Meet the Bicycle Lizard - Incredible!
This lizard has one of the strangest movements to ward off predators and make a run for it. It may start off looking scary but by the end it looks more funny than anything else!
The Invisible Bicycle Helmet - Fascinating!
Bicycle helmets have always posed a problem - how to make the many people who don't like to wear helmets - wear a helmet? The risks of head injury are the number 1 concern when riding on bicycles or motorbikes, and riders that don't like to wear helm
14 Times Lizards Were Caught Being Unbearably Cute
Enjoy this collection of irresistibly cute photos of lizards.
A Porsche Out of a Bicycle??
Can't afford a Porsche? Try building one out of a pair of bicycle like Artist Hans Langder.
Joke: A Bicycle Experiment
A man decides it would be a good idea to see how fast he could go on a bicycle without losing control of it. He enlists a friend to help with the experiment...
On a Bicycle at 263 km per Hour!
French bicyclist Francua Gissi hooked up a rocket engine to his bicycle to set a world record. His bicycle reached a speed of 263 kph (160 mph)! Don't try this at home, but do see this amazing short video of record being broken.
Cute Kitten Becomes Obsessed With a Lizard - Aww!
This funny little feline named Atlas insists on having very unusual company. Her best friend is none other than a big green lizard named Junior...
From the World's Tallest Bicycle!
The world's tallest bicycle are 4 meters tall! Watch through the eyes of the rider of this monstrosity as he riders in a bicycle parade, what a great view!
Weird and Wonderful Nature: The Mexican Mole Lizard
This unique reptile challenges our understanding of lizard anatomy.
These Bicycle Stunts Have Left Me Breathless!
If you want to see exceptional talent and experience an adrenaline rush like no other, watch this mind-blowing video by bicycle rider Fabio Webmer.
Bakfiets – The Unique Car-Replacement Bicycle
Today, we would like to share with you a unique vehicle that can make commuting around the city much easier.
Unusual Vehicles: A Bicycle That’s Shaped Like a Car?
Take a ride on the PodRide E-Bike - a bicycle shaped like a CAR!
Japan Presents: Automatic Bicycle Parking!
A quite unique technology to park bikes safely from stealing and bad weather, Japan has installed these autoamatic bike parking machines all around its big cities. In a culture that is more and more relying on alternative transportation methods, the
Watch this Crazy Bicycle Stuntman Amaze Everyone in Town
Fabio Wibmer is one of the most famous and talented bicycle stuntmen in the world. At this point, he's almost an artist. As you'll see in this video, he has no fear and will practice his stunts on pretty much any surface and in any situation in this
When You're Late But You're Also a Bicycle Wizard!
Sit back and enjoy a wild ride with Gabriel Wibmer
Useless Tusks and Dolphin-Lizards: Oddest Extinct Animals
Strange and unbelievable prehistoric animals. Get familiar with these magnificent ancient dinosaurs that used to roam the planet with their bizarre but fascinating looks.
Would You Want To Ride Any of These Unique Bicycles?
Take a look at some truly unusual and cool bikes that you would perhaps want to ride at least once.
How Is It Possible for So Many Acrobats Ride ONE Bicycle?
What a performance! Watch this impressive balancing bicycle act.
The Dutch Drive These Tiny Cars On Bicycle Lanes!
Microcars are a pretty common sight on Amsterdam's streets. These tiny vehicles have a ton of fascinating features!
This Stroller Has a Secret...
This stroller-bicycle called TAGA conceived by Dutch designers as in the Netherlands, bicycles are a preferable means of transport and are used by most of the population to travel within cities and villages.
Thailand's 7 Steps to Heaven- Erawan Falls
Today we're visiting Erawan Falls in Thailand and its 7 natural pools.
This Bearded Dragon is Almost Like a Dog!
This owner wanted to dispel the idea that a cute and fun lizard like a bearded dragon couldn't be trained, and wouldn't you know it...
The Most All-Inclusive Transportation Bike of the World
The Dutch-style bicycle is designed for comfort but is rarely used. Here's why you should give it a try.
15 Charming Close-Ups of Cold-Blooded Creatures
You've never seen lizards, snakes, or frogs like this before.
These Are the Best Cities in the World For Cyclists!
Many cities around the world have problems with traffic congestion, but certain ones are taking action. Here are the 12 most bike-friendly cities in the world.
The Most Helpful Dog in the World!
When not helping and performing tricks, Jesse can be found playing with his cuz ball, chasing squeaker tennis balls, digging in search for lizards, de-fluffing stuffed toys, swimming, and just being happy.
How Have Desert Animals Adapted to Life? Find out Here!
Deserts are inhospitable places for most animals, but some have fantastic adaptions that allow them to thrive in these harsh environments.
Fastest Animals in the World in Slow Motion
Learn how the fastest animals on the planet move with the help of some truly awe-inspiring slow motion wildlife camera technology. See the amazing movements of a water balloon when it is popped, a lizard on the attack, and a crab with a fearsome punc
This Performer Can Do ANYTHING While on a Bike
The acrobat you see here is Viola Brand – a bicycle artist who can do almost anything on two wheels.
