QUIZ: Answer These Questions to Learn How Your Mind Works!
Try to answer these questions to the best of your abilities to learn about the type of mind you have.
QUIZ: Answer 10 Questions to Learn How Your Mind Works
Boost Your Intelligence with These 9 IQ Enhancing Tips
IQ tests are designed to assess your mental powers, but they are not fixed. Here are 9 things you can do to improve your intelligence.
Take Our IQ Test: Are You Among the World's Top 1%?
How do you rank among the world's most intelligent thinkers? Here's your chance to find out.
10 New Things We've Learned About The Brain
We have learned some astonishing new things about the human brain in recent times.
10 Signs You Have a High Level of Intelligence
If you find yourself relating to these characteristics, it is possible that you possess an exceptional level of intelligence...
QUIZ: Which One of These 7 Mind Types Do You Have?
There are at least seven types of thinkers in the world. Do you think you know which one you are? Take our test and find out!
Test: Is Yours a Healthy Mind?
Is your mind still growing or is it stagnating, are you still able to think fresh thoughts, or does your mind need some refreshing? Take our test, and you may just find out
MEMORY TEST: Can You Name All These Objects?
There's nothing better for your memory that some fun exercise. Boost your powers of recall by taking this simple object naming test.
Take Our Test: What Sort of Mind Do You Have?
Put Your Memory to the Test: What Are All These Objects?
Personality Test: Which Part of Your Brain Do You Rely On?
Which part of your brain is getting the most use? Find out now.
10 Surprising Facts About Your Brain You May Not Know
Introducing 10 surprising facts about how your brain works and how it influences your life for better or worse.
Fascinating: How Fast Does Our Brain Operate?
Ever wonder at what speeds our thoughts move?
How to Keep Your Mind a Little Sharper at Any Age
Everyone has a tendency to be a little forgetful. Here are 7 exercises that will help keep your mind sharp at any age.
2021's Biggest Breakthroughs in Neuroscience
What did 2021 bring to our understanding of our minds? Have a look...
You Need to Have a Very Logical Mind to Beat This Test!
Do you think your logical skills are a match for our test? Only one way to find out?
Here's How You Can Keep Your Mind Sharp At Any Age...
This Tricky Logic Quiz Will Really Baffle Your Brain...
Do you think your brain is wired in a way that makes you a perceptive pundit or are you more of a creative genius? Find out here!
The Mandela Effect: How Collective False Memories Occur
When masses of people share false memory that didn't actually occur, it's called the Mandela Effect. Learn more about this heavily debated topic.
De-Stress Your Brain in 30 Seconds With These Simple Tips
A doctor shows a useful and simple technique with the help of which you can achieve instant relaxation. Find out more...
Test: What is Your Most Powerful Mental Ability?
The human mind is unique and complex. But which mental ability do you have in abundance? Find out now for yourself with this quiz!
Watch and Understand Why the Octopus Brain Is So Special
Here's a video that gives us an in-depth look of the octopus brain and shows why it is so extraordinary.
10 Fascinating Facts About the Subconscious Mind
10 facts about the way the subconscious mind works
Why We Sometimes Feel Pain without a Physical Stimulation
How the pain mechanism works, and why it isn't always triggered by harm
The Door in Houdini's Mind: A Tale of Overthinking
This beautiful and inspiring video reminds us not to overthink, and uses a story about the great Houdini.
Some Good Advice for Teaching Your Kids How to Learn
Our children learn a lot in school, but some have a hard time studying, task solving, reading instructions or summarizing texts. These 10 tips can help...
Enhance Your Memory: What Experts Say!
Many of us tend to forget quite a few things, and to help you stop forgetting, we've collected 4 special methods and 5 tips to strengthen your memory...
Learn All About the Basics of Dog Psychology
Check out this collection of the most intriguing facts about the psychology of dogs that we are currently aware of, many of which will be surprising to most.
Here's How You Can Keep Your Mind Sharp At Any Age!
Avoid These Ingredients If You Love Your Mental Health...
Here are some of the worst kinds of food that you can eat if you care about your cognitive health.
These 12 Simple Actions Will Keep Your Mind Sharp
The brain, the most important organ in our bodies responsible for countless actions, sometimes needs a little help, here are 12 unique ways to help it.
Brain Train! 9 Exercises to Improve the Mind
Doing these exercises regularly will cause neurons to undergo processes that will improve brain function and sharpen your thinking.
Do These Exercises to Maintain a Sound Mind & Clear Memory
Here are 4 simple exercises that will help to preserve your memory and other cognitive functions, well into old age.
Can You Find the Odd Photo? Challenge Yourself!
To really check your ability to notice small details and your mind/eye connection, we've devised this simple test.
Take Our Test: Are You Logical Enough to Pass This Quiz?
Take Our Test: What's Your Strongest Mental Ability?
