These Grandmas Have a Timeless Sense of Style...
These gals really have it going for them!
7 Travel Blogs Worth Reading
This post is a list of 7 travel blogs which can be used as sources of inspiration and information for beginning travellers, as well as for any travel enthusiasts.
9 Useful Blogs Created Specifically For Senior Citizens
Here’s a wonderful collection of blogs that seniors will find particularly helpful.
Photos Only A Loving Father Can Produce!
If you are tired of cheesy family photos, check out the work done by Jason Lee. Jason is a wedding photographer who had decided to create a blog with creative photos of his two daughters. Jason says that most of the ideas came from the two girls, 8 y
Should You Follow Bloggers’ Weight Loss Advice?
With the rise of social media, many people rely on food bloggers to get quality weight loss advice, but are they getting it?
These New Windows 11 Features Are Great Additions
Microsoft’s Windows 11 is all set to release in a few weeks. Here’s all you need to know about its new features.
10 Internet Terms Everyone Has To Know
If you think you’re missing some Internet lingo, on this list you will find 10 essential Internet terms that every beginner should understand
Stop the World, I Need a Rest...
This next collection is to encourage you to get some sleep this weekend...
9 Great Meal Ideas Recommended by Health Experts
You don’t have to struggle to think up healthy meals anymore. Discover the shortcuts to making nutritious meals in mere minutes with the help of experts' tips.
How One Man Turned a Plain Paperclip Into A House
The story of a man who managed to turn 1, red paperclip into a house.
What This Woman Does With a Sewing Machine Is Fantastic
I'd love to have one of her creations, how nice!
The Smartest Dresser in Berlin Is an 86-Year Old Tailor
Meet Ali. This old man is quite the dapper gentleman. He has a nice new change of clothes everyday, and is a hero to many people on the internet.
This Devoted Dad Has Some Words to Share....
Michael Mitchell is a devoted American father who collects tips from various fathers about raising kids, and these are some of his most interesting!
Escape to the Utopic World of Cute Animal Illustrations
Reading these comics, you'll probably feel entertained and understood - as if you're talking to an old friend.
10 Great Money Tips from the World's Most Successful People
People rarely find success by accident. So why don’t you set yourself up for financial success by listening to the following pieces of advice.
Paintings Have Never Looked More Real Than This Artist's
Can you believe these art pieces by Jason de Graaf aren't photos?
Fight Alzheimer’s with Food: Panko Salmon & Spinach Salad
Debbie W. from the blog shares her Alzheimer's-fighting recipe for panko salmon and spinach salad
Superfoood Delight: Chicken Quinoa Salad
Debbie W. from the blog shares her delicious superfood chicken quinoa salad
A Yummy Way to Stay Healthy: Stuffed Eggplants
Debbie W. from the blog shares her brain-power & cancer-preventing recipe for stuffed baby eggplants.
Fight a Cold with Food: Orange Chicken Salad
Debbie W. from the blog shares her cold & flu-fighting recipe for orange chicken salad
Bent Objects - Funny and Creative!
With some well-placed wire, creative lighting and a provocative sense of visual puns, sculptor and photographer Terry Border has given life to everything from peanuts to pill bottles. His cleverly cartoonish scenes are often viral hits on the interne
What To Look For In A Streaming Platform?
What should you look for in a streaming service that will truly enhance your viewing experience?
How Does WhatsApp’s 'Disappearing Messages' Feature Work?
WhatsApp has recently introduced a new 'disappearing messages' feature. Find out everything about this new update.
This Dad’s 30 Tips Will Teach You How to Raise Happy Kids...
This Mother Turns Her Toddler's Scribbles Into Masterpieces!
This artistic Mother saw potential in her toddler's doodles and set to work. The results are stunning!
I Believe the World Was Created for Moments Like These...
Life is full of peaks and troughs, no doubt. But some of those peaks are utterly extraordinary, and it's my great pleasure to share some of them with you here.
Follow This Kid Around the World for the Best Street Art
Get a first-hand view of some truly amazing street art from around the world from the point of view of a little kid.
Woman Captures Stunning Photos of Birds in Her Back Yard!
Although the weather and seasons in Germany and Michigan are quite similar, one woman realized that the birds are different. She took some great photos to prove this.
How to Travel on a Budget in College
The majority of college students these days often miss amazing travel opportunities because of all the academic challenges and a tight budget...
It's Amazing What This Dad and Son Did to an Old School Bus!
Patrick Schmidt and his dad put in 3 months of hard work and thousands of dollars into converting an old school bus into a motor home. These are the results.
12 Clever Websites That Promise to Make You Smarter
The internet is awash with brain-boosting websites designed to improve your intelligence. Here are 12 to get you started. Happy surfing!
Is This the Worst Travel Destination on the Planet?
Many people seem to think that traveling to Africa is a smart move. Well, I have to strongly disagree, since there are loads of negative things about Africa!