5 Animals That are Smarter than They Look!
From counting and dancing to incredible communication skills - these five animals may not look like Einstein's, but compared to other animals of their kind - they are geniuses.
The Smartest Wheel in the World - Wow!
In a world becoming greener, and with bicycling being such a healthy activity, this wheel may revolutionize what it means to ride a bike.
I Never Thought People Rode Bikes Like THESE
In this post, we'll stroll down the path of the bicycles' evolution, starting from 1418. In between, enjoy some vintage photos of bicycles from the 19th century.
Funny Joke: When a Mexican Crosses the Border
A hilarious joke about a border patrol and a Mexican teen.
This Acrobat Takes Balancing Acts To New Heights!
Erik Ivarsson is a unique performer and acrobat. Watch him combine two difficult performances into a unique and entertaining one!
Why You Can Cycle in the Cold in Finland But NOT in Canada
How can people in this Finnish city cycle all winter?
Welcome to Danny the Father's Wild Ride!
This bicycle stunt man shows what he can do with a baby carriage...
Nature Used All Possible Colors to Create These Animals
Nature is filled with beautiful animals, plants and insects, with magnificent colors and shapes. The dazzling colors of these animals can only be found in nature, see for yourself in the photos below.
Grace and Precision: Mesmerizing Artistic Cycling Duo
Watch these two girls perform the most graceful and artistic bike stunts!
Welcome to Rick Stanley’s World of Inventive Clocks
Rick Stanley’s makes the most inventive clocks, using everything from bottles to bicycles.
Meet 12 of the Most Adorable Hatchlings You Will Ever See
It's hard to imagine that something that comes out of an egg can be this cute!
Animal Trivia: WDYK About Crocodiles?
What do you know about these huge, scary lizards?
13 Pics of Weird Animals That Will Give You Nightmares!
Check out this collection of photos featuring some of the most unusual and weird-looking animals you would have ever seen.
10 Animal Pairs We Always Confuse Between!
we've collected the 10 most confused animal pairs, and have given you some pointers about how to tell the difference!
Entirely Unrelated Animals that Are Like Two Peas in a Pod
Convergent evolution is a natural process wherein unrelated species adopt many of the same characteristics, these animals display it best.
These Photos Prove Mother Nature Can Be So Creative!
These photos prove that Mother Nature has a creative side.
The Future Looks Bright, and Full of Gadgets.
What We Can Expect in Gadgets This Year
Dr. Hodges - The Vet That Cures Exotic Cute Pets
In this video, we meet Monty, the pet axolotl. It's his first visit to the Vet!
This is The OLDEST American Motorcycle Company
Of these 10 motorcycle manufacturers, only 2 are operating today. Can you guess the two?
Just the Pick-Me-Up You Need: Photos of Cute Baby Animals
Every animal has its cute versions and these photographs of baby animals give us adorable moments of everything from otters to lizards
Man Invents Human-Powered Vehicle. Reaches 90 MPH!
Canadian company Aerovelo has just come within a hare's whisker of reaching 90mph, using just the power of a human being as propulsion. Watch the video here.
Fly With This Cyclist Through a Beautiful Mexican Village
This exciting video will put you in the rider's seat as we zoom through a stunning Mexican village. Hold on to your hats!
Where the Trail Ends: Beauty and Adrenaline!
This is one video you won't soon forget!
20 Adorable Animals That Interrupted Sporting Events
Watch this hilariously cute compilation of adorable wild animals casually interrupting sporting events.
9 Incredible Animals You Weren’t Taught about in School...
Lesser known animals from around the world that deserve more recognition
Let's Get This Party on the Road!
Incredible Bike Stunts In Unusual Places...
Adorable: Have You Ever Seen a Family of Skunks?
This most adorable moment happened on the road, as this rider met the cutest little skunk family!
Why Do Animals Play Dead? Some Surprising Answers!
Ever wondered why animals play dead? If so, you're in for a treat as all is revealed in this informative TED-Ed video.
These Colorful Animals Come Alive in Gorgeous Photography
Matthijs Kuijper takes photos of brightly colored snakes, lizards, frogs and more. See these gorgeous and careful photos of some of the most dangers, and rare, cold blooded animals out there.
Unbelievable and Unknown Vehicles That'll Blow Your Mind
You will be absolutely blown away by these 10 insanely cool new types of vehicles that have been developed.
7 Gorgeous Dutch Parks We Recommend You Visit!
we have compiled a list of the top 7 national parks in Holland that should not be missed!
16 Oddball Cars That You Don't Often See on the Roads
Take a look at these bizarre and wacky cars...
Danny MacAskill's: Biking Beyond Imagination.
A sports fantasy as seen by a small boy.
The Animal Kingdom in Costa Rica is Marvelous
This video will take you deep into the Costa Rican jungle with all its marvelous beauty and life.
A Macro Look at Micro Beauty...
This gorgeous photo series colors the micro universe with lovely pastel colors, and zooms in to show us another side of creatures we usually want nothing to do with. These beautiful macro shots turn everyday critters into solemn, dignified and unique
Watch These Cyclists Perform Gravity-Defying Stunts
These daredevils know their BMX better than even physics does, it would seem. These stunts are incredible.