QUIZ: Find Out Whether Your Brain Is More Male or Female
It's understood that men and women differ psychologically, but it's more of a spectrum than a black and white thing. What gender brain do you have?
Mind over Mechanics - Amazing Technology!
In an amazing feat of technology, engineering and bio-electronics, you will witness a man controlling a robot drone with no hands involved, the only organ he is using - is his brain.
Eight amazing tricks to play on your Brain
8 Amazing Tricks to Play with your Brain
Sleeping Risk: How to Save Your Brain While At Rest
For the first time, researchers have identified the effect of our breathing rate during sleep.
7 Signs Your Brain is Much Younger or Older Than Your Age
Depending on your health, lifestyle, and personality, your brain age might be much younger or older than it seems...
Study Says: With Age, Come Certain Cognitive Abilities
a study published in August 2021 in the journal *Nature Human Behavior reveals surprising findings that challenge this assumption and may be of great interest to all of us.
Learn Three Vagus Nerve Exercises for Anxiety Relief
In this video, you'll be shown three exercises of the vagus nerve to help mitigate anxiety and promote peacefulness.
Best Nootropics: Boost Your Brain Power
Discover the best nootropics scientifically formulated to enhance cognitive function, improve focus, boost memory, and support overall brain health.
The Surprising Reason Keeping Secrets Could Damage Health
Keeping secrets takes its toll on your mental health in multiple ways. Here's how to cope with that.
What (Non-Psychedelic) Mushrooms Can Do for Your Brain
Lion's mane mushrooms are memory-enhancing brain food! Learn the science behind them here.
Probiotics For Alzheimer’s - Can They Help?
Can taking probiotics help slow down the progression of cognitive decline and dementia in older adults?
What is the Troxler Effect and How Does it Affect You?
Learn about Troxler's effect and the optical illusions it creates in life.
Joke: Price Per Ounce
A man is laying in the hospital, waiting to be the first person in history to receive a brain transplant.
Do You Have a Lost Twin Somewhere in the World?
Learn the deep mechanisms in our brains that work to identify and remember hundreds of faces you know.
What a Dopamine Detox Is and How To Do It
In this video, we will see how one can perform a dopamine detox - a way to get off the dopamine habit.
Ever Seen a Monkey Play Pong With Its MIND?
You're about to see TWO incredible things in this video.
The Ancient Technique That Will Help You Memorize Anything
Memory palace, or the Method of Loci, is an ancient and effective memorizing technique. This is how it works.
The Real Reason We Are Attached to the Music of Our Youth
Everyone thinks the music of their youth was the best in history, but hearing new music is vital for our brain. Here is the fascinating scientific reason.
This Study May One Day Help Treat Chronic Stress And PTSD
A recently discovered protein in the brain (p11) can be linked to both depression and stress and has the potential to help future treatments
How to Hack Your Brain For Better Control
What kind of tricks does our brain play on us?
Did I Lock the Door? How to Stop Forgetting Small Tasks
It's common to mot remeber wather or not you locked the door or answered an email. New study reveals why it happens and how to avoid it.
Have You Ever Wondered What The Purpose Of Our Dreams Is?
All of us dream. But have you ever wondered why? This video attempts to answer this mystifying question.
7 Little-Known Body Parts We Never Knew About
Here's a look at some of the weird and little-known body parts that you didn’t know you had.
Learn From An Expert the Neurological Effects of Menopause
Neuroscientist Lisa Mosconi seeks to clarify through clear scientific data the exact effect menopause can have on the brain.
This Side Effect Is Often Confused for Dementia in Seniors
Dementia is often misdiagnosed in seniors because several medications they take on the daily can cause side effects very similar to dementia
Friendship Might Be One of the Secrets to Healthy Aging
A recent study finds that senior individuals with exceptionally good memory and cognitive function are the ones with strong relationships.
When You Stop Drinking For a Month, This is What Happens
A list of 6 health benefits of cutting alcohol for 30 days
These 11 Health Myths Were Finally Cleared By Science
To make a fresh and healthier start in the new decade, let's discuss and leave 11 of the greatest health myths of the 2010's in this article
Does Weed Smoking Damage Our Brain?
Watch this video explaining the issue of smoking weed and its possible effect on the brain.
Funny Stand Up: Can't Argue With Wife Post Surgery!
Jim Gaffigan in a funny stand up video about arguing with his wife after her brain surgery.
This New Artificial Neuron Will Help Fight Heart Failure
Read how a team of scientists invented an artificial neuron that could go on to be a major help to cure chronic neurodegenerative diseases.
Fun Facts and Information About Eyes and Vision
In this collection, you have the opportunity to learn all about eyes and vision. It's a fascinating read, as well as some insightful videos.
The Mandela Effect: When Everyone Misremembers History
The Mandela Effect is a strange phenomenon, where large amounts of people seem to remember things differently.