Feast Your Eyes on Jolanda Stokkermans' Food Art
The best I've seen to date - 13 images of Jolanda Stokkermans' impressive food art
The Internet's Best Resources of Free e-Books
What's better than books? Free books. Here is our list of the internet's best resources for free e-books.
There is a Mystery Behind These Beautiful Vintage Photos
These vintage photos from 1950s Switzerland and Italy are beautiful and they have a mysterious story behind them
Milky Way Photographer of the Year 2023: 15 Striking Pics
The winners of the 2023 Milky Way Photographer of the Year contest have been revealed!
This Common Waterhole Attracts a Huge Variety of Wildlife
When this photographer set up a camera trap near a watering hole in Kenya, he had no idea he'd be able to capture all these rare animals!
Make a Delicious and Unexpected Dessert: Apple Blossoms!
It's time to impress your guests with a dessert that isn't just sweet and delicious, but also stunning to look at!
14 of the Most Breathtaking Milky Way Photographs
Check out some of the best Milky Way photographs that captures the ethereal beauty of our galaxy.
This Has Got to Be One of the Eeriest Ghost Ship Stories
Maritime lore abounds with stories of ghost ships, but none are eerier than the mystery of the Octavius.
Improve Your Computer Skills with These 8 Great Websites
Nowadays, more and more senior citizens want to learn how to use a computer and the internet. These 8 websites are very handy when it comes down to this!
A Brave Traveler Brought These Photos From Syria
Although there's no denying that Syria has been ravaged by war, the current state of affairs isn't quite as bad as it might seem from the outside...
Looking for an Instagram Alternative? Try These Platforms
If you’re ready to explore beyond Instagram, here are eight great alternatives.
Best ChatGPT Prompts for 2024
Let's explore some great prompts you can start with on your AI adventure, either for fun or for productivity or knowledge.
Vitiligo: How and Why the King of Pop Became White
What is the skin condition known as vitiligo? Is it treatable? Who has it?
The 8 Ingredients for Einstein's Problem Solving Recipe
We all know that Einstein gave the world a great scientific inheritance, achieved largely through his problem solving skills. Here are 8 of his secrets.
These 20 Cute Bonsai Are a Cut Above the Average Tree
Trust the Japanese to have the most beautiful miniature trees in the world. These 20 bonsai's are so fabulous!
9 Myths About Laundry Cleaning You Thought Were True
Learn the truth about some common laundry myths and why we shouldn't believe them.
Anyone Can Try These No-Carve Pumpkin Ideas for Halloween
If you're planning to decorate your house, we've got a unique idea for you, one that does not include the carving knife to dress up your pumpkins.
Can You Benefit From Halotherapy? Find Out Here
Learn about Halotherapy and what it can do for respiratory issues and some skin conditions.
10 Ways to Make Your Dog More Comfortable at Home
Dogs require plenty of love and attention, but they also need a good amount of space, too. Here's how to make room for your next canine companion.
Global Perspectives: Inspiring Student Experiences Abroad
The student experience abroad is a unique opportunity. The last one is for both education and broadening cultural understanding.
Safeguard Your WhatsApp Account With These New Features
Protect your WhatsApp account with the recently released security features by the messaging giant. Find out more here.
8 Kids Who Changed the World
Unlike most adults, kids look at the world with wonder and curiosity. These teenagers have changed the world with their impressive and creative inventions.
I Had Given Up On Dating... Before I Found These Sites
Those of us that are single and over 50 tend to think we don't have many opportunities to date. Wrong! Here's selection of 5 great dating websites for mature adults.
Host the Best Dinner Parties With These Tips
A handful of tips for hosting a dinner party, stress-free.
Be Informed Against This Kind of Alarming and Growing Fraud
This important guide will protect you against social security theft.
These Christmas World Records are both Funny and Amazing!
These Christmas-themed world records will both amaze you and make you laugh. Here are 18 world records related to Christmas.
Thriving After 50: A Guide to Making Friends in Later Life
Making friends in your 50s can be an uphill task for many. These simple tips will make it easy.
12 Epic Ways to Help You Take Charge of Your Destiny!
These 12 powerful ways will help you take charge of your destiny and transform your life.
8 Awesome YouTube Channels For Simple At-Home DIY Guides
Become a home renovation expert with these awesome home DIY YouTube channels.
11 Remarkably Useful Websites You’re Not Using
Make sure you bookmark these incredibly useful and free websites. They might come in handy someday.
Master AliExpress Shopping with These Expert Tips
Here’s how to shop smart and save on AliExpress.
5 Best Meal Planning Sites to Save Time, Money, and Energy
These meal preparation websites will help you cook a week’s food in advance.
These Tips Will Help You Start Reading Again
Reading skills not as strong as they were in the days of yore? Here are my tried-and-true tips to help you get back on the reading horse.
Learn 11 Lessons in Human Psychology
11 informative guides on understanding different parts of the human psyche, from detecting lies to cracking the formula for happiness.