Soothe Your Soul with This Relaxing Time-Lapse from Norway
This is the soothing video you need to ease your weary soul after a toilsome day. The Arctic Circle was surely made for this purpose.
Why On Earth Would Anyone Think This is a Good Idea...
People will always try to find a quick fix or a cheap solution to a problem, and these photos show this in earnest. Have a laugh at these ridiculous botch jobs.
Incredible Adrenaline: 72 ft Back-Flip Jump!
This biker has some serious skills... and some serious cojones!
7 Surprising Animals That Have The Ability To ‘Fly’
Here's a look at some unique and surprising members of the animal kingdom that have developed the ability to fly through the air.
16 Wonderful Japanese Ideas We Should All Start Copying
The Japanese are unique. Their ways seem perfectly designed to help the population live happy fruitful lives. Here are 16 cool Japanese things we should copy.
7 Exercises That Are Effective for Controlling Diabetes
Fighting diabetes? Here are some useful workouts that will be quite effective in controlling it.
Check Out This Year’s Wackiest Guinness World Records
Meet the most amazing and bizarre Guinness World Record holders of 2020.
Warning: This Will Make You Want to Adopt a Hedgehog
Meet Mr. Pokee the hedgehog - one of the cutest and most famous pets online. These videos are going to make you want to adopt a hedgehog yourself...
These Perfectly-Timed Animal Photos Are Too Funny
Take a look at this hilarious collection of animal-failures.
Take Your Old Items and Use Them in a New Way
These stunning objects will show you how to breathe new life into old things.
This Man's Death-Defying Ride Will Make Your Heart Race!
Follow pro cyclist Danny MacAskill as he goes back to his birthplace and gets to fulfill his lifelong dream
Time to Take a Two-wheeled Caper Through Vienna!
In Red Bull's latest epic urban caper, freestyle rider Fabio Wibmer takes to the streets of Vienna on his bike to do some amazing tricks. Take a look...
This Delivery Boy Went on To Become a Bike Racing Champion
Watch the inspirational story of an Indian slum kid who went on to become a bike champion.
Super Cool DIY Vehicles That Will Inspire the Rider in You
Meet some cool people who created their own dream rides after they were dissatisfied with the ones the had.
15 Owls You'll Never See Unless You Know They Are There...
Owls are masters of camouflage, can you spot them in these 15 pictures?
10 Helicopter Stunt Pilots Who Really Know Their Game
10 of the wildest, yet incredibly skilled, helicopter pilots are going to show you their best.
Trivia: Can You Tell Apart These Commonly Confused Animals?
Test your knowledge about animals in this quiz featuring 16 pairs of commonly confused animal species, will you be able to guess each one?
Animal QUIZ: Can You Distinguish a Llama from an Alpaca?
Two Nerds Meet On Campus (Hilarious Joke)
When a nerdy student meets a fellow nerdy student on campus, he notices that he's turned up on a shiny new racing bike. He soon becomes curious...
The Most Hilarious Photos from the Animal Kingdom!
10 Items That May Be in Short Supply This Pandemic Winter
The coronavirus pandemic might make a few items tough to find during the upcoming winter season. Here's a look at a few of them.
I've Never Seen a Bookshop Like This, How Beautiful!
This bookshop is quite unique...
Nifty Gadgets Any Home Would Love!
From air umbrellas to bug vacuums, find out what's new this year in innovative gadgets that will make your life easier and your home more advanced!
This Man Discovered a Magical Wonderland in His Backyard
A photographer captures the magical wonderland in his back yard.
Whoa! I Can't Believe Technology Has Gone So Far...
From vending machines that dispense cars to mind-reading sleep devices, these complex inventions will blow any tech-enthusiast away!
Have You Ever Seen Animals As Odd As These?
These animals will shatter any stereotypical notion of what, say, a pig, or a turtle, should look like. Here are 15 animals you've probably never seen before.
Can You Spot All of These Amazing Camouflaged Animals?
Animals have some unbelievably creative ways to hide in nature, can you find out where they are?
Have You Ever Seen Animals As Bizarre As These?
13 Incredibly Interesting Images You Won't See Every Day
Each one of these photographs depicts something you've probably never seen before!
Animal Moments Like This Come Around Only Once a Lifetime
Animals can be extremely hilarious just when they're being themselves, and these 14 photos will have you laughing at their antics
These Photographs Show the World in All Its Glory!
The following 10 photographs showcase the entire range of the incredible beauty that our world has to offer.
These Regulations Should be Adopted by Every Country!
There are weird laws in different parts of the world, but some of them are so amazingly beneficial, they should be put into use everywhere.
Gosh, These People are Annoying!
While I'm a people person, I DO acknowledge that there are some people that really annoy me on a daily basis...
You Won't Believe These 15 Photos Weren't Photo-shopped!
Some beautiful moments are just meant to be shared, that's why I have to show you these incredible photographs. Take a look!
7 Technologies That Humans Stole from the Animal Kingdom
New inventions are always impressive, but just how original are they? Here are 7 inventions that you thought were all human, but, truth be told, are not...