You Are What You Eat: How Foods You Eat Affect Your Mood
In recent years we discovered how incredibly important a good diet is in preventing neurodegenerative diseases. Here's how it works.
Clinical Trial May Be a New Hope For Alzheimer’s Patients
At the Alzheimer's Conference in 2018, the results of a study on a new drug, NA-831 were revealed to be beneficial to Alzheimer's Patients
Is Telekinesis a Real Phenomenon or Unscientific Garbage?
Many people have claimed to have a scientifically-quantifiable skill of being able to move objects with their mind, but is it true?
The Many Mental and Emotional Benefits of Owning a Pet Dog
Dogs are loving, cute and fiercely loyal, but can they actually provide us emotional and mental support?
Take Frequent Daytime Naps? Then You Need to Know This
Neuroscientists elaborate on the link between sleep problems and Alzheimer's disease, suggesting excessive napping may be an early sign
Fascinating: Do You See the Same Colors As I Do?
This video will discuss the age old questions: do we see the same colors others see?
The Real Reason Why Clowns and Zombies Give Us the Creeps
The mechanism that makes nearly-human things appear scary to us.
LIFESAVING: What Should You Do if You’re Having a Stroke?
What is a stroke, who's at the greatest risk of having it, and what can you do if you have one.
8 Biology Factoids You Were Taught that Are Totally False
A list of some of the most widely-held beliefs about the body that are actually wrong
What Really is Deja Vu and How Does it Work?
Deja Vu is a very common phenomenon, if very strange. Why do we get this feeling we've done this all before?
Just a Sprinkling of These Seeds Can Make You Healthier...
Did you know that you can use the seeds of the sweet basil plant, not only the leaves? In fact, eating has several health benefits.
Here’s Why You Should NEVER Snooze the Morning Alarm
A surprising reason why you feel groggy every morning lies in your habit of snoozing the alarm button. To learn why, watch this short video.
What is Your Consciousness? A Remarkable Video...
This video by Ted-ed searches to explain the origin of consciousness as well as what is consciousness.
Do You Know What Your Body Gets Up to Over 24 Hours?
Even when at rest, or sick, our body doesn't stop working for a minute. If you think you know your body, the following facts will have you thinking twice...
Learn About Your Gut’s Effect on Your Mind
Your brain and gut share a unique relationship. Learn all about it here.
New Research Gives Another Reason to Reduce Salt Intake
In a new study, a link between high salt intake, memory problems, and learning abilities was found, read on to learn more!
Have You Ever Wondered Why We Choke Under Pressure?
Many people are highly skilled in one or multiple areas, however all of us have a propensity to choke under pressure sometimes. Find out why in this video.
New Study: This Virus May Be Causing Alzheimer's Disease
About 30 million people worldwide have Alzheimer's disease, and now it turns out that one of the most common viruses may be a precursor to the disease ...
Learn How Exercise Can Have a Positive Effect on the Brain
One of the most complex structures known to humanity is the brain, and with this lecture, you'll learn how exercise can affect it positively...
These Optical Illusions Will Leave Your Brain Befuddled
The optical illusions you're about to see are all completely static. In spite of that, they all appear to be moving. Can you figure out what's going on?
Knowing the Signs of a Brain Tumor Can Save Your Life...
Learn what the most common symptoms of a brain tumor are, so that it can be picked up and treated before it's too late.
Maintain Your Brain: 15 Methods to Improve Brain Function
Like our muscles, the brain can also be strengthened and maintained in excellent condition, with proper practice. Learn 15 simple ways to train your brain today!
Avoid These Things If You Want to Save Your Brain Cells
If you want to maintain as much of your mental health and brain functioning as possible throughout your life, then you need to watch this video.
Marijuana Might Not Be As Harmless As Previously Thought..
Marijuana is being pushed as a harmless recreational drug around the world, but it might not be as harmless as previously thought thanks to this study.
These Tips Will Slow Down the Decline of Your Memory!
You cannot control all the factors that contribute to memory loss, but there are ways to improve your memory. Take a look.
This is How Neuroscience Will Develop in the Next Century
In this imaginative and interesting talk, neuro-engineer Sam Rodriques takes us on a thrilling tour of the next 100 years in neuroscience. Take a look!
Doctors Are Using the Polio Virus to Treat Brain Tumors!
A genetically modified polio virus has been used to improve the longer-term survival of patients with a lethal type of brain cancer. Find out more here!
Here Are 10 Essential Vitamins for Optimum Brain Health!
The brain is the most high-powered organ that we have and it requires the right amount and type of fuel to work properly. Here's what you need!
Guide to ADHD: Symptoms, Signs, Diagnosis and Treatment
ADHS is a serious problem that makes concentration difficult. Learn how this affects the lives of those who suffer from it, and how it can be easily identified.
This is How You Can Tame Your Wandering Brain
External and internal distractions diminish our attention’s power, but some simple techniques can boost it. Find out more with this informative TED-Ed video.