The Good Dietary Habits For a Healthy, Lean Body After 50
In this article, we'll provide you with some practical tips on good eating and drinking habits to acquire after 50 for a healthy, lean body.
12 Things You May Not Have Realized AI Can Do For You
This article explores twelve delightful ways to harness the power of AI for entertainment, learning, and creativity.
9 Psychological Parenting Tips That Parents Should Know
Raising kids isn't an exact science since every kid is unique, however, these 9 tips can help you in the most general of situations that all families experience.
How to Earn Extra Money During Retirement: 8 Useful Ideas
Read on to discover how seniors can earn money even after retiring.
5 Free Mental Health Apps to Help During This Pandemic
Here is a list of 5 useful mental health apps that might help you deal with the stress caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
8 Tips for Creating Emotional Security in Relationships
Whether you feel emotionally secure in your relationship or not, it's important that you know the 8 ways that you can create it for you and your partner...
5 Acts of Astonishing Charity That'll Warm Your Heart!
These good Samaritans have made incredible sacrifices to help others. These people are not rich or famous, but they still did their best to help those in need.
Meat from a Lab or a Plant: Is This What Lies Ahead?
It might sound weird, but the meat you consume in the future might come from a plant, or lab, eliminating the need to slaughter animals. Find out more here.
10 Great Ways of Beating the Winter Blues This Season
Do you suffer from winter blues or depression? You're not alone! Listen up on our tips to help yourself get over them.
What Is 'Long COVID' and Why Do You Need to Know About It?
You have heard of the term 'Long COVID' in recent times. This article explains everything you must know about the unique condition.
This Ex-Monk Has 9 Words of Advice to Quiet the Mind
Nine valuable tips to deal with persistent thoughts that interfere with a peaceful mind, spoken by an ex-monk.
The Best Photos of the Milky Way Taken From Perfect Places
Take a look at the vivid colors of the Milky Way from the most remote and gorgeous locations in the world in this collection of photographs
These Unusual Beaches Offer a Unique View of Paradise
If you are a beach lover with an eye for the unusual, then you might want to add some of these stunning spots to your bucket list.
10 Life Lessons My Father Taught Me
Mark decided it would be valuable to share advice that originated from conversations with his own father decades ago.
The Rise and Fall of the Tudors: A Royal History
Looking at key events in the history of the Tudor Royal family, where they came from, how they rose to power, and what caused their decline.
How to Master Speed Cleaning - 10 Time-Saving Tricks
Why waste hours on cleaning every week? Master the art of speed cleaning with these time-saving tips!
Discover Beautiful Seville with these 11 Attractions
if you want to discover authentic Spain, with its diversity and rich historical origins, then come and explore the beautiful Seville.
Firefox Just Got Better: 10 Handy Extensions You’ll Love
With the right add-ons, Firefox can become an indispensable browser that you'll rely on every day.
8 Dangerous Invasive Insects in the United States
Here’s a list of the worst invasive bugs in the United States, pictures included.
These Misleading Morning Habits Affect Your Energy Levels
A number of seemingly beneficial morning habits are depleting your energy and render your day more stressful. Here are 7 such deceptive morning rituals.
Studies Show: How Work Can Shorten Our Lifespan
You are invited to learn about these studies and discover how many working hours could actually endanger your life.
It’s Almost a Crime Not to Use These Free Nifty Websites
Check out 15 really useful websites. They are completely free to use!
Looking For a Fun Home Activity? You Need a Deck of Cards!
Most houses have endless decks of playing cards that are likely being unused, and these interesting crafts give playing cards a new purpose
8 Common Health Myths You've Been Misled With All Your Life
Get yourself informed about the REAL facts on health and diets. You're very likely to have been believing one of these outrageous myths.
12 USEFUL Chrome Extensions That Save Time
Improve your browsing experience with these free Google Chrome extensions.
Internet Guide: Make Browsing Easier Via These Great Add Ons
If you are a regular internet user, these fantastic add-ons and extensions will enhance your browsing experience, whichever browser you use!
15 Tricks Parents Came Up With We'd Like to Share With You
We found some great advice from parents on Reddit, and decided to share with you the best 15!
16 Adorable Animal Photos That'll Warm You Up Today
You are invited to look at dogs, cats, and other animals that will warm your heart as captured through Guru’s lens.
WATCH: A Young Steve Martin Amuses With His Magic Tricks
Enjoy this memorable clip from the Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour.
The Faces Of Men Who Regret Coming To The Mall
Here are some of the funniest photos of men who regretted coming to the mall
14 Creative Ways Cities Are Solving Everyday Problems
These are some of the coolest features people have spotted in cities around the world.
10 Popular Health Hacks That Do More Harm Than Good
It’s time to stop falling for these fake health hacks!
17 Times Birds Decided to Ruin Someone’s Day for Fun
Take a look at these hilarious photos of birds choosing chaos over peace.
14 Shopping Hacks That Can Change How You Buy Groceries
These practical ideas might just turn your next grocery shopping trip into a breeze.