they failed.
Natural Leaf Miner Pesticide that Won’t Kill Your Plants
Leaf miners are several species of insects that feed inside leaves in their larval stage and can be hard to get rid of...
Going Down to Insect Level - Incredible Photos!
A photography project like no other...
10 Iconic Stops On Route 66 You Can Still Visit
Despite Route 66 being decommissioned in 1985, there are many iconic stops you can still visit along this historic strip between Chicago and Los Angeles.
Hard to Believe How Useful Fabric Softener Can Be!
Funny Joke: An Old Lady Gets Her Road Signs Confused
An old lady is spotted driving very slowly on a highway by a policeman who promptly pulls her over. The problem soon becomes apparent...
Joke: Driving By the Numbers
10 Risky Roads You'd Have to be Insane to Drive On
There are some road networks that top the polls in world's most dangerous roads. This clip takes a look at 10 risky roads you won't want to drive on.
Ratatouille Has Nothing On this Little Fella!
This little guy's name is Bug, and even if you hate rodents, we bet you won't him after seeing these adorable photos!
iPhone Tips: Reach The Top Of The Screen With One Hand
Has your iPhone's screen ever dropped down to the bottom half of the display area? It's not a bug but an important feature.
Make a Spray Bottle That Works in ANY Orientation!
Who among us doesn't occasionaly use something as simple as a spray bottle: To clean windows, to clean grease or just to spray away the occasional annoying bug. That is why simple improvements like these can be a big help to just about anybody. So he
How To Get People To Throw Trash Away!
Litter bugs are a serious problem in most major cities in the world. Even though trash cans are located everywhere, many lack the patience to hold on to them instead of letting them drop to the floor. New approaches must be made to help fight this li
Travel-Loving Artist Captures the World on Her Canvas
These colorful illustrations of artist Rhi James will stir the travel bug in you.
Why Hover Trains Failed to Become the Trains of the Future
These trains were supposed to be much faster and better than traditional ones. But what happened to hover trains? Where did they go?
Here are Some Tools That Make Travel Easy and Efficient
These interesting items make every road trip complete and are easily available and afforable.
Do You Know The Origins of These Common Phrases?
There are many phrases that we use in English that we never give a second thought to. Here are 9 common phrases with rather sinister origins.
Personality Test: Which Animal Do You Love Like?
Which animal do you act like when you've got the love bug? This personality test will let you know.
Roll Down Your Car Window & Enjoy these Scenic U.S Routes
Roll down your car window and feast your eyes on some of the west's most breath-taking landscapes.
Joke: The Most Peculiar Nuns...
If this joke teaches anything, is that nuns can be a clever bunch indeed.
WD-40: Here Are 12 Fantastic Uses You Never Thought Of
This is why you always need to keep a can of WD-40 on your property!
When Trains Sell Chickens: The Bizarre Story of Chiggen
This "Chiggen” was one of the most unusual trains in history. It was built for one job—sell chicken!
How Do We Solve the Traffic Problem? A Simple Solution
In this video, we offer a simple solution to the big traffic problem that is affecting so many cities around the world.
Warning! This New Species of Tick is Invading the U.S.
A new type of tick has been found in the U.S. This is what you need to know!
Nifty Gadgets Any Home Would Love!
From air umbrellas to bug vacuums, find out what's new this year in innovative gadgets that will make your life easier and your home more advanced!
These Are the Lessons Life Has Taught Me
Life is a long-term school that teaches us many lessons... it's up to us if we choose to learn...
What to Do if Your Car Suddenly Breaks Down on the Road
These tips and tricks will help you if your car suddenly breaks down in the middle of nowhere.
Grow These Plants to Banish Mosquitoes For Good!
No one likes mosquitoes, but if you're smart, you can prevent them from bothering you by having these plants in your home.
In Pictures: Royal Entomological Society Photo Contest
Check out the winners of the 2023 Royal Entomological Society photo contest.
10 Things You Should Always Have in Your Medicine Cabinet
Here are 10 medical supplies doctors recommend keeping at home.
Epic Nature: The Beauty of Rogers Pass
Come with us to a Canadian adventure with two veteran adventurers at Rogers Pass
12 Scenic Ocean Drives That Will Leave You Awestruck
Discover the world's most breathtaking ocean drives.
These U.S. Postal Vehicles Depict a Fascinating History
Go back in time and know the fascinating history behind some of the oldest U.S. postal vehicles, dating back to the 19th and 20th century.
Natural Pest Control - 10 Ways to Get Rid of Various Pests
In this article, we list 10 natural remedies that will help you get rid of various pests, as well as several handy tips to control and prevent pest infestations.
Jaw-Dropping Photos: The Wonderful Lives of Ladybugs
Here are some wonderful photos of ladybugs in their natural habitats. I always feel a childish wonder and thrill when can coax one onto my hand.
Ridiculous But Mighty Cute: the Pumpkin Toadlet
Every now and again, nature makes a blip, and we discover quirky or funny species. Guess what this frog can't do.
Avoid a Speeding Ticket By Following These 12 Tips!
So, to help keep you under the 'radar' let's take a look at what you should do to avoid a run-in with traffic wardens and highway patrol.
Black Pepper Is More Than a Seasoning - Here Are 10 Uses
Black pepper has so much going for it. It's already in your cupboard so you might as well get these 10 extra uses from it.
These House Owners Refused to Sell. Here's What Happened..
In China, when someone decides to develop an area, nothing and no one will stop them. Unless, of course, it's a home...
14 Outdoor Party Tricks to Make Your Summer Party A Hit
Summer is the perfect time to host an outdoor party. These 14 tricks will make sure everyone is having a festive time and hosting your party is less stressful for you.
7 Ways Lemons Can Make Your Life a Whole Lot Easier!
Here you'll discover seven surprising ways how you can use lemons and lemon juice to make your life cleaner and easier.
5 Ways You Might Be Attracting Termites to Your Home
A termite infestation is unpleasant, to say the least. Here are 5 ways you could be attracting these destructive bugs into your home.
Joke: Little Johnny is Asked About Jesus
A Sunday School teacher of preschoolers told her students that she wanted each of them to have learned one fact about Jesus by the next Sunday...
America's Funniest Church Signs to Brighten Your Day
Churches seem to have found that addressing dwindling congregations can be achieved with a great sense of humor. Here are 14 hysterically funny US church signs.
How to Avoid Passing On Infections in Hospitals
How to avoid passing on or getting an infection at a hospital.
The Ultimate Summer Garden and Outside Tips!
A terrific video for getting your garden and yard in order for summer and making sure that hot air becomes a breeze!
12 Sneaky Signs That Your Home Has an Infestation
Just because you cannot see pests wandering around your home, it doesn't mean that they're not there. Here's what you need to look out for.
Houseplant Pest Guide - How to Identify & Fight Them
Learn to identify, prevent, and get rid of 7 kinds of common indoor plants in this useful video guide.
Fly Over South Korea and See It Like Never Before
This scenic bird’s-eye tour of South Korea is a real journey, celebrating the country’s natural beauty, and one-of-a-kind urban landscapes.